Description: The long rostrum is characteristic for this species.Size: approximately 5 mm. Macrofauna Item Type: Image Title: Deflexilodes tenuirostratus Copyright: SERPENT project Species: Deflexilodes tenuirostratus Site: Atlantic -- Norwegian -- Dalsnuten Site Description: Seafloor Depth (m): 1452 Latitude: 66 deg 34' 33" N Longitude: 3 deg 32' 46" E Countries: Norway -- Norwegian Sector Habitat: Benthic Rig: Aker Barents Project Partners: Shell, Aker Drilling, Oceaneering ROV: Magnum 142 Deposited By: Dr K Kroeger Deposited On: 03 July 2011
B.A.R. Azman, B.H.R. Othman
Figure 10.Monoculodes muwoni Jo, 1990, female (UKMMZ-1469), 3.3 mm. Monkey Bay, Pulau Tioman. Scales for A1, A2, HD, G1, G2, U2 and T represent 0.25 mm.
Figure 1.Oedicerina ingolfi, ovig. female, 10.3 mm; Norwegian Sea, ZMBN 95143, St. a) habitus (uropods rolled up, not illustrated); b) antenna 1; c) antenna 2; d) upper lip; e) maxilla 1; f) maxilla 1, setal teeth of outer fig; g) maxilla 1, distal setation of palp article 2; h) telson; i) mandibular palp. Scale bars: a; 2 mm: b, c, e, h; 200 µm: d, i; 100 µm.
Figure 3.Oedicerina ingolfi, ovig. female, 10.3 mm; Norwegian Sea, ZMBN 95143, St. a) gnathopod 2; b) pereopod 3. Scale bars: a, b; 200 µm.
Figure 4.Oedicerina ingolfi, ovig. female, 10.3 mm; Norwegian Sea, ZMBN 95143, St. a) pereopod 4; b) pereopod 5. Scale bars: a, b; 200 µm.
Figure 5.Oedicerina ingolfi, ovig. female, 10.3 mm; Norwegian Sea, ZMBN 95143, St. a, d) pereopod 6; b) pereopod 7; c) pleopod 1; e) uropod 1; f) uropod 2; g) uropod 3. Scale bars: a, b; 1 mm: c, e, f, g; 200 µm.
Figure 6.a, c–g) Oedicerina vaderi sp. n., male holotype, 7.3 mm; northeast Atlantic Ocean, NHMUK 2014. 398, Discovery Stn 7709#73. a) habitus; c) head; d) upper lip; e) epimeral figs 1-3; f) antenna 1; g) antenna 2. Female paratype, 6.3 mm; same locality. b) antenna 1. Scale bars: a; 1 mm: b–g; 200 μm.
Figure 7.Oedicerina vaderi sp. n., male holotype, 7.3 mm; northeast Atlantic Ocean, NHMUK 2014. 398, Discovery Stn 7709#73. a) right mandible; b) maxilla 2; c) maxilliped; d) maxilla 1; e) left mandible. Scale bars: a, c; 200 μm: b, d, e; 100 μm.
Figure 2.Oedicerina ingolfi, ovig. female, 10.3 mm; Norwegian Sea, ZMBN 95143, St. a) maxilla 2; b) maxillipeds; c) gnathopod 1. Scale bars: a; 100 µm: b, c; 200 µm.
Figure 8.Oedicerina vaderi sp. n., male holotype, 7.3 mm; northeast Atlantic Ocean, NHMUK 2014. 398, Discovery Stn 7709#73. a) gnathopod 1; b) gnathopod 2. Scale bars: a, b; 200 μm.
Figure 9.Oedicerina vaderi sp. n., male holotype, 7.3 mm; northeast Atlantic Ocean, NHMUK 2014. 398, Discovery Stn 7709#73. a) pereopod 3; b) pereopod 4; c) pereopod 5. Scale bars: a–c; 200 μm.
Figure 10.a–d, f) Oedicerina vaderi sp. n., male holotype, 7.3 mm; northeast Atlantic Ocean, NHMUK 2014. 398, Discovery Stn 7709#73. a) pereopod 6; b) pereopod 7; c) uropod 3; d) uropod 2, peduncle; f) telson; g) uropod 1. Female paratype, 6.3 mm; same locality. e) pleonite 3 and urosome with telson, uropods not shown, Scale bars: a–d; 200 μm: e; 1 mm.
Figure 11.Oedicerina loerzae sp. n., male holotype, 8.5 mm; southwest Pacific Ocean, NIWA 84727, TAN 0705-41. a) habitus; b) upper lip; c) rostrum; d) lower lip; e) maxilla 1. Scale bars: a; 1 mm: b–e; 100 µm.
Figure 12.Oedicerina loerzae sp. n., male holotype, 8.5 mm; southwest Pacific Ocean, NIWA 84727, TAN 0705-41. a) antenna 1; b) left mandible; c) antenna 2; d) right mandible; e) maxilliped, outer fig; f) maxilla 2; g) maxilliped, inner fig. Scale bars: a, b, d–g; 100 µm: c; 200 µm.
Figure 13.Oedicerina loerzae sp. n., male holotype, 8.5 mm; southwest Pacific Ocean, NIWA 84727, TAN 0705-41. a) outline of maxilliped; b) maxilliped palp; c) gnathopod 1. Scale bars: a–c; 200 µm.
Figure 14.Oedicerina loerzae sp. n., male holotype, 8.5 mm; southwest Pacific Ocean, NIWA 84727, TAN 0705-41. a) gnathopod 2; b) gnathopod 2, detail of palm; c) pereopod 3, setation of carpus and propodus omitted; d) pereopod 4. Scale bars: a, c, d; 200 µm.
Figure 15.Oedicerina loerzae sp. n., male holotype, 8.5 mm; southwest Pacific Ocean, NIWA 84727, TAN 0705-41. a) pereopod 5, b) pereopod 7; c) pereopod 6. Scale bars: a–c; 200 µm.
Figure 16.Oedicerina loerzae sp. n., male holotype, 8.5 mm; southwest Pacific Ocean, NIWA 84727, TAN 0705-41. a) pleopod 1; b) telson; c) uropod 1; d) uropod 2; e) uropod 3. Scale bars: a; 200 µm; b–e; 100 µm.
Dorsal view, wet specimen