Description: A hydroid colony living on a riser at the Heather Alpha platform in the North Sea Item Type: Image Title: Colony of hydroids in the North Sea Species: Tubularia larynx Behaviour: Living on riser Site: Atlantic -- North SeaNorth Sea Site Description: Seafloor Depth (m): approx 40 Countries: UK -- North Sea Habitat: Temperate Rig: Heather Alpha Project Partners: Rovtech, Lundin Petroleum, iicorr Deposited By: Rob Curry Deposited On: 24 May 2007
Figure 5.Color figures of skeleton of various Alaskan stylasterids: A Errinopora fisheri B, G–I Errinopora nanneca C, F Errinopora undulata, D Errinopora disticha E Errinopora zarhyncha. A holotype, USNM 1123526 B holotype, USNM 42875 C holotype, USNM 112327 D holotype, USNM 1123524 E holotype, USNM 42874 F lateral view of a large paratype, USNM 1123528 G lamellate colony with digitate distal branches, USNM 1123462 H lamellate colony, USNM 44070 I intermediate form between lamellate and digitate, USNM 1123510.
Description: Hydroid Tubularia regalis Item Type: Image Title: Hydroid Tubularia regalis Copyright: SERPENT project Species: Tubularia regalis Site: Atlantic -- North Sea -- West of Shetland -- TornadoNorth Sea -- West of Shetland -- Tornado Site Description: Seafloor Depth (m): 1050 Latitude: 60 deg 33' 44" N Longitude: 4 deg 27' 23" W Countries: UK -- West of Shetland Habitat: benthic Rig: Stena Carron Project Partners: OMV, Oceaneering, Stena ROV: Magnum 156 Deposited By: Dr Daniel Jones Deposited On: 23 December 2009
Millepora sp. 1 is not the primary subject of the video clip; the primary subject is Dascyllus reticulatus (Reticulated damsel). South Pacific Ocean, Duration 111 seconds
Figure 8.Holotype of Errinopora disticha, USNM 1123524: A–B distichoporine pore rows and female ampullae (A a stereo view) C gastropore and adjacent dactylopore spine with dactylostyle D–E coenosteal texture F–G dactylostyle H–I lateral view of gastrostyle J detail of gastrostyle spines.
Description: A large hydroid found attached to rocks on the seabed Item Type: Image Title: Tubularia Copyright: SERPENT Project Species: Tubularia sp Behaviour: Sessile organism Site: Atlantic -- North Sea -- West of Shetland -- RosebankNorth Sea -- West of Shetland -- Rosebank Site Description: Seafloor Depth (m): 1085 Latitude: 60 deg 59' 33" N Longitude: 3 deg 49' 49" E Habitat: Benthic Rig: Transocean Rather Project Partners: Chevron, Subsea 7, Transocean ROV: Centurion 05 HD (work class) Deposited By: Dr Andrew Gates Deposited On: 13 July 2007