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Português do Brasil
names in breadcrumbs
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Português do Brasil
names in breadcrumbs
Anemones And Corals
Soft Corals
Cellular Organisms
Anemones And Corals
Soft Corals
Yellow Sea Fan
Melithaea africana (Kükenthal 1908)
Scientific Names
Preferred Names
Melithaea africana (Kükenthal 1908)
Species recognized by
EOL Dynamic Hierarchy April 2022
Reference taxon from World Register of Marine Species
Melithaea africana
Species recognized by
wikipedia NL
South Africa Species List
Indian Ocean Species List
, and
South Atlantic Species List
Melithaea africana
(Kükenthal 1908)
Species recognized by
EOL Dynamic Hierarchy 1.1
EOL Dynamic Hierarchy 1.1
, and
GBIF classification
Melithaea africana
(Kükenthal 1908)
Recognized by
OBIS environmental data records
Melithaea africana
Species recognized by
wikidata_hierarchy tar gz
Melithaea africana (Kükenthal 1908)
Species recognized by
Catalogue of Life 26 March 2024
World Register of Marine Species
GBIF data coverage
Dynamic Hierarchy Version 2.2.3
, and
EOL Dynamic Hierarchy Version 2.2.4
Melitodes africana
Recognized by
BHL data coverage
Alternative Names
Melitodes africana Kükenthal 1908
Not accepted according to
EOL Dynamic Hierarchy April 2022
Reference taxon from World Register of Marine Species
Melitodes africana
(Kükenthal 1908)
Synonym according to
EOL Dynamic Hierarchy 1.1
EOL Dynamic Hierarchy 1.1
Acabaria africana (Kükenthal 1908)
Synonym according to
Catalogue of Life 26 March 2024
Melitodes africana Kükenthal 1908
Not accepted according to
Dynamic Hierarchy Version 2.2.3
EOL Dynamic Hierarchy Version 2.2.4
Melitodes africana Kükenthal 1908
Synonym according to
Catalogue of Life 26 March 2024
Common Names
There are no common names associated with this taxon.
Curated hierarchies for Melithaea africana (Kükenthal 1908)
EOL Dynamic Hierarchy April 2022
Cellular Organisms
Anthozoa Ehrenberg 1834
Octocorallia Haeckel 1866
Alcyonacea Lamouroux 1812
Scleraxonia Studer 1887
Melithaeidae Gray 1870
Melithaeinae Alderslade 2006
Melithaea Milne Edwards 1857
Melithaea africana (Kükenthal 1908)
(this page)
Melithaea acuta (Gray 1870)
Melithaea akalyx (Kükenthal 1908)
Melithaea albitincta (Ridley 1884)
Melithaea andamanensis (van Ofwegen 1987)
Melithaea arborea (Kükenthal 1908)
Melithaea atrorubens (Gray 1870)
Melithaea aurantia (Esper 1798)
Melithaea australis (Gray 1868)
Melithaea baladea (Grasshoff 1999)
Melithaea bicolor (Nutting 1908)
Melithaea biserialis (Kükenthal 1908)
Melithaea boninensis Matsumoto & van Ofwegen 2015
Melithaea braueri (Kükenthal 1919)
Melithaea caledonica Grasshoff 1999
Melithaea cinquemiglia (Grasshoff 1999)
Melithaea clavigera (Ridley 1884)
Melithaea coccinea (Ellis & Solander 1786)
Melithaea contorta (Dean 1932)
Melithaea corymbosa (Kükenthal 1908)
Melithaea delicata (Hickson 1940)
Melithaea dichotoma (Linnaeus 1758)
Melithaea divaricata (Gray 1859)
Melithaea doederleini Matsumoto & van Ofwegen 2015
Melithaea dubia (Broch 1916)
Melithaea ellisi (Hickson 1937)
Melithaea elongata (Gray 1859)
Melithaea esperi (Wright & Studer 1889)
Melithaea flabellata (Gray 1870)
Melithaea flabellum (Thomson & Mackinnon 1910)
Melithaea formosa (Nutting 1911)
Melithaea fragilis (Wright & Studer 1889)
Melithaea frondosa (Brundin 1896)
Melithaea furcata (Thomson 1916)
Melithaea gracilis (Gray 1859)
Melithaea gracillima (Ridley 1884)
Melithaea haddoni (Hickson 1937)
Melithaea hendersoni Reijnen, McFadden, Hermanlimianto & van Ofwegen 2014
Melithaea hicksoni (Nutting 1911)
Melithaea isonoi Matsumoto & van Ofwegen 2015
Melithaea japonica (Verrill 1865)
Melithaea keramaensis Matsumoto & van Ofwegen 2015
Melithaea kuea (Grasshoff 1999)
Melithaea laevis (Wright & Studer 1889)
Melithaea linearis (Gray 1870)
Melithaea mabahissi (Hickson 1940)
Melithaea maldivensis (van Ofwegen 1987)
Melithaea mertoni (Kükenthal 1909)
Melithaea modesta (Kükenthal 1908)
Melithaea moluccana (Kükenthal 1896)
Melithaea mutsu (Minobe 1929)
