Diagnostic Description
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Utiaritichthys esguiceroi is distinguished from its congeners by having 99-101 perforated scales on the lateral line (vs. 69-72 in U. sennaebragai, and 78-82 in U. longidorsalis), 17-19 prepelvic spines (vs. 9-10 in U. sennaebragai, and 28-31 in U. longidorsalis), 20-21 postpelvic spines (vs. 15-17 in U. sennaebragai, and 14 in U. longidorsalis), and 23-25 circumpeduncular scales (vs. 30-48 in U. sennaebragai, and 33-35 in U. longidorsalis). It can be further diagnosed from U. longidorsalis by having larger interdorsal width 11.8-15.6 % of SL (vs. 7.1-7.9% of SL), and larger adipose-fin base length 4.2-5.8 % of SL (vs. 3.7-3.8% of SL) (Ref. 96883).Description: dorsal-fin rays ii, 21; anal-fin rays iii-iv, 30 or 32; pectoral-fin rays i,16; pelvic-fin rays i, 7; scale rows between lateral line to pelvic-fin origin 27- 28 (Ref. 96883).
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Dorsal soft rays (total): 23; Vertebrae: 35
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Adults swim in the main river channel of Rio Juruena, mostly in riffles and rapids. Juveniles occur in calm portions of the Rio Juruena, usually near the margins. Juveniles were reported to feed on aquatic and terrestrial insects and particulate organic matter, while adults almost exclusively on Podostemaceae macrophytes and filamentous algae, both typical of riffles and rapids (Ref. 96883).