
North American Ecology (US and Canada)

provided by North American Butterfly Knowledge Network
Resident in southern North America migratory to the north (Scott 1986). Habitats are OPEN AREAS, INCLUDING DESERT, PLAINS AND DISTURBED AREAS. Host plants are usually herbaceous including many species, but mostly in one family, CRUCIFERAE. Eggs are laid on the host plant singly. Individuals overwinter as pupae. There are multiple flights each year with the approximate flight time MAR15-NOV30 depending on latitude (Scott 1986). Considered Pieris protodice by Scott (1986).
Leslie Ries
Leslie Ries

Conservation Status

provided by University of Alberta Museums
Not of concern.
University of Alberta Museums


provided by University of Alberta Museums
A single brood annually, which flies in mid July to mid August.
University of Alberta Museums


provided by University of Alberta Museums
A species of the southern US and Mexico, occasionally found as far north as the Peace River region in the west and southern Quebec in the east (Layberry et al. 1998, Opler 1999).
University of Alberta Museums

General Description

provided by University of Alberta Museums
"The Checkered White and the other two Pontia whites can be a challenge to identify. The Spring White (Pontia sisymbrii) is easiest to distinguish; the dark vein markings on the hindwing underside are not connected laterally, and it occurs only in montane woodlands and extreme northern Alberta. The Western and Checkered White (P. protodice) are more difficult to separate. Males of occidentalis are more heavily marked than protodice, particularly on the underside. Females of both species have heavier markings than the males, but these markings are brown in protodice, not charcoal or black. Another characteristic is found on the underside of the forewing apex: P. occidentalis has the dark submarginal band connected with dark markings along the veins to the wing margin, P. protodice has only pale yellow scales here. There are no named subspecies. "
University of Alberta Museums


provided by University of Alberta Museums
Grasslands and meadows in the prairie and parkland regions.
University of Alberta Museums

Life Cycle

provided by University of Alberta Museums
Guppy & Shepard (2001) summarize the appearance of the immature stages as follows: the egg is orange, and mature larvae are black dotted and bluish green to grey with a yellow dorsal, lateral and sublateral stripe. The pupa overwinters, and varies in colour from blue-grey to cream. The Checkered White is rare in Alberta, only occasionally appearing as a migrant from the southern U.S. There are no spring records for this species in Alberta (Bird et al. 1995), so it likely does not survive our winters (Scott 1986). Colonies are occasionally established for several years in southern Ontario north to the Ottawa Valley (Layberry et al. 1998).
University of Alberta Museums

Trophic Strategy

provided by University of Alberta Museums
The larval hosts in Alberta are not known. They are likely to be a variety of wild and cultivated mustards (including cabbage and turnip), which are used as food plants elsewhere (Layberry et al. 1998).
University of Alberta Museums

Pontia protodice

provided by wikipedia EN

Pontia protodice, the checkered white or southern cabbage butterfly, is a common North American butterfly in the family Pieridae. Its green larva is a type of cabbage worm.


Underside of the male

The upperside of the wings are white and marked with black and gray, more so on the female than on the male. The underside of the hindwings is marked with extensive yellow-brown veins. The wingspan is 1.25–1.75 inches (3.2–4.4 cm). In its pre-adult form, the egg is orange, and mature larvae are black dotted and bluish green to gray with a yellow dorsal, lateral and sublateral stripe. The pupa overwinters, and varies in color from blue-gray to cream.[3]


Pontia protodice is most commonly found in the southern parts on the United States along with some of the northern areas of Mexico. Occasionally the species can be found in the northern parts of the U.S. and southern Canada.[4] It is absent from the Pacific Northwest and the New England area, although populations have become increasingly erratic just east of the Appalachians.[3]P. protodice are most widespread in late summer and autumn, not earlier in the season.[5]


Habitats are open areas, including desert, plains, and disturbed areas. Virtually any disturbed dry open area such as vacant lots, railroads, airports, dry grassland, deserts and cities are potential areas of inhabitation. In addition, populations may sometimes be found in sparsely wooded areas, grasslands, and meadows in the prairie and parkland regions, usually in areas without heavy shade.[3] Though it may seem these species of butterfly inhabit a wide range of environments, they have been found to be absent from certain counties for many years at a time.[6]

Nectar plants

Checkered whites have been seen nectaring on mustards, composites, and alfalfa.

Host plants


The host plants for this species include Brazos rockcress (Arabis petiolaris), sicklepod (Senna obtusifolia), black mustard (Brassica nigra), broccoli (Brassica oleraceae italica), Brussels sprouts (Brassica oleraceae gemmifera), cabbage (Brassica oleraceae capitata), cauliflower (Brassica oleraceae botrytis), turnip (Brassica rapa), pinnate tansy-mustard (Descurainia pinnata), flixweed tansy-mustard (Descurainia sophia), prairie pepperweed (Lepidium densiflorum), Virginia pepper-grass (Lepidium virginicum), radish (Raphanus sativus), tumble mustard (Sisymbrium altissimum), and field pennycress (Thlaspi arvense).


Sexual selection

In order to increase their reproductive fitness, male P. protodice must select a female who will put his investment to good use. One trait that males select for is bigger size and longer forewing length. It is unknown whether larger females are preferred by males or whether larger females can simply be seen at greater distances than their smaller conspecifics.[7]

Males also tend to prefer younger females with whom they copulate for longer periods of time. The dorsal wing surface of females are partially ultraviolet reflective, especially in older females who have melanic markings.[8] As females get older, they tend to accumulate tattering and scale loss which are consequences of increased contact with vegetation during feeding and their search for oviposition sites. Thus, their wings become worn. UV absorbing pigments located on these scales explain the changes in UV reflectance as a female becomes older. Males use this cue to evaluate the age of a female conspecific. It is quite a reliable cue, as the spermatophores of worn females tend to be completely collapsed and empty.[9]

Paternal investment

It is assumed that many species of male butterflies contribute nothing but sperm to the offspring. Some males, including male P. protodice pass on nutrients along with sperm into the female reproductive tract during copulation. The nutrients contain protein that, can be used by the female for egg production and for somatic maintenance during the female's search for oviposition sites. This can be thought of as a form of paternal investment.[9] Male secretions are received by the female in the bursa copulatrix which is composed of the corpus bursa and the appendix bursa, the latter of which is filled with a spermatophore containing the sperm and secretions during copulation. During copulation, males on average pass on 7-8% of their precopulatory body mass, with the actual percent of body mass passed inversely correlated with measures of body mass. Therefore, a smaller male must pass on a larger fraction of his body mass in the process. It seems that female size does not influence the quantity of material passed.[9]

Female advancements

Males are efficient at finding females, making courtship solicitation by females rare. However, female P. protodice have been seen to actively approach and chase both conspecific males and females. When directed at other females, interactions last only a few seconds; however, when directed at males, this behavior is most likely an attempt to solicit male courtship.[10] As a female flies about feeding and searching for oviposition sites, the contents of the spermatophore decreases in size, and the female becomes interested in re-mating. On average females deplete material received from males in 5 to 7 days.[9] Thus, females who try to solicit courtship only do so when their spermatophore is emptying and they want to receive a fresh batch. Both virgin and previously mated females have been seen to initiate courtships, with various underlying reasons. Virgin females approach males possibly because they are cryptic while perched and must become more conspicuous in their pursuit. However, previously mated females are driven by a different reason, the fact that they are less likely to be attractive to males. As a result, they must attempt to elicit courtships to maximize their reproductive options.[10] Another reason encompassing both virgin and previously mated females is that females leave areas of high population density due to male harassment and must actively seek males and adapt to a new environment.

Copulation behavior

In courtships, females land on exposed perches and the following major events occur: the male contacts the female, the male begins probing, the male abdomen comes between the female's hindwings, and lastly the male stops moving.[11] Aside from many other butterfly species, P. protodice females lack an abdominal extension response. A male does nothing more than land on a female's thorax and couple with her. In half of all courtships, females also exhibit a low amplitude flutter response which seems to have no effect on the duration of copulation.[11]

In addition, in situations where they want to fend off a male's advances, female P. protodice exhibit a rejection behavior, initiated as if they are aware of the presence of a full spermatophore. The female's wings are fully opened with the tips below the horizontal. In addition, the abdomen is elevated to 45-60 degrees above the body axis and the genitalia are extruded.[12] This rejection posture has often been misconstrued as an invitation to mating, as other butterflies such as the Heliconius use it to attract mates.[13]

Sexual conflict in migration

In general male pupae develop faster than their conspecific females, and as a result, eclose earlier in the season than females. In addition, they are typically ready to mate within 24 hours of eclosion.[12] This is the reason why there seems to be a high ratio of males to receptive females. In this high-density environment, females are often harassed by males. They will be approached by more than one males at a time within seconds of flight, and the males will often remain in the vicinity for long periods of time. In this situation, females are forced down a gradient of male density, encouraging emigration out of the colony.[6] They will emigrate and colonize new habitats in the process. It is only in instances of increased male death and still emergent females, late in the breeding season, that the numbers balance and no emigration occurs.[12]

Thermoregulatory behavior

P. protodice require elevated body temperatures of 30-40 degrees Celsius in order to fly, and this is achieved by behavioral orientation to solar radiation. Pieris butterflies, including P. protodice use a behavioral posture for thermoregulation called reflectance basking, in which the wings are used as a sort of biological solar reflector in order to reflect radiation to the body and increase body temperature.[14] In the reflectance basking posture, the dorsal body surface is positioned towards the sun, and the wings are subsequently held open at an angle. The posture suggests that the butterfly is using its white dorsal wing surface to reflect radiation onto their bodies.[15]

See also

Wikimedia Commons has media related to Pontia protodice.


