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Português do Brasil
names in breadcrumbs
Mushrooms, Lichens, Molds, Yeasts And Relatives
Mushrooms, Lichens, Molds, Yeasts And Relatives
Mucor megalocarpus Walther & de Hoog 2013
Scientific Names
Preferred Names
Mucor megalocarpus Walther & de Hoog 2013
Species recognized by
EOL Dynamic Hierarchy April 2022
Reference taxon from Zygomycetes in Species 2000 & ITIS Catalogue of Life
Mucor megalocarpus
Species recognized by
Mucor megalocarpus
Walther & de Hoog
Species recognized by
GBIF nat'l node type records Netherlands
Mucor megalocarpus
Walther & de Hoog 2013
Species recognized by
GBIF classification
Zygorhynchus macrocarpus
Species recognized by
wikipedia SZL
Mucor megalocarpus
Species recognized by
wikidata_hierarchy tar gz
Barcode of Life Data Systems
Mucor megalocarpus
Recognized by
BHL data coverage
Mucor megalocarpus Walther & de Hoog
Species recognized by
Flora do Brasil
Catalogue of Life 26 March 2024
, and
GBIF data coverage
Mucor megalocarpus Walther & de Hoog 2013
Species recognized by
Dynamic Hierarchy Version 2.2.3
EOL Dynamic Hierarchy Version 2.2.4
Zygorhynchus macrocarpus
Species recognized by
wikidata_hierarchy tar gz
Zygorhynchus macrocarpus
Recognized by
iDigBio type specimen records
Alternative Names
Zygorhynchus hennebergii Naumov 1935
Not accepted according to
EOL Dynamic Hierarchy April 2022
Reference taxon from Zygomycetes in Species 2000 & ITIS Catalogue of Life
Zygorhynchus macrocarpus Y. Ling 1930
Not accepted according to
EOL Dynamic Hierarchy April 2022
Reference taxon from Zygomycetes in Species 2000 & ITIS Catalogue of Life
Zygorhynchus macrocarpus
Synonym according to
Zygorhynchus hennebergii Naumov 1935
Not accepted according to
Dynamic Hierarchy Version 2.2.3
EOL Dynamic Hierarchy Version 2.2.4
Zygorhynchus macrocarpus Y. Ling
Synonym according to
Catalogue of Life 26 March 2024
Zygorhynchus macrocarpus Y. Ling 1930
Not accepted according to
Dynamic Hierarchy Version 2.2.3
EOL Dynamic Hierarchy Version 2.2.4
Common Names
There are no common names associated with this taxon.
Curated hierarchies for Mucor megalocarpus Walther & de Hoog 2013
EOL Dynamic Hierarchy April 2022
Cellular Organisms
Mucor megalocarpus Walther & de Hoog 2013
(this page)
Mucor abundans Povah 1917
Mucor adventitius Oudem. 1902
Mucor albus Schrank 1789
Mucor aligarensis B. S. Mehrotra & B. R. Mehrotra 1970
Mucor amphibiorum Schipper 1978
Mucor ardhlaengiktus B. S. Mehrotra & B. M. Mehrotra 1979
Mucor azygosporus R. K. Benj. 1963
Mucor bacilliformis Hesselt. 1954
Mucor bainieri B. S. Mehrotra & Baijal 1963
Mucor bondarzevii S. A. Kulik 1960
Mucor caatinguensis A. L. Santiago, C. A. de Souza & D. X. Lima 2016
Mucor caninus Pers. 1796
Mucor circinelloides Tiegh. 1875
Mucor corticola Hagem 1910
Mucor ctenidius (Durrell & M. Fleming) Walther & de Hoog 2013
Mucor delicatus L. S. Loh & Kuthub. 2001
Mucor durus Walther & de Hoog 2013
Mucor ellipsoideus E. Álvarez, Cano, Stchigel, Deanna A. Sutton & Guarro 2011
Mucor endophyticus (R. Y. Zheng & H. Jiang) Pawłowska & Walther 2013
Mucor erectus Bainier 1884
Mucor eugeniae L. S. Loh & Nawawi 2001
