Beaman Park, Davidson County, Tennessee, US
Heron Pond, Cache River State Natural Area, Johnson County, Illinois, US
near Factory Road, Rutherford County, Tennessee, US
Bicentennial Trail, Ashland City, Cheatham County, Tennessee, US
2008 California Academy of Sciences
All Biocode files are based on field identifications to the best of the researcher’s ability at the time.
Species: Strychnos cocculoides Baker Date: 2004-07-23 Location: Cleveland Dam Habitat: Open sandy area in woodland.
Species: Cryptolepis cryptolepioides (Schltr.) Bullock Date: 2012-01-07 Location: Lake Kyle Recreational Park Habitat: Rocky miombo woodland
Species: Kohautia longifolia Klotzsch Date: 1972-04-12 Location: Noro Dam, Chesa African Purchase Land, Darwin Habitat: On granite outcrop
Species: Crossopteryx febrifuga (Afzel. ex G. Don) Benth. Date: 2009-01-06 Location: Crocodile Farm, Kariba Habitat: Open ground
Species: Thevetia peruviana (Pers.) K. Schum. Date: 2006-10-07 Location: Harry Pichanick Drive, Alexandra Park, Harare Habitat: Planted in garden
Species: Pentas zanzibarica (Klotzsch) Vatke subsp. milangiana (Verdc.) Verdc. Date: 2008-04-21 Location: Disturbed and secondary slopes below Namuli peak, Serra de Gurue Habitat: Bracken scrub
Sverige, Øland, Gösslunda Alvar
Cirque de Campuls Ariège Pyrénées
Hobro, Jylland, Danmark
Navn Sø, Jylland, Danmark
Snæbum, Jylland, Danmark
Beaman Park, Davidson County, Tennessee, US
Heron Pond, Cache River State Natural Area, Johnson County, Illinois, US
near Factory Road, Rutherford County, Tennessee, US
Bicentennial Trail, Ashland City, Cheatham County, Tennessee, US