While researchers do not know much about communication among Thomas's nectar bats, other phyllostomids use echolocation to communicate and percevive their environments, and it is assumed that Lonchophylla thomasi does so as well. While some bats can see relatively well, their primary sensory ability is through echolocation, in which they emit high-pitched sounds from their noses or mouths and allow them to echo off objects in the environment, giving them a detailed sense of the world around them. Echolocation allows bats to avoid hitting objects when flying at night or in the darkness of caves, and to locate food. Microchiropterans like Lonchophylla thomasi probably emit sounds having only about one-thousandth the sound energy of bats that hunt moving prey, since they feed on stationary plants. Phyllostomids specifically emit sounds with a low amplitude pulse and a brief, highly modulated frequency. Bats cannot receive information about their environments when their ears are plugged, reinforcing the idea that they perceive their surroundings primarily with echolocation.
In addition to using calls of lower frequency for communication, some Chiropterans generate a vibration throughout their entire bodies when resting and contented. However, it is unknown if Lonchophylla thomasi uses these specific techniques.
Communication Channels: acoustic
Other Communication Modes: vibrations
Perception Channels: tactile ; acoustic ; echolocation ; vibrations ; chemical
Lonchophylla thomasi are not considered threatened or endangered.
US Federal List: no special status
CITES: no special status
IUCN Red List of Threatened Species: least concern
While negative impact of Thomas's nectar bats is not mentioned in current literature, other bat species often carry rabies, which can be transmitted to humans if bitten.
Positive economic importance is unmentioned in current literature.
Lonchophylla thomasi have been strongly implicated in the pollination of night-blooming plants, although the plant species are unmentioned in current available research.
Ecosystem Impact: pollinates
Lonchophylla thomasi are highly modified for feeding on nectar and pollen with their long muzzles and tongues with papillae. They consume mainly nectar, but are also known to eat insects and fruit.
Animal Foods: insects
Plant Foods: leaves; fruit; nectar; pollen; flowers
Primary Diet: herbivore (Nectarivore )
Thomas's nectar bats, Lonchophylla thomasi, are found in Central and South America, in eastern Panama, Colombia, Venezuela, Guianas, Amazonian Brazil, Peru, and Bolivia.
Biogeographic Regions: neotropical (Native )
These bats occupy lowland rainforests throughout Central and South America. Their distribution is strongly correlated with moist areas such as streams and rivers, and they often roost in caves and hollow trees. Lonchoplylla thomasi can survive in man-made clearings but prefer evergreen tropical forests, and have not been noted above elevations of 851 meters in Venezuela.
Range elevation: 851 (high) m.
Habitat Regions: temperate ; tropical
Terrestrial Biomes: rainforest
The lifespan of this species is unknown.
This species can be identified by its moderately long and narrow muzzle with a lower jaw that is longer than the upper jaw. This long rostrum houses a long tongue with papillae present at the tip. Their cheekteeth are narrow and elongate, with a dental pattern 2/2:1/1:2/3:3/3 = 34. Combined head and body length ranges from 45 to 60 mm, and the tail from 8 to 10 mm. Weight is usually between 6 and 14 grams.
Thomas's nectar bats have a well-developed spear-shaped noseleaf that is high and narrow. Their tails are short, barely reaching the middle of the interfemoral membrane, and uropatagia are well-developed. The dorsal surface of these bats is usually a dark brown or rusty color, with the underside lighter. They have relavtively short ears with small traguses.
Range mass: 6 to 14 g.
Range length: 45 to 60 mm.
Sexual Dimorphism: sexes alike
Other Physical Features: endothermic ; bilateral symmetry
The predators of Lonchophylla thomasi are unknown.
Very little is known regarding the mating systems of Lonchophylla thomasi.
While very little has been discovered regarding the reproductive behavior of Lonchophylla thomasi, some information is available about Phyllostomids in general. However, as Phyllostomidae is a large and variable group, this information may not be applicable to this particular species.
Phyllostomids usually produce a single young, with parturtion occuring in times of maximum food availability. These bats are often highly seasonal breeders. Many species exhibit size dimorphism with females larger than males, probably due to the requirements of bearing young; however, this does not seem to be the case among Lonchophylla thomasi.
Breeding interval: The breeding interval of this species is unknown.
Breeding season: The mating season is unknown.
Key Reproductive Features: gonochoric/gonochoristic/dioecious (sexes separate); sexual ; viviparous
Parental investment in reproduction of Thomas's nectar bats is unknown. Like all mammals, female L. thomasi must nurse their young.
Parental Investment: pre-hatching/birth (Provisioning: Female, Protecting: Female); pre-weaning/fledging (Provisioning: Female, Protecting: Female)
Thomas's nectar bat (Hsunycteris thomasi) is a bat species from South and Central America. Thomas's nectar bat pollinates the vine Marcgravia.[3]
Thomas's nectar bat (Hsunycteris thomasi) is a bat species from South and Central America. Thomas's nectar bat pollinates the vine Marcgravia.