Oreomystis bairdi és un ocell hawaià de la família dels fringíl·lids (Fringillidae) que en diverses llengües rep el nom nadiu de "Akikiki" (Anglès: Akikiki. Espanyol: Akikiki de Kauai). És l'única espècie del gènere Oreomystis, si bé Manucerthia mana ha estat també inclòs dins d'ell.
Selva humida de les muntanyes de Kauai, a les illes Hawaii.
Oreomystis bairdi és un ocell hawaià de la família dels fringíl·lids (Fringillidae) que en diverses llengües rep el nom nadiu de "Akikiki" (Anglès: Akikiki. Espanyol: Akikiki de Kauai). És l'única espècie del gènere Oreomystis, si bé Manucerthia mana ha estat també inclòs dins d'ell.
The ʻakikiki (Oreomystis bairdi), also called the Kauaʻi creeper, is a critically endangered Hawaiian honeycreeper endemic to Kauaʻi, Hawaiʻi. It is the only member of the genus Oreomystis. Of the Hawaiian birds known to be extant, it is thought to be the most endangered, with only 45 wild individuals known as of 2021.[2]
Although the taxonomic affinities of Oreomystis remain uncertain, some phylogenetic evidence indicates that it is most closely allied with the ʻalauahios (Paroreomyza). Together, they form the second most basal recent lineage within the Hawaiian honeycreepers aside from the recently-extinct poʻouli (Melamprosops phaeosoma), and the most basal extant lineage.[3] However, other studies support it being slightly more derived than Paroreomyza.[4]
The ʻakikiki is small (13 cm length; 12-17 g mass),[5] with gray plumage above and white below. It is not sexually dimorphic. Juveniles have large white eye rings; adults may retain a pale eyebrow for several years. Legs and bill are pink. The tail is short compared to other birds on Kauaʻi, giving it a stocky appearance.
The adult contact call is a short weet or whit, sometimes doubled. The call may also resemble that of the ʻanianiau, with which it may flock. Its song, heard only in breeding season, is a descending trill.[6] The juvenile breeding call is a stuttering series of chits. During the breeding season, females use a similar call to solicit feeding by males.[5]
It is currently found only in the highest elevation native rainforests of Kokeʻe State Park and the Alakaʻi Wilderness Preserve on Kauaʻi.[7] Subfossil records indicate that it was once found at sea level as well, and thus may have inhabited a wider range of habitats, including dry forest.[8]
The ʻakikiki is often compared to the nuthatches of North America because it forages by hopping along the trunks and branches of both live and dead trees, picking off arthropods.[5] ʻAkikiki often forage in pairs, family groups, or mixed-species flocks.[8]
Few ʻakikiki nests have been found. Nesting occurs from March to June, with both males and females constructing nests of moss and lichen several meters up in the crowns of ʻohiʻa trees.[9] Only the female incubates the eggs, but both parents feed the nestlings and fledglings.[9] The long juvenile dependency period means only a single brood per pair is typically raised each breeding season.
