Agalma elegans usually lives below the surface to avoid turbulence, and is most frequently encountered by scuba divers.
Agalma elegans: upper view of nectophore (A), upper view of bract (B), lateral view of tentillum (C). (Figure by Barry Mapstone)
Microsope specimen image of USNM 1422474; Bract; image 10; Scale Bar = 3 mm
Microsope specimen image of USNM 1422474; Cormidium; image 27; Scale Bar = 1 mm
Microsope specimen image of USNM 1422474; Nectophore; image 3; Scale Bar = 3 mm
Microsope specimen image of USNM 1422474; Cormidium; image 30; Scale Bar = 1 mm
Microsope specimen image of USNM 1422474; Cormidium; image 28; Scale Bar = 1 mm
Microsope specimen image of USNM 1422474; Palpon; image 23; Scale Bar = 1 mm
Microsope specimen image of USNM 1422474; Nectophore; image 5; Scale Bar = 3 mm
Microsope specimen image of USNM 1422474; Gonophore; image 20; Scale Bar = 0.5 mm
Microsope specimen image of USNM 1422474; Gonophore; image 13; Scale Bar = 1 mm
Microsope specimen image of USNM 1422474; Bract; image 8.1; Scale Bar = 3 mm
Microsope specimen image of USNM 1422474; Bract; image 9; Scale Bar = 2 mm
Microsope specimen image of USNM 1422474; Gonophore; image 15; Scale Bar = 1 mm
Microsope specimen image of USNM 1422474; Gonophore; image 21; Scale Bar = 0.5 mm
Microsope specimen image of USNM 1422474; Gonophore; image 14; Scale Bar = 1 mm
Microsope specimen image of USNM 1422474; Cormidium; image 29; Scale Bar = 1 mm
Microsope specimen image of USNM 1422474; Cormidium; image 25; Scale Bar = 2 mm
Microsope specimen image of USNM 1422474; Nectophore; image 1; Scale Bar = 2 mm
Microsope specimen image of USNM 1422474; Nectophore; image 2; Scale Bar = 4 mm