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Philobrya sculpturalis (Dell 1956)


provided by NMNH Antarctic Invertebrates

Hochstetteria sculpturalis n.sp. Figs. 21,22.

Shell large for genus, equivalve, inequilateral, ovate-triangular, compressed anteriorly, sculptured with radial ribs and faint concentrics. Antero-dorsal margin almost straight, anterior and ventral margins broadly rounded, posterior margin somewhat flattened, curving broadly over the postero-dorsal margin. There is a small flat-topped prodissoconch, obliquely inclined. A line running rather sinuously from the beaks to the junction of the posterior and ventral margins divides the outer surface of the valves into a main disc and a posterior area, the posterior area being set at a slight angle from the central disc. Sculpture consisting of widely spaced, rather sinuous, narrow, raised radials which become obsolete towards the beaks, 10 on the main disc, 5 on the posterior area. These are crossed by a few major, irregular, concentric growth lines and very fine, regular closely spaced concentrics. Lunular area moderate, deeply excavated. Hinge plate narrow. Posterior and antero-ventral areas of valve margin crenulated. Interior of valve marked by radials and growth lines.

Length (Anterior—posterior) 4.36 mm.; height (Dorsal—ventral) 6.0 mm.; inflation (single valve) 1.18 mm.

Holotype (M. 9761) and paratypes in the Dominion Museum; paratypes in the Canterbury Museum.

Localities: C.I.E. Station 34, off the Forty Fours, in 130 fathoms (type) ; Portobello Alert Station 54-9, off the East Otago coast, in 250 fathoms; B.S. 190, off East Otago coast, in 300 fathoms.

This species-is closest to H. meleagrina Bernard, from which it differs at sight in the much stronger, more numerous radials, and in the considerably higher shell.”

(Dell, 1956: 17-18)