Image of Great White Shark
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Great White Shark

Carcharodon carcharias (Linnaeus 1758)

Lifespan, longevity, and ageing

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Maximum longevity: 50 years (wild) Observations: Some estimates suggest these animals may live up to 50 years (Cailliet et al. 2001).
Joao Pedro de Magalhaes
de Magalhaes, J. P.
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Great white sharks can be dangerous to humans partaking in aquatic activities in the ocean such as swimming, diving, surfing, kayaking and canoeing. Great white sharks tend to attack swiftly with a single bite and then retreat. If the bite is minimal, the individual may have a chance to seek safety. However, if the bite is critical, damaging large organs or appendages, death can result for the victim. A review of great white shark attacks off the western United States showed that about 7 percent of attacks were fatal, but data from other localities, such as South Africa, show fatality rates of more than 20 percent. Fatality rates as high as 60 percent have been recorded from attacks in the waters off Australia. Many researchers maintain that attacks on humans stem from the shark’s curiosity. Other authorities contend that these attacks may be the result of the shark mistaking humans for its natural prey, such as seals and sea lions. It is also possible that great white sharks intend to attack humans where their normal prey may be scarce (Long, 2009).

Negative Impacts: injures humans (bites or stings)

The Regents of the University of Michigan and its licensors
bibliographic citation
Chewning, D. and M. Hall 2009. "Carcharodon carcharias" (On-line), Animal Diversity Web. Accessed April 27, 2013 at http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/site/accounts/information/Carcharodon_carcharias.html
Dana Chewning, James Madison University
Matt Hall, James Madison University
Suzanne Baker, James Madison University
Tanya Dewey, Animal Diversity Web
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Great white sharks are apex predators; they are at the top of the food chain. Occasionally great white sharks will encounter a killer whale or another shark of comparable size (Martins and Knickle, 2009). These species pose a small threat to great white sharks.

The Regents of the University of Michigan and its licensors
bibliographic citation
Chewning, D. and M. Hall 2009. "Carcharodon carcharias" (On-line), Animal Diversity Web. Accessed April 27, 2013 at http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/site/accounts/information/Carcharodon_carcharias.html
Dana Chewning, James Madison University
Matt Hall, James Madison University
Suzanne Baker, James Madison University
Tanya Dewey, Animal Diversity Web
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These massive predators reach lengths of 6 m long and weigh up to 3000 kg (McGouther, 2008). Female great white sharks tend to be larger than male great white sharks, who only reach lengths of approximately 4 m (Compagno, Dando and Fowler, 2005). The massive bodies of great white sharks are streamlined and powerful to generate bursts of speed. Their snouts are narrowed and somewhat pointed, and their eyes are onyx in color. These white bellied sharks have crescent shaped tails with long, nearly-symmetrical upper and lower lobes. The color of the dorsal side varies, dark gray to light gray. Great white sharks have a caudal fin and paired dorsal and pectoral fins that help to propel them through the water. The mouths of great white sharks are 0.9 to 1.2 m wide and the upper and bottom teeth work together when handling prey with the bottom teeth keeping the prey in place while the upper teeth tear into the flesh. Great white sharks are endothermic, generating body heat through metabolism (MarineBio, 2009).

Range mass: 3000 (high) kg.

Range length: 4 to 7 m.

Other Physical Features: endothermic ; bilateral symmetry

Sexual Dimorphism: female larger

The Regents of the University of Michigan and its licensors
bibliographic citation
Chewning, D. and M. Hall 2009. "Carcharodon carcharias" (On-line), Animal Diversity Web. Accessed April 27, 2013 at http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/site/accounts/information/Carcharodon_carcharias.html
Dana Chewning, James Madison University
Matt Hall, James Madison University
Suzanne Baker, James Madison University
Tanya Dewey, Animal Diversity Web
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Animal Diversity Web

Life Expectancy

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The age of great white sharks can be determined by counting the rings that form on the vertebra. It is believed that great white sharks breed between the ages of 9 and 23 years old and that their lifespan is approximately 30 years (Levine, 1998). Various research indicates that great white sharks live somewhere between 30 and 40 years (Shark Information, 2009).

Average lifespan
Status: wild:
30 years.

Average lifespan
Status: wild:
30 years.

The Regents of the University of Michigan and its licensors
bibliographic citation
Chewning, D. and M. Hall 2009. "Carcharodon carcharias" (On-line), Animal Diversity Web. Accessed April 27, 2013 at http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/site/accounts/information/Carcharodon_carcharias.html
Dana Chewning, James Madison University
Matt Hall, James Madison University
Suzanne Baker, James Madison University
Tanya Dewey, Animal Diversity Web
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Animal Diversity Web


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Great white sharks are primarily a coastal and offshore inhabitant of insular and continental shelves (Aidan Martin, 2003). Great white sharks have been known to breach the surface and have also been found at depths of 1,875 meters (Dale, 2008). They seem to prefer waters with sea surface temperatures of 59 to 72°F (Aidan Martin, 2003). They can be found on the following coastlines: California to Alaska, the east coast of the United States, coastal Gulf of Mexico, Hawaii, coasts of South America, South Africa, Australia (except the north coast), New Zealand, Mediterranean Sea, West Africa to Scandinavia, Japan, and the eastern coastline of China to Russia (Dale, 2008).

Range depth: 0 to 1,875m m.

Habitat Regions: temperate ; tropical ; saltwater or marine

Aquatic Biomes: coastal

The Regents of the University of Michigan and its licensors
bibliographic citation
Chewning, D. and M. Hall 2009. "Carcharodon carcharias" (On-line), Animal Diversity Web. Accessed April 27, 2013 at http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/site/accounts/information/Carcharodon_carcharias.html
Dana Chewning, James Madison University
Matt Hall, James Madison University
Suzanne Baker, James Madison University
Tanya Dewey, Animal Diversity Web
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Animal Diversity Web


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The geographic range of great white sharks is extremely wide. From 60°N latitude to 60°S latitude, they can be found in all cold temperate and tropical coastal waters. Great white sharks can be found in coastal waters along central California and off the western cape of South Africa. They have also been reported in North American coastal waters from Newfoundland to Florida and from Alaska to Southern Mexico (MarineBio, 2009). According to National Geographic Society (2009), there are no reliable data on great white shark population numbers.

Biogeographic Regions: indian ocean (Native ); atlantic ocean (Native ); pacific ocean (Native )

Other Geographic Terms: cosmopolitan

The Regents of the University of Michigan and its licensors
bibliographic citation
Chewning, D. and M. Hall 2009. "Carcharodon carcharias" (On-line), Animal Diversity Web. Accessed April 27, 2013 at http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/site/accounts/information/Carcharodon_carcharias.html
Dana Chewning, James Madison University
Matt Hall, James Madison University
Suzanne Baker, James Madison University
Tanya Dewey, Animal Diversity Web
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Animal Diversity Web

Trophic Strategy

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Young great white sharks typically feed on smaller species such as squid and stingrays, as well as other small sharks (McGrouther, 2008). As these fish mature their appetites change. The diet of adults consists primarily of seals, sealions, dolphins, and whale carcasses (McGrouther, 2008). One of the most frequent prey animals of great white sharks are elephant seals (MarineBio, 2009). Sometimes they feed on turtles and various sea birds (McGrouther, 2008). Great white sharks may attack with different strategies depending on the size of their prey. The most common attack method used by great white sharks involves the shark positioning itself directly below its prey and then swimming vertically into an attack (MarineBio, 2009). These sharks collide into their prey and then bite them. Prey often die from blood loss, decapitation or severance of vital appendages such as fins. Great white sharks have been reported to attack humans but there have been as few as 311 verified deaths from great white shark attacks (Burnie and Wilson, 2001).

Animal Foods: birds; mammals; reptiles; fish; mollusks; other marine invertebrates

Primary Diet: carnivore (Eats terrestrial vertebrates, Piscivore , Molluscivore )

The Regents of the University of Michigan and its licensors
bibliographic citation
Chewning, D. and M. Hall 2009. "Carcharodon carcharias" (On-line), Animal Diversity Web. Accessed April 27, 2013 at http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/site/accounts/information/Carcharodon_carcharias.html
Dana Chewning, James Madison University
Matt Hall, James Madison University
Suzanne Baker, James Madison University
Tanya Dewey, Animal Diversity Web
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Animal Diversity Web


provided by Animal Diversity Web

Great white sharks are apex predators, meaning they have a large affect on the populations of their prey including elephant seals and sea lions. Great white sharks are hosts to parasites such as copepods (Pandarus sinuatus and Pandarus smithii).

Commensal/Parasitic Species:

  • Pandarus sinuatus
  • Pandarus smithii
The Regents of the University of Michigan and its licensors
bibliographic citation
Chewning, D. and M. Hall 2009. "Carcharodon carcharias" (On-line), Animal Diversity Web. Accessed April 27, 2013 at http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/site/accounts/information/Carcharodon_carcharias.html
Dana Chewning, James Madison University
Matt Hall, James Madison University
Suzanne Baker, James Madison University
Tanya Dewey, Animal Diversity Web
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Animal Diversity Web


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Humans hunt great white sharks primarily for sport and for body parts. Great white sharks have developed a reputation in the media as being aggressive and ferocious and as a result they have become a highly prized sport fish. A fully intact jaw of a great white shark can be sold for thousands of dollars. Great white sharks are never abundant because they are at the top of their food chain. In areas that contain great white sharks, boaters and dive operators can earn a living from “shark tourism”. This “shark tourism” allows visitors to see great white sharks up close from the safety of a steel cage suspended in the water (Long, 2009). Traded products that come from great white sharks include fins, jaws, teeth and meat, cartilage, and skin for leather. Liver oil is used in medicines, and the carcass can be used for fish-meal and fertilizer.The trade in shark fins is generally on the increase with records from the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the United Nations indicating that the international fin trade increased significantly between 1980 and 1990. The demand for shark fin escalated further during the 1990s, making it one of the most expensive fishery products. Jaws and teeth are the most valuable great white shark products in trade.

Positive Impacts: food ; body parts are source of valuable material; ecotourism ; source of medicine or drug ; produces fertilizer

The Regents of the University of Michigan and its licensors
bibliographic citation
Chewning, D. and M. Hall 2009. "Carcharodon carcharias" (On-line), Animal Diversity Web. Accessed April 27, 2013 at http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/site/accounts/information/Carcharodon_carcharias.html
Dana Chewning, James Madison University
Matt Hall, James Madison University
Suzanne Baker, James Madison University
Tanya Dewey, Animal Diversity Web
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Animal Diversity Web

Life Cycle

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There is not a lot of information about the development of great white sharks. While great white sharks develop in the uterus of the mother shark they eat other embryos and unfertilized eggs (Burnie and Wilson, 2001). When great white sharks are born they are approximately 1 to 1.5 meters in length. Around the age of 10 years, male great white sharks have matured to a length of about 4 meters. Females, on the other hand, mature later, around the age of 15 years, at a length of 4 to 5 meters (MarineBio, 2009).

The Regents of the University of Michigan and its licensors
bibliographic citation
Chewning, D. and M. Hall 2009. "Carcharodon carcharias" (On-line), Animal Diversity Web. Accessed April 27, 2013 at http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/site/accounts/information/Carcharodon_carcharias.html
Dana Chewning, James Madison University
Matt Hall, James Madison University
Suzanne Baker, James Madison University
Tanya Dewey, Animal Diversity Web
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Animal Diversity Web

Conservation Status

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Great white sharks are rare throughout their range. This, coupled with their low reproductive rates and persecution by humans means that the IUCN considers them vulnerable. Hunting and bycatch in commercial fisheries exerts significant pressure on great white shark populations and newer estimates may suggest that great white sharks should be considered endangered.

US Federal List: no special status

CITES: appendix ii

State of Michigan List: no special status

IUCN Red List of Threatened Species: vulnerable

The Regents of the University of Michigan and its licensors
bibliographic citation
Chewning, D. and M. Hall 2009. "Carcharodon carcharias" (On-line), Animal Diversity Web. Accessed April 27, 2013 at http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/site/accounts/information/Carcharodon_carcharias.html
Dana Chewning, James Madison University
Matt Hall, James Madison University
Suzanne Baker, James Madison University
Tanya Dewey, Animal Diversity Web
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Animal Diversity Web


provided by Animal Diversity Web

Sharks have several highly developed senses. Their primary sense is the ability to smell. They can detect a drop of blood in 100 liters of water. They also have the ability to detect electrical charges as small as 0.005 microvolts. Prey can be detected by the electrical field generated by a beating heart or gill action. Fish in hiding can also be detected this way. At feeding aggregations, such as at whale carcasses, this generally solitary species often establishes temporary social hierarchies which are based largely on size. Among similar-sized individuals, the social hierarchy is maintained through a subtle form of body language. Recent research has demonstrated that great whites are socially complex, featuring such behaviors as parallel swimming, jaw gaping, pectoral fin depression, and even splash-fights. Great white sharks are also unusual among sharks in that they sometime rais their heads out of the water, apparently to observe activity above the surface.

