Kerry A. Hadfield, Paul C. Sikkel, Nico J. Smit
Figure 3.Mothocya bertlucy sp. n. ovigerous female holotype (7 mm) (AMNH_IZC 00197449): A dorsal view B anterodorsal view of pereonite 1 and cephalon C dorsal view of pleotelson D uropod E lateral view.
Kerry A. Hadfield, Paul C. Sikkel, Nico J. Smit
Figure 4.Mothocya bertlucy sp. n. female paratype (7 mm) (AMNH_IZC 00197450): A antennula B antenna C maxillula D molar process E maxilliped F maxilla G pereopod 1 H pereopod 2 I pereopod 7.
Kerry A. Hadfield, Paul C. Sikkel, Nico J. Smit
Figure 6.Mothocya bertlucy sp. n. male paratype (5.5 mm) (AMNH_IZC 00197450): A dorsal view B uropod C dorsal view of pleotelson D pereopod 1 E pereopod 7 F lateral view.
Kerry A. Hadfield, Paul C. Sikkel, Nico J. Smit
Figure 7.Mothocya bertlucy sp. n. male paratype (5.5 mm) (AMNH_IZC 00197450): A antennula and antenna B maxillula C molar process D maxilliped E maxilla F–J pleopod 1–5 respectively.