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Animal / parasitoid / endoparasitoid
larva of Linnaemya comta is endoparasitoid of larva of Agrotis ipsilon

Animal / parasitoid / endoparasitoid
larva of Periscepsia carbonaria is endoparasitoid of larva of Agrotis ipsilon

Animal / parasitoid / endoparasitoid
larva of Siphona cristata is endoparasitoid of larva of Agrotis ipsilon


Dart tywyll ( Welsh )

provided by wikipedia CY

Gwyfyn sy'n perthyn i urdd y Lepidoptera yw dart tywyll, sy'n enw gwrywaidd; yr enw lluosog ydy dartiau tywyll; yr enw Saesneg yw Dark Sword-grass, a'r enw gwyddonol yw Agrotis ipsilon.[1][2]

Agrotis ipsilon Grote worteluil vleugels (1).jpg

Gellir dosbarthu'r pryfaid (neu'r Insecta) sy'n perthyn i'r Urdd a elwir yn Lepidoptera yn ddwy ran: y gloynnod byw a'r gwyfynod. Mae'r dosbarthiad hwn yn cynnyws mwy na 180,000 o rywogaethau mewn tua 128 o deuluoedd.

Wedi deor o'i ŵy mae'r dart tywyll yn lindysyn sy'n bwyta llawer o ddail, ac wedyn mae'n troi i fod yn chwiler. Daw allan o'r chwiler ar ôl rhai wythnosau. Mae pedwar cyfnod yng nghylchred bywyd glöynnod byw a gwyfynod: ŵy, lindysyn, chwiler ac oedolyn.

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  1. Gwefan Cyngor Cefn Gwlad Cymru. Cyngor Cefn Gwlad Cymru. Adalwyd ar 29 Chwefror 2012.
  2. Geiriadur enwau a thermau ar Wefan Llên Natur. Adalwyd 13/12/2012.
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Dart tywyll: Brief Summary ( Welsh )

provided by wikipedia CY

Gwyfyn sy'n perthyn i urdd y Lepidoptera yw dart tywyll, sy'n enw gwrywaidd; yr enw lluosog ydy dartiau tywyll; yr enw Saesneg yw Dark Sword-grass, a'r enw gwyddonol yw Agrotis ipsilon.

Agrotis ipsilon Grote worteluil vleugels (1).jpg

Gellir dosbarthu'r pryfaid (neu'r Insecta) sy'n perthyn i'r Urdd a elwir yn Lepidoptera yn ddwy ran: y gloynnod byw a'r gwyfynod. Mae'r dosbarthiad hwn yn cynnyws mwy na 180,000 o rywogaethau mewn tua 128 o deuluoedd.

Wedi deor o'i ŵy mae'r dart tywyll yn lindysyn sy'n bwyta llawer o ddail, ac wedyn mae'n troi i fod yn chwiler. Daw allan o'r chwiler ar ôl rhai wythnosau. Mae pedwar cyfnod yng nghylchred bywyd glöynnod byw a gwyfynod: ŵy, lindysyn, chwiler ac oedolyn.

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Ypsiloneule ( German )

provided by wikipedia DE
Dieser Artikel erläutert die Eulenfalterart Agrotis ipsilon, für andere Bedeutungen siehe Ypsiloneule (Begriffsklärung).
Raupe der Ypsiloneule

Die Ypsiloneule (Agrotis ipsilon), auch Ipsiloneule[1] oder Gemeine Kräuterflur-Bodeneule[2] genannt, ist ein Schmetterling (Nachtfalter) aus der Familie der Eulenfalter (Noctuidae).


Die Falter haben eine Flügelspannweite von 40 bis 56 Millimeter[3]. Die Farbe der Vorderflügel variiert von hell- bis dunkelbraun, wobei die Weibchen meist dunkler als die Männchen sind. Gelegentlich kommen auch grauweißlich-aufgehellte und grauschwarz-verdunkelte Exemplare vor. Wie beim Ausrufungszeichen besitzt auch diese Art einen schwarzen Strich auf dem Vorderflügel, der von einem nierenförmigen Makel in der hinteren Hälfte des Flügels ausgeht und nach außen zeigt. Zum Flügelansatz hin liegen zwei kleinere Pfeilstriche, die von außen nach innen weisen. Die Hinterflügel sind weiß und wirken fast durchsichtig.

Die Eier sind abgeplattet, schwach gerippt und leicht gelblich, später dunkler werdend.

Die Raupen sind erdbraun bis graubraun gefärbt und glänzen. Die Unterseite ist meist etwas heller.

Die Puppe ist rotbraun[4].

Geographische Verbreitung und Lebensraum

Man findet diese Art in offenen Landschaften wie Gärten oder Äckern weltweit, mit Ausnahme der Tropen. Sie fehlt in Europa nur in Nordskandinavien und Nordrussland. Die weltweiten Bestände schwanken aber stark und sind sehr wetterabhängig. In Mitteleuropa bevorzugen sie die wärmeren, tieferen Lagen, kommen aber auch in geringerer Zahl in den Mittelgebirgen vor.


Jedes Jahr fliegen die Ypsiloneulen in meist großer Zahl von den Mediterrangebieten über die Alpen nach Mitteleuropa ein. Die Anzahl schwankt stark in Abhängigkeit vom Wetter in Italien und Spanien. Einzelne Falter scheinen auch milde Winter in Europa zu überstehen. Die eingeflogenen, die wenigen verbliebenen oder im Frühjahr frisch geschlüpften Falter aus überwinternden Raupen legen ab April ihre Eier ab und sterben dann. Gelegentlich kommt es auch zur Massenvermehrung in Abhängigkeit von der Zahl der eingeflogenen Falter und der Witterung in Mitteleuropa. In einem Jahr mit mildem Winter überleben Raupen verschiedener Stadien auch in Deutschland. In einem strengen Winter sterben nicht nur die verbliebenen wenigen Falter, sondern auch die meisten Raupen und Puppen ab. Die Falter kann man daher mit Ausnahme der Wintermonate fast das ganze Jahr über in Mitteleuropa antreffen. Eingeflogene Falter kann man in Mitteleuropa von April bis Juni häufiger finden. Zwischen Juli und November fliegt in Mitteleuropa dann eine zweite Generation, entweder die Nachkommen der wenigen Überwinterer oder die der Zuwanderer. Das Maximum des Fluges ist im August/September, in höheren Lagen etwas später. Der Großteil der spät geschlüpften Falter zieht dann wieder in den Süden und scheint hier keine Eier mehr abzulegen. Zumindest wurde bei Massenzuchten ein starker Wandertrieb beobachtet. Ob die Falter tatsächlich auch wieder in den Mediterrangebieten ankommen, ist wie bei vielen Wanderfalterarten nicht sicher. Nur wenige Falter versuchen hier zu überwintern, um im Frühjahr in Mitteleuropa ihre Eier abzulegen. Die Falter besuchen Blumen und lassen sich mit Zucker ködern. Unter günstigen Bedingungen werden drei bis vier Generationen pro Jahr gebildet[5].

