Crossaster papposus from 100 m depth trawl, San Juan Channel. Diameter approx. 20 cm (Photo by: Dave Cowles, July 2001)
A view of the underside. Note the long tube feet have no suckers on the end. Photo by Dave Cowles, July 2000
Luidia foliolata captured at 100 m depth by trawl in the San Juan channel (Photo by: Dave Cowles, July 2000)
This individual, seen in a tidepool at Cape Flattery, has only 4 rays.
Dermasterias imbricata at Beach #4, WA (Photo by: Dave Cowles, July 2005)
Ecomare, Peter van der Wolf
Common sun star; Zonnester.
Estrella chocolate chip, Nidorellia armataMar de Cortés
Estrella de arena espinosa, Astropecten armatusMar de Cortés
Linckia columbiaeMar de Cortés
Estrella cojín panámica, Pentaceraster cumingiMar de Cortés
Phataria unifscialis, aboral viewPhataria unifscialis, Perlas Islands, Bay of Panama, Panama, eastern Pacific.
Phataria unifscialis,oral viewPhataria unifscialis, Perlas Islands, Bay of Panama, Panama, eastern Pacific.
Phataria unifscialis, aboral viewPhataria unifscialis, Perlas Islands, Bay of Panama, Panama, eastern Pacific.
Phataria unifscialis, oral viewPhataria unifscialis, Perlas Islands, Bay of Panama, Panama, eastern Pacific.
Phataria unifascialis, aboral viewPhataria unifscialis, Perlas Islands, Bay of Panama, Panama, eastern Pacific.
Luidia armata (syntype), oral viewLuidia armata (syntype USNM 3446), collected off Cocos Island, Costa Rica (5 32 45N, 085 55 20W),eastern Pacific, by the R. V. Albatross from a depth of 95 m.
Luidia armata (syntype), aboral viewLuidia armata (syntype USNM 3446), collected off Cocos Island, Costa Rica (5 32 45N, 085 55 20W),eastern Pacific, by the R. V. Albatross from a depth of 95 m.
Luidia ferruginea (syntype), oral viewLuidia ferruginea (syntype USNM 3445), collected southeast of Punta Mala (07 33 40N, 079 43 20W), Azuero Peninsula, Gulf of Panama, Panama, eastern Pacific, by the R. V. Albatross, from a depth of 280 m.
Luidia ferruginea (syntype), aboral viewLuidia ferruginea (syntype USNM 3445), collected southeast of Punta Mala (07 33 40N, 079 43 20W), Azuero Peninsula, Gulf of Panama, Panama, eastern Pacific, by the R. V. Albatross, from a depth of 280 m.
Luidia phragma, oral viewLuidia phragma, collected off Tocumen, Bay of Panama, Panama, eastern Pacific.
Luidia phragma, aboral viewLuidia phragma, collected off Tocumen, Bay of Panama, Panama, eastern Pacific.
Luidia superba (holotype), aboral viewLuidia superba (holotype USNM 36948), collected off Isla del Rey (08 06 30N, 078 51 00W), Pearl Islands, Gulf of Panama, Panama, eastern Pacific, by the R. V. Albatross from a depth of 60 m.
Luidia tessellata, oral viewLuidia tessellata, collected off Isla Del Rey (08 10 30N, 078 50 30W), Pearl Islands Archipelago, Gulf of Panama, Panama, eastern Pacific, by the R. V. Albatross from a depth of 24 m.
Luidia tessellata, aboral viewLuidia tessellata, collected off Isla Del Rey (08 10 30N, 078 50 30W), Pearl Islands Archipelago, Gulf of Panama, Panama, eastern Pacific, by the R. V. Albatross from a depth of 24 m.