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Propontocypris paradispar Maddocks 1969

Comprehensive Description

provided by Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology
Propontocypris (Propontocypris) paradispar

Figures 7F, 12, 13

ETYMOLOGY.—Greek para-, near; from its affinity to P. (P.) dispar (Müller).

TYPE-SPECIMENS.—Holotype USNM 121109, paratypes USNM 121110, 121111.

TYPE-LOCALITY—“Anton Bruun” cruise 9 station 453.

DIAGNOSIS.—Carapace small, fragile, moderately inflated; lateral outline rounded subtriangular without marked dorsal angle, moderately acuminate posterior angle; greatest height located considerably anterior to midlength; sexual dimorphism not pronounced.

Appendage anatomy essentially identical to that of the closely related species P. (P.) dispar (Müller), P. (P.) intermedia (Brady), and P. (P.) maculosa (Müller), and very similar to that of P. (P.) crocata, new species. Barbs of pectinate seta of third thoracic leg enlarged equally and gradually diminishing in size. Copulatory organ with distal end swollen and overhanging dorsally, copulatory tube tapering distally. Median seta of furca enlarged and distally feathered.

MATERIAL.—One male and one female living at station AB–453, one female from station AB–28A, all adults.

DIMENSIONS.—Adult male USNM 121109 from AB–453: left valve, length 0.61 mm, greatest height 0.34 mm, located 0.25 mm from anterior.

Adult female USNM 121111 from AB–453: left valve, length 0.66 mm, greatest height 0.35 mm, located 0.29 mm from anterior, thickness 0.15 mm; right valve, length 0.68 mm, greatest height 0.36 mm, located 0.31 mm from anterior, thickness 0.15 mm.

HABITAT.—Collected in sediment from 66 m in the Andaman Sea and 47–49 m off Cape Guardafui.
bibliographic citation
Maddocks, Rosalie F. 1969. "Recent ostracodes of the family Pontocyprididae chiefly from the Indian Ocean." Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology. 1-56. https://doi.org/10.5479/si.00810282.7