Mucor eugenieae L. S. Loh & Nawawi 2001
Mucor exponens (Burgeff) Walther & de Hoog 2013
Mucor falcatus Schipper 1967
Mucor flavus Bainier 1903
Mucor fragilis Bainier 1884
Mucor fuscus Bainier 1903
Mucor fusiformis Walther & de Hoog 2013
Mucor genevensis Lendn. 1907
Mucor gigasporus G. Q. Chen & R. Y. Zheng 1987
Mucor guilliermondii Nadson & Filippov 1925
Mucor hachijyoensis Ts. Watan. 1994
Mucor heterogamus Vuill. 1887
Mucor hiemalis Wehmer 1903
Mucor inaequisporus Dade 1937
Mucor indicus Lendn. 1930
Mucor irregularis Stchigel, Cano, Guarro & E. Álvarez 2011
Mucor japonicus (Komin.) Walther & de Hoog 2013
Mucor koreanus Hyang B. Lee, S. J. Jeon & T. T. Nguyen 2016
Mucor lahorensis J. H. Mirza, S. M. Khan, S. Begum & Shagufta 1979
Mucor lausannensis Lendn. 1907
Mucor laxorrhizus Y. Ling 1930
Mucor lilianae Voglmayr & Clémençon 2015
Mucor luteus Linnem. ex Wrzosek 2010
Mucor meguroensis Ts. Watan. 1994
Mucor merdicola C. A. de Souza & A. L. Santiago 2016
Mucor minutus (Baijal & B. S. Mehrotra) Schipper 1975
Mucor moelleri (Vuill.) Lendn. 1908
Mucor mousanensis Baijal & B. S. Mehrotra 1966
Mucor mucedo Fresen. 1850
Mucor multiplex (R. Y. Zheng) Walther & de Hoog 2013
Mucor nanus Schipper & Samson 1994
Mucor nidicola A. A. Madden, Stchigel, Guarro, Deanna A. Sutton & Starks 2012
Mucor odoratus Treschew 1940
Mucor pakistanicus J. H. Mirza, S. M. Khan, S. Begum & Shagufta 1979
Mucor parviseptatus Walther & de Hoog 2013
Mucor piriformis A. Fisch. 1892
Mucor plasmaticus Tiegh. 1875
Mucor plumbeus Bonord. 1864
Mucor prayagensis B. S. Mehrotra & Nand ex Schipper 1978
Mucor psychrophilus Milko 1971
Mucor punjabensis J. H. Mirza, S. M. Khan, S. Begum & Shagufta 1979
Mucor racemosus Fresen. 1850
Mucor ramosissimus Samouts. 1927
Mucor ravidus L. S. Loh & Nawawi 2001
Mucor renisporus K. Jacobs & Botha 2008
Mucor rudolphii Voglmayr & Clémençon 2015
Mucor saprophilus Novot. 1950
Mucor sarawakensis L. S. Loh & Nawawi 2001
Mucor saturninus Hagem 1910
Mucor silvaticus Hagem 1908
Mucor sinensis Milko & Beliakova 1971
Mucor stercorarius Hyang B. Lee, P. M. Kirk & T. T. Nguyen 2017
Mucor stercoreus (Tode) Link 1824
Mucor strictus Hagem 1908
Mucor subtilissimus Oudem. 1898
Mucor succosus Berk. 1841
Mucor suhagiensis M. D. Mehrotra 1964
Mucor sympodialis L. S. Loh & Kuthub. 2001
Mucor tanatus L. S. Loh & Nawawi 2001
Mucor thermohyalospora Subrahm. 1983
Mucor troglophilus Zalar 1997
Mucor ucrainicus Milko 1971
Mucor variosporus Schipper 1978
Mucor verticillatus L. S. Loh & Kuthub. 2001
Mucor zonatus Milko 1967
Mucor zychae Baijal & B. S. Mehrotra 1966
Catalogue of Life 26 March 2024
Mucor megalocarpus Walther & de Hoog
(this page)
Mucor abundans Povah
Mucor adventitius Oudem.
Mucor albus Schrank
Mucor aligarensis B. S. Mehrotra & B. R. Mehrotra
Mucor amethystinus L. Wagner & G. Walther
Mucor amphibiorum Schipper
Mucor ardhlaengiktus B. S. Mehrotra & B. M. Mehrotra
Mucor atramentarius L. Wagner & G. Walther
Mucor azygosporus R. K. Benj.
Mucor bacilliformis Hesselt.
Mucor bainieri B. S. Mehrotra & Baijal
Mucor bondarzevii S. A. Kulik
Mucor caatinguensis A. L. Santiago, C. A. F. de Souza & D. X. Lima
Mucor caninus Pers.