Communication Channels: visual ; tactile ; chemical ; electric

Perception Channels: visual ; tactile ; chemical ; electric

The Regents of the University of Michigan and its licensors
bibliographic citation
Chewning, D. and M. Hall 2009. "Carcharodon carcharias" (On-line), Animal Diversity Web. Accessed April 27, 2013 at http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/site/accounts/information/Carcharodon_carcharias.html
Dana Chewning, James Madison University
Matt Hall, James Madison University
Suzanne Baker, James Madison University
Tanya Dewey, Animal Diversity Web
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Animal Diversity Web


provided by Animal Diversity Web

Much about the mating behavior of great white sharks is still unknown. Some scientists believe that scarred individuals suggest male-male aggression or that a male’s gentle biting of females may precede mating. Bite marks observed on the dorsum, flanks, and particularly the pectoral fins of mature female great whites have been interpreted as the results of mating. It is most likely that the male bites the female during copulation. Great white sharks have also been known to propel two-thirds of their body out of the water and land flat against the surface, causing a large splash. This behavior is called a "pattern breach". This behavior might be used to attract a mate during courtship. Mating has yet to be fully documented in great white sharks, but it is assumed to be similar to internal fertilization in most sharks, where the male inserts his claspers into the cloaca of the female. Courtship behavior, if there is any, is unknown.

Mating System: polygynandrous (promiscuous)

Reproduction is ovoviviparous, that is, fertilized eggs are retained within the body and develop there. Prior to birth, the young in the womb may feed on undeveloped eggs and possibly their unborn siblings. Litters consist of 2 to 10 pups. Newborns are more than 1 meter (about 3 feet) in length. Gestation is thought to take about 12 months, and females are assumed to give birth in warm temperate and subtropical waters, but specific nursery areas are unknown. Females give birth to live young, unlike many other sharks who lay eggs. It is possible that individual females only reproduce biannually, mating soon after giving birth, but this remains to be confirmed. Male great white sharks reach sexual maturity at 3.5 to 4 meters (about 11.5 to 13 feet) in length and about 10 years of age, whereas females reach sexual maturity at 4.5 to 5 meters (about 15 to 16 feet) in length and 12 to 18 years of age.

Breeding interval: Female sharks may breed every two years.

Breeding season: The breeding season is unknown.

Range number of offspring: 2 to 14.

Average number of offspring: 7.

Average gestation period: 14 months.

Range age at sexual or reproductive maturity (female): 14 to 16 years.

Range age at sexual or reproductive maturity (male): 9 to 10 years.

Key Reproductive Features: iteroparous ; gonochoric/gonochoristic/dioecious (sexes separate); sexual ; fertilization (Internal ); ovoviviparous

Newborns get no help from their mothers after birth. As soon as they are born they swim away and are independent. A newborn is about 1.2 m long and grows 25 cm each year, reaching maturity at 10 years (Dale, 2008). Offspring are capable predators the moment they are born.

Parental Investment: no parental involvement; pre-fertilization (Provisioning, Protecting: Female); pre-hatching/birth (Provisioning: Female, Protecting: Female)

The Regents of the University of Michigan and its licensors
bibliographic citation
Chewning, D. and M. Hall 2009. "Carcharodon carcharias" (On-line), Animal Diversity Web. Accessed April 27, 2013 at http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/site/accounts/information/Carcharodon_carcharias.html
Dana Chewning, James Madison University
Matt Hall, James Madison University
Suzanne Baker, James Madison University
Tanya Dewey, Animal Diversity Web
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Animal Diversity Web


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Despite its worldwide notoriety, very little is known about the natural ecology and behaviour of this predator. These sharks are usually solitary or occur in pairs, although it is apparently a social animal that can also be found in small aggregations of 10 or more, particularly around a carcass (3) (6). Females are ovoviviparous; the pups hatch from eggs retained within their mother's body, and she then gives birth to live young (10). Great white sharks are particularly slow-growing, late maturing and long-lived, with a small litter size and low reproductive capacity (8). Females do not reproduce until they reach about 4.5 to 5 metres in length, and litter sizes range from two to ten pups (8). The length of gestation is not known but estimated at between 12 and 18 months, and it is likely that these sharks only reproduce every two or three years (8) (11). After birth, there is no maternal care, and despite their large size, survival of young is thought to be low (8). Great whites are at the top of the marine food chain, and these sharks are skilled predators. They feed predominately on fish but will also consume turtles, molluscs, and crustaceans, and are active hunters of small cetaceans such as dolphins and porpoises, and of other marine mammals such as seals and sea lions (12). Using their acute senses of smell, sound location and electroreception, weak and injured prey can be detected from a great distance (7). Efficient swimmers, sharks have a quick turn of speed and will attack rapidly before backing off whilst the prey becomes weakened; they are sometimes seen leaping clear of the water (6). Great whites, unlike most other fish, are able to maintain their body temperature higher than that of the surrounding water using a heat exchange system in their blood vessels (11).
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The great white shark is protected in South Africa, Namibia, Australia, the USA and Malta (8) (13). The recent surge of interest in shark dives and ecotourism, especially in South Africa, southern Australia, and Guadalupe Island, Mexico, may provide a substantial local income and an important method of education (12). With effective legislation and policing, this tourist trade may well be a vital method of saving the species despite the complex issues involved (12). Vital research into this misunderstood fish is being carried out in countries such as Australia, Mexico, New Zealand, South Africa and the USA (8), and the FAO (Food and Agriculture Organisation of the UN) has prepared an International Plan of Action for the Conservation and Management of Sharks (IPOA-SHARKS) (14). Indeed, recent scientific findings that great whites regularly undergo long-distance, trans-boundary movements only highlight the need for international protective measures, with national legislation being no guarantee of survival of the species (8). However, further information gained from ongoing studies into their movements and the specific habitats the sharks utilise will hopefully provide the basis for designing appropriate protection measures to aid the survival of this remarkable shark around the world.
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This mighty shark is often mistakenly thought of as the most voracious predator of the seas, and even has a reputation as a ferocious man-eater, something that sadly has been hugely exaggerated by the media. Their powerful body is supported by a cartilaginous skeleton (as opposed to the bone skeleton of most other vertebrates), is streamlined for efficient movement through the water, and has a pointed snout (5), two large, sickle-shaped pectoral fins and a large triangular first dorsal fin (6). The mouth is armed with an array of sharply pointed, serrated teeth; indeed the generic name is derived from the Greek word carcharos for ragged and odon for tooth (7). These sharks are grey or bronze on the upper surface of the body and are white underneath (5). They have an acute sense of smell and are able to sense electric fields through sensors in the snout (7).
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Preferred habitat is coastal and offshore waters of the continental and insular shelves and offshore continental islands, but recent evidence suggests that adults are probably pelagic for much of the year, readily being found in oceanic waters from the surface to depths of 980 metres and possibly more (8) (9).
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Great white sharks are found throughout the world's oceans mostly in temperate and sometimes warm waters but occasionally on cold environments (3). Recent scientific research using satellite tags  has found that adults can undertake long return migrations across entire ocean basins and back, while juveniles stay closer to the shore, but can also undertake long-distance coastal migrations (8) (9).
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Classified as Vulnerable (VU) on the IUCN Red List (1), and listed on Appendix II of CITES (4).
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These sharks are sparsely distributed and have slow reproduction rates, factors making the population particularly vulnerable and slow to recover from depleted numbers (2). Although the population size is difficult to assess, evidence suggests that their numbers have declined in several areas by up to 90 percent over the last 40 to 100 years (8) (13). Sharks caught either accidentally as bycatch or deliberately targeted are sold for their flesh, skins, oil and fins for shark-fin soup (8). The teeth and jaws of great whites are particularly valuable; a recently recovered specimen was valued at US$ 50,000 (8). Game fishing has increased in popularity recently and the great white is something of a holy grail for enthusiasts due to its great size, powerful resistance to capture, and reputation as the most dangerous fish in the sea (3) (7). Unfortunately, its inquisitive nature and tendency to investigate human activities, as well as to scavenge from fishing gear, makes this shark vulnerable to capture (3). This species is often found close to human settlements and habitat degradation, depletion of prey species, negative attitudes towards the shark, and shark fences to protect bathers further affect population numbers (3) (8). The great white is viewed with fear throughout much of its range, making conservation efforts difficult to initiate, and unwarranted, media-fanned campaigns to kill great whites have even occasionally occurred, following shark attacks or in anticipation of such attacks (3) (8).
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Description of Carcharodon carcharias

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The great white shark, Carcharodon carcharias, is a large shark found in coastal surface waters in all major oceans. Largest individualshave exceeded 6 metres (20 ft) in length, and 2,268 kilograms (5,000 lb) in weight. This shark reaches maturity at around 15 years of age and can have a life span of over 30 years. It is the largest known living macropredatory fish and is one of the primary predators of marine mammals. It also eats a variety of other marine animals including fish, seals, and seabirds. It is the only known surviving species of its genus, Carcharodon, and is ranked first in a list of number of recorded attacks on humans. The IUCN treats the great white shark as vulnerable. As the antihero of Jaws, the great white shark is depicted as a ferocious man eater, they are not indiscriminate eating machines but ambush hunters, taking prey by surprise from below.They live in almost all coastal and offshore waters which have water temperature between 12 and 24 degrees C (54 and 75 degrees F), with greater concentrations in the United States (Atlantic Northeast and California), South Africa, Japan, Australia (especially New South Wales and South Australia), New Zealand, Chile, and the Mediterranean. One of the densest known populations is found around Dyer Island, South Africa where much shark research is conducted. It is an epipelagic fish, observed mostly in the presence of rich game like fur seals, sea lions, small whales, other sharks, sea turtles, and large bony fish species. In the open ocean it has been recorded at depths as great as 1,220 m (4,000 ft) Great whites may migrate considerable distances, from America or South Africa to Australia. Shark attacks most often occur in the morning, within 2 hours after sunrise, when visibility is poor. Although the great white is typically regarded as an apex predator in the wild, it is in rare cases preyed upon by the larger orca (also known as a killer whale).
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Brief Summary

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Great white sharks (Carcharodon carcharias), also known as great white, white pointer, white shark, or white death, are fish, and are in the Lamnidae family of sharks. This family includes the salmon and mako sharks. Lamnidae sharks are warm-blooded (partially endothermic) and intelligent. Great white sharks are one of the most notorious predators.

Bruce Wright
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General Ecology

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Great white sharks locate and utilize areas of high food abundance, or “hot spots.” The stomach of a large dead great white shark found beached in Southeast Alaska contained undigested salmon parts, but large great white sharks tend to eat marine mammals because of their higher fat content. Great white shark predation in Alaskan waters may afford some stability to the ecosystem by removing and controlling other large marine predator. Great white shark predation may be limiting the predation by intermediate-sized predators. Great white shark predation on beluga whales in Cook Inlet may be pushing this population of white whales to the brink of extension. The complexities of the predator–prey relationship and their effects on the marine ecosystem are difficult and next-to-impossible to predict and manage.

Only a few great white sharks have been documented to have been killed by people in Alaskan waters and these were caught incidental to catching salmon. Since we know very little about the great white sharks found in Alaska we don’t know if these catches are significant for the population; we don’t even know if the great white shark population in Alaskan waters is seasonal and transitory or stable with sharks plying secretively year around. But their secrecy may be their best strategy for their long-term survival in sub-arctic and arctic waters.

Bruce Wright
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Great white sharks can be found patrolling nearshore waters as they search for prey and they appear to be regular visitors to the waters of Southeast Alaska, off Yakutat, in Prince William Sound and they have been seen several times in Cook Inlet, along the Alaska Peninsula and in the Aleutian Islands. They likely also use offshore waters much like salmon sharks where they find concentrations of prey.

Bruce Wright
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Satellite tags attached to great white shark dorsal fins have revealed that they are highly migratory, just like salmon sharks, and migrate between Baja California and Hawaii, between Australia and South Africa and between South Africa and the Indian Ocean. The migration swimming speeds appear to be steady and the distance covered annually can exceed 12,000 miles (20,000 km). When the Baja-Hawaii white sharks arrive in the Hawaiian Islands their swimming behavior changes to shallower excursions, but the reasons for these migrations and differing behaviors remain a mystery. White sharks were noted using Alaska waters in the 1970s, but as more observations have been compiled they appear to use Alaska waters year round. It is not known how far north in the Bering Sea white sharks travel, but their travels are likely limited only by food availability; if they secure enough food they likely can use even Alaska’s coldest marine waters.