Die Raupen graben sich in den Boden ein, um an die Wurzeln der Pflanzen zu kommen. Sie ernähren sich von den Wurzeln von Wildgräsern, aber auch von Nutzpflanzen wie Kohl und verschiedene Gemüsearten. Auch in Zuckerrübenfeldern wurden schon Massenvorkommen beobachtet. Die Überwinterung und Verpuppung geschieht in einer kleinen Höhlung.

Als Anpassung an die Wanderzüge in die kälteren Regionen zeigen diese Falter eine relativ kurze Entwicklungszeit. Die Eiraupen schlüpfen nach ein bis drei Wochen aus den Eiern. Im Sommer wachsen die Raupen sehr schnell innerhalb eines Monats heran[6], und die Puppenruhe ist auch nur von kurzer Dauer.


Der deutsche Name Ypsiloneule rührt von einer lange benutzten falschen Schreibweise des Artnamens ypsilon her. Der ursprünglich vom Autor Johann Siegfried Hufnagel 1766 vorgeschlagene Name ist aber ipsilon, der nach den Regeln der Zoologischen Nomenklatur auch aufgrund der mutmaßlich falschen Schreibweise nicht verändert werden darf. Daher heißt es auf Deutsch Ypsiloneule, aber der wissenschaftliche Artname ist Agrotis ipsilon.



  1. Listen bei Science4you
  2. Arno Bergmann: Die Großschmetterlinge Mitteldeutschlands. Band 4/1: Eulen. Verbreitung, Formen und Lebensgemeinschaften. Urania-Verlag, Jena 1954, .
  3. Fibiger (1990: S. 89)
  4. Walter Forster, Theodor A. Wohlfahrt: Die Schmetterlinge Mitteleuropas. Band 4: Eulen. (Noctuidae). Franckh'sche Verlagshandlung, Stuttgart 1971, ISBN 3-440-03752-5.
  5. George Gordh, Gordon Gordh und David Headrick: A Dictionary of Entomology. Wallingford, Oxon, CABI Publ., 2009 ISBN 978-1-84593-542-9
  6. D. V. Alford: Pests of fruit crops: a color handbook. 461 S., Amsterdam, Academic Press, 2007 ISBN 978-0-12-373676-5


  • Günter Ebert (Hrsg.): Die Schmetterlinge Baden-Württembergs Band 7, Nachtfalter V. Ulmer Verlag Stuttgart 1997 (Eulen (Noctuidae) 3. Teil), ISBN 3-800-13482-9.
  • Michael Fibiger: Noctuidae Europaeae Volume 1 Noctuinae I. 208 S., Entomological Press, Sorø 1990 ISBN 87-89430-01-8.
  • Manfred Koch: Wir bestimmen Schmetterlinge. Band 3: Eulen. 2., erweiterte Auflage. Neumann, Leipzig/Radebeul 1972, .


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Ypsiloneule: Brief Summary ( German )

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 src= Dieser Artikel erläutert die Eulenfalterart Agrotis ipsilon, für andere Bedeutungen siehe Ypsiloneule (Begriffsklärung).  src= Raupe der Ypsiloneule

Die Ypsiloneule (Agrotis ipsilon), auch Ipsiloneule oder Gemeine Kräuterflur-Bodeneule genannt, ist ein Schmetterling (Nachtfalter) aus der Familie der Eulenfalter (Noctuidae).

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Agrotis ipsilon

provided by wikipedia EN

Agrotis ipsilon, the dark sword-grass, black cutworm, greasy cutworm, floodplain cutworm or ipsilon dart, is a small noctuid moth found worldwide.[1] The moth gets its scientific name from black markings on its forewings shaped like the letter "Y" or the Greek letter upsilon.[2] The larvae are known as "cutworms" because they cut plants and other crops.[3] The larvae are serious agricultural pests and feed on nearly all varieties of vegetables and many important grains.[4][5]

This species is a seasonal migrant that travels north in the spring and south in the fall to escape extreme temperatures in the summer and winter. The migration patterns reflect how reproduction occurs in the spring and ceases in the fall.[1]

Females release sex pheromones to attract males for mating. Pheromone production and release in females and pheromone responsiveness in males is dependent on the juvenile hormone (JH) and pheromone biosynthesis activating neuropeptide (BPAN).[6] In the span of 2 months, the moth progresses through the life cycle stages egg, larvae, pupa, and adult.[4] Throughout this time period, this moth faces the risk of predation and parasitism, such as by Hexamermis arvalis or by the parasite Archytas cirphis.[4][7]


38–48 mm. Antennae in male bipectinated. Forewings brown, reddish-tinged, mixed with pale greyish-ochreous, costa and sometimes median area suffused with dark fuscous ; first and second lines edged with dark fuscous; spots outlined with black, reniform followed by a short black dash ; subterminal line obscure, usually preceded in middle by two fine black marks. Hindwings whitish-grey or whitish, terminally suffused with fuscous. Larva ochreous brownish or bronzy-grey, sides sometimes greenish ; dorsal, subdorsal, and spiracular lines faintly darker or lighter, usually darker-edged ; head sufFusedly brown-marked.[8]

Geographic range

Populations of this species have been found in southern Canada, 48 of the United States (and additionally Hawaii), Mexico, Central and South America, Australia, New Zealand, the Pacific Rim, North Africa, Europe, and Asia.[1] However, they are absent from some tropical regions and colder areas and are more widespread in the Northern than Southern Hemisphere.

This species is also known to migrate north in the spring and migrate south in the fall.[4]

Food resources


Larvae feed on weeds such as bluegrass, curled dock, lambsquarters, yellow rocket, and redroot pigweed. They will often eat all the weeds available before moving to attacking crops. Favored crops include most vegetable plants, alfalfa, clover, cotton, rice, sorghum, strawberry, sugarbeet, tobacco, and occasionally grains and grasses.[4]


Adults feed on flower nectar. They are also attracted to deciduous trees and shrubs such as linden, wild plum, crabapple, and lilac.[4] They are a pollinator of fetterbush lyonia.[9]

Parental care


Based on the types of debris on the ground, the black cutworm prefers to oviposit in areas with fencerow (pasture) debris rather than corn field debris, woodland floor debris, and bare soil. Fencerow debris includes dry grass debris, and this may be attractive for females to oviposit early in the spring before rapid vegetation growth occurs.

