Description: Loriidae. 1. Trichoglossus coccineifrons. 2 Hypocharmosyna wilhelminae 3. Underside of the wing of Hypocharmosyna wilhelminae. 4 Underside of the wing of Hypocharmosyna subplacens. 5 Hypocharmosyna rubrigularis 6. Underside of the tail of Charmosynopsis margaritae. 7 Glossopsittacus concinnus 8 Psitteuteles euteles 9 Charmosyna stellae 10 Ptilosclera versicolor 11 Central feathers of the tail of Charmosynopsis margaritae. Date: 1904. Source: Genera Avium. Author: Philogène Wytsman (d. 1925).
Description: English: Red-flanked Lorikeet, Male (Charmosyna placentis) at the Louisville Zoo. Date: 9 October 0003. Source: Own work. Author: Ltshears.