Taxonomic history
Combination in Polyrhachis (Myrmhopla): Emery, 1925d PDF: 193.Senior synonym of Polyrhachis vibidia: Forel, 1911g PDF: 299.P. niger, pube argentea vestitus; capite thoraceque rude punctatis, spinis acutis antice et postice armatis; petioli squamula bispinosa; femoribus basi ferrugineis.
Worker. Length 3 1 / 4 lines. Black, the abdomen shining; head and thorax coarsely and closely punctured, rugose, and covered with silvery pubescent pile; the prominence on the front of the head, under the sides of which the antennae are inserted, very much elevated; the eyes very prominent; the spines on the thorax in front short, divergent, stout, and acute; those on the metathorax more slender, acute, and curved backwards; the node of the peduncle with acute spines, which curve backwards over the base of the abdomen; the base of the femora more or less ferruginous, sometimes totally black. (Pl. I. fig. 14.)
Hab. Celebes (Tondano).
This is very probably the worker of P. Vibidia.