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The sooty falcon is one of only six species of completely migratory birds of prey worldwide that breed in the northern hemisphere and overwinter in the southern hemisphere (11). Although sooty falcons begin to arrive at their breeding locations in the spring, around late April, they do not commence breeding until late summer (9). This delay occurs so that chick-rearing coincides with the autumn migration of small birds from cooler temperate regions in the North, which provide an abundance of food for the sooty falcon chicks (6) (12). A specialist in migratory bird hunting, the sooty falcon is generally most active at dusk and dawn, when solitary individuals can be seen perched on rocks or vegetation, scanning the sky for passing migrant birds. When a bird flies overhead, the sooty falcon rapidly takes to the air, accelerating above its prey before making a low dive and seizing it in its talons (12). Species taken include the hoopoe (Upupa epops), the European bee eater (Merops apiaster) and a variety of warblers (2) (7). During the breeding season, sooty falcons form breeding pairs which either nest alone or in loose colonies of up to 100 pairs (12). The female lays up to four eggs in a scraped out hollow in the ground or amongst rocks, which in the summer heat may be exposed to temperatures of around 50 degrees Celsius. After around a month, despite the extreme conditions, the majority of sooty falcon eggs hatch successfully (6) (7). The breeding season ends in late October, and the adults and juveniles begin the long journey to the wintering grounds in Madagascar and southern Africa (7) (9). Here, the sooty falcon mainly subsists on large insects, but also bats and small birds (4) (5). Until recently, the route taken by the sooty falcon on its migratory journey was unclear, but in 2008, the Environment Agency – Abu Dhabi (EAD) successfully tracked a single sooty falcon from its nest on an island in the Sila Peninsula, Abu Dhabi to Madagascar. Using satellite tracking, the study revealed that the bird flew through seven countries, covering an incredible 6,700 kilometres (9) (13).
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In 2008, a joint initiative by the governments of the United Arab Emirates and United Kingdom led to the signing of the “African-Eurasian Memorandum of Understanding on Birds of Prey”. This agreement will initiate the provision of concerted conservation measures for over 70 species of migratory birds of prey (14). Having proved instrumental in forming the agreement, the EAD is now devoting significant efforts towards conserving Abu Dhabi's imperilled sooty falcon population (13). Current plans are to track the migrations of more sooty falcons in the 2009 breeding season and to possibly collaborate with researchers in Oman to initiate a comprehensive migration study (9). Along with the studies of migration, there is also an urgent need to expand the formal protection of the sooty falcon's breeding sites throughout its range, reducing, wherever possible, human disturbance and development. In addition, further research into the reasons for this species' global decline must be conducted, especially in its wintering grounds, so that targeted conservation plans can be developed to prevent this extraordinary bird of prey from disappearing forever (13).
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The sooty falcon is an attractive, medium-sized bird of prey with long, slender wings and a long tail (4). Although the adult plumage is mainly uniform grey, in the male it is pale with a bluish tinge, while in the female it is a darker, sooty shade. Both the flight-feathers and the area below the eyes are significantly darker than the rest of the body, and some individuals possess a small pale patch on the throat (2). In contrast to the dark plumage, the bare areas on the legs, around the base of the bill and the rim around the eyes are bright yellow (5). The juvenile's plumage differs quite significantly from that of the adult's. The head and nape are light brownish, the upperparts are brownish-grey edged with yellowish-white feathers, while the underparts are brown and heavily streaked with brownish-grey (2). A dark stripe extends from the base of the bill, and the throat and lower cheeks are cream coloured (2) (5). By its first summer, the juvenile undergoes a considerable change in colouration becoming a much darker, uniform grey than the adult, with conspicuous dark barring on the undersides of the wings and tail (2).
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During the summer breeding season, the sooty falcon occupies cliffs, small rocky islands and desert mountains, where the climate is extremely hot and arid (4). At its wintering grounds, however, this species can be found in wooded coastal areas, open grasslands near water sources such as lakes, rivers and paddyfields, and also in towns (2) (10).
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The sooty falcon is a migratory species which breeds in scattered, highly localised colonies in north-east Africa, the Middle East and islands off the coast of south-west Pakistan (4) (6). The greatest numbers of sooty falcon are found around the Arabian Peninsula, principally on the coastal islands of Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Oman and the Emirate of Abu Dhabi (7) (8) (9). After a lengthy migration, the majority of the population overwinters in Madagascar, although a small proportion migrates to coastal Mozambique and eastern parts of South Africa (4).
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Classified as Near Threatened (NT) on the IUCN Red List (1) and listed on Appendix II of CITES (3).
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Due to the sooty falcon's scattered distribution and often inaccessible breeding sites, it has proven difficult to accurately assess its population (4). While previous global population estimates have given figures of around 40,000 breeding pairs, a review of Arabian census data in 2006 indicated that the population may, in fact, be as low as 1,000 pairs and in decline (4) (8). In response to this discovery, in 2008 the IUCN uplisted the sooty falcon's threat status from Least Concern to Near Threatened (1) (4). The reasons for the sooty falcon's global decline are currently unclear. Since many of the sooty falcon's breeding grounds are in protected areas or are inaccessible, it has been proposed that pressures encountered at this species' wintering grounds or during its migration may be responsible (4). In the Abu Dhabi Emirate, the only United Arab Emirate where breeding pairs of sooty falcon are found, the situation is critical (9) (13). A survey conducted by the EAD in 2007 indicated that the sooty falcon has disappeared from many of its former breeding sites, and that currently only six breeding pairs are known to remain. The decline has been attributed to increased disturbance from urban development and the continuous presence of humans, especially during the nesting season (9).
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Status in Egypt