Melithaea occidentalis Duchassaing 1870
Melithaea ochracea (Linnaeus 1758)
Melithaea ornata (Thomson & Simpson 1909)
Melithaea ouvea (Grasshoff 1999)
Melithaea oyeni Matsumoto & van Ofwegen 2015
Melithaea planiloca (Ridley 1888)
Melithaea planoregularis (Kükenthal 1909)
Melithaea pulchella (Thomson & Simpson 1909)
Melithaea pulchra (Hickson 1937)
Melithaea ramulosa (Kükenthal 1909)
Melithaea retifera (Lamarck 1816)
Melithaea robusta (Shann 1912)
Melithaea roemeri (Kükenthal 1908)
Melithaea rubeola (Wright & Studer 1889)
Melithaea rubra (Esper 1789)
Melithaea rubrinodis (Gray 1859)
Melithaea rugosa (Wright & Studer 1889)
Melithaea ryukyuensis Matsumoto & van Ofwegen 2015
Melithaea sagamiensis Matsumoto & van Ofwegen 2015
Melithaea sanguinea (Kükenthal 1908)
Melithaea serrata (Ridley 1884)
Melithaea shanni Reijnen, McFadden, Hermanlimianto & van Ofwegen 2014
Melithaea sinaica (Grasshoff 2000)
Melithaea sinuata (Wright & Studer 1889)
Melithaea spinosa (Kükenthal 1909)
Melithaea splendens (Thomson & McQueen 1908)
Melithaea spongiosa (Nutting 1911)
Melithaea squamata (Nutting 1911)
Melithaea squarrosa (Kükenthal 1909)
Melithaea stiasnyi (van Ofwegen 1989)
Melithaea stormii (Studer 1895)
Melithaea studeri (Nutting 1911)
Melithaea suensoni Matsumoto & van Ofwegen 2015
Melithaea superba (Kükenthal 1919)
Melithaea tanseii Matsumoto & van Ofwegen 2015
Melithaea tenella (Dana 1846)
Melithaea tenuis (Kükenthal 1908)
Melithaea textiformis (Lamarck 1815)
Melithaea thomsoni (Broch 1916)
Melithaea thorpeae Reijnen, McFadden, Hermanlimianto & van Ofwegen 2014
Melithaea tokaraensis Matsumoto & van Ofwegen 2015
Melithaea tongaensis (Kükenthal 1908)
Melithaea triangulata (Nutting 1911)
Melithaea trilineata (Thomson 1917)
Melithaea undulata (Kükenthal 1908)
Melithaea valdiviae (Kükenthal 1908)
Melithaea variabilis (Hickson 1905)
Melithaea virgata (Verrill 1846)
Melithaea wrighti Reijnen, McFadden, Hermanlimianto & van Ofwegen 2014
Melithaea zimmeri (Kükenthal 1908)
13 additional siblings truncated for brevity.
See the
resource file
for a full list.
Catalogue of Life 26 March 2024
Malacalcyonacea McFadden, van Ofwegen & Quattrini 2022
Melithaeidae Gray 1870
Melithaeinae Alderslade 2006
Melithaea Milne Edwards 1857
Melithaea africana (Kükenthal 1908)
(this page)
Melithaea acuta (Gray 1870)
Melithaea akalyx (Kükenthal 1908)
Melithaea albitincta (Ridley 1884)
Melithaea amboinensis (Hentschel 1903)
Melithaea andamanensis (van Ofwegen 1987)
Melithaea arborea (Kükenthal 1908)
Melithaea atrorubens (Gray 1870)
Melithaea aurantia (Esper 1798)
Melithaea australis (Gray 1868)
Melithaea baladea (Grasshoff 1999)
Melithaea bicolor (Nutting 1908)
Melithaea biserialis (Kükenthal 1908)
Melithaea braueri (Kükenthal 1919)
Melithaea caledonica Grasshoff 1999
Melithaea capensis (Studer 1878)
Melithaea cinquemiglia (Grasshoff 1999)
Melithaea clavigera (Ridley 1884)
Melithaea coccinea (Ellis & Solander 1786)
Melithaea contorta (Dean 1932)
Melithaea corymbosa (Kükenthal 1908)
Melithaea delicata (Hickson 1940)
Melithaea dichotoma (Linnaeus 1758)
Melithaea divaricata (Gray 1859)
Melithaea dubia (Broch 1916)
Melithaea ellisi (Hickson 1937)
Melithaea elongata (Gray 1859)
Melithaea esperi (Wright & Studer 1889)
Melithaea flabellata (Gray 1870)
Melithaea flabellum (Thomson & Mackinnon 1910)
Melithaea formosa (Nutting 1911)
Melithaea fragilis (Wright & Studer 1889)
Melithaea frondosa (Brundin 1896)
Melithaea furcata (J. S. Thomson 1916)
Melithaea gracilis (Gray 1859)
Melithaea gracillima (Ridley 1884)
Melithaea haddoni (Hickson 1937)
Melithaea hicksoni (Nutting 1911)
Melithaea isonoi Matsumoto & van Ofwegen 2015
Melithaea japonica (Verrill 1865)
Melithaea keramaensis Matsumoto & van Ofwegen 2015
Melithaea klunzingeri (Kükenthal 1908)
Melithaea kuea (Grasshoff 1999)
Melithaea laevis (Wright & Studer 1889)
Melithaea linearis (Gray 1870)
Melithaea mabahissi (Hickson 1940)
Melithaea maldivensis (van Ofwegen 1987)
Melithaea mcqueeni Reijnen, McFadden, Hermanlimianto & van Ofwegen 2014
Melithaea mertoni (Kükenthal 1909)
