This leather star is hunched over its anemone prey in a characteristic embrace. It is one of the few predators of the anemone, a large part of its diet. The seastar makes every effort to avoid contact with the anemone's potent nematocysts. Depth 27 m.
Asteropsis carinifera, oral viewAsteropsis carinifera, collected from Pulo Ba (00 01 45S, 098 31 15E), Greater Sunda Islands, Batu Group, Sumatra, Indian Ocean, by the R. V. Vega.
Asteropsis carinifera, aboral viewAsteropsis carinifera, collected from Pulo Ba (00 01 45S, 098 31 15E), Greater Sunda Islands, Batu Group, Sumatra, Indian Ocean, by the R. V. Vega.