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Sooty falcon

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The sooty falcon (Falco concolor) is a medium-sized falcon breeding from northeastern Africa to the southern Persian Gulf region. The word sooty means to be covered in soot (ash), and is used to describe the color of the Sooty Falcon. Hence, the falcon gets its name from its color, the color of soot.


The Sooty Falcon is part of the order Falconiformes, family Falconidae and genus Falco. [2] The sooty falcon belongs to the hobby group, a rather close-knit number of similar falcons often considered a subgenus Hypotriorchis. Eleonora's falcon is sometimes considered its closest relative, but while they certainly belong to the same lineage, they do not seem to be close sister species.[3][4]


This is an elegant bird of prey, 32–37 cm long with a 78–90 cm wingspan. It is shaped like a large hobby or a small Eleonora's falcon, with its long pointed wings, long tail and slim body. The adults are blue-grey, and lack the black underwing coverts of the Eleonora's falcon. The young bird is like a large juvenile hobby, or small juvenile Eleanora's falcon. Its dark trailing edge to the wings and tail distinguish it from the former species, and it lacks the underwing contrast caused by the dark coverts of the larger falcon.[5]

Distribution and habitat

This species is distributed across Southwest Asia and North Africa. [6] This species breeds on islands and coastal or desert cliffs from Libya to Pakistan). It is a long-distance migrant, wintering in east Africa and south to Madagascar and south-eastern South Africa. Increasingly regular sightings and a lack of historical records suggests that the wintering range has expanded south in recent decades.[5] It is a rare vagrant north of its breeding range.



The sooty falcon eats mainly birds (e.g. Sandgrouse), but it will take large insects, such as dragonflies, which are transferred from talons to beak and eaten in flight. They have also been known to eat lizards and crabs. During their breeding season they exclusively feed on small birds. [6]

Hunting behaviour

During winter the falcons hunt alone, in groups or even as flocks of up to 15 individuals. These hunting flocks tend to perch on trees and feed on swarming insects. During the breeding, summer, season males do the majority of the hunting. Four hunting techniques are employed: (1) Diving from a perch. The falcons spot prey from their perch and then dive bomb and catch it. (2) Flushing. Flushing is a technique used in which falcon individuals fly low over bushes or trees in an attempts to flush other birds out, after which they catch them. (3) Flying up to come down. When a falcon spots a flying prey bird they try to fly further above it, and then dive down to intercept the prey. (4) Survey flight. Individuals circle areas at great heights in hopes of spotting a prey item. Once prey is spotted the falcon flies down below the prey, and then turns back up into the prey's flight path to catch it. [6]

Nesting and breeding behaviour

Sooty Falcons lay eggs during mid-summer, and unlike most other falcons, occasionally nest in colonies. The falcons breed in the arid deserts of Southwest Asia and North Africa during the summer months, which is remarkable due to high summer temperatures. They breed in three types of arid environment: (1) small islands in the Red Sea, (2) mountainous deserts and (3) in deserts with rocky outcrops. It nests on a ledge or on rocks, laying up to four eggs.[5] While the falcons tend to nest on high cliffs, they have also been found nesting between rocks or on the ground. Nests are scraped into soft limestone, chalk or sandstone cliffs, and face away from the sun to provide shelter from its rays. Nest also function as perches from which defense against predators is mounted. [6]

