Image of Eugorgia beebei Breedy, Williams & Guzman 2013
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Eugorgia beebei Breedy, Williams & Guzman 2013


provided by Zookeys
Holotype 24 cm tall, and 20 cm wide, ascending, sparse growing, (Fig. 1A). Branching irregularly pinnate, and multiplanar, several pseudo-anastomosis occurs in branchlets and branches (Fig. 1A–B). Main stem 4 mm diameter at base, slightly compressed, and short, about 80 mm long arising from a fragment of holdfast, 0.6 mm diameter. Main stem gives off several branches and stumps. The three main branches, 3.0–4.0 mm in diameter, emerging at angles of 45–90°and producing secondary branches subdividing and giving off thin branchlets, up to 2.5 mm diameter, including polyp-mounds. Branchlets irregularly arranged, separated 5–16 mm, and giving off 2 or 3 lateral, secondary branchlets, of same thickness and arrangement. Colony branching up to 11 times. Unbranched terminal twigs blunt, and reaching up to 50 mm long (Figs 1A–B). Polyp-mounds prominent, up to 0.7 mm height and 1 mm in diameter, dome-shaped, with slit-like apertures, arranged irregularly, close together along the branchlets, and very distantly distributed or absent along the thick branches (Fig. 1B). Holdfast devoid of polyps. Colony white (Fig. 1A–B). Sclerites of coenenchyme white, mostly double discs (Fig. 1C). Spindles and disc-spindles, up to 0.14 mm long and 0.04 mm wide, with 4 or 5 whorls of warty tubercles, the ends mostly blunt (Fig. 3A). Double discs up to 0.07 mm long, and 0.05 mm wide (Fig. 3B). Crosses about 0.08x0.06 mm, scarce on samples (Fig. 3C). No anthocodial sclerites present in the samples.
Odalisca Breedy, Gary C Williams, Hector M Guzman
bibliographic citation
Breedy O, Williams G, Guzman H (2013) Two new species of gorgonian octocorals from the Tropical Eastern Pacific Biogeographic Region (Cnidaria, Anthozoa, Gorgoniidae) ZooKeys 350: 75–90
Odalisca Breedy
Gary C Williams
Hector M Guzman
visit source
partner site


provided by Zookeys
Presently known from Piura, Perú and Baja California, but it is very likely that it exist along all along the geographic range. The depth range is 50–60 m, it is possible the range could extends deeper, but not as deep as reported for paratype USNM 56879, which is probably a mistake, as was remarked by F. M. Bayer (former USNM curator).
Odalisca Breedy, Gary C Williams, Hector M Guzman
bibliographic citation
Breedy O, Williams G, Guzman H (2013) Two new species of gorgonian octocorals from the Tropical Eastern Pacific Biogeographic Region (Cnidaria, Anthozoa, Gorgoniidae) ZooKeys 350: 75–90
Odalisca Breedy
Gary C Williams
Hector M Guzman
visit source
partner site