Asparagales is the name o an order o plants, uised in modren classification seestems such as the APG III seestem (which is uised throughoot this airticle).[5] The order taks its name frae the faimily Asparagaceae an is placed in the monocots. The order haes anly recently been recognized in classification seestems. It wis first put forward bi Huber in 1977[6] and later taken up in the Dahlgren seestem o 1985.[7] Afore this, mony o its faimilies wur assigned tae the auld order Liliales: a very lairge order containin almaist aw monocots wi colourful tepals a wioot starch in thair endosperm. DNA sequence analysis indicatit that Liliales should be dividit intae at least Liliales, Asparagales an Dioscoreales. The boondaries o the Asparagales an o its faimilies hae unnergone a series o chynges in recent years; future research mey lead tae further chynges an ultimately greater stability.
Data relatit tae Asparagales at Wikispecies
De Asparagales zyn in de biologische taxonomie een orde van de bedektzoadign of bloeinde plantn. De noame is gevormd uut de familienoame Asparagaceae.
Indêlienge van de orde volgens 't APG III-systeim (2009):
L' Asparagales hè un ordine di a classa di i Liliopsida chi cumprende isse famiglie:
Asparagales è n'òrdini di chianti chî ciuri.
Lu Sistema APG II dû 2003, cunzigghia sta classificazzioni:
Lu Sistema Cronquist nun ricanuscìu st'òrdini.
D'Asparagales sinn zesumme mat de Liliales an der Flora vu Mëtteleuropa déi wichtegst Uerdnung bannent der Ënnerklass vun de Liliidae.
Zur Uerdnung vun den Asparagales gehéiere 16 bis 24 Famillje mat 1.122 Gattungen, an iwwer 26.000 Aarten:
D'Asparagales sinn zesumme mat de Liliales an der Flora vu Mëtteleuropa déi wichtegst Uerdnung bannent der Ënnerklass vun de Liliidae.
Asparagales is the name o an order o plants, uised in modren classification seestems such as the APG III seestem (which is uised throughoot this airticle). The order taks its name frae the faimily Asparagaceae an is placed in the monocots. The order haes anly recently been recognized in classification seestems. It wis first put forward bi Huber in 1977 and later taken up in the Dahlgren seestem o 1985. Afore this, mony o its faimilies wur assigned tae the auld order Liliales: a very lairge order containin almaist aw monocots wi colourful tepals a wioot starch in thair endosperm. DNA sequence analysis indicatit that Liliales should be dividit intae at least Liliales, Asparagales an Dioscoreales. The boondaries o the Asparagales an o its faimilies hae unnergone a series o chynges in recent years; future research mey lead tae further chynges an ultimately greater stability.
Koma çavmarkan (Asparagales) komeke riwekan e, li ser yekqalikan tê hejmartin. 14 famîleyên riwekan di vê komê de cih digirin. Pirraniya riwekên wê bo baxçevaniyê tên çandin. Hin jî tên xwarin. Bo mînak çavmark, sîr, pirasa, pîvaz.
Koma çavmarkan (Asparagales) komeke riwekan e, li ser yekqalikan tê hejmartin. 14 famîleyên riwekan di vê komê de cih digirin. Pirraniya riwekên wê bo baxçevaniyê tên çandin. Hin jî tên xwarin. Bo mînak çavmark, sîr, pirasa, pîvaz.
A spargeloortagen (Asparagales) san en kategorii faan plaanten mä 14 familin. Enkelt slacher, so üs spargel of pore wurd tu iidjen brükt.
A spargeloortagen (Asparagales) san en kategorii faan plaanten mä 14 familin. Enkelt slacher, so üs spargel of pore wurd tu iidjen brükt.
Спаржакветныя (Asparagales) — парадак кветкавых (Angiosperms) расьлінаў, які зьмяшчае 14 сямействаў і каля 35900 відаў[1].
Спаржакветныя (Asparagales) — парадак кветкавых (Angiosperms) расьлінаў, які зьмяшчае 14 сямействаў і каля 35900 відаў.
Шпаргловидни (науч. Asparagales) — ред во поткласата Liliidae и вклучува тревести, монокотиледонски цветни растенија кои се нашироко распространети. Сите претставници на овој ред поседуваат паралелна нерватура на листовите. Цветовите се исклучително разновидни по својата форма и боја. Името на редот е дадено по родот Asparagus (шпаргла).
Редот Шпаргловидни ги вклучува следните фамилии: