Can grow either as a group of tube sponges or in elongated rope-like structures with numerous nipple-like osculas.
1-4 feet.
Agelas conifera, also known as the brown tube sponge, is a species of sponge. Its color is brown, tan, or greyish brown with a lighter interior. It is common in the Caribbean and Bahamas, and occasional in Florida.[1] Agelas conifera contains bromopyrrole alkaloids, notably sceptrin and oroidin, and levels of these feeding-deterrents increase upon predation.[2]
Agelas conifera, also known as the brown tube sponge, is a species of sponge. Its color is brown, tan, or greyish brown with a lighter interior. It is common in the Caribbean and Bahamas, and occasional in Florida. Agelas conifera contains bromopyrrole alkaloids, notably sceptrin and oroidin, and levels of these feeding-deterrents increase upon predation.