After this growth, though, the moths are drawn more to low, dense plants such as the curled dock and yellow rocket. These plants have multiple stems and many low-lying basal leaves. On most plant species, the cutworm prefers to oviposit on the leaves rather than the stem.[10]

Life history

Life cycle

In a given year, the number of generations differs based on location and weather conditions. In Canada, there are 1 or 2 generations, while in the United States, there are 2 to 4 per year. This species is abundant in warmer temperatures (such as Arkansas, US) during the late spring in May–June and early fall in September and October, while they are more abundant in cooler temperature (such as New York, US) during the summer in June and July. One life cycle lasts between 35–60 days.[4]


The egg stage lasts 3 to 6 days. Females oviposit eggs in clusters on low-lying leaves. If such host plants are not available, the females will oviposit on dead plant material. However, they will not lay eggs on bare soil. Females can deposit eggs singly, or in groups of up to 1200 to 1900 eggs.


The nearly spherical eggs are initially white but turn brown with age. The surface of the egg possesses 35–40 ribs that radiate from one apex.[4]


The larval stage lasts 20–40 days. Over the span of 5 to 9 instars, the caterpillar body grows from 3.5 mm to a maximum of 55 mm. Larval development is optimized at a temperature of 27 degrees Celsius, and instars 1–5 are most successful at higher humidities. By the 4th instar, the larva becomes light sensitive and spends most of the daylight underground. The larvae are considered pests because they damage the plant tissue under the soil. The larvae are cannibalistic.


The larva can range in color from light gray or gray brown to black. The ventral side is usually lighter, and this species does not have a dorsal band. The entire body is covered with granules and the head possesses many dark spots.[4]


The pupal stage lasts 12–20 days. This species pupates under the soil approximately 3–12 mm below the surface.

The pupae appear to be dark brown and are 17–12 mm long and 5–6 mm wide.[4]


One complete generation from egg to adult lasts 35–60 days. The female preoviposition period lasts 7–10 days.

Adults have a wingspan of 40–55 mm. The forewings are dark brown, and the distal area has a light irregular band a black dash mark. The hindwings are whitish to gray and have darker colored veins.[4]

Nature Of Damage

Gram cutworms are active in the Rabi season and damage the crop.

  • In India, winter is generally the lean season for insects and pests. But cutworms belong to that small insect group. Those who damage the Rabi crop by their destructive activity.
  • cutworms cut the plant down into the ground or twist the whole plant like a gram, hence it is known as a cutworm.
  • cutworm is also known as a surface caterpillar because it is a sai surface and performs its activities a few centimetres.
  • The larva of Gram cutworm causes great damage to the crop. Its larva disappears during the day and comes out in the evening to damage the crop.
  • First of all, they feed on the epidermis of the fallen leaves or green leaves touching the ground letter caterpillar cut the leaf, shoot the plant just above the ground level, and buried in the soil.
  • cutworm damages many plants causing serious damage. It attacks the gram field between November and February.


A. ipsilon are seasonal migratory insects that travel south in the fall to escape harsh cold temperatures and travel north in the spring to escape extremely warm weather. Therefore, changes in thermoperiod as well as photoperiod may influence the onset of migration patterns in this species. Before migration southward in the fall, the reproductive system in both females and males shuts down to prevent copulation before winter. In the spring and early summer, though, before migration north, females release sex pheromones soon after eclosion. In one study, female moths collected from late April to early May were 100% mated.[1]



Several species of wasps prey on the black cutworm. Larvae parasitized by Meteorus leviventris, a type of parasitoid, eat 24% less vegetation and cut 36% fewer seedlings. Other parasitoids include several fly species such as Archytas cirphis, Bonnetia comta, Eucelatoria armigera and Sisyropa eudryae. Ground beetles also eat black cutworm larvae.[4] Ants, specifically Lasius neoniger also prey on this species and feed on A. ipsilon eggs.[7]


An entomopathogenic nematode called Hexamermis arvalis is known to infect 60% of larvae in the central United States. This parasite ultimately kills the insect. The parasite thrives in moist soil conditions.[4]


Female calling behavior

Calling behavior is the act of females releasing sex pheromones in preparation for mating. Calling behavior increases within the first three days after eclosion but decreases as the females grow older. As well, as the females grow older, they onset time of calling behavior occurs earlier. Calling earlier allows older females to have increased mating success as they normally produce less sex pheromone and need to appear more attractive than younger females. The amount of sex pheromone in the body and calling behavior are coordinated on a time scale.[11]

Pheromone biosynthesis activating neuropeptide

Females produce a sex pheromone in the pheromone gland on their abdominal tips that attracts males for mating. Biosynthesis of the sex pheromone is controlled by a neurohormone called pheromone biosynthesis activating neuropeptide (PBAN). This 33-amino-acid-long peptide is present in both sexes in the brain-suboesophageal ganglions (Br-SOG) during both scotophase and photophase. It has been shown that the juvenile hormone is involved in the release of PBAN in both males and females. PBAN aids in pheromone production in females and pheromone responsiveness in males.[6] In another species, PBAN release has been shown to be stimulated by external factors including photoperiod, temperature and odorants from host plants[12]

Juvenile hormone

The juvenile hormone (JH), released by the corpora allata (CA), is necessary for the production and release of the sex pheromone. The CA releases JH which acts on the production/release of the PBAN-like factor. So, PBAN is what connects the network in the CA to the central nervous system's production of sex pheromone. When the CA was removed, calling behavior and sex pheromone production stopped. As well, ovaries remained underdeveloped when the CA was absent. However, when decapitated females (meaning complete absence of the CA) were injected with a synthetic form of JH, ovaries were able to develop. This indicates that JH acts on the ovaries and production of sex pheromone in two independent neuroendocrine systems.[12]

In males, JH is necessary for pheromone responsiveness. When the CA was removed, males did not respond to female sex pheromones with sexual behavior. However, when the CA was implanted back, responsiveness and sexual behavior returned.[13]



A. ipsilon has a sensitive olfactory system with many proteins that are expressed in the antennae. Such proteins include odorant binding proteins (OBPs), chemosensory proteins (CSPs), odorant receptors (ORs), ionotropic receptors (IRs) and sensory neuron membrane proteins (SNMPs). These proteins are responsible for recognizing sex pheromone and general odorants, such as those released by host plants.[14]

Interactions with humans

Pest of crop plants

Each larva can consume over 400 square centimetres of foliage during its development. They feed above ground until about the fourth instar. After that they do considerable damage to crops by severing young plants at ground level. In the midwestern US, the black cutworm is considered to be a serious pest of corn. Corn is very susceptible at the one-leaf stage, but by the four- or five-leaf stage, it is relatively unaffected. Damage to the underground parts of plants can also be harmful.[4] Other crops where serious damage occurs include cotton, maize, tobacco, sunflower, tomatoes, sugar beet and potato.[15]


There are three options to manage cutworm population and the incurred damages. Soil insecticides can be applied as a pre-plant treatment, although this may be limited by the unpredictability of cutworm population density distribution. These insecticides can also be applied as a planting-time treatment, although the same limitations still hold. The third option would be a rescue treatment that is applied after the infestations have occurred; this is also called the wait-and-see system. This may also be preferable due to a recently lower occurrence of outbreaks.[16]

