Plant on coarse rhyolitic tuff rubble at base of road cut through canyon just above creek.
Plant on coarse rhyolitic tuff rubble at base of road cut through canyon just above creek.
Plant on mixed rhyolitic tuff gravels accumulated at base of road cut through lower canyon slope just above creek.
Plant on mixed rhyolitic tuff gravels accumulated at base of road cut through lower canyon slope just above creek.
Plant on mixed rhyolitic tuff gravels accumulated at base of road cut through lower canyon slope just above creek.
Plant on mixed rhyolitic tuff gravels accumulated at base of road cut through lower canyon slope just above creek.
Plants on coarse gravels of dark basalt at base of roadcut for new highway across the Sa. La Brena escarpment that largely obliterated the old, one lane railroad bed that provided access to the botanically rich, exciting and very scenic climb into the Madrean highlands
on coarse volcanic roadbase gravels forming graded pullout for new highway through tuffaceous rhyolite hills.
on steep north facing roadside bank in volcanic soil. Found in two forms, as erect, multi-stemmed, sub-shrubby individual plants and as a low, short stemmed, scruffy, rhizomatous-appearing ground cover
on steep north facing roadside bank in volcanic soil. Found in two environmental forms, as erect, multi-stemmed, sub-shrubby individual plants and as a low, short stemmed, scruffy, rhizomatous-appearing ground cover
on lightly shaded, north facing roadside bank in volcanic soil.
on lightly shaded, north facing roadside bank in volcanic soil. NOTE: foliage and calyx silky pubescent
on lightly shaded, north facing roadside bank in volcanic soil. NOTE: foliage and calyx silky pubescent
on lightly shaded, north facing roadside bank in volcanic soil. NOTE: foliage and calyx silky pubescent
roadside in volcanic gravels NOTE: foliage and flower calyx are silky pubescent
roadside in volcanic gravels NOTE: foliage and flower calyx are silky pubescent
roadside in volcanic gravels NOTE: foliage and flower calyx are silky pubescent
with lurking spider
grassy roadside clearing on coarse tuffaceous volcanic gravels
grassy roadside clearing on coarse tuffaceous volcanic gravels
grassy roadside clearing on coarse tuffaceous volcanic gravels
on open grassy right of way among scattered oaks & pines in gravelly volcanic silts of alluvial terrace abutting low tuffaceous hills
open grassy bottomland above Rio Papigochic tributary. Volcanic tuffaceous alluvium