  1. ^ "NatureServe Explorer 2.0 Pontia protodice Checkered White". explorer.natureserve.org. Retrieved 3 October 2020.
  2. ^ "Species Detail BMNA Checkered White". Archived from the original on 2009-05-05. Retrieved 2009-05-19.
  3. ^ a b c "Pontia protodice". Retrieved 21 November 2013.
  4. ^ "Attributes of Pontia protodice". Retrieved 8 October 2013.
  5. ^ Shapiro, Arthur M. (1976). "The Biological Status of Nearctic Taxa in the Pieris protodice-occidentalis Group". Lep. Soc. 30 (4): 289–300.
  6. ^ a b Boisduval; LeConte, Shapiro (1979). "Weather and the Lability of Breeding Populations of the Checkered White Butterfly, Pieris protodice". Journal of Research on the Lepidoptera. 17: 1–23. doi:10.5962/p.333752. S2CID 248729747.
  7. ^ Rutowski, Ronald L. (1982). "Epigamic Selection by Males as Evidenced by Courtship Partner Preferences in the Checkered White Butterfly (Pieris protodice)". Animal Behaviour. 30: 108–112. doi:10.1016/s0003-3472(82)80243-1. S2CID 53173279.
  8. ^ Wiernasz, Diane C.; Kingsolver, Joel G. (1992). "Wing Melanin Pattern Mediates Species Recognition in Pieris Occidentalis". Animal Behaviour. 43 (1): 89–94. doi:10.1016/s0003-3472(05)80074-0. S2CID 53173426.
  9. ^ a b c d Rutowski, Ronald L. (1984). "Production and Use of Secretions Passed by Males in Pieris protodice". Psyche. 91: 141–152. doi:10.1155/1984/58134.
  10. ^ a b Rutowski, Ronald L. (1980). "Courtship Solicitation by Females of the Checkered White Butterfly, Pieris protodice". Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology. 7 (2): 113–117. doi:10.1007/bf00299516. S2CID 27041539.
  11. ^ a b Rutowski, Ronald L. (1979). "Courtship Behavior of the Checkered White, Pieris protodice". Journal of the Lepidopterists' Society. 33 (1): 42–49.
  12. ^ a b c Shapiro, Arthur M. (1970). "The Role of Sexual Behavior in Density-Related Dispersal of Pierid Butterflies". The American Naturalist. 104 (938): 367–372. doi:10.1086/282670. S2CID 85302340.
  13. ^ Scott, James A. (1972). "Mating of Butterflies". Journal of Research on the Lepidoptera. 11 (2): 99–127. doi:10.5962/p.333614. S2CID 248733069.
  14. ^ Kingsolver, Joel G. (1985). "Thermal Ecology of Pieris Butterflies: A New Mechanism of Behavioral Thermoregulation". Oecologia. 66 (4): 540–545. Bibcode:1985Oecol..66..540K. doi:10.1007/bf00379347. PMID 28310796. S2CID 2869620.
  15. ^ Kingsolver, Joel G. (1985). "Thermoregulatory Significance of Wing Melanization in Pieris Butterflies: Physics, Posture, and Pattern". Oecologia (Berlin). 66 (4): 546–553. Bibcode:1985Oecol..66..546K. doi:10.1007/bf00379348. PMID 28310797. S2CID 24283235.
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Pontia protodice: Brief Summary

provided by wikipedia EN

Pontia protodice, the checkered white or southern cabbage butterfly, is a common North American butterfly in the family Pieridae. Its green larva is a type of cabbage worm.

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Pontia protodice ( French )

provided by wikipedia FR

Pontia protodice, la Piéride damier, est une espèce d'insectes lépidoptères (papillons) de la famille des Pieridae, de la sous-famille des Pierinae et du genre Pontia.


Pontia protodice (Boisduval et Leconte, 1830)

Synonymes : Pieris protodice Boisduval et Leconte, [1830] ; Pieris vernalis Edwards, 1864 ; Pieris nasturtii Edwards, 1864 ; Pontia protodice vernalis Dyar, 1903[1].

Noms vernaculaires

Pontia protodice se nomme la Piéride damier en français[2] et Checkered White ou Southern Cabbage Butterfly en anglais[1].


