Aporosa is a genus of flowering plant belonging to the family Phyllanthaceae, first described as a genus in 1825.[4] It is native to China, the Indian Subcontinent, Southeast Asia, Papuasia, and Queensland.[1][5][6][7]
These plants are mostly dioecious trees or shrubs.[8] Four species (A. hermaphrodita, A. heterodoxa, A. brevicaudata, and A. egreria) have consistently bisexual flowers, although they may be functionally dioecious.[9] The seeds have brightly colored arils that are attractive to birds, which disperse the seeds.[3]
There are about 80 species.[3]
moved to other genera: Antidesma Baccaurea Drypetes Shirakiopsis
Aporosa is a genus of flowering plant belonging to the family Phyllanthaceae, first described as a genus in 1825. It is native to China, the Indian Subcontinent, Southeast Asia, Papuasia, and Queensland.
These plants are mostly dioecious trees or shrubs. Four species (A. hermaphrodita, A. heterodoxa, A. brevicaudata, and A. egreria) have consistently bisexual flowers, although they may be functionally dioecious. The seeds have brightly colored arils that are attractive to birds, which disperse the seeds.
There are about 80 species.
Species Aporosa acuminata - SW India, Sri Lanka Aporosa alia - Borneo Aporosa annulata - New Guinea, Bismarcks Aporosa antennifera - Borneo, Sumatra, W Malaysia Aporosa arborea - Borneo, Sumatra, W Malaysia, Java, S Thailand Aporosa aurea - Borneo, Sumatra, W Malaysia, S Thailand Aporosa banahaensis - Philippines, Sabah Aporosa basilanensis - Borneo, Basilan Aporosa benthamiana - Borneo, Sumatra, W Malaysia, Philippines Aporosa bourdillonii - Kerala Aporosa brassii - E New Guinea, Bismarcks Aporosa brevicaudata - New Guinea Aporosa bullatissima - Borneo Aporosa caloneura - Borneo Aporosa cardiosperma - W India, Sri Lanka Aporosa carrii - E New Guinea Aporosa chondroneura - Borneo Aporosa confusa - Borneo, Sumatra, W Malaysia Aporosa decipiens - New Guinea Aporosa dendroidea - Maluku Aporosa duthieana - Indochina Aporosa egregia - W New Guinea Aporosa elmeri - Borneo Aporosa falcifera - Borneo, Sumatra, W Malaysia, Sulawesi, S Thailand Aporosa ficifolia - Mainland Southeast Asia Aporosa flexuosa - New Guinea Aporosa frutescens - Myanmar, Thailand, Malaysia, Indonesia, Philippines Aporosa fulvovittata - Sabah Aporosa fusiformis - SW India, Sri Lanka Aporosa globifera - Sumatra, W Malaysia, S Thailand Aporosa grandistipula - Borneo, Sulawesi Aporosa granularis - Borneo Aporosa hermaphrodita - E New Guinea Aporosa heterodoxa - Bougainville I Aporosa illustris - Borneo Aporosa lagenocarpa - Borneo Aporosa lamellata - New Guinea Aporosa lanceolata - Sri Lanka Aporosa latifolia - Sri Lanka Aporosa laxiflora - E New Guinea, Bismarcks Aporosa ledermanniana - New Guinea, Bismarcks, Louisiades Aporosa leptochrysandra - New Guinea Aporosa leytensis - Philippines, Sulawesi Aporosa longicaudata - New Guinea Aporosa lucida - Malaysia, Indonesia Aporosa lunata - Borneo, Sumatra, W Malaysia, Java, S Thailand Aporosa macrophylla - Myanmar Aporosa maingayi - W Malaysia Aporosa microstachya - W Malaysia, Java, S Thailand, S Myanmar Aporosa misimana - E New Guinea Aporosa nervosa - Borneo, Sumatra, W Malaysia, S Thailand Aporosa nigricans - Borneo, Sumatra, W Malaysia, S Thailand Aporosa nigropunctata - New Guinea Aporosa nitida - Borneo Aporosa octandra - S China, SE Asia, New Guinea, Queensland Aporosa papuana - New Guinea, Bismarcks, Solomons Aporosa parvula - W New Guinea Aporosa penangensis - W Malaysia, S Thailand Aporosa planchoniana - Mainland Southeast Asia Aporosa praegrandifolia - New Guinea Aporosa prainiana - Borneo, Sumatra, W Malaysia Aporosa pseudoficifolia - W Malaysia, S Thailand, S Myanmar Aporosa quadrilocularis - Kedah, Sumatra Aporosa reticulata - E New Guinea Aporosa rhacostyla - Sarawak Aporosa sarawakensis - Borneo Aporosa sclerophylla - E New Guinea Aporosa selangorica - W Malaysia Aporosa serrata - Laos, N Thailand Aporosa sphaeridiophora - Philippines, Java Aporosa stellifera - Sumatra, W Malaysia, S Thailand Aporosa stenostachys - Sarawak Aporosa subcaudata - Borneo, Sumatra, W Malaysia Aporosa sylvestri - Sarawak Aporosa symplocifolia - Philippines Aporosa symplocoides - Borneo, Sumatra, W Malaysia, S Thailand Aporosa tetrapleura - Cambodia, Vietnam Aporosa vagans - New Guinea to Admiralty Is Aporosa villosa - Southeast Asia, Andaman & Nicobar Aporosa wallichii - Assam, Bangladesh, Indochina Aporosa whitmorei - Sumatra, W Malaysia Aporosa yunnanensis - Indochina, S China, Assam formerly includedmoved to other genera: Antidesma Baccaurea Drypetes Shirakiopsis
A. bilitonensis - Baccaurea minor A. calocarpa - Drypetes longifolia A. dolichocarpa - Baccaurea javanica A. griffithii - Antidesma coriaceum A. inaequalis - Drypetes leonensis A. somalensis - Shirakiopsis elliptica