In 2018, the first ʻakikiki was bred in captivity with the assistance of the San Diego Zoo.[10]
The ʻakikiki's habitat has been reduced to a fragment of its former range by deforestation and deterioration by invasive species. Avian malaria, to which most Hawaiian honeycreepers have little immunity, affects birds below approximately 1000 m elevation and further restricts the ʻakikiki's range.[8] Introduced rats are thought to be major predators of eggs and nestlings. Competition for food and space with non-native birds, such as Japanese white-eye, may also affect its numbers.[8]
The ʻakikiki has been listed as critically endangered on the IUCN Red List since 2000.[1] It has been a candidate for listing as an endangered species under the Endangered Species Act since 1993, but was not listed as such until 2010.[11] Because little is known about this species, the primary focus of recovery efforts so far have been estimating the population size and understanding its basic biology.[12] Captive breeding, reintroduction, and habitat restoration are planned.[8][12]
An extremely steep decline was noted between 2018 and 2021 in Halehaha, one of the species' former strongholds, with the population declining from 70 to 5 individuals, leaving only 45 wild individuals overall. This decline has been blamed on climate change allowing the mosquitoes carrying avian malaria to invade higher elevations. In addition, it has been predicted that at the current decline rate, the species will likely go extinct in the wild by 2023. About 41 captive individuals exist, although only a limited amount of offspring have been produced. It is currently planned to keep a significant number of ʻakikiki in captivity until landscape-scale control of mosquitoes using Wolbachia can be performed starting in 2024 at the earliest, after which the birds could be reintroduced to their habitat.[2]
In May 2015, a high-school teacher in Tamil Nadu, India named Prakash Vaithyanathan[13][14] suggested that the International Astronomical Union name a celestial body Akikiki during the 2015 IAU General Assembly conducted in Hawaii. After much consideration, asteroid number 7613 was officially named 7613 ʻAkikiki.[15]
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(help) The ʻakikiki (Oreomystis bairdi), also called the Kauaʻi creeper, is a critically endangered Hawaiian honeycreeper endemic to Kauaʻi, Hawaiʻi. It is the only member of the genus Oreomystis. Of the Hawaiian birds known to be extant, it is thought to be the most endangered, with only 45 wild individuals known as of 2021.
Oreomystis es un género de aves paseriformes de la familia de los fringílidos, que incluye a dos especies endémicas del archipiélago de Hawái.
Las dos especies se encuentran en grave peligro de extinción.
Oreomystis es un género de aves paseriformes de la familia de los fringílidos, que incluye a dos especies endémicas del archipiélago de Hawái.
Las dos especies se encuentran en grave peligro de extinción.
Peipot (Fringillidae) on monilukuinen varpuslintujen heimo. Siihen kuuluu lukuisia sukuja ja 225[1] melkein koko maapallolle levinnyttä lajia. Niillä on tavallisesti korkea, lyhyt, voimakas siemensyöjien nokka. Toisissa luokitteluissa Havaijilla esiintyvät peipot on luokiteltu omaksi heimoksi tai alaheimoksi havaijinpeipot Drepanididae/Drepanidinae.
Peipot (Fringillidae) on monilukuinen varpuslintujen heimo. Siihen kuuluu lukuisia sukuja ja 225 melkein koko maapallolle levinnyttä lajia. Niillä on tavallisesti korkea, lyhyt, voimakas siemensyöjien nokka. Toisissa luokitteluissa Havaijilla esiintyvät peipot on luokiteltu omaksi heimoksi tai alaheimoksi havaijinpeipot Drepanididae/Drepanidinae.
Oreomystis est un genre monotypique de passereaux de la famille des Fringillidae. Il est endémique de l'île de Kauai dans l'archipel d'Hawaï[3].
Selon la classification de référence du Congrès ornithologique international (version 8.1, 2018)[1] :
Oreomystis est un genre monotypique de passereaux de la famille des Fringillidae. Il est endémique de l'île de Kauai dans l'archipel d'Hawaï.
Oreomystis is een geslacht van zangvogels uit de vinkachtigen (Fringillidae).
Het geslacht kent één soort:[1]
Oreomystis is een geslacht van zangvogels uit de vinkachtigen (Fringillidae).
Oreomystis é um género de fringilídeos da família Fringillidae.
Este género contém as seguintes espécies:
Oreomystis là một chi chim trong họ Fringillidae.[1]
Oreomystis là một chi chim trong họ Fringillidae.
Oreomystis bairdi (Stejneger, 1903)
Охранный статусАкикики[1] (лат. Oreomystis bairdi) — вид воробьиных птиц трибы гавайских цветочниц, единственный представитель в роде Oreomystis. Ранее к роду относили гавайскую цветочницу (Oreomystis mana), которая позднее выделена в отдельный род Manucerthia [2]. Эндемик острова Кауаи (Гавайские острова).
Акикики (лат. Oreomystis bairdi) — вид воробьиных птиц трибы гавайских цветочниц, единственный представитель в роде Oreomystis. Ранее к роду относили гавайскую цветочницу (Oreomystis mana), которая позднее выделена в отдельный род Manucerthia . Эндемик острова Кауаи (Гавайские острова).