Melithaea moluccana Kükenthal 1919
Melithaea mutsu (Minobe 1929)
Melithaea nodosa (Wright & Studer 1889)
Melithaea occidentalis Duchassaing 1870
Melithaea ochracea (Linnaeus 1758)
Melithaea omanensis (van Ofwegen 1987)
Melithaea ornata (Thomson & Simpson 1909)
Melithaea ouvea (Grasshoff 1999)
Melithaea oyeni Matsumoto & van Ofwegen 2015
Melithaea philippinensis (Wright & Studer 1889)
Melithaea planiloca (Ridley 1888)
Melithaea planoregularis (Kükenthal 1909)
Melithaea pulchella (Thomson & Simpson 1909)
Melithaea pulchra (Hickson 1937)
Melithaea ramulosa (Kükenthal 1909)
Melithaea retifera (Lamarck 1816)
Melithaea roemeri (Kükenthal 1908)
Melithaea rubeola (Wright & Studer 1889)
Melithaea rubra (Esper 1789)
Melithaea rubrinodis (Gray 1859)
Melithaea rugosa (Wright & Studer 1889)
Melithaea ryukyuensis Matsumoto & van Ofwegen 2015
Melithaea sagamiensis Matsumoto & van Ofwegen 2015
Melithaea sanguinea (Kükenthal 1908)
Melithaea satsumaensis Matsumoto & van Ofwegen 2015
Melithaea serrata (Ridley 1884)
Melithaea shanni Reijnen, McFadden, Hermanlimianto & van Ofwegen 2014
Melithaea sinaica (Grasshoff 2000)
Melithaea singularis (Thomson 1916)
Melithaea spinosa (Kükenthal 1909)
Melithaea splendens (Thomson & McQueen 1908)
Melithaea squamata (Nutting 1911)
Melithaea squarrosa (Kükenthal 1909)
Melithaea stiasnyi (van Ofwegen 1989)
Melithaea stormii (Studer 1895)
Melithaea studeri (Nutting 1911)
Melithaea suensoni Matsumoto & van Ofwegen 2015
Melithaea superba (Kükenthal 1919)
Melithaea tanseii Matsumoto & van Ofwegen 2015
Melithaea tenella Dana 1846
Melithaea tenuis (Kükenthal 1908)
Melithaea textiformis (Lamarck 1816)
Melithaea thomsoni (Broch 1916)
Melithaea tokaraensis Matsumoto & van Ofwegen 2015
Melithaea tongaensis (Kükenthal 1908)
Melithaea triangulata (Nutting 1911)
Melithaea trilineata (J. S. Thomson 1916)
Melithaea undulata (Kükenthal 1908)
Melithaea valdiviae (Kükenthal 1908)
Melithaea variabilis (Hickson 1905)
Melithaea virgata (Verrill 1846)
Melithaea wrighti Reijnen, McFadden, Hermanlimianto & van Ofwegen 2014
14 additional siblings truncated for brevity.
See the
resource file
for a full list.
Dynamic Hierarchy Version 2.2.3
Melithaea africana (Kükenthal 1908)
(this page)
Melithaea acuta (Gray 1870)
Melithaea akalyx (Kükenthal 1908)
Melithaea albitincta (Ridley 1884)
Melithaea andamanensis (van Ofwegen 1987)
Melithaea arborea (Kükenthal 1908)
Melithaea atrorubens (Gray 1870)
Melithaea aurantia (Esper 1798)
Melithaea australis (Gray 1868)
Melithaea baladea (Grasshoff 1999)
Melithaea bicolor (Nutting 1908)
Melithaea biserialis (Kükenthal 1908)
Melithaea boninensis Matsumoto & van Ofwegen 2015
Melithaea braueri (Kükenthal 1919)
Melithaea caledonica Grasshoff 1999
Melithaea cinquemiglia (Grasshoff 1999)
Melithaea clavigera (Ridley 1884)
Melithaea coccinea (Ellis & Solander 1786)
Melithaea contorta (Dean 1932)
Melithaea corymbosa (Kükenthal 1908)
Melithaea delicata (Hickson 1940)
Melithaea dichotoma (Linnaeus 1758)
Melithaea divaricata (Gray 1859)
Melithaea doederleini Matsumoto & van Ofwegen 2015
Melithaea dubia (Broch 1916)
Melithaea ellisi (Hickson 1937)
Melithaea elongata (Gray 1859)
Melithaea esperi (Wright & Studer 1889)
Melithaea flabellata (Gray 1870)
Melithaea flabellum (Thomson & Mackinnon 1910)
Melithaea formosa (Nutting 1911)
Melithaea fragilis (Wright & Studer 1889)
Melithaea frondosa (Brundin 1896)
Melithaea furcata (Thomson 1916)
Melithaea gracilis (Gray 1859)
Melithaea gracillima (Ridley 1884)
Melithaea haddoni (Hickson 1937)
Melithaea hendersoni Reijnen, McFadden, Hermanlimianto & van Ofwegen 2014
Melithaea hicksoni (Nutting 1911)
Melithaea isonoi Matsumoto & van Ofwegen 2015
Melithaea japonica (Verrill 1865)
Melithaea keramaensis Matsumoto & van Ofwegen 2015
Melithaea kuea (Grasshoff 1999)
Melithaea laevis (Wright & Studer 1889)
Melithaea linearis (Gray 1870)
Melithaea mabahissi (Hickson 1940)
Melithaea maldivensis (van Ofwegen 1987)
Melithaea mertoni (Kükenthal 1909)
Melithaea modesta (Kükenthal 1908)
Melithaea moluccana (Kükenthal 1896)
