Since little work has been done on the B. annulata little is known about how it communicates with its fellow anemones. However, in Anthozoans, specialized sensory organs are absent and nerves are arranged in nerve nets. Most nerve cells allow impulses to travel in either direction. Hairlike projections on individual cells are mechanoreceptors and possible chemoreceptors. Some Anthozoans show a sensitivity to light (Brusca and Brusca, 2003)
When touched by a larger foreign object this anemone will retract quickly into the hole or crevice where it is attached (Lemay 2002, personal observation).
Communication Channels: tactile ; chemical
Perception Channels: tactile ; chemical
At about one to two weeks of age new anemones develop a mouth and small tentacles. They then begin to feed on microscopic food particles in the water.
None, although nematocysts do produce toxins, they are not produced in large enough quantities to be harmful to humans.
Since the Bartholomea annulata uses the method of asexual reproduction known as pedal laceration it creates genetically identical clones. This method of reproduction allows researcher quickly and easily produce an abundance of genetically identical subjects. This can be extremely helpful to researchers when genetic variation is an unwanted variable in an experiment.
Positive Impacts: research and education
The Bartholomea annulata are members in a number of symbiotic relationships. They host zooxanthellae, Symbiodinium sp. dinflagellate algae that grow within the cells of the anemone aiding in biological functions and providing color.
They are also part of an association with a number of crustacean species. Many small crustaceans such as the Periclimenes yucatanicus and the Alpheus armatus receive protection within the tentacles of the anemone and also may perform cleaning functions for the anemone.
Ecosystem Impact: creates habitat
Mutualist Species:
Smaller Bartholomea annulata feed on zooplankton, while larger specimens feed on both zooplankton and may even take in macroscopic prey. They use long tentacles to paralyze prey with toxin injected by the nematocysts found in rings on tentacles. The food is then carried down the tentacles toward the mouth that is found in the center of the dense mass of tentacles.
Animal Foods: aquatic crustaceans; zooplankton
Primary Diet: carnivore (Eats non-insect arthropods); planktivore
Bartholomea annulata is typically found in the Caribbean, the Gulf of Mexico and the Western Atlantic. They range from coastal Texas eastward to the Atlantic coast of Florida. Bermuda marks the northern-most extent of their range. The species also extends south to the Northern Coast of South America.
Biogeographic Regions: atlantic ocean (Native )
This anemone is often found under ledges, but more commonly found as a sand-pocket dweller among Halimeda algal populations. It generally attaches in holes and crevices in coral reefs, rocky areas, and other solid substrate. It is commonly found at depths ranging from one to forty meters but may occur deeper.
Range depth: 1 to 40 m.
Habitat Regions: tropical ; saltwater or marine
Aquatic Biomes: benthic ; reef ; coastal
The lifespan of anemones is not accurately known since it is difficult to maintain them in aquaria long enough to ascertain lifespan with any certainty. Estimates range from several years to decades.
The corkscrew anemone can be more than 51 mm high and 38 mm across its basal disk. The pedal disc is located on the bottom of this anemone and is used to attach to solid substrate. The base and column often project from a crevice and may remain hidden from view. While the base remains firmly attached to a solid substrate a large mass of tentacles floats above. This anemone possesses an abundance of dense tentacles that may grow as long as 12.5 cm. Its 200 tentacles are long, delicate and covered with a continuous spiral band of white nematocysts. The mouth is located in the center of this large mass of tentacles. Colors of the B. annulata range from an almost transparent pale brown to a dark brown. Color is produced by zooxanthellae in the tissues of the anemone.
Other Physical Features: ectothermic ; heterothermic ; radial symmetry
Anti-predator adaptations included toxin-injecting nematocysts and the ability to shrink away and withdraw quickly from disturbance. Sea spiders prey on these anemones causing excess mucus production and difficulty attaching to substrate. Predation by sea spiders often results in death.
Known Predators:
Bartholomea annulata exhibits a biannual reproductive cycle. It conducts asexual reproduction through the use of pedal laceration. In this process a small bud of tissue is formed on the margin of the anemone’s pedal disk, it breaks off to form a new anemone. This anemone may also reproduce sexually. It is oviparous and produces planktonic larvae. The anemone broadcasts its eggs and larvae are widely distributed by water currents. It is argued that this method of reproduction is superior to asexual reproduction because it allows the organism to widely disperse its young while it also has a high cost due to the high risk of mortality.
Key Reproductive Features: seasonal breeding ; sexual ; asexual ; fertilization (External ); oviparous
Parental Investment: no parental involvement; pre-fertilization (Provisioning)
Bartholomea annulata is a species of sea anemone in the family Aiptasiidae, commonly known as the ringed anemone or corkscrew anemone.[2] It is one of the most common anemones found on reefs in the Caribbean Sea.
The ringed anemone can reach a diameter of 30 centimetres (12 in) when fully extended. The column is short and wide and the oral disc with its central mouth can be 12 centimetres (4.7 in) across. There are about two hundred long, translucent tentacles ringed with whorls and spirals formed by groups of cnidocytes. The general colour is grey or brown with the cnidocyte area cream coloured. The anemone contains symbiotic zooxanthellae, single-celled algae that live within its tissues. During the day these use energy from the sun to manufacture carbohydrates by photosynthesis. The sea anemone benefits from this and the algae have a safe lodging free from the likelihood of predation.[3][4]
The ringed anemone is a common species in the Caribbean and Gulf of Mexico. Its range extends from Bermuda, Florida and Texas to the northern coast of South America. It is found on reefs and on soft substrates such as coral rubble or sand at depths down to about 40 metres (130 ft). It usually occupies a hole or crevice or lives under a rock, drawing back out of sight if disturbed. It has been found using the empty shell of the queen conch Lobatus gigas as a home.[3][4]
Some of the ringed anemone's nutritional needs are supplied by the zooxanthellae. It also feeds by extending its tentacles to catch zooplankton and small invertebrates. These are immobilised by the cnidocytes and transferred by the tentacles to the mouth.[5]
Reproduction may be by pedal laceration. In this process, part of the basal disc of the sea anemone gets detached as the anemone moves over the substrate, and this piece is able to grow into a new individual. The anemone can also reproduce by liberating gametes into the water column. After fertilisation, the eggs hatch into larvae which are planktonic and drift with the current. After further development they settle on the seabed and undergo metamorphosis into juvenile anemones.[5]
Predators on the ringed anemone include starfish, nudibranchs and sea spiders such as (Pigrogromitus timsanus). Infestation with this sea spider caused the sea anemone to retract its tentacles and produce copious amounts of mucus and to be unable to attach to the substrate, with death often following. The sea spider seemed unaffected by the stinging cnidocytes of the anemone.[6]
The ringed anemone is associated with a number of other invertebrates including the opossum shrimp Heteromysis actiniae and several species of cleaner shrimps. These include Ancylomenes pedersoni and the spotted cleaner shrimp (Periclimenes yucatanicus) which live close to it or among its tentacles. They invite fish to approach by lashing their white antennae, relying on the anemone to keep them safe from attack. They then nibble at any external parasites that may be attached to the fish.[7]
Bartholomea annulata is a species of sea anemone in the family Aiptasiidae, commonly known as the ringed anemone or corkscrew anemone. It is one of the most common anemones found on reefs in the Caribbean Sea.