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Mushroom Coral Shrimp

Hamopontonia corallicola Bruce 1970

Comprehensive Description

provided by Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology
Hamopontonia corallicola Bruce, 1970

Hamopontonia corallicola Bruce, 1970b:41, figs. 1–4 [type locality: “Kat O Chau, Mirs Bay,” New Territories, Hong Kong; 22°32.1′N, 114°17.95′E; about 1 m, on massive coral Goniopora]; 1983c:896, fig. 10G.

DIAGNOSIS.—Deeply incised posterior notch of telson without small median process; maximum postorbital carapace length 7.0 mm.

RANGE.—Hong Kong, Japan, Indonesia, and Great Barrier Reef of Australia; associated with poritid coral of genus Goniopora.

*Harpiliopsis Borradaile, 1917

Harpiliopsis Borradaile, 1917:324, 329–334, 336–338, 341–343, 347–351, 379, 395 [type species, by original designation: Palaemon Beaupresii Audouin, 1826:91; gender: feminine].—Holthuis, 1952c:90, 180.

DIAGNOSIS.—Rostrum far overreaching anteriorly extended eyes, compressed laterally, armed dorsally with 4–7 distinct teeth, ventrally with 2–5, lateral carina not expanded into broad supraocular or postocular eave; carapace somewhat depressed dorsoventrally, dorsal profile faintly convex, without longitudinal ridge or suture, armed with antennal and immovable hepatic spines only, orbital margin not interrupted posteriorly; abdomen with pleuron of 5th somite sharp-pointed; telson not curving ventrad, posterior margin not incised, median and submedian pairs of posterior spines not curved ventrad, dorsolateral spines not robust; epistome not bearing paired, horn-like processes; antennal scale well developed, distolateral spine not overreaching distal margin of blade; mandible without palp; 3rd maxilliped with exopod; 4th thoracic sternite without slender median process; 1st pereopod with fingers not subspatulate, carpus entire, not subdivided; 2nd pereopods similar and subequal, chela much longer than carpus, fingers not provided with socket and plunger closure, movable finger normal, not semicircular, palm 3 to 4 times as long as high; 3rd pereopod composed of 7 segments, merus and ischium not fused, dactyl simple, with unique lateral twist, not biunguiculate, merus unarmed on flexor margin; uropod with lateral branch bearing single fixed lateral tooth and movable spine mesial thereto; associated with stony corals.

RANGE.—Red Sea to Pacific coast of America.
bibliographic citation
Chace, Fenner Albert, Jr. and Bruce, A. J. 1993. "The caridean shrimps (Crustacea: Decapoda) of the Albatross Philippine Expedition 1907-1910, Part 6: Superfamily Palaemonoidea." Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology. 1-152. https://doi.org/10.5479/si.00810282.543