Dipurena strangulata.
Hydra vulgaris.. 1. Hydra with ova and young, unhatcher.; Egg ready to burst its shell.
Stephen D. Cairns, Alberto Lindner
Figure 21.Color figures of skeleton of various Alaskan stylasterids: A Stylaster parageus parageus, B Stylaster parageus columbiensis C Stylaster elassotomus D Stylaster crassiseptum E–G Stylaster alaskanus. A holotype, USNM 42871 B holotype, USNM 1122462 C holotype, USNM 43268 D holotype, USNM 1122531 E holotype of Stylaster gemmascens alaskanus, USNM 43269 F holotype of Stylaster cancellatus, USNM 43267 G large colony, USNM 1122454.
Hydra viridis (Trembley). 1. Hydra magnified, bearing an embryo ready to detach itself.; 2. Animal...
Protiara haeckeli.
Stephen D. Cairns, Alberto Lindner
Figure 26.Stylaster crassiseptum A, D, H–I male paratype, USNM 112519, B–C, E–G, J holotype (female), USNM 1122531: A stereo view of cyclosystems and a cluster of male ampullae B branch segment showing sympodial arrangement of cyclosystems C–D cyclosystems E thick pseudosepta and thin dactylotomes F coenosteal texture G robust dactylostyle H stereo view of gastropore tube and male ampulla I gastrostyle surrounded by well–developed ring palisade J female ampulla.
Hybocodon pendula.
Stephen D. Cairns, Alberto Lindner
Figure 21. Color figures of skeleton of various Alaskan stylasterids: A Stylaster parageus parageus, B Stylaster parageus columbiensis C Stylaster elassotomus D Stylaster crassiseptum E–G Stylaster alaskanus. A holotype, USNM 42871 B holotype, USNM 1122462 C holotype, USNM 43268 D holotype, USNM 1122531 E holotype of Stylaster gemmascens alaskanus, USNM 43269 F holotype of Stylaster cancellatus, USNM 43267 G large colony, USNM 1122454.
Eudendrium album Nutting. A. Hydranth with male gonophores.
Stephen D. Cairns, Alberto Lindner
Figure 23. Stylaster parageus columbiensis, A–H, J holotype (male), USNM 1122462, I female paratype, USNM 1117112: A stereo view of branch segment including male ampullae B a cyclosystem C longitudinal fracture of a cyclosystem D stereo view of a gastrostyle and rudimentary ring palisade E–F rough and smooth coenosteal texture G gastrostyle tip and ring palisade H two dactylostyles I female ampulla J male ampullae.
Hydractinia polyclina Ag. A.Nutritive 'person.' B. Reproductive persons. C.Spiral zooids or fighting persons.
2010 University of California Museum of Paleontology
2006 California Academy of Sciences
Colony consists of feeding and reproductive polypsabout 5 cm high.
2005 California Academy of Sciences
Here are two colonies, pink and purple, of California Hydrocoral--they are not anthozoan 'true' corals. These colonies were at 18 m depth, but the species extends into deep water. The colonies have separate sexes, they are slow-growing, and these could be 100 years old.
2002 California Academy of Sciences
2006 California Academy of Sciences
Don't touch hydroids; they can sting you. This one is growing on kelp.
2005 California Academy of Sciences
No polyp stage of this hydrozoan has been recognized. Note the prominent eye spots.
2012 California Academy of Sciences
2012 California Academy of Sciences
2006 California Academy of Sciences
2006 California Academy of Sciences
2006 California Academy of Sciences
2008 California Academy of Sciences
Public Domain 2011 Randolph Femmer Courtesy of life.nbii.gov
NBII images
Category hierarchy: Biomes | Water & Wetlands | Coastal EnvironmentsDescription: By-the-wind sailor jellyfish washed onto a sandy beach as well as shells and clumps of Sargassum seaweed.Capture device: FinePix S3100Capture details: 6x optical zoom lens; Effective pixels 4.0 millionOriginal date: 20100405|||090837Locality: Latitude: 2.722254740000000e+001; Longitude: -8.018115670000000e+001