Melithaea mutsu (Minobe 1929)
Melithaea occidentalis Duchassaing 1870
Melithaea ochracea (Linnaeus 1758)
Melithaea ornata (Thomson & Simpson 1909)
Melithaea ouvea (Grasshoff 1999)
Melithaea oyeni Matsumoto & van Ofwegen 2015
Melithaea planiloca (Ridley 1888)
Melithaea planoregularis (Kükenthal 1909)
Melithaea pulchella (Thomson & Simpson 1909)
Melithaea pulchra (Hickson 1937)
Melithaea ramulosa (Kükenthal 1909)
Melithaea retifera (Lamarck 1816)
Melithaea robusta (Shann 1912)
Melithaea roemeri (Kükenthal 1908)
Melithaea rubeola (Wright & Studer 1889)
Melithaea rubra (Esper 1789)
Melithaea rubrinodis (Gray 1859)
Melithaea rugosa (Wright & Studer 1889)
Melithaea ryukyuensis Matsumoto & van Ofwegen 2015
Melithaea sagamiensis Matsumoto & van Ofwegen 2015
Melithaea sanguinea (Kükenthal 1908)
Melithaea serrata (Ridley 1884)
Melithaea shanni Reijnen, McFadden, Hermanlimianto & van Ofwegen 2014
Melithaea sinaica (Grasshoff 2000)
Melithaea sinuata (Wright & Studer 1889)
Melithaea spinosa (Kükenthal 1909)
Melithaea splendens (Thomson & McQueen 1908)
Melithaea spongiosa (Nutting 1911)
Melithaea squamata (Nutting 1911)
Melithaea squarrosa (Kükenthal 1909)
Melithaea stiasnyi (van Ofwegen 1989)
Melithaea stormii (Studer 1895)
Melithaea studeri (Nutting 1911)
Melithaea suensoni Matsumoto & van Ofwegen 2015
Melithaea superba (Kükenthal 1919)
Melithaea tanseii Matsumoto & van Ofwegen 2015
Melithaea tenella (Dana 1846)
Melithaea tenuis (Kükenthal 1908)
Melithaea textiformis (Lamarck 1815)
Melithaea thomsoni (Broch 1916)
Melithaea thorpeae Reijnen, McFadden, Hermanlimianto & van Ofwegen 2014
Melithaea tokaraensis Matsumoto & van Ofwegen 2015
Melithaea tongaensis (Kükenthal 1908)
Melithaea triangulata (Nutting 1911)
Melithaea trilineata (Thomson 1917)
Melithaea undulata (Kükenthal 1908)
Melithaea valdiviae (Kükenthal 1908)
Melithaea variabilis (Hickson 1905)
Melithaea virgata (Verrill 1846)
Melithaea wrighti Reijnen, McFadden, Hermanlimianto & van Ofwegen 2014
Melithaea zimmeri (Kükenthal 1908)
13 additional siblings truncated for brevity.
See the
resource file
for a full list.
EOL Dynamic Hierarchy 1.1
Cellular Organisms
Melithaea africana (Kükenthal 1908)
(this page)
Melithaea acuta (Gray 1870)
Melithaea akalyx (Kükenthal 1908)
Melithaea albitincta (Ridley 1884)
Melithaea andamanensis (van Ofwegen 1987)
Melithaea arborea (Kükenthal 1908)
Melithaea atrorubens (Gray 1870)
Melithaea aurantia (Esper 1798)
Melithaea australis (Gray 1868)
Melithaea baladea (Grasshoff 1999)
Melithaea bicolor (Nutting 1908)
Melithaea biserialis (Kükenthal 1908)
Melithaea boninensis Matsumoto & van Ofwegen 2015
Melithaea braueri (Kükenthal 1919)
Melithaea caledonica Grasshoff 1999
Melithaea cinquemiglia (Grasshoff 1999)
Melithaea clavigera (Ridley 1884)
Melithaea coccinea (Ellis & Solander 1786)
Melithaea contorta (Dean 1932)
Melithaea corymbosa (Kükenthal 1908)
Melithaea delicata (Hickson 1940)
Melithaea dichotoma (Linnaeus 1758)
Melithaea divaricata (Gray 1859)
Melithaea doederleini Matsumoto & van Ofwegen 2015
Melithaea dubia (Broch 1916)
Melithaea ellisi (Hickson 1937)
Melithaea elongata (Gray 1859)
Melithaea esperi (Wright & Studer 1889)
Melithaea flabellata (Gray 1870)
Melithaea flabellum (Thomson & Mackinnon 1910)
Melithaea formosa (Nutting 1911)
Melithaea fragilis (Wright & Studer 1889)
Melithaea frondosa (Brundin 1896)
Melithaea furcata (Thomson 1916)
Melithaea gracilis (Gray 1859)
Melithaea gracillima (Ridley 1884)
Melithaea haddoni (Hickson 1937)
Melithaea hendersoni Reijnen, Mc Fadden, Hermanlimianto & van Ofwegen
Melithaea hicksoni (Nutting 1911)
Melithaea isonoi Matsumoto & van Ofwegen 2015
Melithaea japonica (Verrill 1865)
Melithaea keramaensis Matsumoto & van Ofwegen 2015
Melithaea kuea (Grasshoff 1999)
Melithaea laevis (Wright & Studer 1889)
Melithaea linearis (Gray 1870)
Melithaea mabahissi (Hickson 1940)
Melithaea maldivensis (van Ofwegen 1987)
Melithaea mertoni (Kükenthal 1909)
Melithaea modesta (Kükenthal 1908)
Melithaea moluccana (Kükenthal 1896)
Melithaea mutsu (Minobe 1929)
