

provided by NMNH Antarctic Invertebrates

Acanthoxa werthi Hentschel

Hentschel, 1914: 96, Taf. VII, Fig. 4.

DIAGNOSIS. Body globular, to 3 cm high. Surface smooth. There are separate pore-bearing areas. Color: grayish yellow. The basal skeleton is formed of bundles of acanthostyles (some pinnate) and acanthoxeas - scattered between them. The dermal skeleton is formed of bundles of slender styles.

Spicules. Macroscleres: acanthostyles (spines in basal parts) —0.456 - 0.504 mm long and 0.011 - 0.015 mm wide; acanthoxeas — 0.120 -0.144 mm long and 0.002 - 0.003 mm wide; dermal styles — 0.312 - 0.360 mm long and 0.007 - 0.008 mm wide. No microscleres.

DISTRIBUTION. Kerguelen Island. Depth (?).”

(Koltun, 1964)