“Genus Uroptychus, n. n.
Diptychus,1 A. Milne-Edwards, Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool, vol. viii. No. 1, p. 61, 1880.
Rostrum flattened and acute, resembling that of Galathea. Carapace somewhat ovate in shape, with its surface glabrous and usually devoid of spines. Chelipedes elongated and of varying width; the ambulatory limbs slender. Eye-stalks short and stout, the corneæ scarcely dilated. Antennal peduncle slender, the first free joint provided with a flattened and acute acicle or movable spine; the flagellum never of great length, and in some cases remarkably short. External maxillipedes comparatively smooth, with the terminal joints elongated, more especially the propodus, which is considerably longer than any of the other joints. Abdomen smooth and glabrous externally, folded on itself; the telson (which is transversely segmented and of very small size), as well as the last pair of appendages, bent under the preceding segments and applied to the thoracic sterna; males with the first two pairs of appendages (copulatory organs) fairly well developed, those of the third and fourth segments rudimentary, of the fifth absent; females with two pairs of ovigerous appendages on the third and fourth segments, those of the other segments (with the exception of the penultimate) absent. Eggs comparatively few in number, and of large size.
The species are mostly of small size, and characterised by the shining polished surface of their body and limbs. They are widely distributed, occurring at depths of about 100 to 700 fathoms, and many of the species appear to live among the branches of Corals, their limbs being specially adapted for clinging. The atrophy of the caudal swimming fin is carried to a greater extent than in either Ptychogaster or Eumunida, and it is probable that the folding in of that part is a result of this condition in all three genera. In one respect Uroptychus differs from all other Galatheids, viz., in the presence of a distinct movable acicle on the first free (in reality the second) joint of the antennal peduncle, an important and primitive character, but it must be remembered that a similar process, though of very small size, is present also in Eumunida. In those species which I have examined, the fifth arthrobranchia, counting from before backwards, is not of larger size than the others, whereas in most of the Galathodea it is distinctly enlarged. Professor A. Milne-Edwards has made known five species from the West Indies, dredged during the "Blake " expedition, and more recently another species from the "Talisman " dredgings in the North Atlantic.
1 As this name has been previously used in Zoology to designate a genus of Cyprinoid Fishes, I have altered it to that given above.”
(Henderson, 1888)
Uroptychus is a genus of squat lobsters in the family Chirostylidae found across the Indo-Pacific.[1] The genus Uroptychus contains the following species:[2]
Uroptychus is a genus of squat lobsters in the family Chirostylidae found across the Indo-Pacific. The genus Uroptychus contains the following species:
Uroptychus acostalis Baba, 1988 Uroptychus aguayoi Chace, 1939 Uroptychus alcocki Ahyong & Poore, 2004 Uroptychus alius Baba, 2005 Uroptychus altus Baba, 2005 Uroptychus amabilis Baba, 1979 Uroptychus anacaena Baba & Lin, 2008 Uroptychus anatonus Baba & Lin, 2008 Uroptychus armatus (A. Milne-Edwards, 1880) Uroptychus atlanticus Baba & Wicksten, 2017 Uroptychus australis (Henderson, 1885) Uroptychus babai Ahyong & Poore, 2004 Uroptychus bacillimanus Alcock & Anderson, 1899 Uroptychus bellus Faxon, 1893 Uroptychus belos Ahyong & Poore, 2004 Uroptychus bicavus Baba & de Saint Laurent, 1992 Uroptychus bispinatus Baba, 1988 Uroptychus bouvieri Caullery, 1896 Uroptychus brachydactylus Tirmizi, 1964 Uroptychus brevipes Baba, 1990 Uroptychus brevirostris Van Dam, 1933 Uroptychus brevis Benedict, 1902 Uroptychus brevisquamatus Baba, 1988 Uroptychus brucei Baba, 1986 Uroptychus calcar Ahyong & Poore, 2004 Uroptychus capillatus Benedict, 1902 Uroptychus cardus Ahyong & Poore, 2004 Uroptychus cartesi Baba & Macpherson, 2012 Uroptychus cavirostris Alcock & Anderson, 