
Comprehensive Description

provided by Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology
Gheegerus garbaius

DIAGNOSIS.—Dorsolateral armament rows on articles 1 and 2 of antenna 1 and article 4 of antenna 2 composed of thin setae. Coxa 1 not larger than coxa 2, both bearing medium setae. Generic attributes in coxae 3 and 4. Spines on dactyl of pereopod 5 set singly in tandem. Dactyls of pereopods 6 and 7 vestigial. Epimeron 2 rounded, with several facial setae in vertical row. Tooth of epimeron 3 of medium size. Inner rami of uropods 1 and 2 much shorter than outer rami. Dorsolateral margin of uropod 2 peduncle naked or with thin setae. Apicolateral corner on peduncle of uropod 3 with thick spines. Telson entire, very broad, bearing dominant midapical seta.

DESCRIPTION OF FEMALE.—Holotype female “w,” 2.42 mm (Victoria): Head about 75% as long as wide, rostrum about 10% as long as remainder of head. Primary flagellum of antenna 1 with 6 articles, formula of long aesthetascs = 0–1–1–1–1–0, accessory flagellum 5-articulate, thin, shortened. Facial formula of elongate setae on article 1 of antenna 1 = 5E, 3P; of shorter elements on article 4 of antenna 2 = PE–PE–2E–4E (first 2 sets ventrad); on article 5 = 10E; article 3 with 3 facial setae; flagellum with 6 articles. Right and left incisors weakly bifid, choppers on molars with 4 cusps; formula on right palp article 3 = 10–1–3–1, on left = 9–1–3–1. Inner plate of maxilla 1 with 1 medium apical seta, 1 large apicomedial seta; outer plate with 11 spines. Inner plate of maxilla 2 with 4 medial setae in submarginal row, outer plate with 1 stout and 1 small apicolateral setae. Inner plate of maxilliped with 4 medial setae, outer plate with 1 apicolateral seta; palp article 2 with 5 setae in facial row, article 3 with 2 setae in facial row, dactyl with 3 long setae, apical, apicolateral, and apicomedial, inner margin naked or with 1 setule.

Coxa 1 softly rounded apically, with 10 medium to short setae; coxa 2 rectangular, with 8 setae; coxa 3 with 5 long posteroventral setae, 3 shorter posterior setae and 7 medium to short ventral setae anterior to elongate group; coxa 4 with 8 medium ventral setae, 8–9 mixed posterior setae.

Setal and spine formulas on pereopod 3 = 4, 6, 2–1–1–1, 5 + 3 + 1; pereopod 4 = 4, 6, 2–1–1, 5 + 3 + 1, margins lacking serrations. Article 2 of pereopods 5–7 moderately setose posteriorly, article 2 of pereopod 5 lacking mediofacial brush, dactyl with 4–5 spines in tandem.

Peduncular spine formulas of pleopods 1–3 = 2 and 1, 2 and 0, 2 and 1; segmental formulas = 16–10, 12–9, 14–13 (inner proliferate); basal setal formulas = 12–2–2–3, 7–1–1–1, 9–2–2–3.

Epimeron 2 with 4 setae in vertical posterior row.

Lateral margin on peduncle of uropod 1 with 3 setae, apicolateral corner with 1 setule, of uropod 2 with 1 long seta and 1 setule both apicolateral, dorsal setae = 1 and 1, setae of rami = 6–2 and 6–2, inner rami extending 46% and 56% along outer. Apicolateral corner of peduncle on uropod 3 with 2 spines, medial margin naked, ventromedial apical row with 6 mixed setae; lateral marginal formula of article 1 on outer ramus = Ee.

Telson about 1.33 times as wide as long, uncleft, with midapical seta (unusual), lateral formula = P, P, P.

Gland clusters not apparent in urosome or pereopods 5–7.

Female “g,” 2.28 mm: Article 1 of antenna 1 with 5 long setae and 1 penicillate; primary flagellum with 6 articles, anesthetasc formula = 0–1–2–1–1–0. Formula on article 4 of antenna 2 = P–P–PE–PE–4E; article 5 = 4E, 5E (and 5 in apical vertical row); flagellum with 6 articles. Peduncle of uropod 1 with 3 lateral setae; of uropod 2 with 1 thin lateral seta and 1 apicolateral seta; setae of rami = 6–2 and 6–2. Telsonic formula = 1 midapical seta and 1, 1, P, P, P, or 1, P, P, P, (illus.).

Female “p,” 2.12 mm: Formula on article 4 of antenna 2 = PE–PE–PE–4E. Article 1 on outer ramus of uropod 3 with additional lateral seta. Telsonic formula = apical seta and 1, P, P, P.

DESCRIPTION OF JUVENILE (juvenile “z,” 2.11 mm).—Formula on article 1 of antenna 1 = 3E and 2P; primary flagellum with 6 articles, aesthetass like female “g”; accessory flagellum 4-articulate. Formula on article 4 of antenna 2 = PE–PE–P–4E, on article 5 = 9; flagellum 6-articulate. Epimeron 2 with 3 setae. Peduncle of uropod 1 with 2 lateral setae, of uropod 2 with 1 small, apicolateral seta; dorsal setae = 1 and 1; setae of rami = 6–2 and 5–1. Telsonic formula = 1 apical seta and P, P, P.

