“Axinæa modesta, n. sp. (Plate XXXV. fig 4.)
Shell solid, somewhat obliquely ovate convex, slightly subangulate anteriorly, equivalve; whitish, faintly marked with numerous indistinct pale-brown angular lines, with here and there a very few descending straight chestnut markings towards the base anteriorly; valves sculptured with fine close-set elevated striæ, less numerous towards the umbones, and crossed with a few very minute concentric striæ, and with strongly marked lines of growth that have a frilled appearance towards the ventral margin, which is clothed with a short brief epidermis; cardinal area small; umbones incurved anteriorly, brown, tinged with livid blue; interior of valves pale yellow, with a dark purple stain in front; margins crenate.
Long. 8 ½, alt. 9, lat. 5 lin.
Hab. Australia. Coll. Hanley.”
(Angas, 1879)
Glycymeris modesta, or the small dog cockle, is a marine bivalve mollusc in the family Glycymerididae.
Glycymeris modesta, or the small dog cockle, is a marine bivalve mollusc in the family Glycymerididae.