Figure 5.More recent heterodontosaurid discoveries from southern Africa. A Partial skull of Abrictosaurus consors in left lateral view (NHMUK RU B54) B Lower jaws of Pegomastax africanus gen. n. sp. n. (SAM-PK-K10488) in right ventrolateral view. Scale bars equal 2 cm in A and 1 cm in B.
Figure 82.Partial skull of the heterodontosaurid Pegomastax africanus gen. n. sp. n. from the Lower Jurassic Upper Elliot Formation of South Africa. Partial skull (SAM-PK-K10488). Photograph (A) and line drawing (B) of the partial skull preserving the postorbital and anterior portion lower jaws. Hatching indicates broken bone; dashed lines indicate estimated edges; tone indicates matrix. Scale bar equals 2 cm. Abbreviations: adf anterior dentary foramen apd articular surface for the predentary cp coronoid process d dentary d1, 2, 8, 11 dentary tooth 1, 2, 8, 11 di diastema l left Mc Meckel’s canal pd predentary po postorbital pr posterior ramus pra prearticular r right rt replacement tooth sym symphysis t tooth vr ventral ramus.
Figure 83.Lower jaws of the heterodontosaurid Pegomastax africanus gen. n. sp. n. from the Lower Jurassic Upper Elliot Formation of South Africa. Anterior portion of the lower jaws (SAM-PK-K10488). Stereopair of dentaries and predentary. Scale bar equals 2 cm.
Figure 84.Lower jaw of the heterodontosaurid Pegomastax africanus gen. n. sp. n. from the Lower Jurassic Upper Elliot Formation of South Africa. Predentary and dentaries (SAM-PK-K10488). Stereopair (A) and line drawing (B) of the predentary and anterior portion of the dentaries in ventrolateral view. Hatching indicates broken bone; dashed lines indicate estimated edges; grey tone indicates matrix. Scale bars equal 1 cm. Abbreviations: adf anterior dentary foramen apd articular surface for the predentary d dentary d1 dentary tooth 1 l left pd predentary r right sym symphysis t tooth vf vascular foramen.
Figure 85.Dentary teeth of the heterodontosaurid Pegomastax africanus gen. n. sp. n. from the Lower Jurassic Upper Elliot Formation of South Africa. Dentary tooth row (SAM-PK-K10488). Stereopair (A) and line drawing (B) of left dentary teeth 1-8 in lateral view. Hatching indicates broken bone; dashed lines indicate estimated edges; grey tone indicates matrix; pink tone indicates wear facets. Scale bars equal 5 mm. Abbreviations: be buccal emargination d1, 2, 5–8 dentary teeth 1, 2 5–8 wf wear facets.
Figure 86.Dentary teeth of the heterodontosaurid Pegomastax africanus gen. n. sp. n. from the Lower Jurassic Upper Elliot Formation of South Africa. Posterior dentary teeth (SAM-PK-K10488). Stereopair (A) and line drawing (B) of left dentary teeth 7-11 in medial view. Hatching indicates broken bone; tone indicates matrix. Scale bars equal 5 mm. Abbreviations: be buccal emargination d dentary d7, 11 dentary tooth 7, 11 l left pri primary ridge rt replacement tooth.
Figure 87.Lower jaw of the heterodontosaurid Pegomastax africanus gen. n. sp. n. from the Lower Jurassic Upper Elliot Formation of South Africa. Reconstruction of the predentary and dentary in lateral view (based on SAM-PK-K10488). Dashed lines indicate estimated edges. Abbreviations: adf anterior dentary foramen apd articular surface for the predentary be buccal emargination d dentary d1, 2, 11 dentary teeth 1, 2, 11 emf external mandibular fenestra pd predentary pri primary ridge.
2003 University of California Museum of Paleontology
distal phalanx (ungual), dorsal and ventral views
2003 University of California Museum of Paleontology
tarsal, dorsal and ventral views
2003 University of California Museum of Paleontology
phalanx, dorsal and ventral views