
Comprehensive Description

provided by Memoirs of the American Entomological Society
Rhipiphorus semiflavus (Leconte)
1865. Myodites semiflavus Leconte, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phil., xvm, p. 97.
1880. Myodites semiflavus Leconte, Trans. Am. Ent. Soc, xix, p. 210.
1892. Myodites semiflavus Horn, Trans. Am. Ent. Soc, xix, p. 48.
1904. Myodites semiflavus Pierce, Stud. Univ. Nebr., iv, p. 161.
1920. Myodites semiflavus Pierce, Ent. News, xxxi, p. 278.
"Black, finely less densely punctate, vertex obtuse, conical, apex, without carina; base of thorax round without dorsal median line; elytra shining, smooth on sides; humeral celli slightly dark, obscure, abdomen yellow, sparsely finely punctate, apex piceous, legs testaceous variegated. .30.
" Maryland, one specimen given by Rev. J. G. Morris. The antennae are wanting, the anterior feet are entirely testaceous with the base of the thighs dusky; the middle thighs are dusky, and the tibia and tarsi testaceous; the hind feet are entirely dusky, the wings have a broad smoky band near the tip."
Length, 7.5 mm.
Type. — Female; Maryland. [Leconte Collection.] The above is a translation of the original description by Leconte, and his
bibliographic citation
Rivnay, E. 1929. REVISION OF THE RHIPIPHORIDAE OF NORTH AND CENTRAL AMERICA (COLEOPTERA). Memoirs of the American Entomological Society vol. 6. Philadelphia, USA