Bruce Wright
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Great white sharks live in almost all coastal and offshore waters of the world. It was once thought that white sharks were only found in warmer waters with temperatures between 54 and 75 °F (12 and 24 °C), but observations of white sharks in Alaska waters with temperatures approaching freezing indicates they can use sub-arctic and arctic waters too.

Bruce Wright
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Observing and measuring social behavior of great white sharks is difficult as they don't allow for easy observation especially in the often cloudy waters off Alaska. Still, evidence is mounting that indicates sharks are socially complex and benefit from these qualities. Feeding hierarchies may be established at locations with abundant prey such as seal and sealion rookeries and floating whale carcasses. An observed attack on beluga whales in Cook Inlet indicates what appeared to be a complex, cooperative attack. This is of special interest because the opaque water reduced or eliminated visual cues during the attack.

Bruce Wright
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Mating requires the male shark to secure the female by grabbing her with his mouth and inserting his clasper organs into the female for copulation. Females may have bite marks along their flanks and on their pectoral fins indicating she had recently mated. White shark mating is apparently not a gentle affair, but this may be further evidence that great white sharks have a limited sense of pain.

Bruce Wright
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Life Expectancy

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Great white sharks reach maturity around 15 years of age and have a life span of over 30 years. Most fish are aged using bony structures called otoliths; however, sharks do not have bones, making it difficult to age them.

Bruce Wright
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Functional Adaptations

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COLOR: Like Salmon sharks, great white sharks are dark gray above and the underside is whitish. The shark’s colorations help camouflage it both from above and below. The great white shark’s coloration is an important advantage for this predator; it is camouflage as it searches and attacks unsuspecting prey.

SPEED: Great white sharks can swim at speeds approaching 25 miles per hour (40 km per hour) with burst speeds to 35 miles per hour (56 km per hour).

PREDATORY CHARACTERISTICS: Great white sharks are opportunistic, but, like other predators, individual white sharks likely become proficient at taking a few prey species and other prey species only irregularly. The reason for this is that the techniques for locating and safely securing large and dangerous prey are different for each species preyed upon. For example, an adult white shark that's learned to take seals may have learned to drag the adult seals to the bottom until the prey has drowned after which it is consumed. Larger more dangerous prey such as adult elephant seals are more likely to be struck from behind and allowed to bleed out and die before the shark returns to feed; or, for another individual great white shark, relentless and continued attack may be preferred. A great white shark that is successful with a certain prey species may be less likely to bother learning the necessary skills and techniques needed to diversify its diet. Some great white sharks have learned to scavenge whales killed by orcas. Adult great white sharks tend to prey more on marine mammals than fish, preferring prey with high contents of energy-rich fat.

Bruce Wright
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Great white sharks can reach and likely exceed 21 feet in length (6.4 meters) and weigh 7,330 pounds (3224 kg). The larger great white sharks may occur in colder waters such as the food-rich cold waters of the North Pacific and Arctic Oceans.

Bruce Wright
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Trophic Strategy

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Great white sharks prey upon halibut, salmon, tuna, rays, other sharks, dolphins, porpoises, whales, hair seals, fur seals, elephant seals, sea lions, sea turtles, sea otters, seabirds and invetebrates. As they become adult and get larger, great white sharks take large prey and more marine mammals. Large great white sharks have been observed taking beluga whales in Cook Inlet; they may take walruses in the Bering Sea and Arctic Ocean.

Bruce Wright
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One Species at a Time Podcast

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In this episode, students from Martha's Vineyard Regional High School in Massachusetts and La Salle Academy in Rhode Island question shark researcher Greg Skomal about this charismatic predator at the top of the ocean food chain. Learn some surprising facts and the answers to such questions as what preys on the Great White and do they mate for life?

Listen to the Great White Shark Podcast on the Learning + Education section of EOL, meet shark scientist Greg Skomal, listen to intriguing audio extras and find relevant educational materials.

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Brief Summary

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This huge, fearsome shark is primarily a coastal and offshore inhabitant of the continental and insular shelves. The occurence of large individuals off oceanic islands far from land where breeding populations of the species apparently do not exist suggests that it can and does make occasional epipelagic excursions into the ocean basins, even though it has never been taken in longline catches there (unlike its relatives in the genera Isurus and Lamna). The great white shark often occurs close inshore to the surfline and even penetrates shallow bays in continental coastal waters, but also prefers offshore continental islands (especially those with pinniped colonies). The white shark can be found at the surface down to the bottom in epicontinental waters but occasionally ranges down the continental slope, where it was once caught on a bottom longline at 1280 m along with the large sixgill shark (Hexanchus griseus). This species is a very active shark with a stiff, powerful, scombroid-like mode of swimming that allows it to efficiently cruise and manoeuvre for long periods at a relatively slow speed. A recent offshore tracking attempt on a large shark with sonic tags indicated that it moved 190 km in 2.5 days at an average cruising speed of 3.2 kph. The white shark is capable of sudden high-speed dashes and drastic manoeuvring and sometimes jumps right out of the water. Records of the great white shark are commonest from cold and warm temperate areas, though there are enough tropical continental and oceanic records to suggest that at least larger individuals have a wide temperature range and penetrate at will into the tropical stronghold of carcharhinid sharks. Smaller individuals, below 3 m long, may be mostly restricted to temperate continental seas, and the occurrence of presumably newborn individuals in the 120 to 130 cm size range suggest that pupping grounds for the species are also in temperate waters. Relatively little is known of the abundance of this species, except that it is uncommon to rare compared to most other sharks where it lives, even in temperate coastal waters. Catches in some areas may be as many as 47 per year (Natal, South Africa), but mostly less in others. Unfounded claims have been made that the species is increasing in numbers in some areas (off central California, for example), as a result of increasing numbers of pinnipeds, but there is no evidence to prove this, and increasing fishing pressure from targeted and bycatch fisheries in such areas may be very well having the reverse effect. Pronounced periodicity in white shark abundance may occur in some areas, apparently correlated with temperature and to some extent with life stage. In colder, higher latitudes at the periphery of its range in North America, the white shark moves into more northern areas when water masses warm up in the summertime; conversely, off Natal, South Africa, smaller individuals below 2.8 m long move in the area with a drop in water temperature below 22°C, and apparently depart for colder Cape Coast waters when temperatures rise above this level; however, larger individuals above 2.8 m seem to occur there all year round. In central California (Monterey Bay) white sharks are present year round but are slightly commoner when water temperatures rise to 14 or 15°C from below 11°C. The white shark often occurs singly or in pairs but can be found at food sources in feeding aggregations of 10 or more; polarized schooling apparently does not occur. Behaviour of this species is poorly known, but there is anecdotal evidence to suggest that recognizable individuals may seasonally revisit a favoured site for several years. Territoriality in the white shark cannot be demonstrated at present, but there is some evidence for sorting of individuals into a size-related hierarchy around food sources such as dead whales, pinniped colonies or feeding stations provided by people. Tooth scratches on individuals, including immature females and males, have been interpreted as evidence of intraspecific conflict, possibly in competition for food resources. In certain areas (southern Australia, the south coast of South Africa, and central California), white sharks may have habituated to human-provided food sources such as fishing boats and feeding stations (to lure white sharks in for photography, ecotouristic diving and profits), and may have learned to come to these places to the delight or dispair of the humans involved (the latter if the sharks steal fish from lines). Presumably the white shark is ovoviviparous and practices uterine cannibalism as do other lamnoids, but this is uncertain because pregnant females of this species are almost never reported. A litter of 9 young was reported from a Mediterranean female, unfortunately without further details. The rarity of pregnant females may be explained by spatial separation from other white sharks during pregnancy; their sheer size that precludes capture by most fishing gear; and by possibly very low fecundity, with relatively few adult females being pregnant at any one time. The great white shark is a true apexpredator and perhaps the most formidable of fishlike vertebrates. The combination of large size, very powerful jaws and teeth, and a relatively efficient locomotion and metabolism allows it to be a versatile predator with a broad prey spectrum. It also readily scavenges on available carrion, garbage, and secondary kills of fish caught on lines. Prey of the white shark includes a wide range of bony fishes, such as sturgeon, menhaden and pilchards, salmon, hake, halibut, rockfish, cabezon, lingcod, croakers, mackerel and tuna . Chondrichthyan prey includes other sharks such as houndsharks (Galeorhinus, Mustelus ), requiem sharks (Carcharhinus, Rhizoprionodon ), hammerheads (Sphyrna), and spiny dogfish (Squalus ); also stingrays, eagle rays (Myliobatis), and chimaeras. Basking shark (Cetorhinus ) meat has been found in several white sharks, apparently taken as carrion from harpooned sharks; it is presently unknown if the white shark ever attacks free-swimming basking sharks though smaller juveniles might be readily killed and eaten. Sea turtles are occasionally taken by the white shark, but apparently not to the degree that the tiger shark (Galeocerdo) preys on them. Birds are uncommonly taken by white sharks and include gannets, gulls, and penguins but it is uncertain if these items were taken alive. Marine mammals are an important food source for white sharks, and those killed and eaten include harbour porpoises, dolphins, and a number of pinnipeds such as harbour seals, northern elephant seals, Steller's and California sea lions, South African fur seals, and probably several other species. Sea otters are commonly killed by white sharks off California, but have yet to be found as stomach contents. Dead baleen whales and other large cetaceans may contribute a significant amount to the white shark's diet in some areas; mammalian carrion from slaughterhouses and other sources, including mutton, pig, horse, dog, and rarely human, has been found in the white shark's stomach also. Invertebrate prey includes squid, abalone and other gastropods, and crabs . Inedible garbage is occasionally taken from the stomachs of white sharks, but apparently this species is not fond of swallowing oddities like the tiger shark. Larger white sharks above 3 m long tend to prey more heavily on marine mammals than smaller sharks below 2 m long which feed heavily on bony fish and small sharks. Large white sharks are not restricted to marine mammal prey but also catch large fishes, birds and reptiles and are capable of eating smaller prey such as the 150 crabs, salmon, hake, and rockfish found in a 4.4 m specimen from Washington state, USA. Pinnipeds may be especially important prey for white sharks where they occur together, especially at seal colonies where pinniped predation by white sharks can be easily studied (more easily than their interactions with other prey) but in areas without these mammals or with pinnipeds in low abundance the white shark is apparently capable of subsisting on other sharks, bony fishes, turtles and cetaceans.
bibliographic citation
FAO species catalogue Vol.4. Sharks of the world. An Annotated and Illustrated Catalogue of Shark Species Known to Date Part 1 - Hexanchiformes to Lamniformes. Compagno, L.J.V. 1984. FAO Fish. Synop., (125) Vol.4, Part 1
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Limited, as this species is nowhere abundant enough to support a significant fishery; mostly taken as a bycatch of fisheries of other sharks and other fishes, by longlines , hooks and lines, fixed bottom gillnets, fish traps, herring weirs, and trammel nets, harpoons, and even bottom and pelagic trawls, as well as purse seines. Important as a big-game sports fish in a few areas, especially Australia and the northeastern United States. Utilized fresh, dried salted, and smoked for human consumption; the liver oil is extracted for vitamins; the carcass used for fishmeal; the skin for leather; the fins for shark-fin soup; and the teeth and jaws for decorations, with properly prepared large jaws bringing a high price. There are no commercial fisheries for the white shark but it is a prized trophy in sport fisheries. It is also caught as a bycatch in some coastal commercial fisheries and in protective meshing of beaches. Bonfil (1994) estimated that at the end of the 1990s the now extinct flying squid driftnet and large-mesh driftnet tuna fisheries of the North Pacific could have taken some 156 white sharks (8 t) and 564 white sharks (27 t) per year respectively. In the protective meshing programme of the coast of Natal in South Africa, a steep initial decline in white shark CPUE from about 3 sharks per km of net per year to about 1 shark per km of net per year was followed by a stabilisation of the index with no subsequent trend for over 20 years (Cliff and Dudley 1992). Dudley (1995) reports declines in the CPUE of white sharks in the protective meshing programmes of New South Wales and Queensland in Australia. The jaws and teeth of white sharks attain very high prices in specialised markets. White shark populations may be small, highly localised, and very vulnerable to overexploitation (Strong et al . 1992; cited by Castro et al . in press). Conservation Status : The white shark has a somewhat low intrinsic rebound potential (Smith et al . 1998). It is not a very abundant species, typically having small, localised populations. All this suggests that extreme caution should be placed on any type of fishing. The white shark is the most widely protected shark species in the world. South Africa prohibits the killing of white sharks and has outlawed the sale of any of their parts. White sharks are also protected by law in all Australian Commonwealth waters as well as all State waters with the exception of Victoria. It is protected from all directed fishing (commercial and recreational) in all federal waters of the US East Coast and in California State waters. The IUCN Red List considers white sharks asVulnerable worldwide (Camhiet al . 1998). Mooney-Seus and Stone (1996) classify this species as Severly Reduced in New South Wales, Data Deficient in Queensland, andLower Risk/Conservation Dependent in US Pacific waters. Additional information from IUCN database Additional information from CITESdatabase
bibliographic citation
FAO species catalogue Vol.4. Sharks of the world. An Annotated and Illustrated Catalogue of Shark Species Known to Date Part 1 - Hexanchiformes to Lamniformes. Compagno, L.J.V. 1984. FAO Fish. Synop., (125) Vol.4, Part 1
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Maximum total length at least 640 and possibly to over 800 cm. Individuals captured are more commonly between 140 and 600 cm. Some males may begin maturing at about 240 cm, but adult males may reach about 550 cm. A length-weight power curve for the white shark (98 specimens, mostly from California, and with a total length range from 127 to 554 cm) is as follows: WT = 4.34 x 10-6 TL 3.14
bibliographic citation
FAO species catalogue Vol.4. Sharks of the world. An Annotated and Illustrated Catalogue of Shark Species Known to Date Part 1 - Hexanchiformes to Lamniformes. Compagno, L.J.V. 1984. FAO Fish. Synop., (125) Vol.4, Part 1
Food and Agriculture Organization of the UN
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Coastal and mostly amphitemperate. Western Atlantic: Newfoundland to Florida, Bahamas, Cuba, northern Gulf of Mexico; Brazil and Argentina. Eastern Atlantic: France to Mediterranean, Madeira, Canary Islands, Senegal, Ghana, Zaire; Western Cape Province, South Africa. Western Indian Ocean: South Africa, Seychelles Islands, Red Sea. Western Pacific: Siberia (Russia), Japan, the Koreas, China, Bonin Islands, the Philippines; ?Indonesia, Australia (Queensland, New South Wales, Victoria, Tasmania, South and Western Australia), New Zealand, New Caledonia. Central Pacific: Marshall Islands, Hawaiian Islands. Eastern Pacific: Gulf of Alaska to Gulf of California; Panama to Chile.
bibliographic citation
FAO species catalogue Vol.4. Sharks of the world. An Annotated and Illustrated Catalogue of Shark Species Known to Date Part 1 - Hexanchiformes to Lamniformes. Compagno, L.J.V. 1984. FAO Fish. Synop., (125) Vol.4, Part 1
Food and Agriculture Organization of the UN
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Diagnostic Description