Mucor chiangraiensis V. G. Hurdeal, E. Gentekaki, K. D. Hyde & H. B. Lee
Mucor circinatus D. X. Lima, G. Walther & A. L. Santiago
Mucor circinelloides Tiegh.
Mucor corticola Hagem
Mucor ctenidius (Durrell & M. Fleming) Walther & de Hoog
Mucor delicatus L. S. Loh & Kuthub.
Mucor durus Walther & de Hoog
Mucor ellipsoideus E. Álvarez, Cano, Stchigel, Deanna A. Sutton & Guarro
Mucor endophyticus (R. Y. Zheng & H. Jiang) J. Pawłowska & Walther
Mucor erectus Bainier
Mucor eugeniae L. S. Loh & Nawawi
Mucor eugenieae L. S. Loh & Nawawi
Mucor exponens (Burgeff) Walther & de Hoog
Mucor falcatus Schipper
Mucor flavus Bainier
Mucor fluvii Hyang B. Lee, S. H. Lee & T. T. T. Nguyen
Mucor fragilis Bainier
Mucor fuscus (Berk. & M. A. Curtis) Berl. & De Toni
Mucor fusiformis Walther & de Hoog
Mucor genevensis Lendn.
Mucor gigasporus G. Q. Chen & R. Y. Zheng
Mucor griseocyanus Hagem
Mucor guilliermondii Nadson & Filippov
Mucor hachijyoensis Ts. Watan.
Mucor harpali Hyang B. Lee, P. M. Kirk & T. T. T. Nguyen
Mucor heterogamus Vuill.
Mucor hiemalis Wehmer
Mucor inaequisporus Dade
Mucor indicus Lendn.
Mucor irregularis Stchigel, Cano, Guarro & E. Álvarez
Mucor japonicus (Komin.) Walther & de Hoog
Mucor koreanus Hyang B. Lee, S. J. Jeon & T. T. Nguyen
Mucor lahorensis J. H. Mirza, S. M. Khan, S. Begum & Shagufta
Mucor lausannensis Lendn.
Mucor laxorrhizus Y. Ling
Mucor lilianae Voglmayr & Clémençon
Mucor lusitanicus Bruderl.
Mucor luteus Linnem. ex Wrzosek
Mucor meguroensis Ts. Watan.
Mucor merdicola C. A. F. de Souza & A. L. Santiago
Mucor minutus (Baijal & B. S. Mehrotra) Schipper
Mucor moelleri (Vuill.) Lendn.
Mucor mucedo Fresen.
Mucor multiplex (R. Y. Zheng) Walther & de Hoog
Mucor nanus Schipper & Samson
Mucor nederlandicus Váňová
Mucor nidicola A. A. Madden, Stchigel, Guarro, Deanna A. Sutton & Starks
Mucor odoratus Treschew
Mucor orantomantidis Hyang B. Lee, P. M. Kirk & T. T. T. Nguyen
Mucor pakistanicus J. H. Mirza, S. M. Khan, S. Begum & Shagufta
Mucor parviseptatus Walther & de Hoog
Mucor pernambucoensis C. L. Lima, D. X. Lima & A. L. Santiago
Mucor piriformis A. Fisch.
Mucor plasmaticus Tiegh.
Mucor plumbeus Bonord.
Mucor prayagensis B. S. Mehrotra & Nand ex Schipper
Mucor pseudocircinelloides L. Wagner & G. Walther
Mucor pseudolusitanicus L. Wagner & G. Walther
Mucor psychrophilus Milko
Mucor punjabensis J. H. Mirza, S. M. Khan, S. Begum & Shagufta
Mucor racemosus Fresen.
Mucor ramosissimus Samouts.
Mucor ravidus L. S. Loh & Nawawi
Mucor renisporus K. Jacobs & Botha
Mucor rongii F. R. Bai & C. Cheng
Mucor rudolphii Voglmayr & Clémençon
Mucor saprophilus Novot.
Mucor sarawakensis L. S. Loh & Nawawi
Mucor saturninus Hagem
Mucor silvaticus Hagem
Mucor sinensis Milko & Beliakova
Mucor souzae C. A. de Souza, D. X. Lima & A. L. Santiago
Mucor stercorarius Hyang B. Lee, P. M. Kirk, K. Voigt & T. T. T. Nguyen
Mucor stercoreus (Tode) Link
Mucor strictus Hagem
Mucor succosus Berk.
