Beaman Park, Davidson County, Tennessee, US
Species: Strychnos lucens Baker Date: 2011-01-02 Location: Nyamkombe River bridge, road to Katiyo Habitat: Uapaca-Brachystegia woodland with riverine influences
Species: Cryptolepis obtusa N.E. Br. Date: 2007-06-10 Location: Along path from Chitengo Camp to Pungwe River, Gorongosa National Park. Habitat: Deciduous woodland with riverine influences
Species: Kohautia subverticillata (K. Schum.) D. Mantell subsp. subverticillata Date: 2006-01-08 Location: Chiyire R. bridge, by Mutare to Birchenough Br. rd Habitat: Roadside verge
Species: Crossopteryx febrifuga (Afzel. ex G. Don) Benth. Date: 2000-04-05 Location: Sanyati Mine, Copper King, c. 100 km West of Chinhoyi Habitat: Open woodland
Species: Nerium oleander L. Date: 2012-01-08 Location: Near curio shop, Great Zimbabwe Habitat: Open area
Species: Pentas zanzibarica (Klotzsch) Vatke subsp. milangiana (Verdc.) Verdc. Date: 2010-05-18 Location: Lower slopes Mt Mabu Habitat:
Horns Kungsgård, Öland, Sverige
Lilleør, Samsø, Danmark
Nibe, Jylland, Danmark
Store Øksø, Rold Skov, Danmark
Byrum Öland
Beaman Park, Davidson County, Tennessee, US
Junc. Osbourne Rd (CoRd29) and AR374E, .9 k E of Saint Joe, Searcy County, Arkansas, US
near Factory Road, Rutherford County, Tennessee, US
Beaman Park, Davidson County, Tennessee, US
Species: Strychnos madagascariensis Poir. Date: 2006-01-08 Location: Rimiti West, by Mutare to Birchenough Br. rd Habitat: Roadside woodland
Species: Cryptolepis obtusa N.E. Br. Date: 2007-06-10 Location: Along path from Chitengo Camp to Pungwe River, Gorongosa National Park. Habitat: Deciduous woodland with riverine influences
Species: Kohautia subverticillata (K. Schum.) D. Mantell subsp. subverticillata Date: 1959-04-06 Location: Groombridge, Mt Pleasant, c. 5 miles North of Harare Habitat: Weed in garden; on red soil
Species: Breonadia salicina (Vahl) Hepper & J.R.I. Wood Date: 2005-01-31 Location: Nyamakari River Bridge, Burma Valley Habitat: By river
Species: Nerium oleander L. Date: 2012-01-08 Location: Near curio shop, Great Zimbabwe Habitat: Open area
Species: Alafia microstylis K. Schum. Date: 2007-03-08 Location: Road East of Casa Banana, Sofala Habitat: Margin of sandforest
Kallgateburg, Hejnum, Gotland, Sverige