See also


  1. ^ a b c d Showers, William B. "Migratory Ecology of the Black Cutworm." Annual Review of Entomology, vol. 42, 1997, pp. 393–425.
  2. ^ McLeod, Robin (9 October 2018). "Species Agrotis ipsilon - Ipsilon Dart - Hodges#10663". BugGuide. Retrieved 28 June 2019.
  3. ^ Hahn, Jeffrey & Wold-Burkness, Suzanne. "Cutworm in Home Gardens". Cutworm in Home Gardens: Insects: University of Minnesota Extension.
  4. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n Capinera, John L. "Common Name: Black Cutworm". Entomology and Nematology, University of Florida, October 2006.
  5. ^ Robinson, Gaden S.; Ackery, Phillip R.; Kitching, Ian; Beccaloni, George W.; Hernández, Luis M. (2023). "Robinson, G. S.; Ackery, P. R.; Kitching, I. J.; Beccaloni, G. W. & Hernández, L. M. (2010). HOSTS - A Database of the World's Lepidopteran Hostplants. Natural History Museum, London". Natural History Museum. doi:10.5519/havt50xw. {{cite journal}}: Cite journal requires |journal= (help)
  6. ^ a b Duportets, Line, et al. "The Pheromone Biosynthesis Activating Neuropeptide (PBAN) of the Black Cutworm Moth, Agrotis ipsilon: Immunohistochemistry, Molecular Characterization and Bioassay of Its Peptide Sequence." Insect Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, vol. 28, no. 8, 1998, pp. 591–599., doi:10.1016/s0965-1748(98)00033-2.
  7. ^ a b López, Rolando, and Daniel A. Potter. "Ant Predation on Eggs and Larvae of the Black Cutworm (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) and Japanese Beetle (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae) in Turfgrass." Environmental Entomology, vol. 29, no. 1, Jan. 2000, pp. 116–125., doi:10.1603/0046-225x-29.1.116.
  8. ^ Meyrick, E., 1895 A Handbook of British Lepidoptera MacMillan, London pdf Public Domain This article incorporates text from this source, which is in the public domain.
  9. ^ Benning, John (October 2015). "Odd for an Ericad: Nocturnal Pollination of Lyonia lucida (Ericaceae)". American Midland Naturalist. 2 (174): 204–217. doi:10.1674/0003-0031-174.2.204. S2CID 86085087.
  10. ^ Busching, M. K. & Turpin, F. T. "Oviposition Preferences of Black Cutworm Moths Among Various Crop Plants, Weeds, and Plant Debris". Journal of Economic Entomology, vol. 69, no. 5, January 1976, pp. 587–590., doi:10.1093/jee/69.5.587.
  11. ^ Xiang, Yu-Yong, et al. "Calling Behavior and Rhythms of Sex Pheromone Production in the Black Cutworm Moth in China." Journal of Insect Behavior, vol. 23, no. 1, 2009, pp. 35–44., doi:10.1007/s10905-009-9193-0.
  12. ^ a b Picimbon, Jean-Francois. "Juvenile Hormone Stimulates Pheromonotropic Brain Factor Release in the Female Black Vutworm, Agrotis ipsilon". Journal of Insect Physiology, vol. 41, no. 5, pp. 377–382.
  13. ^ Gadenne, C., et al. "Hormonal Control of Pheromone Responsiveness in the Male black cutworm Agrotis ipsilon." Experientia, vol. 49, no. 8, 1993, pp. 721–724., doi:10.1007/bf01923960.
  14. ^ Gu, Shao-Hua, et al. "Molecular Characterization and Differential Expression of Olfactory Genes in the Antennae of the Black Cutworm Moth Agrotis ipsilon." PLOS One, vol. 9, no. 8, 1 Aug. 2014, doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0103420.
  15. ^ Chumakov. "Pests." AgroAtlas, www.agroatlas.ru/en/content/pests/Agrotis_ipsilon/.
  16. ^ Black Cutworm: Insect Fact Sheet (2003). University of Illinois. Integrated pest management, https://ipm.illinois.edu/fieldcrops/insects/black_cutworm.pdf.

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Agrotis ipsilon: Brief Summary

provided by wikipedia EN

Agrotis ipsilon, the dark sword-grass, black cutworm, greasy cutworm, floodplain cutworm or ipsilon dart, is a small noctuid moth found worldwide. The moth gets its scientific name from black markings on its forewings shaped like the letter "Y" or the Greek letter upsilon. The larvae are known as "cutworms" because they cut plants and other crops. The larvae are serious agricultural pests and feed on nearly all varieties of vegetables and many important grains.

This species is a seasonal migrant that travels north in the spring and south in the fall to escape extreme temperatures in the summer and winter. The migration patterns reflect how reproduction occurs in the spring and ceases in the fall.

Females release sex pheromones to attract males for mating. Pheromone production and release in females and pheromone responsiveness in males is dependent on the juvenile hormone (JH) and pheromone biosynthesis activating neuropeptide (BPAN). In the span of 2 months, the moth progresses through the life cycle stages egg, larvae, pupa, and adult. Throughout this time period, this moth faces the risk of predation and parasitism, such as by Hexamermis arvalis or by the parasite Archytas cirphis.

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Agrotis ipsilon ( Spanish; Castilian )

provided by wikipedia ES

Agrotis ipsilon, el gusano cortador negro, gusano grasiento o cuncunilla negra, es una pequeña polilla de la familia Noctuidae que se encuentra en todo el mundo.[1]​ La polilla tiene este nombre debido a las marcas negras en sus alas anteriores en forma de letra "Y" y se asemeja a la letra griega upsilon.[2]​ Las larvas son conocidas como gusanos cortadores porque cortan plantas y otros cultivos.[3]​ Las larvas son una seria plaga agrícola y se alimentan de casi toda variedad de vegetales y de granos muy importantes.[4][5]

Esta especie migra estacionalmente al sur o norte para escapar de temperaturas extremas en invierno y verano. Los patrones de migración reflejan como ocurre la reproducción en primavera y cesa en otoño.[1]

Las hembras liberan feromonas sexuales para atraer a los machos para el apareamiento. La producción y liberación en las hembras y la respuesta de la feromona en los machos depende de la hormona juvenil (HJ) y del neuropéptido activador de la biosíntesis de feromonas (BPAN).[6]​ En el lapso de 2 meses, la polilla avanza a través de las etapas del ciclo de vida de huevo, larva, pupa y adulto.[4]


Enfrenta varios tipos de depredación y parasitismo, como por Hexamermis arvalis, Sisyropa eudryae o por la mosca taquínida parasítica Archytas cirphis.[4][3]​ También hay avispas parasitoides. Entre los depredadores se cuentan especies de hormigas y de escarabajos carábidos (Sisyropa eudryae).