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fieldmarks: Heavy spindle-shaped body, moderately long conical snout, huge, flat, triangular, serrated bladelike teeth, long gill slits, large first dorsal fin with light free rear tip, minute, pivoting second dorsal and anal fins, strong keels on caudal peduncle, no secondary keels on caudal base, crescentic caudal fin, ventral surface of body white. Body usually stout. Snout bluntly conical, rather short; nostrils lateral on snout, situated adjacent to head rim in ventral view; mouth broadly parabolic; teeth flat, triangular, with broad, serrated, nearly straight cusps, and lateral cusplets only in juveniles below 2 m long (which may have at least some smooth-edged or partially smooth); intermediate teeth in upper jaw very large, over half height of upper anteriors. First dorsal origin usually over the pectoral inner margins; anal origin under or slightly posterior to second dorsal insertion; no secondary keels on base of caudal.


  • A. Peter Klimley, pers. comm.
  • Ainleyet al, 1981
  • Ames & Morejohn, 1980
  • Arnold, 1971
  • Bass, d'Aubrey & Kistnasamy , 1975
  • Bob Lea , pers. comm.
  • Carey et al ., 1982
  • David Ainley , pers. comm
  • David Allen , pers. comm.
  • Ellis, 1975
  • Garrick & Schultz, 1963
  • George Zorzi, pers. comm
  • Gregor Cailliet , pers. comm.
  • Le Bouf, Riedmann & Keys, 1982
  • Miller & Collier, 1981
  • Mundus & Wisner , 1971
  • Pratt, Casey & Conklin , 1982
  • Randall , 1973
  • Raymond Keyes, pers. comm.
  • Squire, 1967
  • Strasberg, 1958
  • Susan Smith, pers. comm.
  • Wallett , 1978

bibliographic citation
FAO species catalogue Vol.4. Sharks of the world. An Annotated and Illustrated Catalogue of Shark Species Known to Date Part 1 - Hexanchiformes to Lamniformes. Compagno, L.J.V. 1984. FAO Fish. Synop., (125) Vol.4, Part 1
Food and Agriculture Organization of the UN
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FAO species catalogs

Diagnostic Description

provided by Fishbase
A huge, spindle-shaped shark with conspicuous black eyes, a blunt, conical snout and large, triangular, saw-edged teeth (Ref. 5578). First dorsal-fin origin usually over the pectoral-fin inner margins (Ref. 43278, 6871). Caudal fin crescentic (Ref. 247). Lead-grey to brown or black above, lighter on sides, and abruptly white below (Ref. 6851). Black spot at rear pectoral fin base (Ref. 6851).
Cristina V. Garilao
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Life Cycle

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Exhibit ovoviparity (aplacental viviparity), with embryos feeding on other ova produced by the mother (oophagy) after the yolk sac is absorbed (Ref. 50449). Up to 10, possibly 14 young born at 120-150 cm (Ref. 26346). Distinct pairing with embrace (Ref. 205). Male and female may swim in parallel while copulating (Ref. 28042, 49562).
Armi G. Torres
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Oceanodromous. Migrating within oceans typically between spawning and different feeding areas, as tunas do. Migrations should be cyclical and predictable and cover more than 100 km.
Kent E. Carpenter
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Dorsal spines (total): 0; Dorsal soft rays (total): 0; Analspines: 0; Analsoft rays: 0
Cristina V. Garilao
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Trophic Strategy

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Known to feed on mammals (Ref. 247). Anthosoma crassum, Dinemoura latifolia and Pandarus sinuatua (copepods) are known to be parasites of the species (Ref. 5951). Also in Ref. 9137.
Estelita Emily Capuli
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Primarily a coastal and offshore inhabitant of continental and insular shelves, but may also occur off oceanic islands far from land (Ref. 247, 43278, 58302). Often close inshore to the surf line and even penetrates shallow bays (Ref. 247). Maximum depth of 700 fathoms (or 1280 m) reported by Bigelow & Schroeder, 1948 is erroneous (Francis et al., 2012 in Ref. 106604). Pelagic, capable of migration across oceanic regions (Ref. 58302). Usually solitary or in pairs but can be found in feeding aggregations of 10 or more; does not form schools (Ref. 247). Feeds on bony fishes, sharks, rays, seals, dolphins and porpoises, sea birds, carrion, squid, octopi and crabs (Ref. 5578) and whales (Ref. 32140). Ovoviviparous, embryos feeding on yolk sac and other ova produced by the mother (Ref. 43278, 50449). Number of young born per litter, 7 (Ref. 31395) to 14 (Ref. 26346). Reported by some experts to attack humans which they mistake for their normal prey (Ref. 47). Most attacks occur in estuaries. Caught by big-game anglers and line boats for its jaws (Ref. 5578). Reported to cause poisoning (Ref. 4690). Flesh is utilized fresh, dried-salted, and smoked for human consumption, the skin for leather, liver for oil, carcass for fishmeal, fins for shark-fin soup, and teeth and jaws for decorations (Ref. 13574). Maximum total length is leading to much speculation and some measurements are found to be doubtful. Possibly to 6.4 m or more in length (Ref. 43278), considered the world's largest predator with a broad prey spectrum. The record of 10.98 m is incorrect (Ref. 13574). Maximum total length for male from Ref. 91029. Sometimes considered the most dangerous shark in the world (Ref. 26938).
Kent E. Carpenter
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fisheries: minor commercial; gamefish: yes; price category: low; price reliability: reliable: based on ex-vessel price for this species
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provided by The Fish Database of Taiwan

Great white shark

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The great white shark (Carcharodon carcharias), also known as the white shark, white pointer, or simply great white, is a species of large mackerel shark which can be found in the coastal surface waters of all the major oceans. It is notable for its size, with the largest preserved female specimen measuring 5.83 m (19.1 ft) in length and around 2,000 kg (4,410 lb) in weight at maturity.[3] However, most are smaller; males measure 3.4 to 4.0 m (11 to 13 ft), and females measure 4.6 to 4.9 m (15 to 16 ft) on average.[4][5] According to a 2014 study, the lifespan of great white sharks is estimated to be as long as 70 years or more, well above previous estimates,[6] making it one of the longest lived cartilaginous fishes currently known.[7] According to the same study, male great white sharks take 26 years to reach sexual maturity, while the females take 33 years to be ready to produce offspring.[8] Great white sharks can swim at speeds of 25 km/h (16 mph)[9] for short bursts and to depths of 1,200 m (3,900 ft).[10]

The great white shark is an apex predator, as it has no known natural predators other than, on very rare occasions, the orca.[11] It is arguably the world's largest-known extant macropredatory fish, and is one of the primary predators of marine mammals, up to the size of large baleen whales. This shark is also known to prey upon a variety of other marine animals, including fish, and seabirds. It is the only known surviving species of its genus Carcharodon, and is responsible for more recorded human bite incidents than any other shark.[12][13]

The species faces numerous ecological challenges which has resulted in international protection. The International Union for Conservation of Nature lists the great white shark as a vulnerable species,[1] and it is included in Appendix II of CITES.[14] It is also protected by several national governments, such as Australia (as of 2018).[15] Due to their need to travel long distances for seasonal migration and extremely demanding diet, it is not logistically feasible to keep great white sharks in captivity; because of this, while attempts have been made to do so in the past, there are no known aquariums in the world believed to house a live specimen.[16]

The novel Jaws by Peter Benchley and its subsequent film adaptation by Steven Spielberg depicted the great white shark as a ferocious man-eater. Humans are not a preferred prey of the great white shark,[17] but the great white is nevertheless responsible for the largest number of reported and identified fatal unprovoked shark attacks on humans, although this happens very rarely (typically fewer than 10 times a year globally).[18][19]


The great white is the sole recognized extant species in the genus Carcharodon, and is one of five extant species belonging to the family Lamnidae.[20] Other members of this family include the mako sharks, porbeagle, and salmon shark. The family belongs to the Lamniformes, the order of mackerel sharks.[21]

Etymology and naming history

The name 'great white shark' likely comes from the shark's size, as well as the white underside exposed on beached sharks.

