Comprehensive Description
provided by Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology
Paradoloria vanhoeffeni (Müller, 1908)
Paradoloria vanhoeffeni.—Kornicker, 1992:55, figs. 30, 31 [see for additional synonymies].
HOLOTYPE.—None selected.
SYNTYPE LOCALITY.—Benthic, off Simonstown, South Africa.
MATERIAL.—BT-172: 4 specimens. BT-186: 1 specimen. BT-216: 1 specimen. BT-219: 1 specimen and 1 partly dissected specimen. BT-222: 7 specimens. BT-227: 4 specimens. BT-230: 1 specimen and 1 partly dissected specimen. BT-236: 1 specimen. BT-240: 5 specimens and 1 partly dissected adult female (USNM 194176). BT-240B: 1 juvenile. BT-256: 1 empty carapace. BT-257: 1 partly dissected specimen. BT-259: 4 specimens. BT-261: 1 specimen. BT-263: 1 specimen. BT-272: 1 specimen. BT-274: 2 specimens. BT-616: 1 specimen. BT-621: 8 specimens. BT-622: 1 partly dissected adult male. BT-737: 1 juvenile. BT-761: 1 juvenile. BT-779: 1 specimen. BT-790: 2 specimens (1 with shell removed). BT-795: 1 specimen. BT-797: 1 specimen. BT-836: 1 juvenile. BT-851: 1 specimen.
DISTRIBUTION.—Off Simonstown, South Africa; east coast of Africa from Cape of Good Hope to Mombassa (35°S–4°S); Mozambique Channel (Kornicker, 1992:55). Madagascar (Monod, 1932:3); herein, see “Material.” Known depth range 20–150 m.
Cypridinodes Brady, 1902
TYPE SPECIES.—Cypridinodes favus Brady, 1902.
COMPOSITION AND DISTRIBUTION.—Indo-Pacific and Australasian waters. Including a new species described herein, 13 species are referred to this genus, of which one (C. minuta Poulsen, 1962) has been reported from the western Indian Ocean, and two have been reported from the Red Sea (C. asymmetrica (Müller, 1906) and C. dorsocurvata (Graf, 1931)) (Kornicker, 1991:17). Three new species from Madagascar are described herein.
- bibliographic citation
- Kornicker, Louis S. and Thomassin, B. A. 1998. "Ostracoda (Myodocopina) of Tulear reef complex, SW Madagascar." Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology. 1-134.
Comprehensive Description
provided by Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology
Paradoloria vanhoeffeni (Müller, 1908)
Cypridina vanhöffeni Müller, 1908:62, 82, pl. 5: figs. 1–8, 13.—1912:10, 11.—Stebbing, 1910:517.—Triebel, 1941:331, fig. 62.—Sohn, 1974:725, fig. 1c.—Hartmann and Petersen, 1978:227 [location of types].
Cypridina vanhoeffeni Müller, 1908:176 [variant spelling in plate legend].
Cypridina (Vargula) Vanhöffeni.—Skogsberg, 1920:194, 247, 262.
Cypridina Vanhöffeni.—Monod, 1932:3, figs. 3, 4.
Paradoloria vanhöffeni.—Poulsen, 1962:147–149, 152, 159–162, 334, fig. 80.
Cypridina (Paradoloria) vanhoeffeni.—Hartmann-Schröder and Hartmann, 1974:70.
Paradoloria vanhoeffeni.—Cohen and Kornicker, 1975:25.
HOLOTYPE.—None selected.
SYNTYPES.—Hamburg Zoological Institute and Zoological Museum (Hartmann and Petersen, 1978:227).
SYNTYPE LOCALITY.—Benthic off Simonstown, South Africa.
MATERIAL.—Sta 5-DR: USNM 193748, 1 adult female in alcohol. Sta 109-R: MNHN Os 436, instar V female in alcohol.
DISTRIBUTION.—Off Simonstown, South Africa; Madagascar (Monod, 1932:3); east coast of Africa from Cape of Good Hope to Mombassa (35°S–4°S) in 20–80 m (Poulsen, 1962:162). Sta 5-DR: W Leven Bank, depth 35–150 m. Sta 109-R: S Zelee Bank, depth 50 m. Known depth range 20–150 m.
DESCRIPTION OF INSTAR V FEMALE (Figures 30, 31a,b).—Carapace similar in shape to adult illustrated by Müller (1908, fig. 5:1), except caudal process more pointed and projecting (Figure 30a). Bar present on inside of rostrum of right valve near dorsal margin similar to that described by Poulsen (1962:159), not on left valve as illustrated by Müller (1908, fig. 5:3). Ventral edge of rostrum extending medially slightly past inner margin of selvage (Figure 30b,c).
Infold: 3 long rostral bristles near incisur of right valve with many short marginal hairs (Figure 30d,e). Finger-like blunt projection on rostral infold of right valve of adult male illustrated by Poulsen (1962, fig. 80a) not present. Broad list of caudal process with row of spines (Figures 30f, 31a); edge of list dorsal to teeth on right valve forming ridge projecting inward (Figure 30f). Teeth of posterior list of adult visible inside valve.
Carapace Size: MNHN Os 436, length 2.68 mm, height 1.87 mm.