  1. a b Showers, William B. “Migratory Ecology of the Black Cutworm.” Annu. Rev. Entomol., vol. 42, 1997, pp. 393–425.
  2. McLeod, Robin. "Species Agrotis Ipsilon." BugGuide, 8 Dec. 2005, bugguide.net/node/view/38914.
  3. a b Hahn, Jeffrey, and Suzanne Wold-Burkness. “Cutworms in Home Gardens.” Cutworms in Home Gardens : Insects : University of Minnesota Extension, www.extension.umn.edu/garden/insects/find/cutworms-in-home-gardens/.
  4. a b c Capinera, John L. "Common Name: Black Cutworm." Entomology and Nematology, University of Florida, octubre de 2006, entnemdept.ifas.ufl.edu/creatures/veg/black_cutworm.htm.
  5. «Robinson, G. S., P. R. Ackery, I. J. Kitching, G. W. Beccaloni & L. M. Hernández, 2010. HOSTS - A Database of the World's Lepidopteran Hostplants. Natural History Museum, London.».
  6. Duportets, Line, et al. “The Pheromone Biosynthesis Activating Neuropeptide (PBAN) of the Black Cutworm Moth, Agrotis Ipsilon: Immunohistochemistry, Molecular Characterization and Bioassay of Its Peptide Sequence.” Insect Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, vol. 28, no. 8, 1998, pp. 591–599., doi:10.1016/s0965-1748(98)00033-2.

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Agrotis ipsilon: Brief Summary ( Spanish; Castilian )

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Agrotis ipsilon, el gusano cortador negro, gusano grasiento o cuncunilla negra, es una pequeña polilla de la familia Noctuidae que se encuentra en todo el mundo.​ La polilla tiene este nombre debido a las marcas negras en sus alas anteriores en forma de letra "Y" y se asemeja a la letra griega upsilon.​ Las larvas son conocidas como gusanos cortadores porque cortan plantas y otros cultivos.​ Las larvas son una seria plaga agrícola y se alimentan de casi toda variedad de vegetales y de granos muy importantes.​​

Esta especie migra estacionalmente al sur o norte para escapar de temperaturas extremas en invierno y verano. Los patrones de migración reflejan como ocurre la reproducción en primavera y cesa en otoño.​

Las hembras liberan feromonas sexuales para atraer a los machos para el apareamiento. La producción y liberación en las hembras y la respuesta de la feromona en los machos depende de la hormona juvenil (HJ) y del neuropéptido activador de la biosíntesis de feromonas (BPAN).​ En el lapso de 2 meses, la polilla avanza a través de las etapas del ciclo de vida de huevo, larva, pupa y adulto.​

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Noctuelle baignée ( French )

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Agrotis ipsilon

La Noctuelle ipsilon ou Noctuelle baignée, Agrotis ipsilon, est une espèce de papillons de nuit de la famille des Noctuidae, de la sous-famille des Noctuinae et du genre Agrotis, à répartition cosmopolite. La chenille, appelée « ver gris » est, pendant les premiers stades de développement larvaire, un ravageur de nombreuses plantes sauvages et cultivées.


Agrotis ipsilon (Hufnagel, 1766).

Synonymes : Phalaena ipsilon (Hufnagel, 1766), Noctua suffusa (Schiffermüller, 1775)[1].

Noms vernaculaires : La Noctuelle baignée, ou « noctuelle ipsilon », est aussi appelée « noctuelle du maïs » en France ; elle se nomme Dark Sword Grass en anglais, Ypsiloneule en allemand.

La chenille d' Agrotis ipsilon, appelée « ver gris » en France ou « ver-gris noir » au Canada (black cutworm en anglais), est suivie par les services d'avertissement agricoles car elle constitue un ravageur sporadique de diverses cultures, notamment de maïs[2],[3].

Sous-espèce : Agrotis ipsilon aneituma (Walker, 1865)


La Noctuelle baignée est marron et beige avec des ailes antérieures marron marquées d'une zone claire et une tache claire prolongée d'un triangle noir et des ailes postérieures beige.

Les antennes du mâle sont pectinées sur leur demi-longueur[4].


La chenille est grise ornée de quatre points noirs sur chaque segment.

Chenille de Noctuelle baignée.


Elle vole à partir de mai-juin, pond et migre dès ce moment vers le nord. Une seconde génération est possible d'août à octobre[1]. La migration retour vers le sud a lieu de fin juillet à septembre[5].

Écologie et distribution

La Noctuelle baignée est présente dans toute l'Amérique du Nord, toute l'Europe, toute l'Asie et en Australie[1].

Elle est présente après migration en Angleterre[6].

Plantes hôtes

Agrotis ipsilon femelle

Les plantes hôtes sont les aubépines Crataegus, la pomme de terre Solanum tuberosum[1] et surtout des graminées (ce qui fait qu'elle est peu appréciée par les gestionnaires de golfs dont elle peut endommager les gazons). La chenille, dans ses premiers stades larvaires, attaque aussi les jeunes plants de maïs.

La chenille de Noctuelle baignée est pour cette raison considérée par les agriculteurs et les surintendants de golfs comme un « ravageur ».

Des méthodes de lutte biologique ont été proposées[7] et testées[8]. Ces méthodes commencent à intéresser les surintendants de golfs, ainsi que la naturalité notamment depuis que des entomologistes ont clairement montré[9] que les (ré)-introductions d'espèces locales nectarifères et pollinifères sont à moyen et long terme plus efficaces que les espèces annuelles mellifères exotiques jusqu’alors recommandées pour fournir du nectar et du pollen aux « ennemis naturels des ravageurs du gazon »[10].

Notes et références

  1. a b c et d funet.
  2. « Maïs: Ver-gris noir (Agrotis ipsilon) », Omafra (Ontario) (consulté le 18 juillet 2013).
  3. « Noctuelles du maïs - Attention aux attaques de vers gris en début de cycle », Arvalis (France) (consulté le 18 juillet 2013).
  4. Fiche ravageurs
  5. Inra
  6. UK Moths
  7. Frank, S. D., and P. M. Shrewsbury. 2004. Effect of conservation strips on the abundance and distribution of natural enemies and predation of Agrotis ipsilon (Lepidoptera : Noctuidae) on golf course fairways. Environ. Entomol. 33: 1662-1672
  8. Frank, S. D., and P. M. Shrewsbury. 2004. Effect of conservationstrips on the abundance and distribution of natural enemies and predation of Agrotis ipsilon (Lepidoptera :Noctuidae) on golf course fairways. Environ. Entomol.33: 1662-1672.
  9. A. K. Fiedler1 et D. A. Landis, Attractiveness of Michigan Native Plants to Arthropod Natural Enemies and Herbivores ; Published by: Entomological Society of America Environmental Entomology 36(4):751-765. 2007doi: 10.1603/0046-225X(2007)36[751:AOMNPT]2.0.CO;2 (Résumé, et étude complète (PDF, 15 pages en anglais,)
  10. Fiedler, A. K., and D. A. Landis. 2007. Plant characteristics associated with natural enemy abundance at Michigan native plants. Environ. Entomol. 36: 878-886


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Noctuelle baignée: Brief Summary ( French )

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Agrotis ipsilon

La Noctuelle ipsilon ou Noctuelle baignée, Agrotis ipsilon, est une espèce de papillons de nuit de la famille des Noctuidae, de la sous-famille des Noctuinae et du genre Agrotis, à répartition cosmopolite. La chenille, appelée « ver gris » est, pendant les premiers stades de développement larvaire, un ravageur de nombreuses plantes sauvages et cultivées.