Melithaea occidentalis Duchassaing 1870
Melithaea ochracea (Linnaeus 1758)
Melithaea ornata (Thomson & Simpson 1909)
Melithaea ouvea (Grasshoff 1999)
Melithaea oyeni Matsumoto & van Ofwegen 2015
Melithaea planiloca (Ridley 1888)
Melithaea planoregularis (Kükenthal 1909)
Melithaea pulchella (Thomson & Simpson 1909)
Melithaea pulchra (Hickson 1937)
Melithaea ramulosa (Kükenthal 1909)
Melithaea retifera (Lamarck 1816)
Melithaea robusta (Shann 1912)
Melithaea roemeri (Kükenthal 1908)
Melithaea rubeola (Wright & Studer 1889)
Melithaea rubra (Esper 1789)
Melithaea rubrinodis (Gray 1859)
Melithaea rugosa (Wright & Studer 1889)
Melithaea ryukyuensis Matsumoto & van Ofwegen 2015
Melithaea sagamiensis Matsumoto & van Ofwegen 2015
Melithaea sanguinea (Kükenthal 1908)
Melithaea serrata (Ridley 1884)
Melithaea shanni Reijnen, Mc Fadden, Hermanlimianto & van Ofwegen
Melithaea sinaica (Grasshoff 2000)
Melithaea sinuata (Wright & Studer 1889)
Melithaea spinosa (Kükenthal 1878)
Melithaea splendens (Thomson & Mc Queen 1908)
Melithaea spongiosa (Nutting 1911)
Melithaea squamata (Nutting 1911)
Melithaea squarrosa (Kükenthal 1909)
Melithaea stiasnyi (van Ofwegen 1989)
Melithaea stormii (Studer 1895)
Melithaea studeri (Nutting 1911)
Melithaea suensoni Matsumoto & van Ofwegen 2015
Melithaea superba (Kükenthal 1919)
Melithaea tanseii Matsumoto & van Ofwegen 2015
Melithaea tenella (Dana 1846)
Melithaea tenuis (Kükenthal 1908)
Melithaea textiformis (Lamarck 1815)
Melithaea thomsoni (Broch 1916)
Melithaea thorpeae Reijnen, Mc Fadden, Hermanlimianto & van Ofwegen
Melithaea tokaraensis Matsumoto & van Ofwegen 2015
Melithaea tongaensis (Kükenthal 1908)
Melithaea triangulata (Nutting 1911)
Melithaea trilineata (Thomson 1917)
Melithaea undulata (Kükenthal 1908)
Melithaea valdiviae (Kükenthal 1908)
Melithaea variabilis (Hickson 1905)
Melithaea virgata (Verrill 1846)
Melithaea wrighti Reijnen, Mc Fadden, Hermanlimianto & van Ofwegen
Melithaea zimmeri (Kükenthal 1908)
12 additional siblings truncated for brevity.
See the
resource file
for a full list.
EOL Dynamic Hierarchy Version 2.2.4
Melithaea africana (Kükenthal 1908)
(this page)
Melithaea acuta (Gray 1870)
Melithaea akalyx (Kükenthal 1908)
Melithaea albitincta (Ridley 1884)
Melithaea andamanensis (van Ofwegen 1987)
Melithaea arborea (Kükenthal 1908)
Melithaea atrorubens (Gray 1870)
Melithaea aurantia (Esper 1798)
Melithaea australis (Gray 1868)
Melithaea baladea (Grasshoff 1999)
Melithaea bicolor (Nutting 1908)
Melithaea biserialis (Kükenthal 1908)
Melithaea boninensis Matsumoto & van Ofwegen 2015
Melithaea braueri (Kükenthal 1919)
Melithaea caledonica Grasshoff 1999
Melithaea cinquemiglia (Grasshoff 1999)
Melithaea clavigera (Ridley 1884)
Melithaea coccinea (Ellis & Solander 1786)
Melithaea contorta (Dean 1932)
Melithaea corymbosa (Kükenthal 1908)
Melithaea delicata (Hickson 1940)
Melithaea dichotoma (Linnaeus 1758)
Melithaea divaricata (Gray 1859)
Melithaea doederleini Matsumoto & van Ofwegen 2015
Melithaea dubia (Broch 1916)
Melithaea ellisi (Hickson 1937)
Melithaea elongata (Gray 1859)
Melithaea esperi (Wright & Studer 1889)
Melithaea flabellata (Gray 1870)
Melithaea flabellum (Thomson & Mackinnon 1910)
Melithaea formosa (Nutting 1911)
Melithaea fragilis (Wright & Studer 1889)
Melithaea frondosa (Brundin 1896)
Melithaea furcata (Thomson 1916)
Melithaea gracilis (Gray 1859)
Melithaea gracillima (Ridley 1884)
Melithaea haddoni (Hickson 1937)
Melithaea hendersoni Reijnen, McFadden, Hermanlimianto & van Ofwegen 2014
Melithaea hicksoni (Nutting 1911)
Melithaea isonoi Matsumoto & van Ofwegen 2015
Melithaea japonica (Verrill 1865)
Melithaea keramaensis Matsumoto & van Ofwegen 2015
Melithaea kuea (Grasshoff 1999)
Melithaea laevis (Wright & Studer 1889)
Melithaea linearis (Gray 1870)
Melithaea mabahissi (Hickson 1940)
Melithaea maldivensis (van Ofwegen 1987)
Melithaea mertoni (Kükenthal 1909)
Melithaea modesta (Kükenthal 1908)
Melithaea moluccana (Kükenthal 1896)
Melithaea mutsu (Minobe 1929)
Melithaea occidentalis Duchassaing 1870
