" A Pinnotheres with the carapace subcircular, smooth, moderately convex ; the front rounded and hood-like ; the eyes small, well pigmented ; the end-joint of the third maxilliped slender, set far back on the inner edge of the joint before it, nearly reaching the tip of that joint ; the chelipeds short, moderately stout, with fingers about 2/3 the length of the palm, and a strong, rounded tooth on the moveable one about 1/3 of its length from the articulation ; the walking legs slender, the second the longest, the second and third nearly equal, and the fourth much the shortest, the last two joints of the walking legs hairy and their end-joints about equal in length, except for those of the fourth pair, which are much longer and more slender than the rest."
Mottled brown color. (Borradaile, 1903)
"One female was taken from within the shell of a Mya (?) in Minikoi." (Borradaile, 1903)
"Length of the only specimen (a female): 12cm. Breadth: 13cm." (Borradaile, 1903)