

provided by NMNH Antarctic Invertebrates

"1. Primnoeides Studer and Wright

in Studer, 1887


Primnoeides Studer and Wright in Studer, 1887:52.—Bayer, 1956:F220; 1961:292 [illustrated key to genus]; 1981b:934 [key to genus].—Bayer and Stefani, 1989:455 [key to genus].—Williams, 1992:276.

Primnoides Wright and Studer, 1889:90 [incorrect subsequent spelling].—Versluys, 1906:9.—Kükenthal, 1915:142, 144 [key to genus]; 1919:339; 1924:253.

DIAGNOSIS. Colonies uniplanar, branching in an opposite, pinnate manner. Calyces arranged in pairs (Figure 3b) or whorls of three, the calyces inclined upward; brood chambers in base of calyx common. Rudimentary operculum present, composed of small rounded scales not keeled on inner surface, in the closed position usually completed overshadowed by adjacent marginals (Figure 3a); operculars usually do not entirely cover the distal polyp. Body wall, marginal, and opercular scales similar in shape, becoming progressively smaller distally. Small calyces completely covered with eight longitudinal rows of body wall scales, but larger calyces add additional scales in an irregular manner, resulting in nonlinear arrangement of body wall scales. Outer surface of scales smooth, inner surface bearing only sparse tubercles. Coenenchymal scales in two layers: outer layer consists of smooth, flat, circular to elliptical scales; inner layer consists of small tuberculate spheroids (see Versluys, 1906:fig. 4).

DISCUSSION. Primnoeides bears resemblance to Aglaoprimnoa but differs in branching pattern, having a tendency to form only pairs (not whorls) of calyces, and in lacking keels on the opercular scales.

Williams (1992) implied that a second, undescribed species in the genus exits from off southwestern South Africa (400–450 m), but it has not yet been described.

DISTRIBUTION. Prince Edward Island, off South Africa (Williams, 1992, and herein), Indian Ocean, 400–558 m. This infrequently collected genus is known only from the type locality and generalized localities from off southwestern South Africa (Williams, 1992). Another record of P. sertularoides is reported herein: Gilchrist station 70: 33°16′13″S, 17°28′10″E (off Cape Town, South Africa), 413 m, 7 May 1920, USNM 58601 (ex BM 1933.12.1.9).

TYPE SPECIES. P. sertularoides Wright and Studer, 1889, by subsequent monotypy. The holotype (in alcohol) is deposited at the BM (1889.05.27.62 and 1922.1.21.1), and a fragment of the type is deposited at the ZMA (Coel. 3085) (van Soest, 1979)."

(Cairns and Bayer, 2009)


provided by wikipedia EN

Primnoeides is a genus of Cnidaria in the family Primnoidae.



  1. ^ a b Wright, E. & Studer, T. (1887). Report on the Alcyonacea collected by H. M. S. Challenger during the Years 1873–76. In Murray, J. (Ed.), Report on the Scientific Results of the Voyage of H. M. S. Challenger During the Years 1873–76 Under the Command of Captain George S. Nares, R. N., F. R. S. and the Late Captain Frank Tourle Thomson, R. N. Prepared Under the Superintendence of the Late Sir C. Wyville Thomson, Knt., F. R. S., &c., Regius Professor of Natural History in the University of Edinburgh, Director of the Civilian Scientific Staff on Board, and Now of John Murray, Ll. D., Ph. D., &c., One of the Naturalists of the Expedition. London: Eyre & Spottiswoode, East Harding Street, Fetter Lane.
  2. ^ Zapata-Guardiola, R. & López-González, P. (2010). Two new gorgonian genera (Octocorallia: Primnoidae) from Southern Ocean waters. Polar Biology, 33(3), 313–320.
  3. ^ Taylor, M. L. & Rogers, A. D. (2017). Primnoidae (Cnidaria: Octocorallia) of the southwest Indian Ocean: new species, genus revisions, and systematics. Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society, 181(1), 70–97.
  4. ^ Zapata-Guardiola, R. & López-González, P. (2010). Redescription of Thouarella brucei Thomson and Ritchie, 1906 (Cnidaria: Octocorallia: Primnoidae) and description of two new Antarctic primnoid species. Zootaxa, 2616, 48–68.
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Primnoeides: Brief Summary

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Primnoeides is a genus of Cnidaria in the family Primnoidae.

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