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Ulat tanah ( Indonesian )

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Ulat Tanah

Ulat Tanah adalah ulat yang hidup di tanah biasa sebagai hama yang serangannya menyebabkan pangkal batang patah.[1] Hama tersebut akan menyerang dengan cara memotong batang tanaman sehingga tanaman tersebut mati.[2] Kemungkinan hama ulat tanah tersebut berasal dari penggunaan kotoran ayam dan sapi.[2]


Ulat ini berwama kehitaman, berbintik-bintik atau bergaris.[3] Ulat Tanah memiliki pupa/ kepongpong berwarna coklat.[2] Badannya lunak liat, panjangnya sekitar 3-5 cm.[3] Pada siang hari, ulat ini hidup di dalam tanah sekitar tanaman.[3] Sedangkan pada malam hari, ulat memakan bagian leher batang atau bagian batang di bawah tanah.[3] Kupu-kupunya meletakkan telur di atas daun.[3] Ulat-ulat mudanya memakan daun dan tunas daun.[3] Ulat tanah berwarna hitam dengan imago berwarna abu-abu dengan sayap berwarna coklat.[2] Imago betina mampu bertelur hingga 1800 butir.[2]


  1. ^ "Definisi Ulat Tanah". Kamus Besar. Diakses tanggal 2014-06-27.
  2. ^ a b c d e "Tips Mengendalikan Hama Ulat Tanah". Gerbang Pertanian. 2011-06-17. Diakses tanggal 2014-06-27. Periksa nilai tanggal di: |date= (bantuan)
  3. ^ a b c d e f "Pengendalian Hama Ulat Tanah dan Tungau Pada Tanaman Semangka". Kementrian Pertanian. Diakses tanggal 2014-06-27.
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Ulat tanah: Brief Summary ( Indonesian )

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 src= Ulat Tanah

Ulat Tanah adalah ulat yang hidup di tanah biasa sebagai hama yang serangannya menyebabkan pangkal batang patah. Hama tersebut akan menyerang dengan cara memotong batang tanaman sehingga tanaman tersebut mati. Kemungkinan hama ulat tanah tersebut berasal dari penggunaan kotoran ayam dan sapi.


Ulat ini berwama kehitaman, berbintik-bintik atau bergaris. Ulat Tanah memiliki pupa/ kepongpong berwarna coklat. Badannya lunak liat, panjangnya sekitar 3-5 cm. Pada siang hari, ulat ini hidup di dalam tanah sekitar tanaman. Sedangkan pada malam hari, ulat memakan bagian leher batang atau bagian batang di bawah tanah. Kupu-kupunya meletakkan telur di atas daun. Ulat-ulat mudanya memakan daun dan tunas daun. Ulat tanah berwarna hitam dengan imago berwarna abu-abu dengan sayap berwarna coklat. Imago betina mampu bertelur hingga 1800 butir.

Referensi "Definisi Ulat Tanah". Kamus Besar. Diakses tanggal 2014-06-27. ^ "Tips Mengendalikan Hama Ulat Tanah". Gerbang Pertanian. 2011-06-17. Diakses tanggal 2014-06-27. Periksa nilai tanggal di: |date= (bantuan) ^ "Pengendalian Hama Ulat Tanah dan Tungau Pada Tanaman Semangka". Kementrian Pertanian. Diakses tanggal 2014-06-27.
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Grote worteluil ( Dutch; Flemish )

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De grote worteluil (Agrotis ipsilon) is een nachtvlinder die behoort tot de Noctuidae. De vlinders worden door licht aangetrokken.


De vlinder heeft een spanwijdte van 40 tot 56 mm. De kleur van de voorvleugels varieert van licht- tot donkerbruin, waarbij de vrouwtjes meestal donkerder zijn dan de mannetjes. Er kunnen ook grauwzwarte en grauwwitte exemplaren voorkomen. Over de voorvleugel loopt vanaf een niervormige vlek een zwarte streep. Bij de vleugelbasis zitten twee kleinere, pijlvormige strepen, die naar buiten wijzen. De achtervleugels zijn wit en lijken bijna doorzichtig.


De aard- tot grauwbruine, glanzende rupsen leven in de grond en vreten aan de wortelhals van planten. In de suikerbietenteelt en groentetuin kunnen ze een ware plaag vormen. Ze kunnen verward worden met emelten, maar die hebben geen poten en rollen bij aanraken niet op. De pop is roodbruin. De rupsen eten aardappelplanten, tabak, sla en groenten.

Voortplanting en ontwikkeling

De vlinder zet in april haar lichtgele, afgeplatte en zwak geribde eieren af.

Verspreiding en leefgebied

De grote worteluil komt over de hele wereld voor met uitzondering van de tropen, Noord-Scandinavië en Noord-Rusland. Het is een trekvlinder. In Europa vliegen de vlinders in groten getale vanuit Italië en Spanje naar het Noorden. In een zachte winter kunnen ze ook in Nederland overleven. Ook komen in het voorjaar vlinders uit de verpopte, overwinterende rupsen. In Nederland komen twee generaties per jaar voor. De tweede generatie vlinders verschijnen vanaf juli tot november. Deze generatie zet in Nederland geen eieren af, maar vliegt naar het zuiden.

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Bronnen, noten en/of referenties
  • David Burnie (2001) - Animals, Dorling Kindersley Limited, London. ISBN 90-18-01564-4 (naar het Nederlands vertaald door Jaap Bouwman en Henk J. Nieuwenkamp).
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Grote worteluil: Brief Summary ( Dutch; Flemish )

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De grote worteluil (Agrotis ipsilon) is een nachtvlinder die behoort tot de Noctuidae. De vlinders worden door licht aangetrokken.

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Stort jordfly ( Norwegian )

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Stort jordfly (Agrotis ipsilon) er en sommerfugl som tilhører familien nattfly (Noctuidae). Den forekommer nord til Nordland i Norge.


Et middelsstort til ganske stort (vingespenn 40–56 mm), lyst gråbrunt eller gulbrunt nattfly. De kjennes vanligvis lett igjen på størrelsen kombinert med at det går en kraftig, svart, kileformet flekk ut fra nyremerkets ytterkant, utenfor denne er det to innoverrettede, svarte pileflekker. Ellers har forvingen er mørk strek som strekker seg ut fra roten (kombinert rotstrek og tappmerke) og et smalr svartkantet nyremerke. Bakvingen er hvitaktig, tynt skjellkledt og delvis gjennomsiktig, med en perleaktig glans, brune årer og brun bestøving langs ytterkanten.


