Comprehensive Description
provided by Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology
Discias exul Kemp, 1920
Discias exul Kemp, 1920:138, figs. 1–3.—Gurney, 1939:390–391.—Lebour, 1949:1107–1110.—Holthuis, 1955:39, fig. 17; 1981:788–792.—Bruce, 1970:315, fig. 1; 1975:301, 303; 1976:120, 129.—Forest, 1977:873–875.—Wilson and Gore, 1979:313–314.
Discias mvitac Bruce, 1976:119, figs. 1–5.—Forest, 1977: 874.—Wilson and Gore, 1979:313–315.—Holthuis, 1981:791–792—Kensley, 1981:23. [New synonym.]
MATERIAL EXAMINED—BMNH 1922.7.18.1, syntype, 1 CL 1.7 mm, Port Blair, Andaman Islands, “low water,” 1 Mar 1915, on yellow sponge. AM-P16866, 1 ovigerous , CL 2.6 mm, 1 , CL 1.6 mm, Heron Island, Great Barrier Reef, Australia, coll. A J. Bruce. SAM-A18814, 1 ovigerous , CL 2.4 mm, 1 , CL 1.9 mm; USNM 189090, 1 , CL 2.1 mm; Sodwana Bay, Zululand, South Africa, 27° 31′S, 32° 41′E, 16 m, coll. A.E. Louw, 25 Jul 1976. BMNH 1974.16, holotype (of D. mvitae), CL 2.2 mm, Fort Jesus, Mombasa, Kenya, 4°04′S, 39°01.5′E, 20 m, from sponge Acarnus ternatus Ridley.
DIAGNOSIS.—Rostrum lanceolate, apically acute, margins serrate. Carapace faintly pitted. Middorsal spine present on posterior margin of abdominal segment 2. Telson with 4 pairs of distal spines, outermost pair probably part of distolateral series. Antennal scale lacking distolateral tooth. Mandibular palp 2-segmented, distal segment half or less than half length of, and no broader than proximal segment; incisor process acutely triangular, margins serrate. Outer uropodal ramus, lateral margin entire.
- bibliographic citation
- Kensley, Brian F. 1983. "New records of bresiliid shrimps from Australia, South Africa Caribbean, and Gulf of Mexico (Decapoda: Natantia: Caridea)." Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology. 1-31.