Comprehensive Description
provided by North American Flora
Apocynum pumilum (A. Gray) Greene, Man
Bay Reg. 240. 1894.
Apocynum androsaemifolium. var. pumilum A. Gray, Syn. Fl. N. Am. 2^: 83. 1878.
Apocynum calophyllum Greene, Leaflets 1: 57. 1904.
Apocynum cardiophyllum Greene, Leaflets 1: 79. 1904.
Apocynum bicolor McGregor, Bull. Torrey Club 37: 261. 1910.
Apocynum ovalifolium Greene, Leaflets 2: 182. 1912.
Apocynum paniculatum Greene, Leaflets 2: 183. 1912.
Apocynum stenolobum Greene, Leaflets 2: 183. 1912.
Apocynum eximium Greene, Leaflets 2: 184. 1912.
Apocynum, plumbeum Greene, Leaflets 2: 185. 1912.
Apocynumxylosteaceum Greene, Leaflets 2: 185. 1912.
Apocynumrotundifolium Greene, Leaflets 2: 186. 1912.
Apocynum Austinae Greene, Leaflets 2: 188. 1912.
Apocynum cercidium Greene, Leaflets 2: 188. 1912.
A^ocywMW ^wrirfMm Greene, Leaflets 2: 189. 1912. . ,r r. £oa 1c^^'2
Apocynum pumilum var. cercidium B6g. & Bel. Mem. Accad. Lmcei V. 9: 684. lyi^-
Apocynum pumilum var. calophyllum B6g. & Bel. Mem. Accad. Lmcei V. 9: 684. 1913.
Apocynum pumilum var. ovalifolium B6g. & Bel. Mem. Accad. Lincei V9: 684. 1913.
Apocynum pumilum var. xylosteaceum Beg. & Bel. Mem. Accad. Lincei V. 9: 685. 1913.
Apocynum pumilum var. plumbeum B^g. & Bel. Mem. Accad. Lmcei V. 9: 685. lyu.
Apocynum pumilum var. stenolobum B6g. & Bel. Mem. -^ccad. Lincei ¥.9: 686. lyiJ.
Apocynum androsaemifolium var. nevadense Jepson, Man. Fl. PI. Calit. /oy. ly/o.
Stems erect, ascending, or diffuse, 1-4 dm. tall, freely and rather dichotomously branched, the branches ascending or spreading, alternate to subalternate, glabrous; leaves opposite, petiolate to subsessile, drooping, ovate to oblong-lanceolate, 1.5-7 cm. long, 0.5-4.5 cm. broad, frequently somewhat cordate at the base, glabrous; calyx-lobes ovate to ovate-lanceolate, 2-3 mm. long, glabrous; corolla more or less cylindric or urceolate, 6-9 mm. long, the lobes white, usually with pinkish veins, usually widely spreading or reflexed, glabrous externally; follicles 5-12 cm. long, nearly erect at maturity.
S^TltJ'BTOO^ M^^a'^an^ Wyoming, and westward and southwestward to Washington. Oregon, and California.
Apocynum pumilum var. rhomboideum (Greene) B|g. & Bel. Mem. Accad. Lincei V. 9: 688. 1913 Apocynum rhomboideum Greene, Pittonia S: 66 1902 Apocynum tomenlellum Greene, leaflets 1 58 1904 Not A. tomenlellum Nieuwl. 1913. Apocynum androsaemtfohumsuhsp. ^^IVum Piper, Contr. U. S. Nat. Herb. 11: 453. 1906. Apocynum ctnereum A. Heller, Muhlenbergia 8: 21 1912 Apocynum polycardium Greene, leaflets 2: 184. 1912. Apocynum pulchellum Ureene Leaflets 2: 186. 1912. Apocynum arcuatum Greene, Leaflets 2: 187. 1912. Apocynum diverstfolium Greene. Leaflets 2: 189. 1912. Apocynum pumilum var. intermedium B6g. & Bel. Mem. Accad Lmcei V. 9: 686. 1913. Apocynum pumilum var. tomeniellum Beg. & Bel. Mem. Accad. o fiaa ioi5 T? • apocynum pumilum var. pulchellum B6g. & Bel. Mem. Accad. Lincei V.
y: O50. 1913. Entire plant, or at least the lower surface of the leaves more or less pubescent. lYPE LOCauty: Napa Valley, California. Distribution: Idaho, Washington, Oregon, Nevada, and California. Ili^ustraTion : Ann. Mo. Bot. Gard. 17: pi. 10.
- bibliographic citation
- Robert Everard Woodson, Jr. 1938. (ASCLEPIADALES); APOCYNACEAE. North American flora. vol 29(2). New York Botanical Garden, New York, NY