Mucor suhagiensis M. D. Mehrotra
Mucor sympodialis L. S. Loh & Kuthub.
Mucor tanatus L. S. Loh & Nawawi
Mucor thermohyalospora Subrahm.
Mucor troglophilus Zalar
Mucor ucrainicus Milko
Mucor variicolumellatus L. Wagner & G. Walther
Mucor variosporus Schipper
Mucor verticillatus L. S. Loh & Kuthub.
Mucor zonatus Milko
10 additional siblings truncated for brevity.
See the
resource file
for a full list.
Dynamic Hierarchy Version 2.2.3
Mucor megalocarpus Walther & de Hoog 2013
(this page)
Mucor abundans Povah 1917
Mucor adventitius Oudem. 1902
Mucor albus Schrank 1789
Mucor aligarensis B. S. Mehrotra & B. R. Mehrotra 1970
Mucor amphibiorum Schipper 1978
Mucor ardhlaengiktus B. S. Mehrotra & B. M. Mehrotra 1979
Mucor azygosporus R. K. Benj. 1963
Mucor bacilliformis Hesselt. 1954
Mucor bainieri B. S. Mehrotra & Baijal 1963
Mucor bondarzevii S. A. Kulik 1960
Mucor caatinguensis A. L. Santiago, C. A. de Souza & D. X. Lima 2016
Mucor caninus Pers. 1796
Mucor circinelloides Tiegh. 1875
Mucor corticola Hagem 1910
Mucor ctenidius (Durrell & M. Fleming) Walther & de Hoog 2013
Mucor delicatus L. S. Loh & Kuthub. 2001
Mucor durus Walther & de Hoog 2013
Mucor ellipsoideus E. Álvarez, Cano, Stchigel, Deanna A. Sutton & Guarro 2011
Mucor endophyticus (R. Y. Zheng & H. Jiang) Pawłowska & Walther 2013
Mucor erectus Bainier 1884
Mucor eugeniae L. S. Loh & Nawawi 2001
Mucor eugenieae L. S. Loh & Nawawi 2001
Mucor exponens (Burgeff) Walther & de Hoog 2013
Mucor falcatus Schipper 1967
Mucor flavus Bainier 1903
Mucor fragilis Bainier 1884
Mucor fuscus Bainier 1903
Mucor fusiformis Walther & de Hoog 2013
Mucor genevensis Lendn. 1907
Mucor gigasporus G. Q. Chen & R. Y. Zheng 1987
Mucor guilliermondii Nadson & Filippov 1925
Mucor hachijyoensis Ts. Watan. 1994
Mucor heterogamus Vuill. 1887
Mucor hiemalis Wehmer 1903
Mucor inaequisporus Dade 1937
Mucor indicus Lendn. 1930
Mucor irregularis Stchigel, Cano, Guarro & E. Álvarez 2011
Mucor japonicus (Komin.) Walther & de Hoog 2013
Mucor koreanus Hyang B. Lee, S. J. Jeon & T. T. Nguyen 2016
Mucor lahorensis J. H. Mirza, S. M. Khan, S. Begum & Shagufta 1979
Mucor lausannensis Lendn. 1907
Mucor laxorrhizus Y. Ling 1930
Mucor lilianae Voglmayr & Clémençon 2015
Mucor luteus Linnem. ex Wrzosek 2010
Mucor meguroensis Ts. Watan. 1994
Mucor merdicola C. A. de Souza & A. L. Santiago 2016
Mucor minutus (Baijal & B. S. Mehrotra) Schipper 1975
Mucor moelleri (Vuill.) Lendn. 1908
Mucor mousanensis Baijal & B. S. Mehrotra 1966
Mucor mucedo Fresen. 1850
Mucor multiplex (R. Y. Zheng) Walther & de Hoog 2013
Mucor nanus Schipper & Samson 1994
Mucor nidicola A. A. Madden, Stchigel, Guarro, Deanna A. Sutton & Starks 2012
Mucor odoratus Treschew 1940
Mucor pakistanicus J. H. Mirza, S. M. Khan, S. Begum & Shagufta 1979
Mucor parviseptatus Walther & de Hoog 2013
Mucor piriformis A. Fisch. 1892
Mucor plasmaticus Tiegh. 1875
Mucor plumbeus Bonord. 1864
Mucor prayagensis B. S. Mehrotra & Nand ex Schipper 1978
