Beatriz Yáñez-Rivera, Luis Fernando Carrera-Parra
Figure 2.Notopygos caribea sp. n. A Prostomium, dorsal view B Caruncle, arrow showing circular projection in the middle of the caruncle C Pigmentation pattern between chaetiger 9–12 D Notochaeta from chaetiger 10 E Branchia and accessory dorsal cirrus from chaetiger 15 F Main dorsal cirrus from chaetiger 15 G Distal lobes H Chaetal fragmentation I Anterior part of live specimen from Guana Island, BVI (photo: Leslie Harris), arrows showing branchiae beginning. Holotype: A, B, E–G, paratype: C, D, H. ADC accessory dorsal cirrus LA lateral antennae Li lips MA median antenna Pa palps. Scale bar: A, B, E-G= 0.5 mm, D= 100 μm.
Beatriz Yáñez-Rivera, Luis Fernando Carrera-Parra
Figure 4.Caruncles and pigmentation pattern of some Notopygos species. A Caruncula of Notopygos variabilis B Caruncula of Notopygos horsti C Caruncula of Notopygos caribea sp. n. D Caruncula of Notopygos andrewsi E Caruncula and pigmentation pattern of Notopygos ornata from Mexican Pacific F Pigmentation pattern of Notopygos caribea sp. n. between chaetigers 6–7G Pigmentation pattern of Notopygos andrewsi anterior chaetigers. Redrawn from original descriptions: A,B,D,G. ECL elevated central lobe FLL flattened lateral lobe LA lateral antennae Li lips MA median antenna Pa palps.Scale bar: 3.5 mm.