No machine-readable author provided. Esv assumed (based on copyright claims).
Wikimedia Commons
Description: Esquema de Micromonas pusilla by Esv. Date: 21 July 2007 (original upload date). Source: No machine-readable source provided. Own work assumed (based on copyright claims). Author: No machine-readable author provided. Esv assumed (based on copyright claims).
This image was made from samples taken during a scientific cruise in the Pacific. Water was filtered to concentrate the organisms that were present, then dried onto a thin sheet of plastic and then shadowed with a fine layer of metal to provide contrast. The preparation was then observed with an electron-microscope. This technique has been used to document the diversity of marine microbes, especially, protists in the oceans.
This image was made from samples taken during a scientific cruise in the Pacific. Water was filtered to concentrate the organisms that were present, then dried onto a thin sheet of plastic and then shadowed with a fine layer of metal to provide contrast. The preparation was then observed with an electron-microscope. This technique has been used to document the diversity of marine microbes, especially, protists in the oceans.