ILLUSTRATIONS.—Mouthparts generally like Urohaustorius pulcus, except where noted.

HOLOTYPE.—NMV, female “w,” 2.42 mm (illus.).

TYPE-LOCALITY.—QM W.6385, station 15 QUS, Middle Banks, Moreton Bay, Queensland, Sep 1972, 6.7 m, sand.

VOUCHER MATERIAL.—Type-locality: female “g,” 2.28 mm (illus.); female “p,” 2.12 mm (illus.); juvenile “z,” 2.11 mm (illus.) and 3 other specimens.

MATERIAL.—1 sample (7).

DISTRIBUTION.—Queensland, Moreton Bay, 6.7 m, sand.

Narunius, new genus

DIAGNOSIS.—Rostrum weak. Peduncle of antenna 1 short, stout, articles 2 and 3 of peduncle progressively shortened, scarcely geniculate, both flagella elongate. Antenna 2 of haustorius form, article 4 expanded, article 5 small, articles 4–5 with facial armaments, article 4 with long ventral setae and subventral clusters of bifid setae. Aesthetascs simple, flagellar setae paddle-shaped. Mandibular incisors overextended, thin, essentially untoothed; right and left laciniae mobiles not alike; rakers serrate, 2 on right mandible, 3 on left; molar broad and bulky, not strongly extended, with weak triturative surface, with cuspidate accessory chopper; setae of palp article 3 awned. Mandibular lobes of lower lip well developed. Inner plate of maxilla 1 small, slender, poorly setose, outer plate with 11 spines, palp slightly shortened, uniarticulate, palpar setae attached in 2 sets. Inner plate of maxilla 2 with weakly submarginal oblique row of setae. Maxillae and maxillipeds lacking baler lobes. Outer plate of maxilliped with spines, palp article 2 expanded, article 3 elongate, dactyl clavate, multisetose.

Coxae 1–2 small, 3–4 larger, coxae 1–2 about equal in size, most of coxa 2 hidden by coxa 3, latter subequal in size to coxa 4 and hatchet shaped, extended posteroventrally; only coxae 2–5 with simple gills; brood plates 4 pairs, slender.

Gnathopods small, dissimilar, gnathopod 1 simple, gnathopod 2 weakly chelate (parachelate), wrists elongate, hand of gnathopod 2 weakly mitelliform. Dactyls of pereopods 3–7 distinguishable, those of pereopods 3–5 large, those of pereopods 6–7 small, dactyl of pereopod 5 large and spinose. Article 2 of pereopod 5 expanded; pereopod 5 of haustorius form, distal articles of pereopods 6–7 not underslung, only moderately widened; pereopods 6–7 otherwise similar, not dominating pereopod 5; article 2 of pereopod 6 narrow, of pereopod 7 expanded proximally, narrowed distally.

Peduncles of pleopods short, wider than long, pleopod 2 inferior, inner rami moderately shorter than outer. Epimeron 1 scarcely differentiated, epimeron 2 dominantly setose. Urosomite 1 scarcely produced and poorly setose ventrally. Rami of uropods 1–2 linguiform, marginally setose; peduncle of uropod 1 strongly setose laterally, of uropod 2 poorly setose laterally (weak and sparse setae). Uropod 3 of ordinary form, outer ramus dominant and biarticulate, article 2 with 2 large apical setae. Telson short, broader than long, weakly cleft.

DESCRIPTION.—Eyes indistinct or poorly discernible, ocular ganglia visible. Dorsolateral surface of article 1 on antenna 1 furnished with longitudinal row of armaments; article 2 densely setose dorsolaterally, groups distinguishable, article 3 poorly setose. Article 3 of antenna 2 short, poorly setose, flagellum much longer than article 4 of peduncle.

Right lacinia mobilis linguiform, left broad, simple. Lower lip with 1 cone on each outer lobe. Inner plate of maxilla 1 with very few short apical setae and 1 large apicomedial seta; spines on outer plate mostly bifid or trifid. Inner plate of maxilliped with 2 stout apical spines. Coxae 1–2 well setose. Gill 2 dominant, gill 5 smaller than posterior lobe of coxa 5. Gnathopod 2 bearing surficial button combs.

Pereopods 3–4 bearing secondary facial row of spines on article 5.

Uropods 1–2 with huge dorsal setae on peduncles, rami lacking basoventral setae, medial margins of peduncles heavily setose.

TYPE-SPECIES.—Narunius tallerkus, new species.


RELATIONSHIP.—This genus is very similar to Urohaustorius but differs in the relatively greater size of coxa 4 compared with coxa 3; the narrowing of article 2 on pereopods 6–7; the development of weak secondary facial spination on article 5 of pereopods 3–4; and in the distinctive paddle-shaped flagellar setae, occuring on both antennae 1–2. Like Urohaustorius perkeus, coxae 1–2 are well setose but otherwise U. perkeus and N. tallerkus have many distinctions.

For the sake of comparison to species in Urohaustorius, the diagnosis of N. tallerkus follows the formula for Urohaustorius.
bibliographic citation
Barnard, J. L. and Drummond, M. M. 1982. "Gammaridean Amphipoda of Australia, Part V: Superfamily Haustorioidea." Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology. 1-148. https://doi.org/10.5479/si.00810282.360