Birds begin to display and mate during April and May, with eggs being layed by July-August. Egg incubation lasts approximately 27-29 days. Incubation is predominantly performed by the female, while the male only taking shifts for 1-7 minutes while the female sunbathes. Males hunt and bring food to the female and chicks once they have hatched. During the incubation period males provide females with 3-4 birds per day. Excess food is cached on shaded ledges outside the nest. Doing this ensures that food is regulated and that it is available when it is scarce. It also keeps the nests clean, and prevents parasites and pests from being attracted to the nests. The young falcons remain in the nest for 32-38 days, after which they still remain near the nest for a further 2-3 weeks. During this period the parents still take care of them, but thereafter the level of parental care begins to decrease. [6]

Birds nesting on islands in the Sea of Oman have a mean clutch size of 2.83 and brood size of 2.11, with 12% of nests failing at the egg or nesting stage.[7]


The falcons migrate from their breeding grounds in Southwest Asia and North Africa to winter in Eastern and South-eastern Africa. The journey takes approximately 13 days and covers a distance of 5500 kilometers. The falcons start their migration during the night but tend to travel only during the day. They stop-over at rest spots along Eastern Africa, spots where there are potential water sources. [8]


It was formerly classified as Least Concern by the IUCN, but has recently been shown to be rarer than formerly believed. Consequently, it was uplisted to Vulnerable status in 2017.[1] It is estimated that their population ranges between 2800 and 4000 individuals and that these numbers are declining. [6] The breeding population of Sooty falcons on the islands of northern Oman is in decline, with human disturbance on accessible islands a likely cause, as falcons breeding close to beaches have lower nesting success than those breeding further away.[9] Hence, mitigating human disturbances and protecting natural habitats is of critical conservation concern to the Sooty Falcon.


  1. ^ a b BirdLife International (2019). "Falco concolor". IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. 2019: e.T22696446A155431439. doi:10.2305/IUCN.UK.2017-3.RLTS.T22696446A155431439.en. Retrieved 18 November 2021.|date= / |doi= mismatch
  2. ^ Salim, M. and Abed, S., 2021. The First Observation of the Vulnerable Sooty Falcon falco concolor in Iraq. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 735(1), p.012021.
  3. ^ Helbig, A.J.; Seibold, I.; Bednarek, W.; Brüning, H.; Gaucher, P.; Ristow, D.; Scharlau, W.; Schmidl, D.; Wink, Michael (1994). "Phylogenetic relationships among falcon species (genus Falco) according to DNA sequence variation of the cytochrome b gene" (PDF). In Meyburg, B.-U.; Chancellor, R.D. (eds.). Raptor conservation today. pp. 593–599.
  4. ^ Wink, Michael; Seibold, I.; Lotfikhah, F.; Bednarek, W. (1998). "Molecular systematics of holarctic raptors (Order Falconiformes)" (PDF). In Chancellor, R.D.; Meyburg, B.-U.; Ferrero, J.J. (eds.). Holarctic Birds of Prey. Adenex & WWGBP. pp. 29–48.
  5. ^ a b c Gibbon, G. (2012). Roberts VII Multimedia Birds of Southern Africa (iPhone version 2 ed.).
  6. ^ a b c d e f Frumkin, R. and Pinshow, B., 2008. Notes on the breeding ecology and distribution of the Sooty Falcon Falco concolor in Israel. Ibis, 125(2), pp.251-259.
  7. ^ McGrady, M. J.; Fazari, W. A.; Jahdhami, M. H.; Nicoll, M. A. C.; Oli, M. K. (2017). "Sooty Falcon Falco concolor reproduction and population dynamics on the islands in the Sea of Oman". Ibis. 159 (4): 828–840. doi:10.1111/ibi.12502.
  8. ^ JAVED, S., DOUGLAS, D., KHAN, S., SHAH, J. and AL HAMMADI, A., 2011. First description of autumn migration of Sooty Falcon Falco concolor from the United Arab Emirates to Madagascar using satellite telemetry. Bird Conservation International, 22(1), pp.106-119.
  9. ^ Mcrady, M.J.; Fazari, W.A.; Jahdhami, M.A.; Fisher, M..; Kwarteng, A.Y.; Walter, H.; Oli, M.K. (2019). "Island accessibility and distance from beach influence nesting success of Sooty Falcons Falco concolor in Oman". Ibis. 161 (2): 162–171. doi:10.1111/ibi.12601. S2CID 90385583.

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Sooty falcon: Brief Summary

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The sooty falcon (Falco concolor) is a medium-sized falcon breeding from northeastern Africa to the southern Persian Gulf region. The word sooty means to be covered in soot (ash), and is used to describe the color of the Sooty Falcon. Hence, the falcon gets its name from its color, the color of soot.

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