Young dwarf wedgemussels are often consumed by birds, such as ducks and herons. Young mussels are also eaten by fish. Mature dwarf wedgemussels can be consumed by some mammals, such as raccoons and muskrats.
Known Predators:
This freshwater mussel has a trapezoidal shell usually less than 45 mm long and 25 mm high. The anterior end of the shell is thick and the posterior end is usually thinner. The periostracum, or the outer layer of the shell, is a brown color. In juveniles reddish brown colored rays of differing widths are visible. The most distinguishing characteristic of this species is the hinge teeth, with the right valve having two and the left having only one. These mussels are slightly sexually dimorphic, with the female shell swollen posteriorly and more trapezoidal than the male, and the male shell being more compressed, ovate and elongated.
Average length: 45 mm.
Other Physical Features: ectothermic ; heterothermic ; bilateral symmetry
Sexual Dimorphism: sexes shaped differently
Mussels in general are responsive to tactile and chemical stimulation. Many sensory organs are on the middle lobe of the mantle edge. In the foot, mussels have paired statocysts, fluid filled chambers with a solid granule or pellet. The mussels use the statocysts to orient themselves.
Unionids in general may have some form of chemical reception to recognize fish hosts.
Glochidia respond to both touch, light and some chemical cues. In general, when touched or a fluid is introduced, they will respond by clamping shut.
Communication Channels: chemical
Perception Channels: tactile ; vibrations ; chemical
The dwarf wedgemussel, Alasmidonta heterodon, was list as federally endangered on March 14, 1990. The dwarf wedgemussel was added to the federally endangered list primarily because of human impacts on its habitat and water quality. Some factors include: agriculture, construction, pollution, silt deposits, low oxygen levels, water level fluctuation, temperature fluctuations, flooding, erosion, and siltation.
US Federal List: endangered
CITES: no special status
State of Michigan List: no special status
Dwarf wedgemussel females carry eggs in their gills and receive sperm (released from males) through the gills. After eggs have been fertilized, they develop into parasitic bivalved larvae called glochidia. The time needed to develop from fertilized eggs to glochia is unknown. The newly formed glochidia are released from the female and into the water where they need to attach to a host fish to survive. The glochidia develop into juveniles while attached to a host. After metamorphosis, a juvenile mussel will be sloughed from its host, where it further develops on the stream/river bottom.
The parasitic larvae have been found to metamorphose on the following host species: mottled sculpin, tessellated darter, and johnny darter.
Development - Life Cycle: metamorphosis
There are currently no known adverse effects of the dwarf wedgemussel on humans.
Freshwater mussels in general are important water quality indicator for streams and rivers.
Positive Impacts: research and education
Freshwater mussels in general occupy many tropic guilds by feeding on detritous. The mussels may also aid in the biodegradation of plant matter.
Ecosystem Impact: parasite
Species Used as Host:
The glochidia of the species are parasitic on its fish host. Once an adult, the dwarf wedgemussel is a filter feeder, feeding on phytoplankton and detritous.
Plant Foods: phytoplankton
Other Foods: detritus
Foraging Behavior: filter-feeding
Primary Diet: planktivore ; detritivore
The dwarf wedgemussel, Alasmidonta heterodon, has a discontinuous range on the Atlantic coast of the United States. Twenty-four populations of dwarf wedgemussels are found within 12 states from Maine to North Carolina. This species may have occurred in Canada but is likely extirpated.
Biogeographic Regions: nearctic (Native )
Dwarf wedgemussels are usually found in waters with slow to moderate current that have muddy sand to sand and gravel substrate.
Habitat Regions: freshwater
Aquatic Biomes: rivers and streams
The average lifespan of a dwarf wedgemussel is approximately 15 years.
Average lifespan
Status: wild: 15 years.
This species is a long term brooder that spawns in late summer. The male releases sperm out into the water, which float down stream and enter the females gills for fertilization. Females can receive sperm from multiple males. The resulting glochidia are then released by the female into the water.
Mating System: polygynandrous (promiscuous)
The dwarf wedgemussel is a long term brooder that spawns in late summer and then becomes gravid in the fall and releases the glochidia anywhere from late March to early June. Starting around August, the males release their sperm into the water which is then carried towards the females. The females take the sperm in through their gills and they fertilize the eggs. Once fertilized, the eggs are held in the marsupia of the female which becomes swollen and dark when occupied. The eggs are held in the marsupia and recieve parental care through the winter until they are ready to be released as glochida anywhere from March to June.
Breeding interval: The dwarf wedgemussel spawns once a year.
Breeding season: Males release sperm into the water around August.
Average gestation period: 8.5 months.
