Rob van Soest, José Luis Carballo, John Hooper
Figure 15.Cyamon hamatum sp. n. (Cyamon vickersii sensu Burton and Rao 1932), from S India, A slide BMNH 1931.1.1.19a, labeled ‘Cyamon vickersii (Bow.) Ind. Mus. Coll.’ in Burton’s handwriting B microphoto of section of skeleton made from the slide C characteristic polyactine with recurved hook-like spines on basal cladus and short stubby lateral cladi.
Holotype slide BMNH 1931.1.1.19a and microphotos of skeleton and polyactine. A: slide labeled ‘Cyamon vickersii (Bow.) Ind. Mus. Coll.’ in Burton’s handwriting, B: microphoto of section of skeleton made from the slide, C: characteristic polyactine with recurved hooklike spines on basal cladus and short stubby lateral cladi.