Ce papillon blanc de taille moyenne (son envergure varie de 38 à 63 mm) présente un dessus blanc. Chez le mâle il n'est marqué que de discrètes taches marron ou noires à l'apex des antérieures alors que les femelles sont plus largement ornées de taches grises. Il est marqué aux antérieures d'une tache discoïdale noire. Le revers est de couleur blanche avec la même ornementation[3],[2].

Femelle de Pontia protodice.
Revers de Pontia protodice.


La chenille, de couleur verte piquetée de petits points noirs, est ornée d'étroites bandes jaune[4].


Il est résident, résident temporaire ou migrateur suivant les régions et l'altitude. Ainsi il ne peut survivre à la rigueur des hivers en Alberta où il est pourtant présent chaque été[4].

Période de vol et hivernation

L'imago vole toute l'année au Mexique et dans le sud des États-Unis, en trois ou quatre générations de mars à novembre ou uniquement deux durant la saison chaude au nord des États-Unis et au Canada en juin-juillet puis août-septembre[3],[2],[5].

Il hiberne au stade de chrysalide[3].

Plantes hôtes

Les plantes hôtes de sa chenille sont des Brassicaceae (crucifères), des Capparaceae : des Cleome[1].

Écologie et distribution

Il est présent, comme résident ou comme migrateur dans toute l'Amérique du Nord: au Canada, aux États-Unis, au Mexique et au Guatemala[1],[3].

Carte de résidence.


Il réside dans les champs, les friches, au bord des routes[3].


Pas de statut de protection particulier[3].


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Pontia protodice: Brief Summary ( French )

provided by wikipedia FR

Pontia protodice, la Piéride damier, est une espèce d'insectes lépidoptères (papillons) de la famille des Pieridae, de la sous-famille des Pierinae et du genre Pontia.

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Pontia protodice ( Dutch; Flemish )

provided by wikipedia NL


Pontia protodice is een vlindersoort uit de familie van de Pieridae (witjes), onderfamilie Pierinae.

De soort komt voor in Noord- en Centraal-Amerika.

Pontia protodice werd in 1830 beschreven door Boisduval & Le Conte.[1]

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Pontia protodice ( Russian )

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Без ранга: Линяющие
Без ранга: Panarthropoda
Надкласс: Шестиногие
Класс: Насекомые
Надотряд: Amphiesmenoptera
Подотряд: Хоботковые
Клада: Двупорые
Клада: Obtectomera
Надсемейство: Булавоусые
Семейство: Белянки
Подсемейство: Pierinae
Триба: Pierini
Подтриба: Pierina
Род: Понтии
Вид: Pontia protodice
Международное научное название

Pontia protodice (Boisduval & Leconte, 1830)

  • Pieris protodice Boisduval & Leconte, 1830[1]


на Викивидах
на Викискладе
ITIS 777781NCBI 42294EOL 4095553

Pontia protodice (лат.)вид чешуекрылых насекомых из семейства белянок. Распространён южных США и на севера Мексики, реже встречается северных США, в южной Канаде, южной Мексике и Гватемале[1][2]. Обитают в различных биотопах, в том числе на засушливых сорняковых пространствах, полях, в степях, на песчаных участках, близ железных дорог и дорог[2]. Гусеницы питаются на представителях семейств капустных, включая Brassica oleraceae, и каперсовых (Cleome serrulata). Бабочки питаются нектаром цветков Sisymbrium officinale, Asteraceae и Medicago sativa[2]. Размах крыльев 38—63 мм[2].


  1. 1 2 Pontia Fabricius, 1807 (англ.). nic.funet.fi. Проверено 24 августа 2011. Архивировано 26 августа 2012 года.
  2. 1 2 3 4 Attributes of Pontia protodice (англ.). Сайт «Butterflies and Moths of North America»: collecting and sharing data about Lepidoptera (butterfliesandmoths.org). Проверено 24 августа 2011. Архивировано 26 августа 2012 года.

Бабочка Это заготовка статьи по энтомологии. Вы можете помочь проекту, дополнив её.  title=
Авторы и редакторы Википедии

Pontia protodice: Brief Summary ( Russian )

provided by wikipedia русскую Википедию

Pontia protodice (лат.) — вид чешуекрылых насекомых из семейства белянок. Распространён южных США и на севера Мексики, реже встречается северных США, в южной Канаде, южной Мексике и Гватемале. Обитают в различных биотопах, в том числе на засушливых сорняковых пространствах, полях, в степях, на песчаных участках, близ железных дорог и дорог. Гусеницы питаются на представителях семейств капустных, включая Brassica oleraceae, и каперсовых (Cleome serrulata). Бабочки питаются нектаром цветков Sisymbrium officinale, Asteraceae и Medicago sativa. Размах крыльев 38—63 мм.

Авторы и редакторы Википедии