Melithaea ochracea (Linnaeus 1758)
Melithaea ornata (Thomson & Simpson 1909)
Melithaea ouvea (Grasshoff 1999)
Melithaea oyeni Matsumoto & van Ofwegen 2015
Melithaea planiloca (Ridley 1888)
Melithaea planoregularis (Kükenthal 1909)
Melithaea pulchella (Thomson & Simpson 1909)
Melithaea pulchra (Hickson 1937)
Melithaea ramulosa (Kükenthal 1909)
Melithaea retifera (Lamarck 1816)
Melithaea robusta (Shann 1912)
Melithaea roemeri (Kükenthal 1908)
Melithaea rubeola (Wright & Studer 1889)
Melithaea rubra (Esper 1789)
Melithaea rubrinodis (Gray 1859)
Melithaea rugosa (Wright & Studer 1889)
Melithaea ryukyuensis Matsumoto & van Ofwegen 2015
Melithaea sagamiensis Matsumoto & van Ofwegen 2015
Melithaea sanguinea (Kükenthal 1908)
Melithaea serrata (Ridley 1884)
Melithaea shanni Reijnen, McFadden, Hermanlimianto & van Ofwegen 2014
Melithaea sinaica (Grasshoff 2000)
Melithaea sinuata (Wright & Studer 1889)
Melithaea spinosa (Kükenthal 1909)
Melithaea splendens (Thomson & McQueen 1908)
Melithaea spongiosa (Nutting 1911)
Melithaea squamata (Nutting 1911)
Melithaea squarrosa (Kükenthal 1909)
Melithaea stiasnyi (van Ofwegen 1989)
Melithaea stormii (Studer 1895)
Melithaea studeri (Nutting 1911)
Melithaea suensoni Matsumoto & van Ofwegen 2015
Melithaea superba (Kükenthal 1919)
Melithaea tanseii Matsumoto & van Ofwegen 2015
Melithaea tenella (Dana 1846)
Melithaea tenuis (Kükenthal 1908)
Melithaea textiformis (Lamarck 1815)
Melithaea thomsoni (Broch 1916)
Melithaea thorpeae Reijnen, McFadden, Hermanlimianto & van Ofwegen 2014
Melithaea tokaraensis Matsumoto & van Ofwegen 2015
Melithaea tongaensis (Kükenthal 1908)
Melithaea triangulata (Nutting 1911)
Melithaea trilineata (Thomson 1917)
Melithaea undulata (Kükenthal 1908)
Melithaea valdiviae (Kükenthal 1908)
Melithaea variabilis (Hickson 1905)
Melithaea virgata (Verrill 1846)
Melithaea wrighti Reijnen, McFadden, Hermanlimianto & van Ofwegen 2014
Melithaea zimmeri (Kükenthal 1908)
13 additional siblings truncated for brevity.
See the
resource file
for a full list.
GBIF classification
Melithaea (Kükenthal 1909)
Melithaea africana (Kükenthal 1908)
(this page)
Melithaea acuta (Gray 1870)
Melithaea akalyx (Kükenthal 1908)
Melithaea albitincta (Ridley 1884)
Melithaea amboinensis (Hentschel 1903)
Melithaea arborea (Kükenthal 1908)
Melithaea atrorubens (Gray 1870)
Melithaea aurantia (Esper 1798)
Melithaea baladea (Grasshoff 1999)
Melithaea bicolor (Nutting 1908)
Melithaea biserialis (Kükenthal 1908)
Melithaea boninensis Matsumoto & van Ofwegen 2015
Melithaea caledonica Grasshoff 1999
Melithaea capensis (Studer 1878)
Melithaea cinquemiglia (Grasshoff 1999)
Melithaea clavigera (Ridley 1884)
Melithaea contorta (Dean 1932)
Melithaea corymbosa (Kükenthal 1908)
Melithaea delicata (Hickson 1940)
Melithaea dichotoma (Linnaeus 1758)
Melithaea divaricata (Gray 1859)
Melithaea doederleini Matsumoto & van Ofwegen 2015
Melithaea dubia (Broch 1916)
Melithaea elongata (Gray 1859)
Melithaea erythraea (Ehrenberg 1834)
Melithaea esperi (Wright & Studer 1889)
Melithaea flabellata (Gray 1870)
Melithaea flabellum (Thomson & Mackinnon 1910)
Melithaea formosa (Nutting 1911)
Melithaea fragilis (Wright & Studer 1889)
Melithaea frondosa (Brundin 1896)
Melithaea furcata (Thomson 1916)
Melithaea gracilis (Gray 1859)
Melithaea gracillima (Ridley 1884)
Melithaea haddoni (Hickson 1937)
Melithaea harbereri (Kükenthal 1908)
Melithaea hendersoni Reijnen, Mc Fadden, Hermanlimianto & van Ofwegen
Melithaea hicksoni (Nutting 1911)
Melithaea isonoi Matsumoto & van Ofwegen 2015
Melithaea keramaensis Matsumoto & van Ofwegen 2015
Melithaea klunzingeri (Kükenthal 1908)
Melithaea laevis (Wright & Studer 1889)
Melithaea linearis (Gray 1870)
Melithaea maldivensis (van Ofwegen 1987)
Melithaea mcqueeni Reijnen, Mc Fadden, Hermanlimianto & van Ofwegen
Melithaea mertoni (Kükenthal 1909)
Melithaea modesta (Kükenthal 1908)
Melithaea moluccana (Kükenthal 1896)
Melithaea mutsu (Minobe 1929)
Melithaea nodosa (Wright & Studer 1889)
Melithaea nuttingi (Hickson 1937)
Melithaea occidentalis Duchassaing 1870
