
Comprehensive Description

provided by Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology
Condukius karkan

Figures 50–58

DIAGNOSIS.—With the characters of the genus and family.

DESCRIPTION.—Body long and narrow, as in Platyischnopidae. Head 17% as long as total animal, narrow and elongate, not tall, with platyischnopid-like rostrum extending anteriorly; eyes indiscernible; antenna 1 attached in sinus behind rostrum, ventroanterior margin of head lacking sinus for insertion of antenna 2, cheek not ventrally extended.

Antenna 1 shorter than antenna 2, article 1 as long as wide, dorsofacial surface with 2 large setae; article 2 nearly 1.7 times as long as article 1, slender, with 2 large setae; article 3 slightly shorter than article 2 but elongate (in context to many similar genera), with midventral but facial circlet of 5 setae and 1 apicodorsal seta; flagella almost equally extended but only 1.25 times as long as article 3 of peduncle, primary flagellum 6-articulate, penultimate article short, other elongate, bearing pairs of hoodscales apically except for ultimate article forming elongate tube; accessory flagellum 7-articulate, otherwise similar but penultimate article not shortened. Article 3 of antenna 2 with 2 setae; article 4 slender, ventral margin closely lined with elongate setae, dorsal margin with fewer and shorter setae, face with 2 setae at about M. 60; article 5 much shorter than article 4, ventral setae irregular and shortened, dorsal setae of medium size, apical face with several setae; flagellum almost as long as article 5 of peduncle, similar to flagella of antenna 1 (also bearing hoods and ultimate article tubelike).

Mandibular incisors short, right weakly bifid, left weakly trifid; right and left laciniae mobiles not grossly dissimilar, of moderate thickness, right bifid, with 3 other humps superimposed, left weakly bifid; rakers expanded and serrate, right with 5 plus 2 rudimentaries, plus intercalated plusetules, left with 6 plus 2 rudimentaries and plusetules; molars large, elongate, weakly triturative, bearing accessory choppers with 5 cusps; palps ordinary, all setae of article 2 concentrated on midmedial margin; article 3 formulas not of Urohaustoriidae format, apex of palp with definite bevel and all setae concentrated on this inner bevel, setae simple but apically hooked. Lower lip lacking cones.

Inner plate of maxilla 1 with 2 apicolateral setules, 1 large apical seta and 2 similar medial setae all in tandem: outer plate tapering apically, bearing only 6 spines, 2 of these bifid; palp biarticulate, article 1 short, article 2 elongate and broadly expanded (when flattened), multisetose apically, medially, and facially. Inner plate of maxilla 2 narrower and slightly shorter than outer plate, with mediofacial oblique row of 4 setae. Inner plate of maxilliped with 3 stout apical spines, oblique facial row of 5 setae; outer plate with medial and apical setae, no spines; palp attached geniculately to outer plate article, article 2 moderately expanded and densely setose medially and facially, article 3 attached to article 2 by narrowed base, then medially expanded and setose medially and facially, dactyl very small, clavate, with 3–4 apical setae.

Gnathopods densely setose, dactyls small, weak setal brush present on article 3. Article 4 of pereopod 3 with 4 large anterior setae, of pereopod 4 with only 1 seta, posterior margins respectively with 1–1 and 2–3; lobe of article 5 unornamented, with 2 apposing rows of spines, about 4 in each row (with aberration of seta replacing spine); article 6 elongate, beveled ventroapex with 2 rows of spines, 5–4 and 6–4 (perhaps actually 5–4–1 but single midspine difficult to interpret); dactyls vestigial, about as large as basal attachment circle of adjacent spine, bearing large setule. Coxa 5 ordinarily bilobed; coxa 6 with small anterior and deep posterior lobe; coxa 7 extremely short but wide; article 2 of pereopods 5–7 almost naked posteriorly; otherwise see illustrations.

Pleopods unusual (Figure 58: Y1, 2, 3); pleopods 1 and 3 lacking coupling hooks, only pleopod 2 attached to sternum in normal situation with peduncles set transversely, other pleopods with peduncles tilted inward, thus when flattened and illustrated rami appearing superimposed, as attached to sterna with rami curling backwards; ramal bases and peduncle of pleopod 2 with dense, filamentous setulation, other pleopods lacking this armament; segmental formulas = 4–3, 4–3 and 4–3 (inner with weakly indicated fourth article at apex of article 1).

Both epimera 1–2 with sharp, hooked, posteroventral tooth, posterior margin convex, armed with 2 and 4 setules; ventral margin of epimeron 1 with 5 setae; posterior part of ventral margin on epimeron 2 with 2 spines; epimeron 2 much larger than epimeron 1, each with weak to strong facial ridge. Epimeron 3 overall quadrate and somewhat brokenly but normally separated dorsally from segment; posterior and posterodorsal margin with 6 setae, ventralmost largest, ventral margin naked, face with horizontal row of 3 setae attached to scallop-ridge.

Urosomite 1 grossly extended ventrally, with 2 clothespinlike ventral teeth side by side (and asymmetrical); peduncle of uropod 1 with 3–4 ventrolateral setae, dorsally with 2–3 setae near apex and apical spine, medial apex with spine; outer ramus with 1 small dorsal seta near base, apex with 5 widely spread long to medium spines, inner ramus with 4 similar spines and 2 in tandem more proximally; peduncle of uropod 2 with 4 dorsolateral spines, apicalmost stoutest, medial margin with 4 spine-setae, 3 of these crowded distally, outer ramus with 2 middorsal spines and group of 5 long to medium apical and apicomedial spines, inner ramus with 2 midmedial spine-setae, apex with 3 shorter spine-setae.

Uropod 3 attached to urosomite 3 and outer ramus to peduncle apparently with ontogenetic dorsal face pointing laterally; inner ramus scarcely detectable; peduncle and article 1 of outer ramus with faciolateral groups of spines, new dorsal margins spinose and article 1 also with large setae, article 2 smaller than article 1, apex truncate and multispinose, bearing also 1 plumose seta. Telson with tapered apices, at beginning of taper each armed with transverse lateral set of 3 setae, lateralmost large and elongate, other medial members much smaller; basolateral margins naked.

ILLUSTRATIONS.—Armaments added in dots on uropods 1–2 representing those added from opposite member; pereopod 5 illustrated as composite of left articles 1–4 and converted right 5–7, pereopod 6 with right and left armaments combined together for maximum count; gills 2–4 drawn at same magnification as those attached to pereopods 5–6; pleopods drawn from left posterior view, dotted setae showing additional members from right side.

HOLOTYPE.—NMV, male “a,” 8.41 mm. Unique.

TYPE-LOCALITY.—WPBES 1745/1, Western Port, Victoria, 25 Nov 1974, 13 m, coarse-medium sand.
bibliographic citation
Barnard, J. L. and Drummond, M. M. 1982. "Gammaridean Amphipoda of Australia, Part V: Superfamily Haustorioidea." Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology. 1-148. https://doi.org/10.5479/si.00810282.360