The English name 'white shark' and its Australian variant 'white pointer'[22] is thought to have come from the shark's stark white underside, a characteristic feature most noticeable in beached sharks lying upside down with their bellies exposed.[23] Colloquial use favours the name 'great white shark', with 'great' perhaps stressing the size and prowess of the species,[24] and "white shark" having historically been used to describe the much smaller oceanic white-tipped shark, later referred to for a time as the "lesser white shark". Most scientists prefer 'white shark', as the name "lesser white shark" is no longer used,[24] while some use 'white shark' to refer to all members of the Lamnidae.[21]

The scientific genus name Carcharodon literally means "jagged tooth", a reference to the large serrations that appear in the shark's teeth. It is a portmanteau of two Ancient Greek words: the prefix carchar- is derived from κάρχαρος (kárkharos), which means "jagged" or "sharp". The suffix -odon is a romanization of ὀδών (odṓn), a which translates to "tooth". The specific name carcharias is a Latinization of καρχαρίας (karkharías), the Ancient Greek word for shark.[20] The great white shark was one of the species originally described by Carl Linnaeus in his 1758 10th edition of Systema Naturae, in which it was identified as an amphibian and assigned the scientific name Squalus carcharias, Squalus being the genus that he placed all sharks in.[25] By the 1810s, it was recognized that the shark should be placed in a new genus, but it was not until 1838 when Sir Andrew Smith coined the name Carcharodon as the new genus.[26]

There have been a few attempts to describe and classify the great white before Linnaeus. One of its earliest mentions in literature as a distinct type of animal appears in Pierre Belon's 1553 book De aquatilibus duo, cum eiconibus ad vivam ipsorum effigiem quoad ejus fieri potuit, ad amplissimum cardinalem Castilioneum. In it, he illustrated and described the shark under the name Canis carcharias based on the jagged nature of its teeth and its alleged similarities with dogs.[a] Another name used for the great white around this time was Lamia, first coined by Guillaume Rondelet in his 1554 book Libri de Piscibus Marinis, who also identified it as the fish that swallowed the prophet Jonah in biblical texts.[27] Linnaeus recognized both names as previous classifications.[25]

Fossil ancestry

Carcharias taurusSandtiger shark (Duane Raver).png

Cetorhinus maximus

Lamna nasus

Lamna ditropis

Carcharodon carcharias White shark (Duane Raver).png

Isurus oxyrinchusShortfin mako shark (Duane Raver).png

Isurus paucus

Phylogenetic relationship between the Great white shark and other sharks based on molecular data conducted by Human et al. (2006)[28]

Molecular clock studies published between 1988 and 2002 determined the closest living relative of the great white to be the mako sharks of the genus Isurus, which diverged some time between 60 and 43 million years ago.[29][30] Tracing this evolutionary relationship through fossil evidence, however, remains subject to further paleontological study.[30]

The original hypothesis of the great white shark's origin held that it is a descendant of a lineage of mega-toothed sharks, and is closely related to the prehistoric megalodon.[30][31] These sharks were considerably larger in size, with megalodon attaining an estimated length of up to 14.2–20.3 m (47–67 ft).[32][33][34] Similarities between the teeth of great white and mega-toothed sharks, such as large triangular shapes, serrated blades, and the presence of dental bands, led the primary evidence of a close evolutionary relationship. As a result, scientists classified the ancient forms under the genus Carcharodon. Although weaknesses in the hypothesis existed, such as uncertainty over exactly which species evolved into the modern great white and multiple gaps in the fossil record, paleontologists were able to chart the hypothetical lineage back to a 60-million-year-old shark known as Cretalamna as the common ancestor of all sharks within the Lamnidae.[29][31]

Illustrated evolution from C. hastalis to C. carcharias

However, it is now understood that the great white shark holds closer ties to the mako sharks and is descended from a separate lineage as a chronospecies unrelated to the mega-toothed sharks.[30] This was proven with the discovery of a transitional species that connected the great white to an unserrated shark known as Carcharodon hastalis.[35][36] This transitional species, which was named Carcharodon hubbelli in 2012, demonstrated a mosaic of evolutionary transitions between the great white and C. hastalis, namely the gradual appearance of serrations,[35] in a span of between 8 and 5 million years ago.[37] The progression of C. hubbelli characterized shifting diets and niches; by 6.5 million years ago, the serrations were developed enough for C. hubbelli to handle marine mammals.[35] Although both the great white and C. hastalis were known worldwide,[30] C. hubbelli is primarily found in California, Peru, Chile, and surrounding coastal deposits,[38] indicating that the great white had Pacific origins.[35] C. hastalis continued to thrive alongside the great white until its last appearance around one million years ago[39] and is believed to have possibly sired a number of additional species, including Carcharodon subserratus[30][35] and Carcharodon plicatilis.[30]

However, Yun argued that the tooth fossil remains of C. hastalis and Great White Shark "have been documented from the same deposits, hence the former cannot be a chronospecific ancestor of the latter." He also criticized that the C. hastalis "morphotype has never been tested through phylogenetic analyses," and denoted that as of 2021, the argument that the modern Carcharodon lineage with narrow, serrated teeth evolved from C. hastalis with a broad, unserrated teeth is uncertain.[40]

Tracing beyond C. hastalis, another prevailing hypothesis proposes that the great white and mako lineages shared a common ancestor in a primitive mako-like species.[41] The identity of this ancestor is still debated, but a potential species includes Isurolamna inflata, which lived between 65 and 55 million years ago. It is hypothesized that the great white and mako lineages split with the rise of two separate descendants, the one representing the great white shark lineage being Macrorhizodus praecursor.[41][42]

Distribution and habitat

Great white sharks live in almost all coastal and offshore waters which have water temperature between 12 and 24 °C (54 and 75 °F), with greater concentrations in the United States (Northeast and California), South Africa, Japan, Oceania, Chile, and the Mediterranean including the Sea of Marmara and Bosphorus.[43][44] One of the densest-known populations is found around Dyer Island, South Africa.[45] Juvenile great white sharks inhabit a more narrow band of temperatures, between 14 and 24 °C (57 and 75 °F), in shallow coastal nurseries.[46] Increased observation of young sharks in areas they were not previously common, such as Monterey Bay on the Central California coast, suggest climate change may be reducing the range of juvenile great white sharks and shifting it toward the poles.[47]

The great white is an epipelagic fish, observed mostly in the presence of rich game, such as fur seals (Arctocephalus ssp.), sea lions, cetaceans, other sharks, and large bony fish species. In the open ocean, it has been recorded at depths as great as 1,200 m (3,900 ft).[10] These findings challenge the traditional notion that the great white is a coastal species.[10]

According to a recent study, California great whites have migrated to an area between Baja California Peninsula and Hawaii known as the White Shark Café to spend at least 100 days before migrating back to Baja. On the journey out, they swim slowly and dive down to around 900 m (3,000 ft). After they arrive, they change behaviour and do short dives to about 300 m (980 ft) for up to ten minutes. Another white shark that was tagged off the South African coast swam to the southern coast of Australia and back within the year. A similar study tracked a different great white shark from South Africa swimming to Australia's northwestern coast and back, a journey of 20,000 km (12,000 mi; 11,000 nmi) in under nine months.[48] These observations argue against traditional theories that white sharks are coastal territorial predators, and open up the possibility of interaction between shark populations that were previously thought to have been discrete. The reasons for their migration and what they do at their destination is still unknown. Possibilities include seasonal feeding or mating.[49]

In the Northwest Atlantic, the white shark populations off the New England coast were nearly eradicated due to over-fishing.[50] In recent years, the populations have grown greatly,[51] largely due to the increase in seal populations on Cape Cod, Massachusetts since the enactment of the Marine Mammal Protection Act in 1972.[52] Currently very little is known about the hunting and movement patterns of great whites off Cape Cod, but ongoing studies hope to offer insight into this growing shark population.[53] The Massachusetts Division of Marine Fisheries (part of the Department of Fish and Game) began a population study in 2014; since 2019, this research has focused on how humans can avoid conflict with sharks.[54]

A 2018 study indicated that white sharks prefer to congregate deep in anticyclonic eddies in the North Atlantic Ocean. The sharks studied tended to favour the warm-water eddies, spending the daytime hours at 450 meters and coming to the surface at night.[55]

Anatomy and appearance

Upper teeth
Lower teeth
Great white shark's skeleton

The great white shark has a robust, large, conical snout. The upper and lower lobes on the tail fin are approximately the same size which is similar to some mackerel sharks. A great white displays countershading, by having a white underside and a grey dorsal area (sometimes in a brown or blue shade) that gives an overall mottled appearance. The coloration makes it difficult for prey to spot the shark because it breaks up the shark's outline when seen from the side. From above, the darker shade blends with the sea and from below it exposes a minimal silhouette against the sunlight. Leucism is extremely rare in this species, but has been documented in one great white shark (a pup that washed ashore in Australia and died).[56] Great white sharks, like many other sharks, have rows of serrated teeth behind the main ones, ready to replace any that break off. When the shark bites, it shakes its head side-to-side, helping the teeth saw off large chunks of flesh.[57] Great white sharks, like other mackerel sharks, have larger eyes than other shark species in proportion to their body size. The iris of the eye is a deep blue instead of black.[58]


Specimen caught off Cuba in 1945 which was allegedly 6.4 m (21 ft) long and weighed an estimated 3,175–3,324 kg (7,000–7,328 lb).[59][60] Later studies proved this specimen to be in the normal size range, at around 4.9 m (16 ft) in length.[4]

In great white sharks, sexual dimorphism is present, and females are generally larger than males. Male great whites on average measure 3.4 to 4.0 m (11 to 13 ft) in length, while females measure 4.6 to 4.9 m (15 to 16 ft).[5] Adults of this species weigh 522–771 kg (1,151–1,700 lb) on average;[61] however, mature females can have an average mass of 680–1,110 kg (1,500–2,450 lb).[4] The largest females have been verified up to 6.1 m (20 ft) in length and an estimated 1,905 kg (4,200 lb) in weight,[4] perhaps up to 2,268 kg (5,000 lb).[62] The maximum size is subject to debate because some reports are rough estimations or speculations performed under questionable circumstances.[63] Among living cartilaginous fish, only the whale shark (Rhincodon typus), the basking shark (Cetorhinus maximus) and the giant manta ray (Manta birostris), in that order, are on average larger and heavier. These three species are generally quite docile in disposition and given to passively filter-feeding on very small organisms.[61] This makes the great white shark the largest extant macropredatory fish. Great white sharks measure approximately 1.2 m (3.9 ft) when born, and grow about 25 cm (9.8 in) every year.[64]

A complete female great white shark specimen in the Museum of Zoology in Lausanne, and claimed by De Maddalena et al. (2003) as the largest preserved specimen, measured 5.83 m (19.1 ft) in total body length with the caudal fin in its depressed position, and is estimated to have weighed 2,000 kg (4,410 lb).[3] According to J. E. Randall, the largest white shark reliably measured was a 5.94 m (19.5 ft) specimen reported from Ledge Point, Western Australia in 1987,[65] but it is unclear whether that length was measured with the caudal fin in its depressed or natural position.[3] Another great white specimen of similar size was a female caught in August 1988 in the Gulf of St. Lawrence, off Prince Edward Island, by David McKendrick of Alberton, Prince Edward Island. This female great white was 6.1 m (20 ft) long, as verified by the Canadian Shark Research Center.[4]

A report of a specimen reportedly measuring 6.4 m (21 ft) in length and with a body mass estimated at 3,175–3,324 kg (7,000–7,328 lb)[59][60][66] caught in 1945 off the coast of Cuba was at the time considered reliable by some experts.[60][67][66][68] However, later studies revealed this particular specimen to be around 4.9 m (16 ft) in length, i.e. a specimen within the typical maximum size range.[4]

The largest great white recognized by the International Game Fish Association (IGFA) is one caught by Alf Dean in southern Australian waters in 1959, weighing 1,208 kg (2,663 lb).[63]

Examples of large unconfirmed great whites

A number of very large unconfirmed great white shark specimens have been recorded.[69] For decades, many ichthyological works, as well as the Guinness Book of World Records, listed two great white sharks as the largest individuals: In the 1870s, a 10.9 m (36 ft) great white captured in southern Australian waters, near Port Fairy, and an 11.3 m (37 ft) shark trapped in a herring weir in New Brunswick, Canada, in the 1930s. However, these measurements were not obtained in a rigorous, scientifically valid manner, and researchers have questioned the reliability of these measurements for a long time, noting they were much larger than any other accurately reported sighting. Later studies proved these doubts to be well-founded. This New Brunswick shark may have been a misidentified basking shark, as the two have similar body shapes. The question of the Port Fairy shark was settled in the 1970s when J. E. Randall examined the shark's jaws and "found that the Port Fairy shark was of the order of 5 m (16 ft) in length and suggested that a mistake had been made in the original record, in 1870, of the shark's length".[65]

Photo of large shark on shore surrounded by people
Great white shark caught off Hualien County, Taiwan, on 14 May 1997: It was reportedly (unconfirmed) almost 7 m (23 ft) in length with a mass of 2,500 kg (5,500 lb).[69]

