Pelophryne saravacensis, also known as Sarawak dwarf toad,[4] is a species of toad in the family Bufonidae.[1][3][4][5] It is endemic to Borneo and only known from Sarawak (East Malaysia); there are records from at least four localities representing three different divisions (Bintulu, Miri, and Kapit).[1][2][3]
Adult males measure 17–20 mm (0.7–0.8 in) and adult females 20 mm (0.8 in) in snout–vent length. The overall appearance is slender. The head is as wide as the body. The snout is truncate with a median projection. The tympanum is visible, oval in shape. Both the fingers and toes have fleshy webbing. The finger and toe tips bear discs (the latter being smaller than the former). The dorsum and flanks bear large, round tubercles. The belly is coarsely granular. Preserved specimens have sandy brown to pale tan dorsal coloration. There is a backward pointing dark interorbital triangle, and in some individuals, a faint dark triangle or trapezoid in the lumbar region. The ventral surfaces are dark brown with small, discrete, white spots. In living individuals, small red spots are often present on the larger dorsal tubercles.[2]
Pelophryne saravacensis inhabits lowland and submontane forests. Males call from understory vegetation and trunks of small trees as high as 5 m (16 ft) above the ground,[1] but preferably 0.5–1.3 m (2–4 ft) above the ground.[4] Other aspects of its breeding biology remain unknown,[1][4] but it probably breeds in streams, as is the case for other Pelophryne.[1]
The habitat of this species is threatened by logging, leading to a decline in both its extent and quality. Consequently, it is suspected that the overall population of Pelophryne saravacensis is declining. It is present in the Gunung Mulu and Pulong Tau National Parks; while the former is well protected, the latter is not and faces encroachment from logging companies.[1]
Pelophryne saravacensis, also known as Sarawak dwarf toad, is a species of toad in the family Bufonidae. It is endemic to Borneo and only known from Sarawak (East Malaysia); there are records from at least four localities representing three different divisions (Bintulu, Miri, and Kapit).
Pelophryne saravacensis es una especie de anfibio anuro de la familia Bufonidae.
Esta especie es endémica de Sarawak en el este de Malasia, en el noroeste de Borneo. Se encuentra en las montañas Tama Abu, Nanga Tekalit, Sungai Segaham y Sungai Pesu.[1]
Pelophryne saravacensis mide para los machos de 17 a 20 mm y para la hembra mide 21 mm.
El nombre de la especie está compuesto de saravac y del sufijo latino -ensis que significa "que vive, que habita", y le fue dado en referencia al lugar de su descubrimiento, Sarawak.
Pelophryne saravacensis est une espèce d'amphibiens de la famille des Bufonidae[1].
Cette espèce est endémique du Sarawak en Malaisie orientale, dans le Nord-Ouest de Bornéo[1]. Elle se rencontre sur les monts Tama Abu, Nanga Tekalit, Sungai Segaham et Sungai Pesu.
Pelophryne saravacensis[2] mesure pour les quatre mâles entre 17,2 et 20,0 mm et pour la femelle 21,6 mm.
Son nom d'espèce, composé de saravac et du suffixe latin -ensis, « qui vit dans, qui habite », lui a été donné en référence au lieu de sa découverte, le Sarawak.
Pelophryne saravacensis est une espèce d'amphibiens de la famille des Bufonidae.
Pelophryne saravacensis é uma espécie de anfíbio anuro da família Bufonidae.[2][3] Não foi ainda avaliada pela Lista Vermelha do UICN.[1] É endémica da Malásia.[3]
Pelophryne saravacensis é uma espécie de anfíbio anuro da família Bufonidae. Não foi ainda avaliada pela Lista Vermelha do UICN. É endémica da Malásia.