Figure 6.Specimens of Leptoseris troglodyta sp. n. from the Philippines, Cebu, Mactan Island, (RMNH Coel. 40151). Scale bars: 1 cm. a Upper side of a specimen showing four separate calices b Three calices that are partly fused at their sides.
Figure 7.Specimens of Leptoseris troglodyta sp. n.from the Philippines, W of Bohol, NW side of Cabilao Island (RMNH Coel 24195). Scale bars: 1 cm. a Cluster of calices formed by extra-calicular budding showing costae with small granular spines b Idem.
Figure 8.Specimens of Leptoseris troglodyta sp. n. from the Philippines, W of Bohol, NW side of Cabilao Island (RMNH Coel 24195). Scale bars: 5 mm a Single calyx from above, showing nearly solid columella in the fossa b Two totally fused monocentric calices showing, each with its own fossa c Upper side of calyx showing clearly visible granulation on septal sides d Calyx showing solid corallum wall covered by costae with fine granular spines.