While these measurements have not been confirmed, some great white sharks caught in modern times have been estimated to be more than 7 m (23 ft) long,[70] but these claims have received some criticism.[63][70] However, J. E. Randall believed that great white shark may have exceeded 6.1 m (20 ft) in length.[65] A great white shark was captured near Kangaroo Island in Australia on 1 April 1987. This shark was estimated to be more than 6.9 m (23 ft) long by Peter Resiley,[65][71] and has been designated as KANGA.[70] Another great white shark was caught in Malta by Alfredo Cutajar on 16 April 1987. This shark was also estimated to be around 7.13 m (23.4 ft) long by John Abela and has been designated as MALTA.[70][72] However, Cappo drew criticism because he used shark size estimation methods proposed by J. E. Randall to suggest that the KANGA specimen was 5.8–6.4 m (19–21 ft) long.[70] In a similar fashion, I. K. Fergusson also used shark size estimation methods proposed by J. E. Randall to suggest that the MALTA specimen was 5.3–5.7 m (17–19 ft) long.[70] However, photographic evidence suggested that these specimens were larger than the size estimations yielded through Randall's methods.[70] Thus, a team of scientists—H. F. Mollet, G. M. Cailliet, A. P. Klimley, D. A. Ebert, A. D. Testi, and L. J. V. Compagno—reviewed the cases of the KANGA and MALTA specimens in 1996 to resolve the dispute by conducting a comprehensive morphometric analysis of the remains of these sharks and re-examination of photographic evidence in an attempt to validate the original size estimations and their findings were consistent with them. The findings indicated that estimations by P. Resiley and J. Abela are reasonable and could not be ruled out.[70] A particularly large female great white nicknamed "Deep Blue", estimated measuring at 6.1 m (20 ft) was filmed off Guadalupe during shooting for the 2014 episode of Shark Week "Jaws Strikes Back". Deep Blue would also later gain significant attention when she was filmed interacting with researcher Mauricio Hoyas Pallida in a viral video that Mauricio posted on Facebook on 11 June 2015.[73] Deep Blue was later seen off Oahu in January 2019 while scavenging a sperm whale carcass, whereupon she was filmed swimming beside divers including dive tourism operator and model Ocean Ramsey in open water.[74][75][76] A particularly infamous great white shark, supposedly of record proportions, once patrolled the area that comprises False Bay, South Africa, was said to be well over 7 m (23 ft) during the early 1980s. This shark, known locally as the "Submarine", had a legendary reputation that was supposedly well-founded. Though rumours have stated this shark was exaggerated in size or non-existent altogether, witness accounts by the then young Craig Anthony Ferreira, a notable shark expert in South Africa, and his father indicate an unusually large animal of considerable size and power (though it remains uncertain just how massive the shark was as it escaped capture each time it was hooked). Ferreira describes the four encounters with the giant shark he participated in with great detail in his book "Great White Sharks On Their Best Behavior".[77]

One contender in maximum size among the predatory sharks is the tiger shark (Galeocerdo cuvier). While tiger sharks, which are typically both a few feet smaller and have a leaner, less heavy body structure than white sharks, have been confirmed to reach at least 5.5 m (18 ft) in the length, an unverified specimen was reported to have measured 7.4 m (24 ft) in length and weighed 3,110 kg (6,860 lb), more than two times heavier than the largest confirmed specimen at 1,524 kg (3,360 lb).[61][78][79] Some other macropredatory sharks such as the Greenland shark (Somniosus microcephalus) and the Pacific sleeper shark (S. pacificus) are also reported to rival these sharks in length (but probably weigh a bit less since they are more slender in build than a great white) in exceptional cases.[80][81]

Reported sizes


Photo of shark swimming at water surface
A great white shark swimming

Great white sharks, like all other sharks, have an extra sense given by the ampullae of Lorenzini which enables them to detect the electromagnetic field emitted by the movement of living animals. Great whites are so sensitive they can detect variations of half a billionth of a volt. At close range, this allows the shark to locate even immobile animals by detecting their heartbeat.[99] Most fish have a less-developed but similar sense using their body's lateral line.[100]

Shark biting into the fish head teaser bait next to a cage in False Bay, South Africa

To more successfully hunt fast and agile prey such as sea lions, the great white has adapted to maintain a body temperature warmer than the surrounding water. One of these adaptations is a "rete mirabile" (Latin for "wonderful net"). This close web-like structure of veins and arteries, located along each lateral side of the shark, conserves heat by warming the cooler arterial blood with the venous blood that has been warmed by the working muscles. This keeps certain parts of the body (particularly the stomach) at temperatures up to 14 °C (25 °F) [101] above that of the surrounding water, while the heart and gills remain at sea temperature. When conserving energy, the core body temperature can drop to match the surroundings. A great white shark's success in raising its core temperature is an example of gigantothermy. Therefore, the great white shark can be considered an endothermic poikilotherm or mesotherm because its body temperature is not constant but is internally regulated.[57][102] Great whites also rely on the fat and oils stored within their livers for long-distance migrations across nutrient-poor areas of the oceans.[103] Studies by Stanford University and the Monterey Bay Aquarium published on 17 July 2013 revealed that in addition to controlling the sharks' buoyancy, the liver of great whites is essential in migration patterns. Sharks that sink faster during drift dives were revealed to use up their internal stores of energy quicker than those which sink in a dive at more leisurely rates.[104]

Toxicity from heavy metals seems to have little negative effects on great white sharks. Blood samples taken from forty-three individuals of varying size, age and sex off the South African coast led by biologists from the University of Miami in 2012 indicates that despite high levels of mercury, lead, and arsenic, there was no sign of raised white blood cell count and granulate to lymphocyte ratios, indicating the sharks had healthy immune systems. This discovery suggests a previously unknown physiological defence against heavy metal poisoning. Great whites are known to have a propensity for "self-healing and avoiding age-related ailments".[105]

Bite force

A 2007 study from the University of New South Wales in Sydney, Australia, used CT scans of a shark's skull and computer models to measure the shark's maximum bite force. The study reveals the forces and behaviours its skull is adapted to handle and resolves competing theories about its feeding behaviour.[106] In 2008, a team of scientists led by Stephen Wroe conducted an experiment to determine the great white shark's jaw power and findings indicated that a specimen massing 3,324 kg (7,328 lb) could exert a bite force of 18,216 newtons (4,095 lbf).[66]

Ecology and behaviour

Photo of inverted shark at surface
A shark turns onto its back while hunting tuna bait

This shark's behaviour and social structure are complex.[107] In South Africa, white sharks have a dominance hierarchy depending on the size, sex and squatter's rights: Females dominate males, larger sharks dominate smaller sharks, and residents dominate newcomers. When hunting, great whites tend to separate and resolve conflicts with rituals and displays. White sharks rarely resort to combat although some individuals have been found with bite marks that match those of other white sharks. This suggests that when a great white approaches too closely to another, they react with a warning bite. Another possibility is that white sharks bite to show their dominance. Data acquired from animal-borne telemetry receivers and published in 2022 via the journal Royal Society Publishing suggests that individual great whites may associate so that they can inadvertently share information on the whereabouts of prey or the location of the remains of animals that can be scavenged. As biologging can help to reveal social habits, it allows a better understanding to be made in future studies regarding the full extent of social interactions in large marine animals, including the great white shark.[108]

The great white shark is one of only a few sharks known to regularly lift its head above the sea surface to gaze at other objects such as prey. This is known as spy-hopping. This behaviour has also been seen in at least one group of blacktip reef sharks, but this might be learned from interaction with humans (it is theorized that the shark may also be able to smell better this way because smell travels through air faster than through water). White sharks are generally very curious animals, display intelligence and may also turn to socializing if the situation demands it. At Seal Island, white sharks have been observed arriving and departing in stable "clans" of two to six individuals on a yearly basis. Whether clan members are related is unknown, but they get along peacefully enough. In fact, the social structure of a clan is probably most aptly compared to that of a wolf pack, in that each member has a clearly established rank and each clan has an alpha leader. When members of different clans meet, they establish social rank nonviolently through any of a variety of interactions.[109] In 2022, research in South Africa suggested that the great white shark has the ability to change colours to camouflage itself depending on the hormones it gives off. Different hormones would change the colour of the skin from white to grey. Skin dosed with adrenaline would turn lighter, with melanocyte-stimulating hormone causing melanocyte cells to dissipate thus making the shark's skin a darker colour, although hormone mediated color change is not fully validated due to the limited number of test subjects (i.e. great whites).[110] The camo shark hypothesis is supported by the fact that zebra sharks can change their colour as they age, and rainbow sharks can lose colour due to stress and aging.[111]


A beachcomber looking at bite marks from a great white shark on a beached whale carcass

Great white sharks are carnivorous and prey upon fish (e.g. tuna, rays, other sharks),[109] cetaceans (i.e., dolphins, porpoises, whales), pinnipeds (e.g. seals, fur seals,[109] and sea lions), sea turtles,[109] sea otters (Enhydra lutris) and seabirds.[112] Great whites have also been known to eat objects that they are unable to digest. Juvenile white sharks predominantly prey on fish, including other elasmobranchs, as their jaws are not strong enough to withstand the forces required to attack larger prey such as pinnipeds and cetaceans until they reach a length of 3 m (9.8 ft) or more, at which point their jaw cartilage mineralizes enough to withstand the impact of biting into larger prey species.[113] Upon approaching a length of nearly 4 m (13 ft), great white sharks begin to target predominantly marine mammals for food, though individual sharks seem to specialize in different types of prey depending on their preferences.[114][115] They seem to be highly opportunistic.[116][117] These sharks prefer prey with a high content of energy-rich fat. Shark expert Peter Klimley used a rod-and-reel rig and trolled carcasses of a seal, a pig, and a sheep from his boat in the South Farallons. The sharks attacked all three baits but rejected the sheep carcass.[118]

Off Seal Island, False Bay in South Africa, the sharks ambush brown fur seals (Arctocephalus pusillus) from below at high speeds, hitting the seal mid-body. They achieve high speeds that allow them to completely breach the surface of the water. The peak burst speed is estimated to be above 40 km/h (25 mph).[119] They have also been observed chasing prey after a missed attack. Prey is usually attacked at the surface.[120] Shark attacks occur most often in the morning, within two hours of sunrise, when visibility is poor. Their success rate is 55% in the first two hours, falling to 40% in late morning after which hunting stops.[109]

Off California, sharks immobilize northern elephant seals (Mirounga angustirostris) with a large bite to the hindquarters (which is the main source of the seal's mobility) and wait for the seal to bleed to death. This technique is especially used on adult male elephant seals, which are typically larger than the shark, ranging between 1,500 and 2,000 kg (3,300 and 4,400 lb), and are potentially dangerous adversaries.[121][122] Most commonly though, juvenile elephant seals are the most frequently eaten at elephant seal colonies.[123] Prey is normally attacked sub-surface. Harbor seals (Phoca vitulina) are taken from the surface and dragged down until they stop struggling. They are then eaten near the bottom. California sea lions (Zalophus californianus) are ambushed from below and struck mid-body before being dragged and eaten.[124]

Great white shark near Gansbaai, showing upper and lower teeth

In the Northwest Atlantic mature great whites are known to feed on both harbor and grey seals.[52] Unlike adults, juvenile white sharks in the area feed on smaller fish species until they are large enough to prey on marine mammals such as seals.[125]

White sharks also attack dolphins and porpoises from above, behind or below to avoid being detected by their echolocation. Targeted species include dusky dolphins (Sagmatias obscurus),[70] Risso's dolphins (Grampus griseus),[70] bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops ssp.),[70][126] humpback dolphins (Sousa ssp.),[126] harbour porpoises (Phocoena phocoena),[70] and Dall's porpoises (Phocoenoides dalli).[70] Groups of dolphins have occasionally been observed defending themselves from sharks with mobbing behaviour.[126] White shark predation on other species of small cetacean has also been observed. In August 1989, a 1.8 m (5.9 ft) juvenile male pygmy sperm whale (Kogia breviceps) was found stranded in central California with a bite mark on its caudal peduncle from a great white shark.[127] In addition, white sharks attack and prey upon beaked whales.[70][126] Cases where an adult Stejneger's beaked whale (Mesoplodon stejnegeri), with a mean mass of around 1,100 kg (2,400 lb),[128] and a juvenile Cuvier's beaked whale (Ziphius cavirostris), an individual estimated at 3 m (9.8 ft), were hunted and killed by great white sharks have also been observed.[129] When hunting sea turtles, they appear to simply bite through the carapace around a flipper, immobilizing the turtle. The heaviest species of bony fish, the oceanic sunfish (Mola mola), has been found in great white shark stomachs.[116]

Whale carcasses comprise an important part of the diet of white sharks. However, this has rarely been observed due to whales dying in remote areas. It has been estimated that 30 kg (66 lb) of whale blubber could feed a 4.5 m (15 ft) white shark for 1.5 months. Detailed observations were made of four whale carcasses in False Bay between 2000 and 2010. Sharks were drawn to the carcass by chemical and odour detection, spread by strong winds. After initially feeding on the whale caudal peduncle and fluke, the sharks would investigate the carcass by slowly swimming around it and mouthing several parts before selecting a blubber-rich area. During feeding bouts of 15–20 seconds the sharks removed flesh with lateral headshakes, without the protective ocular rotation they employ when attacking live prey. The sharks were frequently observed regurgitating chunks of blubber and immediately returning to feed, possibly in order to replace low energy yield pieces with high energy yield pieces, using their teeth as mechanoreceptors to distinguish them. After feeding for several hours, the sharks appeared to become lethargic, no longer swimming to the surface; they were observed mouthing the carcass but apparently unable to bite hard enough to remove flesh, they would instead bounce off and slowly sink. Up to eight sharks were observed feeding simultaneously, bumping into each other without showing any signs of aggression; on one occasion a shark accidentally bit the head of a neighbouring shark, leaving two teeth embedded, but both continued to feed unperturbed. Smaller individuals hovered around the carcass eating chunks that drifted away. Unusually for the area, large numbers of sharks over five metres long were observed, suggesting that the largest sharks change their behaviour to search for whales as they lose the manoeuvrability required to hunt seals. The investigating team concluded that the importance of whale carcasses, particularly for the largest white sharks, has been underestimated.[130]