Mucor psychrophilus Milko 1971
Mucor punjabensis J. H. Mirza, S. M. Khan, S. Begum & Shagufta 1979
Mucor racemosus Fresen. 1850
Mucor ramosissimus Samouts. 1927
Mucor ravidus L. S. Loh & Nawawi 2001
Mucor renisporus K. Jacobs & Botha 2008
Mucor rudolphii Voglmayr & Clémençon 2015
Mucor saprophilus Novot. 1950
Mucor sarawakensis L. S. Loh & Nawawi 2001
Mucor saturninus Hagem 1910
Mucor silvaticus Hagem 1908
Mucor sinensis Milko & Beliakova 1971
Mucor stercorarius Hyang B. Lee, P. M. Kirk & T. T. Nguyen 2017
Mucor stercoreus (Tode) Link 1824
Mucor strictus Hagem 1908
Mucor subtilissimus Oudem. 1898
Mucor succosus Berk. 1841
Mucor suhagiensis M. D. Mehrotra 1964
Mucor sympodialis L. S. Loh & Kuthub. 2001
Mucor tanatus L. S. Loh & Nawawi 2001
Mucor thermohyalospora Subrahm. 1983
Mucor troglophilus Zalar 1997
Mucor ucrainicus Milko 1971
Mucor variosporus Schipper 1978
Mucor verticillatus L. S. Loh & Kuthub. 2001
Mucor zonatus Milko 1967
Mucor zychae Baijal & B. S. Mehrotra 1966
EOL Dynamic Hierarchy Version 2.2.4
Mucor megalocarpus Walther & de Hoog 2013
(this page)
Mucor abundans Povah 1917
Mucor adventitius Oudem. 1902
Mucor albus Schrank 1789
Mucor aligarensis B. S. Mehrotra & B. R. Mehrotra 1970
Mucor amphibiorum Schipper 1978
Mucor ardhlaengiktus B. S. Mehrotra & B. M. Mehrotra 1979
Mucor azygosporus R. K. Benj. 1963
Mucor bacilliformis Hesselt. 1954
Mucor bainieri B. S. Mehrotra & Baijal 1963
Mucor bondarzevii S. A. Kulik 1960
Mucor caatinguensis A. L. Santiago, C. A. de Souza & D. X. Lima 2016
Mucor caninus Pers. 1796
Mucor circinelloides Tiegh. 1875
Mucor corticola Hagem 1910
Mucor ctenidius (Durrell & M. Fleming) Walther & de Hoog 2013
Mucor delicatus L. S. Loh & Kuthub. 2001
Mucor durus Walther & de Hoog 2013
Mucor ellipsoideus E. Álvarez, Cano, Stchigel, Deanna A. Sutton & Guarro 2011
Mucor endophyticus (R. Y. Zheng & H. Jiang) Pawłowska & Walther 2013
Mucor erectus Bainier 1884
Mucor eugeniae L. S. Loh & Nawawi 2001
Mucor eugenieae L. S. Loh & Nawawi 2001
Mucor exponens (Burgeff) Walther & de Hoog 2013
Mucor falcatus Schipper 1967
Mucor flavus Bainier 1903
Mucor fragilis Bainier 1884
Mucor fuscus Bainier 1903
Mucor fusiformis Walther & de Hoog 2013
Mucor genevensis Lendn. 1907
Mucor gigasporus G. Q. Chen & R. Y. Zheng 1987
Mucor guilliermondii Nadson & Filippov 1925
Mucor hachijyoensis Ts. Watan. 1994
Mucor heterogamus Vuill. 1887
Mucor hiemalis Wehmer 1903
Mucor inaequisporus Dade 1937
Mucor indicus Lendn. 1930
Mucor irregularis Stchigel, Cano, Guarro & E. Álvarez 2011
Mucor japonicus (Komin.) Walther & de Hoog 2013
Mucor koreanus Hyang B. Lee, S. J. Jeon & T. T. Nguyen 2016
Mucor lahorensis J. H. Mirza, S. M. Khan, S. Begum & Shagufta 1979
Mucor lausannensis Lendn. 1907
Mucor laxorrhizus Y. Ling 1930
Mucor lilianae Voglmayr & Clémençon 2015
Mucor luteus Linnem. ex Wrzosek 2010
Mucor meguroensis Ts. Watan. 1994
Mucor merdicola C. A. de Souza & A. L. Santiago 2016
Mucor minutus (Baijal & B. S. Mehrotra) Schipper 1975
