
Diagnostic Description

provided by Caprellids LifeDesk
Flagellum of antenna 2 two-segmented; pereopods 3 + 4 two-segmented, pereopod 5 six-segmented, long, soft and flexible (abnormal for caprellids); gills on pereonites 3 + 4; mandibular palp 3-segmented; abdominal appendages of females with a pair of simple lobes.
Ashton, Gail
Ashton, Gail
partner site
Caprellids LifeDesk

General Description

provided by Caprellids LifeDesk
Caprellid, "Ghost" or "Skeleton" shrimps, so called for their skeletal appearance. Amphipod crustaceans, easily distinguished by the elongate stick-like body form and reduction of the abdominal appendages. Head is generally fused with pereonite 1. Pereopods on first 2 segments (pereonites) are most flexible and called gnathopods; gnathopods 2 being the largest, used in defense, feeding and substrate attachment. In many species pereopods 3 and 4 may also be reduced or absent. Gills on pereonites 3 + 4, rarely on pereonite 2. Pereopods 5 - 7 much smaller than 1 + 2, used for clinging to the substratum. In females, brood plates (öostegites) develop on pereonites 3 + 4. Much remains to be learnt about their biology, ecology and in many cases changing distributions.
Ashton, Gail
Ashton, Gail
partner site
Caprellids LifeDesk