A shark scavenging on a whale carcass in False Bay, South Africa

In another documented incident, white sharks were observed scavenging on a whale carcass alongside tiger sharks.[131] In 2020, marine biologists Sasha Dines and Enrico Gennari published a documented incident in the journal Marine and Freshwater Research of a group of great white sharks exhibiting pack-like behaviour, successfully attacking and killing a live juvenile 7 m (23 ft) humpback whale. The sharks utilized the classic attack strategy used on pinnipeds when attacking the whale, even utilizing the bite-and-spit tactic they employ on smaller prey items. The whale was an entangled individual, heavily emaciated and thus more vulnerable to the sharks' attacks. The incident is the first known documentation of great whites actively killing a large baleen whale.[132][133] A second incident regarding great white sharks killing humpback whales involving a single large female great white nicknamed Helen was documented off the coast of South Africa. Working alone, the shark attacked a 33 ft (10 m) emaciated and entangled humpback whale by attacking the whale's tail to cripple it before she managed to drown the whale by biting onto its head and pulling it underwater. The attack was witnessed via aerial drone by marine biologist Ryan Johnson, who said the attack went on for roughly 50 minutes before the shark successfully killed the whale. Johnson suggested that the shark may have strategized its attack in order to kill such a large animal.[134][135]

Stomach contents of great whites also indicates that whale sharks both juvenile and adult may also be included on the animal's menu, though whether this is active hunting or scavenging is not known at present.[136][137]


Great white sharks were previously thought to reach sexual maturity at around 15 years of age, but are now believed to take far longer; male great white sharks reach sexual maturity at age 26, while females take 33 years to reach sexual maturity.[8][138][139] Maximum life span was originally believed to be more than 30 years, but a study by the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution placed it at upwards of 70 years. Examinations of vertebral growth ring count gave a maximum male age of 73 years and a maximum female age of 40 years for the specimens studied. The shark's late sexual maturity, low reproductive rate, long gestation period of 11 months and slow growth make it vulnerable to pressures such as overfishing and environmental change.[7]

Little is known about the great white shark's mating habits, and mating behaviour had not been observed in this species until 1997 and properly documented in 2020. It was assumed previously to be possible that whale carcasses are an important location for sexually mature sharks to meet for mating.[130] According to the testimony of fisherman Dick Ledgerwood, who observed two great white sharks mating in the area near Port Chalmers and Otago Harbor, in New Zealand, it is theorized that great white sharks mate in shallow water away from feeding areas and continually roll belly to belly during copulation.[140] Birth has never been observed, but pregnant females have been examined. Great white sharks are ovoviviparous, which means eggs develop and hatch in the uterus and continue to develop until birth.[141] The great white has an 11-month gestation period. The shark pup's powerful jaws begin to develop in the first month. The unborn sharks participate in oophagy, in which they feed on ova produced by the mother. Delivery is in spring and summer.[142] The largest number of pups recorded for this species is 14 pups from a single mother measuring 4.5 m (15 ft) that was killed incidentally off Taiwan in 2019.[143]

Breaching behaviour

Great white shark breaching near Gansbaai in South Africa

A breach is the result of a high-speed approach to the surface with the resulting momentum taking the shark partially or completely clear of the water. This is a hunting technique employed by great white sharks whilst hunting seals. This technique is often used on cape fur seals at Seal Island in False Bay, South Africa. Because the behaviour is unpredictable, it is very hard to document. It was first photographed by Chris Fallows and Rob Lawrence who developed the technique of towing a slow-moving seal decoy to trick the sharks to breach.[144] Between April and September, scientists may observe around 600 breaches. The seals swim on the surface and the great white sharks launch their predatory attack from the deeper water below. They can reach speeds of up to 40 km/h (25 mph) and can at times launch themselves more than 3 m (10 ft) into the air. Just under half of observed breach attacks are successful.[145] In 2011, a 3-m-long shark jumped onto a seven-person research vessel off Seal Island in Mossel Bay. The crew were undertaking a population study using sardines as bait, and the incident was judged not to be an attack on the boat but an accident.[146]

Natural threats

Comparison of the size of an average orca and an average great white shark

Interspecific competition between the great white shark and the orca is probable in regions where dietary preferences of both species may overlap.[126] An incident was documented on 4 October 1997, in the Farallon Islands off California in the United States. An estimated 4.7–5.3 m (15–17 ft) female orca immobilized an estimated 3–4 m (9.8–13.1 ft) great white shark.[147] The orca held the shark upside down to induce tonic immobility and kept the shark still for fifteen minutes, causing it to suffocate. The orca then proceeded to eat the dead shark's liver.[126][147][148] It is believed that the scent of the slain shark's carcass caused all the great whites in the region to flee, forfeiting an opportunity for a great seasonal feed.[149] Another similar attack apparently occurred there in 2000, but its outcome is not clear.[150] After both attacks, the local population of about 100 great whites vanished.[148][150] Following the 2000 incident, a great white with a satellite tag was found to have immediately submerged to a depth of 500 m (1,600 ft) and swum to Hawaii.[150]

In 2015, a pod of orcas was recorded to have killed a great white shark off South Australia.[151] In 2017, three great whites were found washed ashore near Gansbaai, South Africa, with their body cavities torn open and the livers removed by what is likely to have been orcas.[152] Orcas also generally impact great white distribution. Studies published in 2019 of orca and great white shark distribution and interactions around the Farallon Islands indicate that the cetaceans impact the sharks negatively, with brief appearances by orcas causing the sharks to seek out new feeding areas until the next season.[153] It is unclear whether this is an example of competitive exclusion or ecology of fear. Occasionally, however, some great whites have been seen to swim near orcas without fear.[154]

Relationship with humans

Shark bite incidents

Of all shark species, the great white shark is responsible for by far the largest number of recorded shark bite incidents on humans, with 272 documented unprovoked bite incidents on humans as of 2012.[18]

More than any documented bite incident, Peter Benchley's best-selling novel Jaws and the subsequent 1975 film adaptation directed by Steven Spielberg provided the great white shark with the image of being a "man-eater" in the public mind.[155] While great white sharks have killed humans in at least 74 documented unprovoked bite incidents, they typically do not target them: for example, in the Mediterranean Sea there have been 31 confirmed bite incidents against humans in the last two centuries, most of which were non-fatal. Many of the incidents seemed to be "test-bites". Great white sharks also test-bite buoys, flotsam, and other unfamiliar objects, and they might grab a human or a surfboard to identify what it is.

Photo of open-mouthed shark at surface.
The great white shark is one of only four kinds of shark that have been involved in a significant number of fatal unprovoked attacks on humans.

Contrary to popular belief, great white sharks do not mistake humans for seals.[156] Many bite incidents occur in waters with low visibility or other situations which impair the shark's senses. The species appears to not like the taste of humans, or at least finds the taste unfamiliar. Further research shows that they can tell in one bite whether or not the object is worth predating upon. Humans, for the most part, are too bony for their liking. They much prefer seals, which are fat and rich in protein.[157]

Studies published in 2021 by Ryan et al. in the Journal of the Royal Society Interface suggest that mistaken identity is in fact a case for many shark bite incidents perpetrated by great white sharks. Using cameras and footage of seals in aquariums as models and mounted cameras moving at the same speed and angle as a cruising great white shark looking up at the surface from below, the experiment suggests that the sharks are likely colorblind and cannot see in fine enough detail to determine whether the silhouette above them is a pinniped or a swimming human, potentially vindicating the hypothesis.[158]

Humans are not appropriate prey because the shark's digestion is too slow to cope with a human's high ratio of bone to muscle and fat. Accordingly, in most recorded shark bite incidents, great whites broke off contact after the first bite. Fatalities are usually caused by blood loss from the initial bite rather than from critical organ loss or from whole consumption. From 1990 to 2011 there have been a total of 139 unprovoked great white shark bite incidents, 29 of which were fatal.[159]

However, some researchers have hypothesized that the reason the proportion of fatalities is low is not that sharks do not like human flesh, but because humans are often able to escape after the first bite. In the 1980s, John McCosker, chair of aquatic biology at the California Academy of Sciences, noted that divers who dived solo and were bitten by great whites were generally at least partially consumed, while divers who followed the buddy system were generally rescued by their companion. McCosker and Timothy C. Tricas, an author and professor at the University of Hawaii, suggest that a standard pattern for great whites is to make an initial devastating attack and then wait for the prey to weaken before consuming the wounded animal. Humans' ability to move out of reach with the help of others, thus foiling the attack, is unusual for a great white's prey.[160]

Shark culling

A beached baby white shark

Shark culling is the deliberate killing of sharks by a government in an attempt to reduce shark attacks; shark culling is often called "shark control".[161] These programs have been criticized by environmentalists and scientists—they say these programs harm the marine ecosystem; they also say such programs are "outdated, cruel, and ineffective".[162] Many different species (dolphins, turtles, etc.) are also killed in these programs (because of their use of shark nets and drum lines)—15,135 marine animals were killed in New South Wales' nets between 1950 and 2008,[161] and 84,000 marine animals were killed by Queensland authorities from 1962 to 2015.[163]

Great white sharks are currently killed in both Queensland and New South Wales in "shark control" (shark culling) programs.[161] Queensland uses shark nets and drum lines with baited hooks, while New South Wales only uses nets. From 1962 to 2018, Queensland authorities killed about 50,000 sharks, many of which were great whites.[164] From 2013 to 2014 alone, 667 sharks were killed by Queensland authorities, including great white sharks.[161] In Queensland, great white sharks found alive on the drum lines are shot.[165] In New South Wales, between 1950 and 2008, a total of 577 great white sharks were killed in nets.[161] Between September 2017 and April 2018, fourteen great white sharks were killed in New South Wales.[166]

KwaZulu-Natal (an area of South Africa) also has a "shark control" program that kills great white sharks and other marine life. In a 30-year period, more than 33,000 sharks were killed in KwaZulu-Natal's shark-killing program, including great whites.[167]

In 2014 the state government of Western Australia led by Premier Colin Barnett implemented a policy of killing large sharks. The policy, colloquially referred to as the Western Australian shark cull, was intended to protect users of the marine environment from shark bite incidents, following the deaths of seven people on the Western Australian coastline in the years 2010–2013.[168] Baited drum lines were deployed near popular beaches using hooks designed to catch great white sharks, as well as bull and tiger sharks. Large sharks found hooked but still alive were shot and their bodies discarded at sea.[169] The government claimed they were not culling the sharks, but were using a "targeted, localised, hazard mitigation strategy".[170] Barnett described opposition as "ludicrous" and "extreme", and said that nothing could change his mind.[171] This policy was met with widespread condemnation from the scientific community, which showed that species responsible for bite incidents were notoriously hard to identify, that the drum lines failed to capture white sharks, as intended, and that the government also failed to show any correlation between their drum line policy and a decrease in shark bite incidents in the region.[172]

Attacks on boats

Great white sharks infrequently bite and sometimes even sink boats. Only five of the 108 authenticated unprovoked shark bite incidents reported from the Pacific Coast during the 20th century involved kayakers.[173] In a few cases they have bitten boats up to 10 m (33 ft) in length. They have bumped or knocked people overboard, usually biting the boat from the stern. In one case in 1936, a large shark leapt completely into the South African fishing boat Lucky Jim, knocking a crewman into the sea. Tricas and McCosker's underwater observations suggest that sharks are attracted to boats by the electrical fields they generate, which are picked up by the ampullae of Lorenzini and confuse the shark about whether or not wounded prey might be nearby.[174]

In captivity

Photo of shark
Great white shark in the Monterey Bay Aquarium in September 2006

Prior to August 1981, no great white shark in captivity lived longer than 11 days. In August 1981, a great white survived for 16 days at SeaWorld San Diego before being released.[175] The idea of containing a live great white at SeaWorld Orlando was used in the 1983 film Jaws 3-D.