Mucor moelleri (Vuill.) Lendn. 1908
Mucor mousanensis Baijal & B. S. Mehrotra 1966
Mucor mucedo Fresen. 1850
Mucor multiplex (R. Y. Zheng) Walther & de Hoog 2013
Mucor nanus Schipper & Samson 1994
Mucor nidicola A. A. Madden, Stchigel, Guarro, Deanna A. Sutton & Starks 2012
Mucor odoratus Treschew 1940
Mucor pakistanicus J. H. Mirza, S. M. Khan, S. Begum & Shagufta 1979
Mucor parviseptatus Walther & de Hoog 2013
Mucor piriformis A. Fisch. 1892
Mucor plasmaticus Tiegh. 1875
Mucor plumbeus Bonord. 1864
Mucor prayagensis B. S. Mehrotra & Nand ex Schipper 1978
Mucor psychrophilus Milko 1971
Mucor punjabensis J. H. Mirza, S. M. Khan, S. Begum & Shagufta 1979
Mucor racemosus Fresen. 1850
Mucor ramosissimus Samouts. 1927
Mucor ravidus L. S. Loh & Nawawi 2001
Mucor renisporus K. Jacobs & Botha 2008
Mucor rudolphii Voglmayr & Clémençon 2015
Mucor saprophilus Novot. 1950
Mucor sarawakensis L. S. Loh & Nawawi 2001
Mucor saturninus Hagem 1910
Mucor silvaticus Hagem 1908
Mucor sinensis Milko & Beliakova 1971
Mucor stercorarius Hyang B. Lee, P. M. Kirk & T. T. Nguyen 2017
Mucor stercoreus (Tode) Link 1824
Mucor strictus Hagem 1908
Mucor subtilissimus Oudem. 1898
Mucor succosus Berk. 1841
Mucor suhagiensis M. D. Mehrotra 1964
Mucor sympodialis L. S. Loh & Kuthub. 2001
Mucor tanatus L. S. Loh & Nawawi 2001
Mucor thermohyalospora Subrahm. 1983
Mucor troglophilus Zalar 1997
Mucor ucrainicus Milko 1971
Mucor variosporus Schipper 1978
Mucor verticillatus L. S. Loh & Kuthub. 2001
Mucor zonatus Milko 1967
Mucor zychae Baijal & B. S. Mehrotra 1966
GBIF classification
Mucor Fresen.
Mucor megalocarpus Walther & de Hoog 2013
(this page)
Mucor abundans Povah
Mucor adventitius Oudem.
Mucor albus Schrank
Mucor aligarensis B. S. Mehrotra & B. R. Mehrotra
Mucor amphibiorum Schipper
Mucor ardhlaengiktus B. S. Mehrotra & B. M. Mehrotra
Mucor azygosporus R. K. Benj.
Mucor bacilliformis Hesselt.
Mucor bainieri B. S. Mehrotra & Baijal
Mucor bondarzevii S. A. Kulik
Mucor caninus Pers.
Mucor circinelloides Tiegh.
Mucor clavatus Link
Mucor corticola Hagem 1910
Mucor ctenidius (Durrell & M. Fleming) Walther & de Hoog 2013
Mucor delicatus L. S. Loh & Kuthub. 2001
Mucor durus Walther & de Hoog 2013
Mucor ellipsoideus E. Álvarez, Cano, Stchigel, Deanna A. Sutton & Guarro 2011
Mucor endophyticus (R. Y. Zheng & H. Jiang) Pawłowska & Walther 2013
Mucor erectus Bainier
Mucor eugeniae L. S. Loh & Nawawi 2001
Mucor eugenieae L. S. Loh & Nawawi 2001
Mucor exponens (Burgeff) Walther & de Hoog 2013
Mucor falcatus Schipper
Mucor fimetarius Link
Mucor flavus Bainier
Mucor fragilis Bainier
Mucor fuscus Bainier
Mucor fusiformis Walther & de Hoog 2013
Mucor genevensis Lendn.
Mucor geophilus Oudem.
Mucor gigasporus G. Q. Chen & R. Y. Zheng
Mucor guilliermondii Nadson & Philippow
Mucor hachijyoensis Ts. Watan.
Mucor heterogamus Vuill. 1887
Mucor hiemalis Wehmer
Mucor hygrophilus Oudem.
Mucor inaequisporus Dade
Mucor indicus Lendn.