Melithaea ochracea (Linnaeus 1758)
Melithaea omanensis (van Ofwegen 1987)
Melithaea ornata (Thomson & Simpson 1909)
Melithaea ouvea (Grasshoff 1999)
Melithaea philippinensis (Wright & Studer 1889)
Melithaea planiloca (Ridley 1888)
Melithaea planoregularis (Kükenthal 1909)
Melithaea pulchella (Thomson & Simpson 1909)
Melithaea pulchra (Hickson 1937)
Melithaea retifera (Lamarck 1816)
Melithaea robusta (Shann 1912)
Melithaea roemeri (Kükenthal 1908)
Melithaea rubeola (Wright & Studer 1889)
Melithaea rubra (Esper 1789)
Melithaea rubrinodis (Gray 1859)
Melithaea rugosa (Wright & Studer 1889)
Melithaea ryukyuensis Matsumoto & van Ofwegen 2015
Melithaea sagamiensis Matsumoto & van Ofwegen 2015
Melithaea serrata (Ridley 1884)
Melithaea shanni Reijnen, Mc Fadden, Hermanlimianto & van Ofwegen
Melithaea sinaica (Grasshoff 2000)
Melithaea singularis (Thomson 1916)
Melithaea sinuata (Wright & Studer 1889)
Melithaea spinosa (Kükenthal 1878)
Melithaea splendens (Thomson & Mc Queen 1908)
Melithaea spongiosa (Nutting 1911)
Melithaea squamata (Nutting 1911)
Melithaea squarrosa (Kükenthal 1909)
Melithaea stiasnyi (van Ofwegen 1989)
Melithaea stormii (Studer 1895)
Melithaea studeri (Nutting 1911)
Melithaea suensoni Matsumoto & van Ofwegen 2015
Melithaea sulfurea (Studer 1895)
Melithaea superba (Kükenthal 1919)
Melithaea tanseii Matsumoto & van Ofwegen 2015
Melithaea tenella (Dana 1846)
Melithaea tenuis (Kükenthal 1908)
Melithaea textiformis (Lamarck 1815)
Melithaea thomsoni (Broch 1916)
Melithaea tokaraensis Matsumoto & van Ofwegen 2015
Melithaea tongaensis (Kükenthal 1908)
Melithaea triangulata (Nutting 1911)
Melithaea trilineata (Thomson 1917)
Melithaea undulata (Kükenthal 1908)
Melithaea valdiviae (Kükenthal 1908)
Melithaea variabilis (Hickson 1905)
Melithaea virgata (Verrill 1846)
Melithaea wrighti Reijnen, Mc Fadden, Hermanlimianto & van Ofwegen
Melithaea zimmeri (Kükenthal 1908)
17 additional siblings truncated for brevity.
See the
resource file
for a full list.
wikidata_hierarchy tar gz
Melithaea africana
(this page)
Melithaea acuta
Melithaea akalyx
Melithaea albitincta
Melithaea amboinensis
Melithaea andamanensis
Melithaea arborea
Melithaea atrorubens
Melithaea aurantia
Melithaea australis
Melithaea baladea
Melithaea bicolor
Melithaea biserialis
Melithaea boninensis
Melithaea caledonica
Melithaea capensis
Melithaea cervicornis
Melithaea cinquemiglia
Melithaea clavigera
Melithaea contorta
Melithaea corymbosa
Melithaea davidi
Melithaea delicata
Melithaea densa
Melithaea dichotoma
Melithaea divaricata
Melithaea doederleini
Melithaea elongata
Melithaea erythraea
Melithaea esperi
Melithaea flabellata
Melithaea flabellifera
Melithaea flabellum
Melithaea formosa
Melithaea fragilis
Melithaea frondosa
Melithaea furcata
Melithaea gracilis
Melithaea gracillima
Melithaea haddoni
Melithaea harbereri
Melithaea hicksoni
Melithaea isonoi
Melithaea japonica
Melithaea klunzingeri
Melithaea kuea
Melithaea laevis
Melithaea linearis
Melithaea mabahissi
Melithaea maldivensis
Melithaea mcqueeni
Melithaea mertoni
Melithaea modesta
Melithaea moluccana
Melithaea mutsu
Melithaea nodosa
Melithaea nuttingi
Melithaea occidentalis
Melithaea ochracea
Melithaea omanensis
Melithaea ornata
Melithaea ouvea
Melithaea oyeni
Melithaea philippinensis
Melithaea planiloca
Melithaea planoregularis
Melithaea pulchella
Melithaea pulchra
Melithaea ramulosa
Melithaea retifera
Melithaea robusta
Melithaea roemeri
Melithaea rubeola
Melithaea rubra
Melithaea rubrinodis
Melithaea rugosa
Melithaea ryukyuensis
Melithaea sagamiensis
Melithaea sanguinea
Melithaea satsumaensis
Melithaea serrata
Melithaea shanni
Melithaea sinaica
Melithaea singularis
Melithaea squamata
Melithaea squamosa
Melithaea squarrosa
Melithaea stormii
Melithaea suensoni
Melithaea sulfurea
Melithaea tanseii
Melithaea tenella
Melithaea tenuis
Melithaea thomsoni
Melithaea thorpeae
Melithaea tokaraensis
Melithaea triangulata
Melithaea undulata
Melithaea valdiviae
Melithaea variabilis
Melithaea virgata
14 additional siblings truncated for brevity.