Key Reproductive Features: iteroparous ; seasonal breeding ; gonochoric/gonochoristic/dioecious (sexes separate); sexual ; fertilization (Internal )
Females brood fertilized eggs in the marsupia from seven to 10 months. The larvae (glochidia) are released in the spring.
Parental Investment: pre-fertilization (Provisioning); pre-hatching/birth (Provisioning: Female, Protecting: Female)
The dwarf wedgemussel (Alasmidonta heterodon) is an endangered species of freshwater mussel, an aquatic bivalve mollusk in the family Unionidae, the river mussels.
This is a rare species found solely in North America's Atlantic coast streams and rivers of various sizes and moderate current.
The dwarf wedge mussel's current range extends from New Hampshire to North Carolina. The dwarf wedge mussel is federally listed as endangered and state-listed as endangered in Connecticut, Massachusetts, Maryland, North Carolina, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania, Virginia, and Vermont.
It previously lived in New Brunswick, but it is locally extirpated in Canada since 1968.[4] The Canadian Species at Risk Act listed the dwarf wedgemussel in the List of Wildlife Species at Risk as being extirpated in Canada.[5]
This mussel may be found in small creeks to deep rivers in stable habitats with substrates ranging from mixed sand, pebble and gravel, to clay and silty sand. In the southern portion of its range, it is often found buried under logs or root mats in shallow water (USFWS 1993), where in the northern portion of its range, it may be found in firm substrates of mixed sand, gravel or cobble, or embedded in clay banks in water depths of a few inches to greater than 20 feet (Fichtel and Smith 1995; Gabriel 1995; Gabriel 1996; Nedeau and Werle 2003; Nedeau 2004a, 2004b, 2006).
The dwarf wedgemussel is possibly the only freshwater mussel from North America that has two lateral teeth on the right valve and only one on the left side.[3]: 9447 The dwarf wedgemussel is a small mussel, whose shell size rarely exceeds 45 millimetres (1.8 in) in length and 25 millimetres (0.98 in) high. The trapezoidal-shaped shells are colored brown or yellowish-olive, with reddish brown or greenish rays in young or pale specimens. The nacre is bluish or silvery white, and is iridescent on the posterior.
Its reproductive cycle is typical of other freshwater mussels, requiring a host fish on which its larvae (glochidia) parasitize and metamorphose into juvenile mussels. The dwarf wedgemussel is not a long-lived species as compared to other freshwater mussels; life expectancy is estimated at 10 to 12 years (Michaelson and Neves 1995).
A number of fish species have been positively identified as hosts for the dwarf wedgemussel. Michaelson and Neves (1995) confirmed the tessellated darter (Etheostoma olmstedi), Johnny darter (Etheostoma nigrum), and mottled sculpin (Cottus bairdi) as host fish for dwarf wedgemussels in the southern part of its range. Wicklow (in New Hampshire Wildlife Action Plan 2005) confirmed the slimy sculpin (Cottus congatus) and juvenile and parr of the Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) as host fish for dwarf wedgemussels in New Hampshire.
The dwarf wedgemussel is considered to be a long-term brooder. In general, dwarf wedgemussel glochidia may be released between March and June, with peak release times varying from south to north. Michaelson and Neves (1995) documented the reproductive cycle of the dwarf wedgemussel from North Carolina and observed that this species spawns in late summer, becomes gravid in September, and releases glochidia in April. Wicklow (in New Hampshire Wildlife Action Plan 2005) observed glochidia release beginning in March and continuing through June in the Ashuelot River in New Hampshire. In a study of dwarf wedgemussel reproduction in the Mill River, Massachusetts, McLain and Ross (2005) observed that most glochidia were released in April and May.
Reproductive output appears to be correlated with local population abundance. McLain and Ross (2005) documented that sites with the highest abundance of adult dwarf wedgemussels also demonstrated the highest proportion of gravid females, glochidial density, host infection, and density of juvenile mussels.
At one time, this species was recorded from 70 localities in 15 major drainages ranging from North Carolina to New Brunswick, Canada. Since the species was first listed as endangered by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service in 1990 (55 FR 9447 9451), a number of new locations have been discovered and a number of known locations are possibly no longer extant. Based on preliminary information, the dwarf wedgemussel is currently found in 15 major drainages, comprising approximately 70 “sites” (one site may have multiple occurrences). At least 45 of these sites are based on less than five individuals or solely on spent shells. The only known occurrence in New Brunswick, Canada (Petticodiac River) appears to be historic; no live mussels or spent shells were found during a 1997 survey (Hanson 1998).