Mucor irregularis Stchigel, Cano, Guarro & E. Álvarez 2011
Mucor japonicus (Komin.) Walther & de Hoog 2013
Mucor lahorensis J. H. Mirza, S. M. Khan, S. Begum & Shagufta
Mucor lanceolatus Hermet 2012
Mucor lausannensis Lendn.
Mucor laxorrhizus Y. Ling 1930
Mucor limbiflorus (Tode) Sacc. & Traverso
Mucor luteus Linnem. ex Wrzosek 2010
Mucor meguroensis Ts. Watan.
Mucor merdicola C. A. de Souza & A. L. Santiago 2016
Mucor microsporus Wamyslowski
Mucor minimus (Tode) Link
Mucor minutus (Baijal & B. S. Mehrotra) Schipper
Mucor moelleri (Vuill.) Lendn. 1908
Mucor mousanensis Baijal & B. S. Mehrotra
Mucor mucedo Fresen.
Mucor multiplex (R. Y. Zheng) Walther & de Hoog 2013
Mucor nanus Schipper & Samson
Mucor nidicola A. A. Madden, Stchigel, Guarro, Deanna A. Sutton & Starks 2012
Mucor nucuum (Corda) Berl. & De Toni
Mucor odoratus Treschew
Mucor oosporus Link
Mucor orodatus Treschew
Mucor pakistanicus J. H. Mirza, S. M. Khan, S. Begum & Shagufta
Mucor parviseptatus Walther & de Hoog 2013
Mucor parvispora Knonse
Mucor piriformis A. Fisch.
Mucor plasmaticus Tiegh.
Mucor plumbeus Bonord.
Mucor prayagensis B. S. Mehrotra & Nand ex Schipper
Mucor psychrophilus Milko
Mucor punjabensis J. H. Mirza, S. M. Khan, S. Begum & Shagufta
Mucor racemosus Fresen.
Mucor ramosissimus Samouts.
Mucor ravidus L. S. Loh & Nawawi 2001
Mucor renisporus K. Jacobs & Botha
Mucor rudolphii Voglmayr & Clémençon 2015
Mucor saprophilus Novot.
Mucor sarawakensis L. S. Loh & Nawawi 2001
Mucor saturninus Hagem
Mucor silvaticus Hagem 1908
Mucor sinensis Milko & Beliakova
Mucor speciosus Oudem.
Mucor stercorarius Hyang B. Lee, P. M. Kirk & T. T. Nguyen 2017
Mucor stercoreus (Tode) Link
Mucor stilbum (Tode) Sacc. & Traverso
Mucor strictus Hagem
Mucor subtilissimus Oudem.
Mucor succosus Berk.
Mucor suhagiensis M. D. Mehrotra
Mucor sympodialis L. S. Loh & Kuthub. 2001
Mucor tanatus L. S. Loh & Nawawi 2001
Mucor tenellus (Tode) Pers.
Mucor tenuis Link
Mucor thermohyalospora Subrahm.
Mucor troglophilus Zalar
Mucor ucrainicus Milko
Mucor variosporus Schipper
Mucor verticillatus L. S. Loh & Kuthub. 2001
Mucor zonatus Milko
Mucor zychae Baijal & B. S. Mehrotra 1966
3 additional siblings truncated for brevity.
See the
resource file
for a full list.
