
Comprehensive Description

provided by Memoirs of the American Entomological Society
Rhipiphorus iridescens new species
This species differs from hyalinus, the pronotum having no median line and being differently sculptured; also the elytra in Rh. iridescens are yellowish while brownish in hyalinus. It differs from stylopides in color of elytra and from walshi and others in size, color of elytra and color of wings.
Blackish; antennae fuscous, elytra pale with base and patch at sutural margin near apex brownish, femora brownish, tibia and tarsi slightly paler. Wings hyaline, iridescent; costa hyaline, or slightly fuscous.
Frons flat, vertex small, acute, and tuberculate, with small erect whitish hair. Clypeus slightly emarginate. Pronotum roughly punctate with two oblique, smooth areas on the sides, connected with each other on the disc. Base rounded and slightly truncate. Elytra rounded at apex, punctate on sides only. Tergites, with the exception of first and second and part of third, roughly punctate, with very short hair. 7th tergite with two small depressions but not smooth; pygidium (8th tergite in the male) smooth and glabrous on dorsal margin, punctate and clad with erect pubescent. Hind tarsus with first segment as long as the others combined, thin and straight.
Female like male; differs from it only in secondary sexual characteristics as follows: Vertex less prominent but carinate; antennae io-segmented, with 8 rami. Third ramus slightly longer than others, the last three are fused, pygidium (7th tergite in female) elongate, acutely rounded, concave and smooth in center.
Length, 4 mm.
Holotype. — Male; ElPaso, Texas, July 11, 1917, (Jos. Bequaert). [American Museum of Natural History.]
Allotopotype— -Female; same data as holotype. [American Museum of Natural History.]
14 Proc. Acad. Phil. xvii. p. 97.
bibliographic citation
Rivnay, E. 1929. REVISION OF THE RHIPIPHORIDAE OF NORTH AND CENTRAL AMERICA (COLEOPTERA). Memoirs of the American Entomological Society vol. 6. Philadelphia, USA

Ripiphorus iridescens ( Dutch; Flemish )

provided by wikipedia NL


Ripiphorus iridescens is een keversoort uit de familie waaierkevers (Rhipiphoridae). De wetenschappelijke naam van de soort is voor het eerst geldig gepubliceerd in 1929 door Rivnay.[1]

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