The mainstem of the Connecticut River in New Hampshire and Vermont is considered to have the largest remaining dwarf wedgemussel population, consisting of three distinct stretches of sporadically occupied habitat segmented by hydroelectric dams. It is estimated that there are hundreds of thousands of dwarf wedgemussels scattered within an approximate 75-mile stretch of the Connecticut River. The Ashuelot River in New Hampshire, the Farmington River in Connecticut, and the Neversink River in New York harbor large populations, but these number in the thousands only. The remaining populations from New Jersey south to North Carolina are estimated at a few individuals to a few hundred individuals.
Strayer et al. (1996) speculated that many dwarf wedgemussel populations, particularly in the southern portion of the range, may be threatened by low densities, small ranges. and linear structure (i.e., an entire population in one stream with no possibility of refuge from catastrophes or stochastic events). Low-density populations may lead to a loss of productivity due to reproductive impediments (e.g., the distance between mussels being too great) or loss of genetic variability. The Mill River in Hatfield and Whately, Massachusetts is an example of a river with a dwarf wedgemussel population patchily distributed over an approximate 16-mile stretch. The most reproductively robust patch is limited to a small stretch (< 1 mile) making it extremely vulnerable to a catastrophic event. The remainder dwarf wedgemussels are sparsely scattered and may demonstrate a reduced capability to reproduce as indicated by McLain and Ross (2005).
Agricultural run-off has been identified as a significant threat to dwarf wedgemussel populations in Massachusetts, Maryland, and North Carolina. In 2001, more than 25 dwarf wedgemussels and hundreds of other mussels (including state-listed species) were killed in the Mill River, Massachusetts, by waste run-off from a small farm.
Recently, severe flooding in the Baltimore and Neversink Rivers in Pennsylvania and New York, respectively, resulted in the destruction of occupied habitat and loss of dwarf wedgemussels. Surveys conducted at two sites on the Neversink River below a dam in Cuddebackville, New York, derived abundance estimates ranging from 60 to 500 dwarf wedgemussels per site (Cole et al. 2004) prior to 2005. Severe flooding in the spring of 2005 scoured the river channel and deposited cobble in at least one of the sites previously surveyed. Resurveys in 2005 of the two sites conducted after the flood event detected one fresh dead dwarf wedgemussel and no live mussels (Cole and White 2006). Surveys in 2006 indicated that the dwarf wedgemussel population in the Neversink River was adversely affected by flood events, although some live mussels were detected.
Little riverine habitat adjacent to extant populations is protected other than by state shoreline protection regulations or local land use regulations. Development of adjacent uplands continues to be a significant and pervasive threat to southern populations. In summary, it appears that the populations in North Carolina, Virginia, and Maryland are declining as evidenced by low densities, lack of reproduction, or inability to relocate any dwarf wedgemussels in follow-up surveys. Populations in New Hampshire, Massachusetts, and Connecticut appear to be stable, while the status of populations in the Delaware River watershed affected by the recent floods of 2005 is uncertain at this time.
The dwarf wedgemussel (Alasmidonta heterodon) is an endangered species of freshwater mussel, an aquatic bivalve mollusk in the family Unionidae, the river mussels.
Alasmidonta heterodon is een tweekleppigensoort uit de familie van de Unionidae.[1] De wetenschappelijke naam van de soort is voor het eerst geldig gepubliceerd in 1830 door I. Lea.
Bronnen, noten en/of referentiesAlasmidonta heterodon er en art av dammuslingfamilien innen klassen muslinger som lever i ferskvann.
Arten finnes i Connecticut, Maryland, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, Nord-Carolina, Pennsylvania, Vermont og Virginia. Arten kan finnes i Delaware og District of Columbia i USA og New Brunswick i Canada, men kan også være utdødd i disse områdene.[1]
Klassifikasjon etter WoRMS.[3]
Alasmidonta heterodon er en art av dammuslingfamilien innen klassen muslinger som lever i ferskvann.
Alasmidonta heterodon − gatunek małża z rodziny skójkowatych (Unionidae), zagrożonego wyginięciem.
Niewykluczone, że badania genetyczne zaowocują rozdzieleniem do różnych taksonów[2].
Występuje w słodkich wodach w USA (Connecticut, Delaware, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, New Jersey, Nowy Jork, Karolina Północna, Pensylwania, Vermont, Wirginia)[2].
Istnieje kilka populacji w dobrym stanie, są one jednak małe i rozczłonkowane. Występuje 8 lokalizacji w systemie rzecznym, które rozciągają się na mniej niż 2000 km[2].
Zagrożona od 1988. Liczebność spada[2].
Alasmidonta heterodon − gatunek małża z rodziny skójkowatych (Unionidae), zagrożonego wyginięciem.