cellular organisms
Fungi incertae sedis
Mucor megalocarpus
(this page)
Mucor abundans
Mucor alboater
Mucor aligarensis
Mucor alternans
Mucor ambiguus
Mucor amethysteus
Mucor amphibiorum
Mucor ardhlaengiktus
Mucor aromaticus
Mucor azygosporus
Mucor bacilliformis
Mucor bainieri
Mucor brunneogriseus
Mucor caatinguensis
Mucor caninus
Mucor circinatus
Mucor circinelloides
Mucor corticola
Mucor ctenidius
Mucor dispersus
Mucor durus
Mucor ellipsoideus
Mucor endophyticus
Mucor exponens
Mucor falcatus
Mucor flavus
Mucor fragilis
Mucor fuscus
Mucor fusiformis
Mucor genevensis
Mucor gigasporus
Mucor globosus
Mucor griseo-ochraceus
Mucor guilliermondii
Mucor heterogamus
Mucor heterosporus
Mucor hiemalis
Mucor inaequisporus
Mucor indicus
Mucor intermedius
Mucor irregularis
Mucor japonicus
Mucor javanicus
Mucor koreanus
Mucor kurssanovii
Mucor lamprosporus
Mucor lanceolatus
Mucor laxorrhizus
Mucor lilianae
Mucor luteus
Mucor merdicola
Mucor microsporus
Mucor minutus
Mucor moelleri
Mucor molleri
Mucor mousanensis
Mucor mucedo
Mucor multiplex
Mucor nanus
Mucor nederlandicus
Mucor nidicola
Mucor odoratus
Mucor orantomantidis
Mucor pakistanicus
Mucor parviseptatus
Mucor parvisporus
Mucor pernambucoensis
Mucor piriformis
Mucor plasmaticus
Mucor plumbeus
Mucor prayagensis
Mucor racemosus
Mucor ramosissimus
Mucor rudolphii
Mucor rufescens
Mucor saturninus
Mucor sinensis
Mucor souzae
Mucor spinosus
Mucor stercorarius
Mucor strictus
Mucor ucrainicus
Mucor variisporus
Mucor velutinosus
Mucor zonatus
Mucor zychae
unclassified Mucor
wikidata_hierarchy tar gz
Zygorhynchus macrocarpus
(this page)
Zygorhynchus amphibiorum
Zygorhynchus bacilliformis
Zygorhynchus bernardii
Zygorhynchus californiensis
Zygorhynchus circinelloides
Zygorhynchus dangeardii
Zygorhynchus exponens
Zygorhynchus griseocinereus
Zygorhynchus heterogamus
Zygorhynchus indicus
Zygorhynchus japonicus
Zygorhynchus moelleri
Zygorhynchus multiplex
Zygorhynchus phosphoreus
Zygorhynchus polygonosporus
Zygorhynchus psychrophilus
Zygorhynchus verruculosus
Zygorhynchus viridis
Zygorhynchus vuilleminii
wikidata_hierarchy tar gz
Mucor megalocarpus
(this page)
Mucor abundans
Mucor acridii
Mucor adriaticus
Mucor adventitius
Mucor agaricinus
Mucor agglomeratus
Mucor alba
Mucor alboater
Mucor albovirens
Mucor albus
Mucor aligarensis
Mucor alternans
Mucor ambiguus
Mucor amethysteus
Mucor amethystinus
Mucor arcuatus
Mucor ardhlaengiktus
Mucor argenteus
Mucor aromaticus
Mucor arrhizus
Mucor articulatus
Mucor artocarpi
Mucor aspergilloides
Mucor atramentarius
Mucor aureus
Mucor azygosporus
Mucor bacilliformis
Mucor bainieri
Mucor bathogenus
Mucor beaumontii
Mucor bedrchani
Mucor bifidus
Mucor bondarzevii
Mucor bonordenii
Mucor brevipes
Mucor brunneogriseus
Mucor buntingii
Mucor butyraceus
Mucor caatinguensis
Mucor caespitulosus
Mucor cambodja
Mucor cancellatus
Mucor candelabrum
Mucor candidus
Mucor caninus
Mucor capitatoramosus
Mucor carmichaelii
Mucor carnis
Mucor carnosus
Mucor carteri
Mucor casei
Mucor caseus
Mucor castaneae
Mucor cellularis
Mucor cervinoleucus
Mucor chibinensis
Mucor chlorosporus
Mucor falcatus
Mucor flavus
Mucor fragilis
Mucor fuscus
Mucor genevensis
Mucor gigasporus
Mucor grandis
Mucor guilliermondii
Mucor hiemalis
Mucor inaequisporus
Mucor irregularis
Mucor jansseni
Mucor javanicus
Mucor lausannensis
Mucor laxorrhizus
Mucor minutus
Mucor mousanensis
Mucor nanus
Mucor oblongiellipticus
Mucor oblongisporus
Mucor odoratus
Mucor plasmaticus
Mucor plumbeus
Mucor pomiformis
Mucor prayagensis
Mucor psychrophilus
Mucor ramosissimus
Mucor recurvus
Mucor renisporus
Mucor rhizopodiformis
Mucor saturninus
Mucor serpula
Mucor sinensis
Mucor strictus
Mucor subtilissimus
Mucor troglophilus
Mucor tuberculisporus
Mucor ucrainicus
Mucor variabilis
Mucor variosporus
Mucor virens
Mucor zonatus
Mucor zychae
304 additional siblings truncated for brevity.
See the
resource file
for a full list.