Monterey Bay Aquarium first attempted to display a great white in 1984, but the shark died after 11 days because it did not eat.[176] In July 2003, Monterey researchers captured a small female and kept it in a large netted pen near Malibu for five days. They had the rare success of getting the shark to feed in captivity before its release.[177] Not until September 2004 was the aquarium able to place a great white on long-term exhibit. A young female, which was caught off the coast of Ventura, was kept in the aquarium's 3.8 million L (1 million US gal) Outer Bay exhibit for 198 days before she was released in March 2005. She was tracked for 30 days after release.[178] On the evening of 31 August 2006, the aquarium introduced a juvenile male caught outside Santa Monica Bay.[179] His first meal as a captive was a large salmon steak on 8 September 2006, and as of that date, he was estimated to be 1.72 m (68 in) in length and to weigh approximately 47 kg (104 lb). He was released on 16 January 2007, after 137 days in captivity.

Monterey Bay Aquarium housed a third great white, a juvenile male, for 162 days between 27 August 2007, and 5 February 2008. On arrival, he was 1.4 m (4.6 ft) long and weighed 30.6 kg (67 lb). He grew to 1.8 m (5.9 ft) and 64 kg (141 lb) before release. A juvenile female came to the Outer Bay Exhibit on 27 August 2008. While she did swim well, the shark fed only once during her stay and was tagged and released on 7 September 2008. Another juvenile female was captured near Malibu on 12 August 2009, introduced to the Outer Bay exhibit on 26 August 2009, and was successfully released into the wild on 4 November 2009.[180] The Monterey Bay Aquarium introduced a 1.4-m-long male into their redesigned "Open Sea" exhibit on 31 August 2011. He was exhibited for 55 days, and was released into the wild on the 25th of October the same year. However, the shark was determined to have died shortly after release via an attached electronic tag. The cause of death is not known.[181][182][183]

The Monterey Bay Aquarium does not plan to exhibit any more great whites, as the main purpose of containing them was scientific. As data from captive great whites were no longer needed, the institute has instead shifted its focus to study wild sharks.[184]

One of the largest adult great whites ever exhibited was at Japan's Okinawa Churaumi Aquarium in 2016, where a 3.5 m (11 ft) male was exhibited for three days before dying.[185][186] Perhaps the most famous captive was a 2.4 m (7.9 ft) female named Sandy, which in August 1980 became the only great white to be housed at the California Academy of Sciences' Steinhart Aquarium in San Francisco, California. She was released because she would not eat and constantly bumped against the walls.[187]

Due to the vast amounts of resources required and the subsequent cost to keep a great white shark alive in captivity, their dietary preferences, size, migratory nature, and the stress of capture and containment, permanent exhibition of a great white shark is likely to be unfeasible.[188]

Shark tourism

Cage diving is most common at sites where great whites are frequent including the coast of South Africa, the Neptune Islands in South Australia,[189] and Guadalupe Island in Baja California. The popularity of cage diving and swimming with sharks is at the focus of a booming tourist industry.[190][191] A common practice is to chum the water with pieces of fish to attract the sharks. These practices may make sharks more accustomed to people in their environment and to associate human activity with food; a potentially dangerous situation. By drawing bait on a wire towards the cage, tour operators lure the shark to the cage, possibly striking it, exacerbating this problem. Other operators draw the bait away from the cage, causing the shark to swim past the divers.

At present, hang baits are illegal off Isla Guadalupe and reputable dive operators do not use them. Operators in South Africa and Australia continue to use hang baits and pinniped decoys.[192] In South Australia, playing rock music recordings underwater, including the AC/DC album Back in Black has also been used experimentally to attract sharks.[193]

Companies object to being blamed for shark bite incidents, pointing out that lightning tends to strike humans more often than sharks bite humans.[194] Their position is that further research needs to be done before banning practices such as chumming, which may alter natural behaviour.[195] One compromise is to only use chum in areas where whites actively patrol anyway, well away from human leisure areas. Also, responsible dive operators do not feed sharks. Only sharks that are willing to scavenge follow the chum trail and if they find no food at the end then the shark soon swims off and does not associate chum with a meal. It has been suggested that government licensing strategies may help enforce these responsible tourism.[192]

Conservation status

It is unclear how much of a concurrent increase in fishing for great white sharks has caused the decline of great white shark populations from the 1970s to the present. No accurate global population numbers are available, but the great white shark is now considered vulnerable.[1] Sharks taken during the long interval between birth and sexual maturity never reproduce, making population recovery and growth difficult.[8]

The International Union for Conservation of Nature notes that very little is known about the actual status of the great white shark, but as it appears uncommon compared to other widely distributed species, it is considered vulnerable.[1] It is included in Appendix II of CITES,[14] meaning that international trade in the species (including parts and derivatives) requires a permit.[196] As of March 2010, it has also been included in Annex I of the CMS Migratory Sharks MoU, which strives for increased international understanding and coordination for the protection of certain migratory sharks.[197] A February 2010 study by Barbara Block of Stanford University estimated the world population of great white sharks to be lower than 3,500 individuals, making the species more vulnerable to extinction than the tiger, whose population is in the same range.[198] According to another study from 2014 by George H. Burgess, Florida Museum of Natural History, University of Florida, there are about 2,000 great white sharks near the California coast, which is 10 times higher than the previous estimate of 219 by Barbara Block.[199][200]

Fishermen target many sharks for their jaws, teeth, and fins, and as game fish in general. The great white shark, however, is rarely an object of commercial fishing, although its flesh is considered valuable. If casually captured (it happens for example in some tonnare in the Mediterranean), it is misleadingly sold as smooth-hound shark.[201]

In Australia

The great white shark was declared vulnerable by the Australian Government in 1999 because of significant population decline and is currently protected under the Environmental Protection and Biodiversity Conservation (EPBC) Act.[202] The causes of decline prior to protection included mortality from sport fishing harvests as well as being caught in beach protection netting.[203]

The national conservation status of the great white shark is reflected by all Australian states under their respective laws, granting the species full protection throughout Australia regardless of jurisdiction.[202] Many states had prohibited the killing or possession of great white sharks prior to national legislation coming into effect. The great white shark is further listed as threatened in Victoria under the Flora and Fauna Guarantee Act, and as rare or likely to become extinct under Schedule 5 of the Wildlife Conservation Act in Western Australia.[202]

In 2002, the Australian government created the White Shark Recovery Plan, implementing government-mandated conservation research and monitoring for conservation in addition to federal protection and stronger regulation of shark-related trade and tourism activities.[203] An updated recovery plan was published in 2013 to review progress, research findings, and to implement further conservation actions.[15] A study in 2012 revealed that Australia's white shark population was separated by Bass Strait into genetically distinct eastern and western populations, indicating a need for the development of regional conservation strategies.[204]

Presently, human-caused shark mortality is continuing, primarily from accidental and illegal catching in commercial and recreational fishing as well as from being caught in beach protection netting, and the populations of great white shark in Australia are yet to recover.[15]

In spite of official protections in Australia, great white sharks continue to be killed in state "shark control" programs within Australia. For example, the government of Queensland has a "shark control" program (shark culling) which kills great white sharks (as well as other marine life) using shark nets and drum lines with baited hooks.[205][161] In Queensland, great white sharks that are found alive on the baited hooks are shot.[165] The government of New South Wales also kills great white sharks in its "shark control" program.[161] Partly because of these programs, shark numbers in eastern Australia have decreased.[164]

The Australasian population of great white sharks is believed to be in excess of 8,000–10,000 individuals according to genetic research studies done by CSIRO, with an adult population estimated to be around 2,210 individuals in both Eastern and Western Australia. The annual survival rate for juveniles in these two separate populations was estimated in the same study to be close to 73 percent, while adult sharks had a 93 percent annual survival rate. Whether or not mortality rates in great white sharks have declined, or the population has increased as a result of the protection of this species in Australian waters is as yet unknown due to the slow growth rates of this species.[206]

In New Zealand

The great white shark is one of the most commonly found in the waters of New Zealand.[207] As of April 2007, great white sharks were fully protected within 370 km (230 mi) of New Zealand and additionally from fishing by New Zealand-flagged boats outside this range. The maximum penalty is a $250,000 fine and up to six months in prison.[208] In June 2018 the New Zealand Department of Conservation classified the great white shark under the New Zealand Threat Classification System as "Nationally Endangered". The species meets the criteria for this classification as there exists a moderate, stable population of between 1000 and 5000 mature individuals. This classification has the qualifiers "Data Poor" and "Threatened Overseas".[209]

In North America

In 2013, great white sharks were added to California's Endangered Species Act. From data collected, the population of great whites in the North Pacific was estimated to be fewer than 340 individuals. Research also reveals these sharks are genetically distinct from other members of their species elsewhere in Africa, Australia, and the east coast of North America, having been isolated from other populations.[210]

A 2014 study estimated the population of great white sharks along the California coastline to be approximately 2,400.[211][212]

In 2015 Massachusetts banned catching, cage diving, feeding, towing decoys, or baiting and chumming for its significant and highly predictable migratory great white population without an appropriate research permit. The goal of these restrictions is to both protect the sharks and public health.[213]

See also



  1. ^ During Belon's time, sharks were called "sea dogs".[27]


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Great white shark: Brief Summary

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The great white shark (Carcharodon carcharias), also known as the white shark, white pointer, or simply great white, is a species of large mackerel shark which can be found in the coastal surface waters of all the major oceans. It is notable for its size, with the largest preserved female specimen measuring 5.83 m (19.1 ft) in length and around 2,000 kg (4,410 lb) in weight at maturity. However, most are smaller; males measure 3.4 to 4.0 m (11 to 13 ft), and females measure 4.6 to 4.9 m (15 to 16 ft) on average. According to a 2014 study, the lifespan of great white sharks is estimated to be as long as 70 years or more, well above previous estimates, making it one of the longest lived cartilaginous fishes currently known. According to the same study, male great white sharks take 26 years to reach sexual maturity, while the females take 33 years to be ready to produce offspring. Great white sharks can swim at speeds of 25 km/h (16 mph) for short bursts and to depths of 1,200 m (3,900 ft).

The great white shark is an apex predator, as it has no known natural predators other than, on very rare occasions, the orca. It is arguably the world's largest-known extant macropredatory fish, and is one of the primary predators of marine mammals, up to the size of large baleen whales. This shark is also known to prey upon a variety of other marine animals, including fish, and seabirds. It is the only known surviving species of its genus Carcharodon, and is responsible for more recorded human bite incidents than any other shark.

The species faces numerous ecological challenges which has resulted in international protection. The International Union for Conservation of Nature lists the great white shark as a vulnerable species, and it is included in Appendix II of CITES. It is also protected by several national governments, such as Australia (as of 2018). Due to their need to travel long distances for seasonal migration and extremely demanding diet, it is not logistically feasible to keep great white sharks in captivity; because of this, while attempts have been made to do so in the past, there are no known aquariums in the world believed to house a live specimen.

The novel Jaws by Peter Benchley and its subsequent film adaptation by Steven Spielberg depicted the great white shark as a ferocious man-eater. Humans are not a preferred prey of the great white shark, but the great white is nevertheless responsible for the largest number of reported and identified fatal unprovoked shark attacks on humans, although this happens very rarely (typically fewer than 10 times a year globally).

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provided by World Register of Marine Species
Possibly to 8 m, world's largest predator. Generally in the open ocean, but does swim into shallower waters. Most attacks occurred in estuaries. Usually swims alone or in pairs but can be found in feeding aggregations. A versatile predator with a broad prey spectrum. Feeds on sturgeon and tunas, as well as sea lions and other large animals and fish (Ref. 9987). Presumably ovoviviparous. Reported by some experts to attack humans which they mistake for their normal prey of seals. Reported to cause poisoning (Ref. 4690). Meat is utilized fresh and smoked for human consumption, the skin for leather and the liver for oil (Ref. 9987).


Froese, R. & D. Pauly (Editors). (2023). FishBase. World Wide Web electronic publication. version (02/2023).

WoRMS Editorial Board
Edward Vanden Berghe [email]


provided by World Register of Marine Species
Bony fishes such as salmon, hake, halibut, mackerel and tunas. As well, other sharks, sea turtles, seabirds and marine mammals are eaten.


North-West Atlantic Ocean species (NWARMS)

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Kennedy, Mary [email]


provided by World Register of Marine Species
Newfoundland to Argentina


North-West Atlantic Ocean species (NWARMS)

WoRMS Editorial Board
Kennedy, Mary [email]


provided by World Register of Marine Species
Found in coastal and offshore waters, may enter small bays and harbours and approach shore.


North-West Atlantic Ocean species (NWARMS)

WoRMS Editorial Board
Kennedy, Mary [email]


provided by World Register of Marine Species


North-West Atlantic Ocean species (NWARMS)

WoRMS Editorial Board
Kennedy, Mary [email]