1899 Uroptychus chacei (Baba, 1986) Uroptychus ciliatus (Van Dam, 1933) Uroptychus comptus Baba, 1988 Uroptychus concolor (A. Milne-Edwards & Bouvier, 1894) Uroptychus convexus Baba, 1988 Uroptychus crassior Baba, 1990 Uroptychus crassipes Van Dam, 1939 Uroptychus crosnieri Baba, 1990 Uroptychus cyrano Poore & Andreakis, 2011 Uroptychus dentatus Balss, 1913 Uroptychus edisonicus Baba & Williams, 1998 Uroptychus empheres Ahyong & Poore, 2004 Uroptychus ensirostris Parisi, 1917 Uroptychus faxianae sp. nov. Uroptychus flindersi Ahyong & Poore, 2004 Uroptychus fornicatus Chace, 1942 Uroptychus foulisi Kensley, 1977 Uroptychus fusimanus Alcock & Anderson, 1899 Uroptychus glaber Baba, 1981 Uroptychus gordonae Tirmizi, 1964 Uroptychus gracilimanus (Henderson, 1885) Uroptychus granulatus Benedict, 1902 Uroptychus hamatus Khodkina, 1981 Uroptychus hesperius Ahyong & Poore, 2004 Uroptychus inclinis Baba, 2005 Uroptychus indicus Alcock, 1901 Uroptychus insignis (Henderson, 1885) Uroptychus intermedius (A. Milne-Edwards, 1880) Uroptychus jamaicensis Benedict, 1902 Uroptychus japonicus Ortmann, 1892 Uroptychus joloensis Van Dam, 1939 Uroptychus kaitara Schnabel, 2009 Uroptychus laperousazi Ahyong & Poore, 2004 Uroptychus latirostris Yokoya, 1933 Uroptychus latus Ahyong & Poore, 2004 Uroptychus levicrustus Baba, 1988 Uroptychus litosus Ahyong & Poore, 2004 Uroptychus liui sp. nov. Uroptychus longicheles Ahyong & Poore, 2004 Uroptychus longioculus Baba, 1990 Uroptychus longior Baba, 2005 Uroptychus longvae Ahyong & Poore, 2004 Uroptychus magnispinatus Baba, 1977 Uroptychus maori Borradaile, 1916 Uroptychus marianicus sp. nov. Uroptychus maroccanus Türkay, 1976 Uroptychus mauritius Baba, 2005 Uroptychus minutus Benedict, 1902 Uroptychus multispinosus Ahyong & Poore, 2004 Uroptychus murrayi Tirmizi, 1964 Uroptychus nanophyes McArdle, 1901 Uroptychus naso Van Dam, 1933 Uroptychus nigricapillis Alcock, 1901 Uroptychus nitidus (A. Milne-Edwards, 1880) Uroptychus novaezealandiae Borradaile, 1916 Uroptychus occidentalis Faxon, 1893 Uroptychus occultispinatus Baba, 1988 Uroptychus onychodactylus Tirmizi, 1964 Uroptychus orientalis]] Baba & Lin, 2008 Uroptychus oxymerus Ahyong & Baba, 2004 Uroptychus paenultimus Baba, 2005 Uroptychus paku Schnabel, 2009 Uroptychus paracrassior Ahyong & Poore, 2004 Uroptychus parilis Cabezas, Lin & Chan, 2012 Uroptychus parvulus (Henderson, 1885) Uroptychus patulus Ahyong & Poore, 2004 Uroptychus pilosus Baba, 1981 Uroptychus pinocchio Poore & Andreakis, 2011 Uroptychus politus (Henderson, 1885) Uroptychus princeps Benedict, 1902 Uroptychus pronus Baba, 2005 Uroptychus pubescens Faxon, 1893 Uroptychus raymondi Baba, 2000 Uroptychus remotispinatus Baba & Tirmizi, 1979 Uroptychus rubrovittatus (A. Milne-Edwards, 1881) Uroptychus rugosus (A. Milne-Edwards, 1880) Uroptychus rutua Schnabel, 2009 Uroptychus sagamiae Baba, 2005 Uroptychus scambus Benedict, 1902 Uroptychus scandens Benedict, 1902 Uroptychus setosidigitalis Baba, 1977 Uroptychus setosipes Baba, 1981 Uroptychus sexspinosus Balss, 1913 Uroptychus sibogae Van Dam, 1933 Uroptychus simiae Kensley, 1977 Uroptychus similis Baba, 1977 Uroptychus singularis Baba & Lin, 2008 Uroptychus siraji Tirmizi, 1964 Uroptychus soyomaruae Baba, 1981 Uroptychus spiniger Benedict, 1902 Uroptychus spinimanus Tirmizi, 1964 Uroptychus spinirostris (Ahyong & Poore, 2004) Uroptychus spinosus (A. Milne-Edwards & Bouvier, 1894) Uroptychus sternospinosus Tirmizi, 1964 Uroptychus subsolanus Ahyong & Poore, 2004 Uroptychus suluensis Van Dam, 1933 Uroptychus thermalis Baba & de Saint Laurent, 1992 Uroptychus toka Schnabel, 2009 Uroptychus tomentosus Baba, 1974 Uroptychus transparens sp. nov. Uroptychus triangularis Miyake & Baba, 1967 Uroptychus tridentatus (Henderson, 1885) Uroptychus uncifer (A. Milne-Edwards, 1880) Uroptychus undecimspinosus Kensley, 1977 Uroptychus valdiviae Balss, 1913 Uroptychus vandamae Baba, 1988 Uroptychus webberi Schnabel, 2009 Uroptychus wolffi Baba, 2005 Uroptychus xipholepis Van Dam, 1933 Uroptychus yaldwyni Schnabel, 2009 Uroptychus yokoyai Ahyong & Poore, 2004 Uroptychus zeidleri Ahyong & Poore, 2004 Uroptychus zezuensis Kim, 1972