Larven er lysbrun, kort og trinn.


Det er en vandrende art som enkelte år dukker opp i store mengder. Det er usikkert om den formerer seg hos oss. Larvene lever i bakken på røttene av ulike urter. De voksne sommerfuglene kan dukke opp når som helst mellom mars og november, men hyppigst i august–oktober da bestandene lenger sør i Europa er store.


Arten er et betydelig skadedyr i jord- og hagebruk i litt varmere strøk over så godt som hele Jorden. Larvene kan angripe røttene på så ulike kulturplanter som kål, soyabønner, bomull, mais, jordbær, tomater og vinranker.


Stort jordfly er nokså nær en kosmopolitt, det vil si at den finnes over hele Jorden. Den er vanlig i varme og varm-tempererte områder, men fordi den vandrer mye dukker den også ofte opp nord og sør for disse områdene. I Norge er den funnet nord til Nordland.


  • Aarvik, L., Berggren, K. og Hansen, L.O. (2000) Catalogus Lepidopterorum Norvegiae. Lepidopterologisk Arbeidsgruppe/Norsk Institutt for Skogforskning. ISBN 82-995095-1-3
  • Nettsiden Svenska Fjärilar, med bildegalleri: [1]
  • Agrotis ipsilon på UK moths: [2]

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Stort jordfly: Brief Summary ( Norwegian )

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Stort jordfly (Agrotis ipsilon) er en sommerfugl som tilhører familien nattfly (Noctuidae). Den forekommer nord til Nordland i Norge.

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Agrotis ipsilon ( Pms )

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Drapò piemontèis.png Vos an lenga piemontèisa Për amprende a dovré 'l sistema dle parlà locaj ch'a varda sì.

La ruva a peul dé ëd dann a le coltivassion. La farfala a vòla da luj a stèmber.


A viv an tuta Italia.

Arferiment bibliogràfich për chi a veul fé dj'arserche pì ancreuse

  • Agrotis ypsilon Rott.
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Agrotis ipsilon: Brief Summary ( Pms )

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La ruva a peul dé ëd dann a le coltivassion. La farfala a vòla da luj a stèmber.


A viv an tuta Italia.

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Rolnica gwoździówka ( Polish )

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Rolnica gwoździówka[2], rolnica gwoździarka[3] (Agrotis ipsilon) – gatunek motyla z rodziny sówkowatych.

Motyl ten ma skrzydła przednie długości od 18 do 25 mm, ubarwione jasnobrunatnie z czarnym deseniem, zaś skrzydła tylne białawoczarne. Cechy charakterystyczne znajdują się głównie w narządach rozrodczych samców. Walwa ma część zewnętrzną wydłużoną, niemniejszą niż część nasadowa lub środkowa, zewnętrzną krawędź prawie prostą, a brzuszną z wypukłością tworzącą tylny wierzchołek. Ponadto na walwie znajduje się cienki, ostry wyrostek. Klawus również z wyrostkiem – małym, ale dobrze widocznym. Na edeagusie ciernie tworzą niewielką szczoteczkę[4].

Gąsienice żywią się korzeniami traw i notowane są jako szkodniki zbóż[4] oraz buraków[3].

Gatunek kosmopolityczny, pospolity w całej Polsce[4].

Zobacz też


  1. Agrotis ipsilon, w: Integrated Taxonomic Information System (ang.).
  2. David Carter: Motyle. Warszawa: Wiedza i Życie, 1993. ISBN 83-85231-90-0.
  3. a b Magdalena Jakubowska, Henryk Ławiński. Przydatność wyników monitoringu rolnic (Agrotis sp.) na plantacjach buraka cukrowego dla potrzeb ochrony roślin. „Postępy w Ochronie Roślin”. 51 (2), 2011.
  4. a b c Klucze do oznaczania owadów Polski, cz. XXVII, zeszyt 53b. Sówki – Noctuidae. Podrodziny Agrotinae i Melicleptriinae.. Andrzej Samuel Kostrowicki. Warszawa: Polski Związek Entomologiczny, PWN, 1959.
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Rolnica gwoździówka: Brief Summary ( Polish )

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Rolnica gwoździówka, rolnica gwoździarka (Agrotis ipsilon) – gatunek motyla z rodziny sówkowatych.

Motyl ten ma skrzydła przednie długości od 18 do 25 mm, ubarwione jasnobrunatnie z czarnym deseniem, zaś skrzydła tylne białawoczarne. Cechy charakterystyczne znajdują się głównie w narządach rozrodczych samców. Walwa ma część zewnętrzną wydłużoną, niemniejszą niż część nasadowa lub środkowa, zewnętrzną krawędź prawie prostą, a brzuszną z wypukłością tworzącą tylny wierzchołek. Ponadto na walwie znajduje się cienki, ostry wyrostek. Klawus również z wyrostkiem – małym, ale dobrze widocznym. Na edeagusie ciernie tworzą niewielką szczoteczkę.

Gąsienice żywią się korzeniami traw i notowane są jako szkodniki zbóż oraz buraków.

Gatunek kosmopolityczny, pospolity w całej Polsce.

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Agrotis ipsilon ( Portuguese )

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Agrotis ipsilon é uma espécie de insetos lepidópteros, mais especificamente de traças, pertencente à família Noctuidae.[1]

A autoridade científica da espécie é Hufnagel, tendo sido descrita no ano de 1766.

Trata-se de uma espécie presente no território português.


  1. «Agrotis ipsilon». Sistema Global de Informação sobre Biodiversidade (em inglês). Consultado em 13 de agosto de 2019

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Agrotis ipsilon: Brief Summary ( Portuguese )

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Agrotis ipsilon é uma espécie de insetos lepidópteros, mais especificamente de traças, pertencente à família Noctuidae.

A autoridade científica da espécie é Hufnagel, tendo sido descrita no ano de 1766.

Trata-se de uma espécie presente no território português.