See the
resource file
for a full list.
World Register of Marine Species
Melithaea africana (Kükenthal 1908)
(this page)
Melithaea acuta (Gray 1870)
Melithaea akalyx (Kükenthal 1908)
Melithaea albitincta (Ridley 1884)
Melithaea amboinensis (Hentschel 1903)
Melithaea andamanensis (van Ofwegen 1987)
Melithaea arborea (Kükenthal 1908)
Melithaea atrorubens (Gray 1870)
Melithaea aurantia (Esper 1798)
Melithaea australis (Gray 1868)
Melithaea baladea (Grasshoff 1999)
Melithaea bicolor (Nutting 1908)
Melithaea biserialis (Kükenthal 1908)
Melithaea braueri (Kükenthal 1919)
Melithaea caledonica Grasshoff 1999
Melithaea capensis (Studer 1878)
Melithaea cervicornis (Thomson & Dean 1931)
Melithaea cinquemiglia (Grasshoff 1999)
Melithaea clavigera (Ridley 1884)
Melithaea coccinea (Ellis & Solander 1786)
Melithaea contorta (Dean 1932)
Melithaea corymbosa (Kükenthal 1908)
Melithaea davidi Samimi-Namin, Ofwegen & McFadden 2016
Melithaea delicata (Hickson 1940)
Melithaea dichotoma (Linnaeus 1758)
Melithaea divaricata (Gray 1859)
Melithaea dubia (Broch 1916)
Melithaea elongata (Gray 1859)
Melithaea erythraea (Ehrenberg 1834)
Melithaea esperi (Wright & Studer 1889)
Melithaea flabellata (Gray 1870)
Melithaea flabellum (Thomson & Mackinnon 1910)
Melithaea formosa (Nutting 1911)
Melithaea fragilis (Wright & Studer 1889)
Melithaea frondosa (Brundin 1896)
Melithaea furcata (J. S. Thomson 1916)
Melithaea gracilis (Gray 1859)
Melithaea gracillima (Ridley 1884)
Melithaea habereri (Kükenthal 1908)
Melithaea haddoni (Hickson 1937)
Melithaea hicksoni (Nutting 1911)
Melithaea japonica (Verrill 1865)
Melithaea klunzingeri (Kükenthal 1908)
Melithaea kuea (Grasshoff 1999)
Melithaea laevis (Wright & Studer 1889)
Melithaea linearis (Gray 1870)
Melithaea mabahissi (Hickson 1940)
Melithaea maldivensis (van Ofwegen 1987)
Melithaea mcqueeni Reijnen, McFadden, Hermanlimianto & van Ofwegen 2014
Melithaea mertoni (Kükenthal 1909)
Melithaea modesta (Kükenthal 1908)
Melithaea moluccana Kükenthal 1919
Melithaea mutsu (Minobe 1929)
Melithaea nodosa (Wright & Studer 1889)
Melithaea nuttingi (Hickson 1937)
Melithaea ochracea (Linnaeus 1758)
Melithaea omanensis (van Ofwegen 1987)
Melithaea ornata (Thomson & Simpson 1909)
Melithaea ouvea (Grasshoff 1999)
Melithaea philippinensis (Wright & Studer 1889)
Melithaea planiloca (Ridley 1888)
Melithaea planoregularis (Kükenthal 1909)
Melithaea pulchella (Thomson & Simpson 1909)
Melithaea pulchra (Hickson 1937)
Melithaea ramulosa (Kükenthal 1909)
Melithaea retifera (Lamarck 1816)
Melithaea robusta (Shann 1912)
Melithaea roemeri (Kükenthal 1908)
Melithaea rubeola (Wright & Studer 1889)
Melithaea rubra (Esper 1789)
Melithaea rubrinodis (Gray 1859)
Melithaea rugosa (Wright & Studer 1889)
Melithaea sanguinea (Kükenthal 1908)
Melithaea serrata (Ridley 1884)
Melithaea shanni Reijnen, McFadden, Hermanlimianto & van Ofwegen 2014
Melithaea sinaica (Grasshoff 2000)
Melithaea singularis (Thomson 1916)
Melithaea sinuata (Wright & Studer 1889)
Melithaea spinosa (Kükenthal 1909)
Melithaea splendens (Thomson & McQueen 1908)
Melithaea spongiosa (Nutting 1911)
Melithaea squamata (Nutting 1911)
Melithaea squarrosa (Kükenthal 1909)
Melithaea stiasnyi (van Ofwegen 1989)
Melithaea stormii (Studer 1895)
Melithaea studeri (Nutting 1911)
Melithaea superba (Kükenthal 1919)
Melithaea tenella Dana 1846
Melithaea tenuis (Kükenthal 1908)
Melithaea textiformis (Lamarck 1816)
Melithaea thomsoni (Broch 1916)
Melithaea thorpeae Reijnen, McFadden, Hermanlimianto & van Ofwegen 2014
Melithaea tongaensis (Kükenthal 1908)
Melithaea triangulata (Nutting 1911)
Melithaea trilineata (J. S. Thomson 1916)
Melithaea undulata (Kükenthal 1908)
Melithaea valdiviae (Kükenthal 1908)
Melithaea variabilis (Hickson 1905)
Melithaea virgata (Verrill 1864)
Melithaea wrighti Reijnen, McFadden, Hermanlimianto & van Ofwegen 2014
Melithaea zimmeri (Kükenthal 1908)
13 additional siblings truncated for brevity.
See the
resource file
for a full list.