First Antenna: Joints 1–6 with bristles and spines similar to those of 1st antenna described by Poulsen (1962:159, fig. 80c).
Second Antenna: Endopodite similar to that described by Poulsen (1962:161) with 3 short and 2 long bristles on 1st joint (not 4 short bristles as on illustration of Poulsen (1962, fig. 80e)). Protopodite and exopodite similar to those described and illustrated by Poulsen (1962:161, fig. 80f).
Mandible: Similar to that described by Poulsen (1962:161).
Maxilla: Similar to that described and illustrated by Poulsen (1962:161, fig. 80g,h), including 2 dorsal bristles on coxale and 2 on basale, each pair with 1 long and 1 short bristle.
Fifth Limb: Main tooth comprising 5 pectinate teeth, 1 proximal smooth triangular tooth, and 1 spinous proximal bristle (Figure 30g).
Sixth Limb: With numerous bristles.
Seventh Limb (Figure 30h): Tooth opposite comb at right angle to comb similar to those illustrated by Müller (1908, fig. 5:13) and by Poulsen (1962, fig. 80:1) but with fewer comb teeth. Limb with many bristles tapering distally (juvenile character).
Furca (Figure 30i): Each lamella with 9 teeth; claw 2 nonarticulated; claw 3 narrower than claw 4.
Eyes: Lateral eye well developed, unpigmented (Figure 30a). Medial eye about same size as lateral eye, unpigmented, bare (Figure 31b).
Bellonci Organ (Figure 31b): Short, cylindrical, with pointed process at tip.
Upper Lip (Figure 31b): With unpaired anterior part, and paired posterior part with 2 short tusks on each side. (Lip more closely resembles that illustrated by Müller (1908, fig. 5:5) than that illustrated by Poulsen (1962, fig. 80n) in having a shorter anterior tusk.
Genitalia (Figure 30j): None present on specimen but genitalia with sclerotized rim visible on internal instar.
Anterior of Body (Figure 31b): With broad process midway between medial eye and upper lip.
Posterior of Body: Evenly rounded, bare.
Y-Sclerite: Typical for subfamily.
Remarks: The presence of 5 pectinate teeth on the main tooth of the 5th limb indicates that the specimen is the 5th instar (A-1). Small unextruded ovoids within the body may be eggs, but they could not be identified with certainty. The specimen has within it well-developed appendages of the next instar including genitalia, which could be either male or female. The 1st antenna of the internal instar does not have suckers visible that would have identified the internal instar as an adult male. It is tentatively concluded that the specimen is an instar V female.
SUPPLEMENTARY DESCRIPTION OF ADULT FEMALE (Figure 31c–g).—Carapace similar in shape to that of instar V female (Figure 31c).
Infold (Figure 31d–f): Bristles and spines not counted but in general similar to those of instar V female.
Carapace Size: USNM 193748, length 3.09 mm, height 2.17 mm.
Furca (Figure 31g): Similar to instar V female except with 10 claws on each lamella.
Lateral Eye (Figure 31c): With 26 ommatidia and black pigment between them.
Posterior of Body: Evenly rounded, bare.
Eggs: USNM 193748 with many large unextruded eggs.
COMPARISONS.—Poulsen (1962:159) mentioned 2 shell characters of the specimens he described that differ from those described by Müller (1908:82), namely a chitinous bar on the inside of the rostrum being on the right valve of his specimen and on the left valve of Müller's specimen, and also the presence of a finger-like process on the inner side of the rostrum of his specimen and its absence on the illustration of Müller (1908, fig. 5:3). Another difference that could be of significance is length of the male carapace: Müller (1908:83) gives the length of the male as 3.25 mm, whereas, Poulsen (1962:161) gives the length of males as 2.5–2.6 mm. The valves of the instar V female and adult female studied herein differ from specimens described by Poulsen in the valves having many more teeth on the list of the caudal process (valves described by Poulsen (1962:159) have only 6 or 7 short triangular teeth near dorsal end of ridge). Also, the present valves have a bristle in place of the finger-like process inside the rostrum.
Skogsbergia Kornicker, 1974
Skogsbergia Poulsen, 1962 [nomen nudum].—Kornicker, 1974b [named type species].
TYPE SPECIES.—Skogsbergia minuta Poulsen, 1962 (subsequent designation, Kornicker, 1974b:3).
DISTRIBUTION.—The genus is circumglobal between about 60°N and 10°S. Known depth range 2–250 m. The genus has not been reported previously from the western Indian Ocean.
COMPOSITION.—Kornicker (1991:11) referred 10 species to this genus. Three new species are referred to the genus herein.
EMENDED DIAGNOSIS.—In his diagnosis of the genus Poulsen (1962:162) states, “The f- and g-bristles of the 8th joint are in the male proximally provided with a very large number of long, thin, hair-like filaments.” Two species described herein, S. iota and S. plax, are without these filaments. Therefore, the diagnosis is emended to include species with or without the filaments. The main diagnostic generic characters are reduced endopodite of the 2nd antenna and an upper lip without long paired tusks.
- bibliographic citation
- Kornicker, Louis S. 1992. "Myodocopid Ostracoda of the BenthIdi Expedition, 1977, to the NE Mozambique Channel, Indian Ocean." Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology. 1-243.