
Comprehensive Description

provided by Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology
Upogebia annae Thistle, 1973

Upogebia annae Thistle, 1973:12–14, 17, fig. 5.

MATERIAL EXAMINED.—BAHAMAS: USNM 138892, (holotype), S of Great Inagua Island, 20°54′N, 73°36′W, 229 m, Oregon sta 5421, 25 May 1965; USNM 138893, 1 (paratype), same.

TURKS AND CAICOS ISLANDS: USNM 138894, 1 (paratype), S of Grand Turk Island, 19°55.5′N, 71°07′W, 183 m, Silver Bay sta 5158, 14 Oct 1963.

DIAGNOSIS.—Projections to either side of rostrum ending in acute spine. Postocular spine present. Abdominal sternites unarmed; AVI with anterolateral lobe but lacking hooked anterolateral process. T subrectangular. P1 merus with subdistal dorsal spine reaching beyond level of postorbital spine, carpus with 2 moderate but subequal spines on anteromesial margin. P2 with proximal mesioventral spine on merus reduced to tubercle or absent; merus of P4 spineless.

DESCRIPTION.—Rostrum subtriangular, sides slightly convex, straight in lateral view, tip exceeding eyestalks by again their length; dorsal pair of strong subapical spines followed on each side by 3 strong spines; lateral ridge either slightly concave in dorsal view or parallel to median line in anterior , then slightly divergent and bowed laterally in posterior , bearing crest of about 13–15 spines, strongest on process lateral to rostrum and decreasing to tubercles posteriorly. Shoulder lateral to cervical groove smooth or sometimes bearing 1 or 2 tiny obsolescent tubercles below intersection with thalassinidean line; latter continuing to posterior margin of carapace. Postocular spine present, asymmetrically doubled in holotype.

Abdominal sternites unarmed, terga of AIII–IV with very few setae on posterior margin.

T subrectangular, slightly concave distally, prominent transverse proximal ridge confluent with lateral ridge at each side.

Eyestalk stout, cornea narrower than diameter of stalk, directed anterolaterally and with proximolateral margin tending to be subangular rather than rounded.

A1 peduncle reaching to about proximal of terminal article of A2 peduncle, its proximal 2 articles together slightly longer than terminal article.

A2 peduncle with about its length extending beyond tip of rostrum; article 2 bearing tiny subdistal ventral spine; scale moderate, oval.

Mxp3 with epipod.

Epistomial projection rather broadly rounded in lateral view, bearing 1–2 tiny, often obsolescent apical spines.

Chelipeds with ventral margin of ischium bearing tiny spine or tubercle distally. Merus with single subdistal dorsal spine reaching beyond level of postocular spine, sometimes reaching level of lateral rostral spines; row of 4–7 variably sized and arranged spines on ventral margin. Carpus trigonal, shallow longitudinal groove laterally and moderate submarginal spine at anterior ventrolateral corner; mesiodorsal crest of 2–4 moderate to strong spines plus sometimes a granule behind prominent spine on anterior margin, and remotely behind this near proximodorsal corner 1–2 often small spines at base of faint ridge extending obliquely forward across dorsal side of article; 1–3 strong spines on anterodorsal margin mesial to articulation with propodus; 2 moderate subequal spines near middle of anteromesial margin. Chl about 3–4 times chh; female with obsolete dorsal ridge terminating anteriorly near stout subdistal spine mesial to it, mesiodorsal row of almost undiscernible low rounded spines becoming obsolete at about – length; variable distomarginal spine below lateral and mesial dactylar condyles, 2–5 much smaller spines ventral to mesial condyle on distal margin; lower mesial surface spineless except for 2 obsolescent rugae with associated setal tufts near base of fixed finger, and low transversely arcuate ridge near proximomesial corner. Fixed finger nearly as long as dactyl, slightly downcurved in middle and tapering to moderately slender tip, about 5–7 small teeth on proximal prehensile edge. Dactyl longitudinally ridged and setose; strong tooth at length of prehensile edge followed by crest bearing file of fine teeth becoming obsolete near tip, toothless section basally; curved extensor surface sometimes bearing 2 or more obsolescent tubercles proximally and worn or tiny subdistal tooth, corneous in holotype; male similar but palm with no dorsal spine rows, tubercles present on mesial surface near anteromesial spines of carpus.

Legs elongate and slender. P2 reaching about to distal of palm; carpus with slender, acute distodorsal spine and similar but smaller subdistal ventral spine; merus with slender subdistal dorsal spine, proximal mesioventral spine absent or reduced to tubercle, sometimes another tubercle or small spine at length; coxa with proximal ridge sometimes bearing cluster of about 3 tiny obsolescent spines. P3 with carpus sometimes bearing tiny subdistal ventral spine; merus with scattered ventral and ventrolateral spines tending to be clustered in proximal ; ischium unarmed, and coxa of female with flange-like low spine lateral to gonopore. P4 with merus and ischium unarmed.

U with tiny acute spine on protopod above base of mesial ramus; lateral ramus with mesial rib bearing at most a raised area.

MEASUREMENTS (in mm).—Holotype , acl 7.4, cl 12.0, chl 9.0, chh 2.8; paratype , same 8.1, 12.3, 11.8, 2.8.

KNOWN RANGE.—Confined to the material examined.
bibliographic citation
Williams, Austin B. 1993. "Mud shrimps, Upogebiidae, from the western Atlantic (Crustacea: Decapoda: Thalassinoidea)." Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology. 1-77. https://doi.org/10.5479/si.00810282.544