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Ipsilon sovka ( Spanish; Castilian )

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Ipsilon sovka (znanstveno ime Agrotis ipsilon) je vrsta sovk, ki je škodljivec kmetijskih rastlin.[1][2]

Opis in biologija

Odrasel metulj meri čez krila od 35 do 50 mm. Prednja krila so rdečkasto rjava z značilno črno črtico, ki poteka ob ledvičasti pegi proti vrhu kril in tvori obliko grške črke ipsilon, po kateri je metulj dobil ime.[3]. Zadnja krila so svetlo siva, obrobljena s temnim robom. Jajčeca v premeru merijo 0,5 mm in so na začetku mlečno bela, kmalu pa potemnijo in postanejo temno vijoličasta. Razvoj jajčec poteka od 3 do 6 dni. Samice jajčeca odlagajo posamično ali v skupinah, v katerih je lahko celo od 1200 do 1900 jajčec, na pritlehne liste gostiteljskih rastlin. Kadar ne najdejo ustreznih listov jajčeca odložijo na odmrle rastline, nikoli pa jih ne odlagajo na tla.[1]


Odrasle gosenice dosežejo v dolžino od 37 do 50 mm in so svetleče rjavosive do črne barve, s temnejšo hrbtno in svetlejšima bočnima črtama. Trebušna stran gosenice je zelenkasto siva, glava pa je najpogosteje svetlo rjava. Gosenice v 20 do 40 dnevih preidejo skozi 5 do 9 stadijev. Od četrtega stadija naprej postanejo gosenice občutljive na svetlobo in se žez dan zakopavajo v zemljo. Buba je rjava, dolga med 19 in 25 mm in široka 5 do 6 mm. Vrsta se zabubi v zemlji, med 3 in 12 mm globoko. Stopnja bube traja med 12 in 20 dni.[1] Ipsilon sovka spada med izrazite selivce, saj v ugodnih pomladih metulji priletijo iz sredozemskih dežel. Ob množičnih pojavih lahko gosenice povzročijo precejšnjo škodo. Najpogosteje napada koruzo, repo, lucerno, konopljo, paradižnik in nekatere druge rastlinske vrste.[4] Do četrtega stadija se gosenice hranijo z listi gostiteljskih rastlin, od četrtega stadija naprej pa pregrizejo stebla napadenih rastlin pri tleh.

Vrsta ima v Evropi in kanadi od enega do dva, v določenih delih ZDA pa tri oziroma štiri rodove letno. Običajno je najštevilčnejši in gospodarsko najpomembnejši prvi, spomladanski rod. Ipsilon sovka prezimuje kot odrasla gosenica ali buba.[4]

Med najpomembnejše parazite gosenic ipsilon sovke sodijo nematode Hexamermis arvalis ter ličinke muh Archytas cirphis, Bonnetia comta, Eucelatoria armigera in Sisyropa eudryae..[1] Z jajčeci se hranijo mravlje vrste Lasius neoniger[5]


  1. 1,0 1,1 1,2 1,3 Capinera, John L. "Common Name: Black Cutworm." Entomology and Nematology, University of Florida, Oct. 2006, entnemdept.ifas.ufl.edu/creatures/veg/black_cutworm.htm.
  2. "Robinson, G. S., P. R. Ackery, I. J. Kitching, G. W. Beccaloni & L. M. Hernández, 2010. HOSTS - A Database of the World's Lepidopteran Hostplants. Natural History Museum, London.".
  3. McLeod, Robin. "Species Agrotis Ipsilon." BugGuide, 8 Dec. 2005, bugguide.net/node/view/38914.
  4. 4,0 4,1 "Talni škodljivci v pridelavi poljščin" (PDF). Kmetijsko gozdarska zbornica Slovenije. Pridobljeno dne 4. julija 2018.
  5. López, Rolando, and Daniel A. Potter. “Ant Predation on Eggs and Larvae of the Black Cutworm (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) and Japanese Beetle (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae) in Turfgrass.” Environmental Entomology, vol. 29, no. 1, Jan. 2000, pp. 116–125., doi:10.1603/0046-225x-29.1.116.

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Ipsilon sovka: Brief Summary ( Spanish; Castilian )

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Ipsilon sovka (znanstveno ime Agrotis ipsilon) je vrsta sovk, ki je škodljivec kmetijskih rastlin.

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Agrotis ipsilon ( Vietnamese )

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Agrotis ipsilon là một loài bướm đêm trong họ Noctuidae.[1][2]

Hình ảnh

Chú thích

  1. ^ Bisby F.A., Roskov Y.R., Orrell T.M., Nicolson D., Paglinawan L.E., Bailly N., Kirk P.M., Bourgoin T., Baillargeon G., Ouvrard D. (red.) (2011). “Species 2000 & ITIS Catalogue of Life: 2011 Annual Checklist.”. Species 2000: Reading, UK. Truy cập ngày 28 tháng 6 năm 2014.
  2. ^ Beccaloni, G. W., Scoble, M. J., Robinson, G. S. & Pitkin, B. (Editors). (2003) The Global Lepidoptera Names Index (LepIndex). (Geraadpleegd maart 2013).

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Agrotis ipsilon: Brief Summary ( Vietnamese )

provided by wikipedia VI

Agrotis ipsilon là một loài bướm đêm trong họ Noctuidae.

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Совка-ипсилон ( Russian )

provided by wikipedia русскую Википедию
Без ранга: Первичноротые
Без ранга: Линяющие
Без ранга: Panarthropoda
Надкласс: Шестиногие
Класс: Насекомые
Надотряд: Amphiesmenoptera
Подотряд: Хоботковые
Клада: Двупорые
Клада: Obtectomera
Надсемейство: Совкообразные
Семейство: Совки
Подсемейство: Земляные совки
Род: Agrotis
Вид: Совка-ипсилон
Международное научное название

Agrotis ipsilon (Hufnagel, 1766)

на Викискладе
ITIS 117352NCBI 56364EOL 448042

Совка-ипсилон[1] (лат. Agrotis ipsilon) — бабочка семейства совок, вредитель, поражающий овощные, бахчевые, технические культуры. Распространена в умеренных и субтропических странах северного и южного полушария, за исключением Крайнего Севера и пустынных районов Африки и Средней Азии.


  1. Стриганова Б. Р., Захаров А. А. Пятиязычный словарь названий животных: Насекомые (латинский-русский-английский-немецкий-французский) / Под ред. д-ра биол. наук, проф. Б. Р. Стригановой. — М.: РУССО, 2000. — С. 249. — 1060 экз.ISBN 5-88721-162-8.
Авторы и редакторы Википедии

Совка-ипсилон: Brief Summary ( Russian )

provided by wikipedia русскую Википедию

Совка-ипсилон (лат. Agrotis ipsilon) — бабочка семейства совок, вредитель, поражающий овощные, бахчевые, технические культуры. Распространена в умеренных и субтропических странах северного и южного полушария, за исключением Крайнего Севера и пустынных районов Африки и Средней Азии.

Авторы и редакторы Википедии

小地老虎 ( Chinese )

provided by wikipedia 中文维基百科
二名法 Agrotis ipsilon

小地老虎(學名:Agrotis ipsilon),俗称地蚕切根虫[1],是夜蛾科夜蛾亞科地老虎屬的一個物種,是蔬菜在幼苗期的主要一種害蟲[1]


  1. ^ 1.0 1.1 薛德乾. 蔬菜地发生小地老虎该如何防治?. 中華人民共和國福建省上杭縣縣農業局. 2013-03-29 [2016-06-06] (中文(简体)‎).

小地老虎: Brief Summary ( Chinese )

provided by wikipedia 中文维基百科

小地老虎(學名:Agrotis ipsilon),俗称地蚕、切根虫,是夜蛾科夜蛾亞科地老虎屬的一個物種,是蔬菜在幼苗期的主要一種害蟲
